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2K Totals Untrimmed Cape

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Grats on 2k totals, good luck with 2100 untrimmed! :thumbsup:


Gwd Drop's: Sara - 4 Hilt, 13 Ss(3 ls), Armadyl - None, Bandos - 6 Hilt, 4 Bcp, 7 Tasset, 4 Boot

Zamorak - None, Tormented Demons - 1 Dragon Claws, 1 Dragon Shard

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I honestly dont understand why everyone likes untrimmed capes at high combat/total levels these days...doesnt matter whether its trimmed or untrimmed its a 99 and thats that...it doesnt look anymore impressive whether its untrimmed...just do yourself a favour and trim your cape because if I was in that position I would be going nuts.




On topic:Nice total level and good luck on your future goals, I am currently going for 2200 total atm 2152/2200 9/10

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Shame about your slayer... Could have helped your total if you trained melee with it.




Goodluck on 2100 total, get 99 Mining for 2.1k and the trim.




Everyone doesn't need to train Slayer with Melee, yanno. :roll:




Anyways, 'tis a pretty great achievement. :)


"Football is a simple game made complicated by people who should know better."

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Shame about your slayer... Could have helped your total if you trained melee with it.




Goodluck on 2100 total, get 99 Mining for 2.1k and the trim.




Everyone doesn't need to train Slayer with Melee, yanno. :roll:




Anyways, 'tis a pretty great achievement. :)


u cant really raise it cutting tress now can u.....


congratz dude, good luck wif 2100



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That's true. But everyone around here seems to flame you if you have high combat with a low slayer. #-o


"Football is a simple game made complicated by people who should know better."

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Very nice, gotta love the untrimmed HP. I got mine a while ago, still untrimmed. About 30 off from 2k total though :)




My plan is to level Attack, strength, defence, range, and magic to 99 all at the same time. I should be well over 2k total by that time and have over 20m Hp exp.



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=D> I tried to delay 99 hp for a while, then tried and did delay the rest of my 99s for a while, was fun while it lasted, but maxed melees is fun too. <3:




Id have you beat if this was back in the days before summoning. 99 hp as only 99 stat at 2001 total back then = ftw. :mrgreen:




Good luck on your little odd ball goal they are fun while they last just dont keep yourself from training melee when you want to however just because you dont want to get any 99 melees. :| I woulda gone insane if I had done that...or wait, maybe I already have... :lol:

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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