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Family Guy vs. American Dad


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Family Guy.








The original in-your-face obtrusive Father is all I need to enjoy a good laugh :) I think American Dad is based too much on patriotism and stuff, whilst Family Guy can go anywhere because it has no real depth behind it.


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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Family Guy.








The original in-your-face obtrusive Father is all I need to enjoy a good laugh :) I think American Dad is based too much on patriotism and stuff, whilst Family Guy can go anywhere because it has no real depth behind it.








I dunno, I like the way American Dad satirizes patriotism...








While driving in his SUV he says something to the effect of




"Damn gas guzzler... which I have every right as an American to drive!"


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Have seen Family Guy once but have never seen American Dad (I think, what's it about? cartoon?)








It's a cartoon about a very patriotic dad with his all american wife, geek son, rebel daughter, goldfish with the brain of a german, and an alien in hiding


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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In my opinion, Family Guy beats American Dad in every way. I don't really like any of the American Dad characters. They're all too one dimensional for me. Family Guy characters are a tad one dimensional too, but I like the dimension they each have - if that makes any sense. I just don't think the Dad in American Dad (forgot his name) is really that funny. Peter on the other hand I always find hilarious. That's just my opinion.

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American Dad was created as an homage to the gods of Fox, so that they would bring back Family Guy








hasn't anyone else figured that out?












I like Family Guy MUCH better, but AD has it's moments too :)

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American Dad was created as an homage to the gods of Fox, so that they would bring back Family Guy








hasn't anyone else figured that out?












I like Family Guy MUCH better, but AD has it's moments too :)








I'm kind of surprised they let some of the american dad content on tv...








but then, thats just me and there's probably worse on network tv


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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American Dad was created as an homage to the gods of Fox, so that they would bring back Family Guy








hasn't anyone else figured that out?












I like Family Guy MUCH better, but AD has it's moments too :)








I'm kind of surprised they let some of the american dad content on tv...








but then, thats just me and there's probably worse on network tv








oh, i've seen worse moments, mostly on fox...








anyway, American Dad is really just Family Guy Lite. IMO, Family Guy is friggin' hilarious, and AD is generally lame

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Actually, American Dad was created before Family Guy. When Fox decided to bring back Family Guy I guess they thought they'd throw AD in as well..








I agree with most things being said about American Dad. At least two of the characters, The Dad and the Son are really kind of...I want to say shallow, but that doesn't adequately describe them. Since the Family Guy characters are shallow as well but not in the same way, as Adam said.








I dunno, I think it just relies too much on site gags and..and..*shrug*








I will say though that the Alien is usually pretty funny, and the goldfish has quite a few moments. "Here's your allowence: 5 bubbles. Oh, what the hell, 6 bubbles (don't tell your mother)" or when the Alien installs a dimmer-switch and nobody cares and he tells them they suck..that was good..

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Not too sure how American Dad was created before Family Guy, most of the AD stuff references things from Bush's first term, and the FG project started back in 1999. Maybe you're thinking of The Life of Larry? I don't know much about that one...

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Family guy all the way.








I cant stand how American Dad has so much patreizim. I was compleatly turned off of it the other day when it was an episode where the dad buy got all racist and stuff about some middle east people that moved in just down the street. Its stupid that they would do such a thing on that show.








I really hope they start to clean up their act, or get off TV,


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Ive unfortunatly never seen an episode of American Dad but i do have all the Family Guy episodes on DVD and i love them ^_^



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i think that racist episode was a joke and not serious, so dont take it so hard :P








Family GUy > American Dad...you really need to be into politics to get half of the jokes and stuff, and the characters are kind of stuffy and you can almost know what they will say next in some cases. although some are quite funny hehe.








Family Guy is just whatever you want it to be, plus a huge helping of sex (which has been quite bountiful in all of the new episodes, im surprised its still on fox lol :shock: ) I also like how fact Family Guy moves through everything, unlike....dang it i forgot what it is, but anyways...yeah. THen Family Guy brings in random things to just spice it up, like the episode last week with Meg becoming beautiful, and the MTV host always looking at the camera...haha that was great...

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Family guy all the way.








I cant stand how American Dad has so much patreizim. I was compleatly turned off of it the other day when it was an episode where the dad buy got all racist and stuff about some middle east people that moved in just down the street. Its stupid that they would do such a thing on that show.








I really hope they start to clean up their act, or get off TV,
























1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.




2. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.




2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Family Guy.








The original in-your-face obtrusive Father is all I need to enjoy a good laugh :) I think American Dad is based too much on patriotism and stuff, whilst Family Guy can go anywhere because it has no real depth behind it.






To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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