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The Offical TIF American Elections thread


Who are you going to/would you vote for?  

359 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are you going to/would you vote for?

    • Gene Amondson (Prohibition party)
    • Chuck Baldwin (Constitution party)
    • Bob Barr (Libertarian party)
    • Róger Calero (Socialist Workers party)
    • Charles Jay (Boston Tea Party)
    • Alan Keyes (America's Independent party)
    • Gloria La Riva (Socialism & Liberation party)
    • John McCain (Republican party)
    • Frank McEnulty (New American Independent Party)
    • Cynthia McKinney (Green party)
    • Brian Moore (Socialist party)
    • Ralph Nader (Independent, "Peace and Freedom")
    • Barack Obama (Democratic party)
    • Ted Weill (New independent party)

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Next poster gets the 1k!


really? :mrgreen:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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How is abortion wrong when the thing inside of her is never fully borned? it has no thoughs, no use for this world, in a way, its just a empty body til it's capable to think.


Hope I worded that right.


Heh, the issue is determining if it is technically "born" and if it is capable to think. We don't know that.


Well, most people think with their brain, and it's also from the brain that the feelings come. So, it'd be safe to assume abortion is moral at least until the embryo has developed a nervous system, isn't it?






Is it a living human before it has a nervous system?

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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How is abortion wrong when the thing inside of her is never fully borned? it has no thoughs, no use for this world, in a way, its just a empty body til it's capable to think.


Hope I worded that right.


Heh, the issue is determining if it is technically "born" and if it is capable to think. We don't know that.


Well, most people think with their brain, and it's also from the brain that the feelings come. So, it'd be safe to assume abortion is moral at least until the embryo has developed a nervous system, isn't it?






Is it a living human before it has a nervous system?




Perhaps, but further study is needed. You see, a few studies have suggested that there are a group of brain cells that control consciousness or the ability to control your body.




On Topic: Barack Obama has won and look at all the votes he received from TIF! :-#


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On Topic: Barack Obama has won and look at all the votes he received from TIF! :-#






I know. I can't believe a democrat actually won on the internet!

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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How is abortion wrong when the thing inside of her is never fully borned? it has no thoughs, no use for this world, in a way, its just a empty body til it's capable to think.


Hope I worded that right.


Heh, the issue is determining if it is technically "born" and if it is capable to think. We don't know that.


Well, most people think with their brain, and it's also from the brain that the feelings come. So, it'd be safe to assume abortion is moral at least until the embryo has developed a nervous system, isn't it?






Is it a living human before it has a nervous system?


Oh yay.




Because if there's one thing this board needs right now, it's more circular reasoning.

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On Topic: Barack Obama has won and look at all the votes he received from TIF! :-#






I know. I can't believe a democrat actually won on the internet!




Those dirty liberals and their technology! Us farmers down here in Alabama don't need no darn computers to get the truth.




We either read the paper and are misinformed or don't read the paper and are uninformed!

noobs crowding hill giants? not on my watch

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On Topic: Barack Obama has won and look at all the votes he received from TIF! :-#






I know. I can't believe a democrat actually won on the internet!




Those dirty liberals and their technology! Us farmers down here in Alabama don't need no darn computers to get the truth.




We either read the paper and are misinformed or don't read the paper and are uninformed!




What does Alabama have to do with anything? Would you be surprised if John McCain won the talk radio poll?

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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On Topic: Barack Obama has won and look at all the votes he received from TIF! :-#






I know. I can't believe a democrat actually won on the internet!




Those dirty liberals and their technology! Us farmers down here in Alabama don't need no darn computers to get the truth.




We either read the paper and are misinformed or don't read the paper and are uninformed!




What does Alabama have to do with anything? Would you be surprised if John McCain won the talk radio poll?




I was just responding to your irony with more irony. The Democrats typically are more active on the internet because they live in cities or more urban areas. Total stereotype, I know, but I can't be bothered to care right now.

noobs crowding hill giants? not on my watch

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You do know they have internet almost everywhere? It's not just in cities. Democrats just use it more. Just as Republicans control(or at least will until Obama goes after freedom of speech) talk radio.

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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On Topic: Barack Obama has won and look at all the votes he received from TIF! :-#






I know. I can't believe a democrat actually won on the internet!




Those dirty liberals and their technology! Us farmers down here in Alabama don't need no darn computers to get the truth.




We either read the paper and are misinformed or don't read the paper and are uninformed!




What does Alabama have to do with anything? Would you be surprised if John McCain won the talk radio poll?




I was just responding to your irony with more irony. The Democrats typically are more active on the internet because they live in cities or more urban areas. Total stereotype, I know, but I can't be bothered to care right now.






Dude, he was being sarcastic, everyone online is liberal atheistic and democrat. :P

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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CHICAGO (AP) The traditional White House radio address is going virtual.




President-elect Barack Obama is taping Saturday's weekly Democratic address not just for listeners, but for YouTube viewers, his office said Friday. And he plans to keep videotaping the radio addresses after taking the oath of office on Jan. 20.




Before then, the videos will be posted on Obama's transition Web site, http://www.change.gov.




