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August 26th 2008 - All Fired Up


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King Roald has developed a burning desire to protect Varrock. Can you show your flare for fires and help him test his new beacon network? You may find that it rekindles your love for Firemaking...






Increasingly concerned by Morytania mischief makers and invaders from the Wilderness, King Roald has a burning desire to increase homeland security. This has taken the form of a beacon network that will warn Varrock of invasion. The beacons have been built and firetenders have been assigned to look after them; the only problem is that they are yet to be tested and that's where King Roald could use your pyromania...




After you learn the basics of lighting and maintaining the beacons in a sizzlingly short quest, you are free to use the beacons as you please. Why not challenge yourself and see how many beacons you can keep simultaneously alight? Rewards are in store for those who succeed, not to mention some Firemaking experience for flashy firetenders.






Where to start the All Fired Up quest:




Talk to King Roald in the Varrock Palace throne room.


Requirements to complete the All Fired Up quest:




Level 43 Firemaking


Access to:




A new way to train Firemaking


Some flaming-brilliant Firemaking rewards




In other news...




The level 84 Plank Make spell now has the option to skip the warning message when converting logs to planks. At this level, we feel that most players are aware that it costs money; so, after one cast, you can opt to turn the message off.




Various dyes have had their Grand Exchange price ranges adjusted to allow for a built-in 'delivery' cost. This compensates those players who have taken the time to gather dyes in larger quantities.




A new option has been added to allow the collection of Grand Exchange purchases in note form. Don't worry: you can still choose to take the objects directly, but for larger quantities this option should be cert-ifiably handy!




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Sounds interesting, when the updates happens I'll be sure to try it.


OK 3 mins up, off to Varrock




EDIT: guys whats the quets world? even though it says short quest

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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New items:




[hide=]Ring of Fire (need firemaking level 62)


Flame Gloves (need firemaking level 79)


Inferno Adze (need firemaking level 92)[/hide]




Guess I'm gonna do some power training ::'

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New items:




[hide=]Ring of Fire (need firemaking level 62)


Flame Gloves (need firemaking level 79)


Inferno Adze (need firemaking level 92)[/hide]




Guess I'm gonna do some power training ::'




now im flag i got 99 fm unless if the gloves give you more xp per log :wall:

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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Half of the people near me in PC were screaming: ''WILDY IS COMING BACK W0000000T!!!''




(including me :D)




...But instead we get a stupid firemaking quest...




You must be new to Tip.It Forums. Welcome to the... community.






Can someone post the actual reward for the quest?

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Half of the people near me in PC were screaming: ''WILDY IS COMING BACK W0000000T!!!''




(including me :D)




...But instead we get a stupid firemaking quest...


You should read behind the scenes more frequently. It was obvious that this quest would come this week. Btw new PvP worlds won't come in September, more like October.

[404] Signature not found.

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Hmm, I might have to check this out later.

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Quick guide:


[hide=Guide]Items: 45 logs (Same type, any kind), Tinderbox




1) Speak to the king in Varrock, then bring 20 logs with you (or all 45 if you can manage that)




2) Go east to the temple and you'll find a beacon, speak to Blaze and he'll tell you what to do. Add 20 logs to the beacon and light it.




3) Speak to him again and he'll tell you to go the beacon near the rag and bone man




4) Go to the rag and bone man (Bank, this time bring the remaining 25 logs with you). Light the beacon here.




5) Head back to Blaze and add another 5 logs to the beacon to keep it alight.




6) Speak to blaze and he'll tell you to speak to the King, do so and get your reward[/hide]

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I'm checking this out - as i'm currently training for 99 firemaking. Sounds interesting. :)




New items:




[hide=]Ring of Fire (need firemaking level 62)


Flame Gloves (need firemaking level 79)


Inferno Adze (need firemaking level 92)[/hide]




Guess I'm gonna do some power training ::'




Sweet. :D


I can wear the first two; but not the third. Guess some powertraining is in order. ;)






Quest done








Its an ok reward, you get the exp in 2 mins of training fm anyways; minigame sounds interesting though.. ::'








Quick guide:


[hide=Guide]Items: 45 logs (Same type, any kind), Tinderbox




1) Speak to the king in Varrock, then bring 20 logs with you (or all 45 if you can manage that)




2) Go east to the temple and you'll find a beacon, speak to Blaze and he'll tell you what to do. Add 20 logs to the beacon and light it.




3) Speak to him again and he'll tell you to go the beacon near the rag and bone man




4) Go to the rag and bone man (Bank, this time bring the remaining 25 logs with you). Light the beacon here.




5) Head back to Blaze and add another 5 logs to the beacon to keep it alight.




6) Speak to blaze and he'll tell you to speak to the King, do so and get your reward[/hide]




And it sounds pretty easy. :thumbup:









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Well this is ridiculous, Firemaking finally gets an update and yet again unless you have very high levels in every other stats, you can't get the rewards.




To light all beacons, not only do you need to have 60 Crafting, 64 Agility, 42 or 59 Construction, 56 or 70 Smithing and the stats to access the Prayer guild and do Land of the Goblins, you need to be able to get to entrance of GWD and survive in the wildy.

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