Obama is turning the radio address into a "multimedia opportunity" to communicate directly with the American people, his transition team said in a statement.




The modern era's Saturday radio addresses were initiated by President Ronald Reagan and have evolved into a weekly fixture of the presidency, accompanied by a response from the party out of power.




The broadcasts owe a debt to President Franklin Roosevelt, who seized on the new technology that was all the rage in the 1930s for his "fireside chats," famously reassuring through times of Depression and war.




Freaking win. If he's not growing on you yet...

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CHICAGO (AP) The traditional White House radio address is going virtual.




President-elect Barack Obama is taping Saturday's weekly Democratic address not just for listeners, but for YouTube viewers, his office said Friday. And he plans to keep videotaping the radio addresses after taking the oath of office on Jan. 20.




Before then, the videos will be posted on Obama's transition Web site, http://www.change.gov.




Obama is turning the radio address into a "multimedia opportunity" to communicate directly with the American people, his transition team said in a statement.




The modern era's Saturday radio addresses were initiated by President Ronald Reagan and have evolved into a weekly fixture of the presidency, accompanied by a response from the party out of power.




The broadcasts owe a debt to President Franklin Roosevelt, who seized on the new technology that was all the rage in the 1930s for his "fireside chats," famously reassuring through times of Depression and war.




Freaking win. If he's not growing on you yet...


That's cool, but as said in the article there alot of president's have done similiar things with the technology available.

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You do know they have internet almost everywhere? It's not just in cities. Democrats just use it more. Just as Republicans control(or at least will until Obama goes after freedom of speech) talk radio.




Won't happen.




I wouldn't be so sure. That kind of thing is right up Obama's alley. If he actually governs of the ticket he ran on then he won't do it so we'll see though. Even if he doesn't try to do it would he veto it once it comes up?

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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You do know they have internet almost everywhere? It's not just in cities. Democrats just use it more. Just as Republicans control(or at least will until Obama goes after freedom of speech) talk radio.




Won't happen.




I wouldn't be so sure. That kind of thing is right up Obama's alley. If he actually governs of the ticket he ran on then he won't do it so we'll see though. Even if he doesn't try to do it would he veto it once it comes up?


I'm conservative but I'm gonna have to disagree, no way in hell Obama would be that dumb.

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Why is this thread still alive? It should have ended on the morning of November 5th, unless we're going for Obama's entire presidential career.


Sounds like a good idea.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I wonder what would happen if the Supreme Court ruled that Obama can't be President becuse of not being a "natural born citizen".. -.-




[hide=]The United States Supreme Court had scheduled for a full conference, Leo C. Donofrio NJ Citizen suit challenging the eligibility of multiple 2008 Presidential election candidates, inculding Barack Obama.




The United States Supreme Court scheduled the case - Leo C. Donofrio v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey - US Supreme Court Docket No. 08A407 - for a conference of the nine Justices. The conference is a completely private affair and the public may not attend. If four of the nine Justices vote to hear the case in full, oral argument may be scheduled. The conference is scheduled for December 5, 2008, ten days before the meeting of the Electoral College.




http://www.thecommentary.net/us-supreme ... igibility/




Former Obama opponent now suing to prove President-elect's citizenship




According to a press release from the American Independent Party, former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and other members of the party have filed suit in California Superior Court in Sacramento to stop the state from giving its electoral votes to President-elect Barack Obama until documentary evidence is provided to prove Obama is indeed a natural born citizen of the United States




http://www.nbcaugusta.com/news/election ... 87804.html[/hide]

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Excellent, short straight to-the-point speech on climate change & global warming by Obama:






His policies will be pretty much the polar opposite of the Bush administration and oil company lobbyists; It will be no surprise if even the Kyoto protocol gets signed during his term.




It's no wonder why he's so popular around the world, not just the US; His campaign slogan seems to be more than just thin air. Washington politics will definitely change.




As for something that is based on thin air, the question of Obama's birthplace.. See his birth certificate here:


http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008 ... e_usa.html




His opponents obviously couldn't dig up much dirt about his early life, so their main bargaining chip now is claiming the certificate is a "fake", despite being proven real by multiple professionals. The case will go nowhere, so don't worry.

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It's a nice speech. Let's not get carried away though. Substance is more than words.




The reason he's popular with the rest of the world is because he accepts other countries' concerns about global warming. Global warming is one the major issues that has made the US so unpopular over the last decade, from its very nature as the world's biggest economic superpower, and its refusal to sign the Kyoto agreement, so it was always bound to strike a chord with Europe.




Two things though:


1) Just because he listens to the rest of the world doesn't mean he agrees with us. Nuclear energy isn't liked here either, after Chernobyl.


2) He's only addressing half the problem in that speech. One major cause of global warming is this: population density. When you have over half of drivers (of which there are many) going around in high polluting cars, global warming won't be solved. There has to be a cultural change towards environmentalism as well, and in a country like America where consumer spending really matters, that's not likely. No mention of Australia, China or India in that speech either, except a "delegation". All countries must work together, those three included with the US.




I definitely agree with the bit about jobs though. He's gonna need money for it, however. I wonder where that'll come from when governments are awkward about borrowing in the current economic climate...

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