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TCE Champions League - Groups added - Round 1 ends 10th Nov


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To those already participating: If you see an MSN adding request by [email protected] then that's me. I'm in the process of adding all the MSN addresses that are signed up with. If you don't want me added then feel free to decline.




TCE Champions League


Hosted by The Tip.It Clan Events Team








Week 1


V vs RR


AL vs WoF


GS vs MD


KR vs CoS




Week 2






MD vs SS


CoS vs BK




Week 3


TSL vs V


WoF vs UBH


SS vs GS


BK vs KR








Note: This covers the group stages. For the knockout stages, read the Rules: Knockout Stages section




2 wars are fought - one full-out OR run-in, and one matched-opts. The maximum length for Run-ins is 1 hour OR 100 kills. Each war is worth 2 points. If you win both of the wars, you gain an extra bonus point, giving a maximum possible total of 5 points. If you lose a war, you don't lose points unless you lose both, in which case you lose a point.




You are organised into 4 groups, Alpha-Delta.




Group A - TSL, V, RR


Group B - AL, WOF, UBH


Group C - MD, SS, GS


Group D - KR, COS, BK




For latest tables and fixtures click here.




You will war every clan in your group once. To qualify for the Primary knock-out stages, you must either come first or second of your group at the end of the group stages. Those in third and fourth will make the Secondary bracket, and will have the same format as the Primary knock-out stages. Once you are here, the bracket will look similar to this:








When you sign up, you will be placed in one of three "seeds". It is unlikely that you will fight a clan that is in the same seed as your clan in the group stage. The seeds range from 1-3, best-worst clans. The ranks will be given by strength of memberlist, warring ability, and any other Tipit events you have taken part in. This is to make sure that the results of the tournament are accurate.




Group stage league tables





  • [*:32atzqzn]All wars are to be in Clan Wars, however any arena EXCEPT FOR THE FOREST is allowed. The forest is disallowed because it is single combat. Failure to follow this rule will mean a rematch in the correct arena, and if this broken for a second time, both clans will be eliminated from the tournament.
    [*:32atzqzn]Every clan should have an updated memberlist on RuneHead. Memberlists must not be changed 3 days prior to the war. Failure to do so will result in an automatic 5 points for the opposition. In the event of both clans breaking this rule, both clans will be deducted 3 points*. This will be tracked by keeping text copies of the memberlist and comparing at the deadline.
    [*:32atzqzn]All other rules, e.g., pooling, blasts/range allowed, boundaries, recruiting options, explorer ring, FAs, retirees, allies etc will be decided between the two clans. If you can not come to a agreement, post on this thread and the TCE team will give you a set of rules and a time for the fight. Once the rules have been decided, they must be posted either in this thread or the Wars sub-forum. There should be at least 3 days preparation, and therefore rules must be posted within those 3 days. Memberlists must be closed (i.e., nobody new added) once the rules have been submitted. Once both clans show that they have agreed to these rules, any breaking of the rules will be dealt with. Failure to post the rules will mean that both clans either receive a 3-point deduction.
    [*:32atzqzn]Rules that must be set - with no negotiation between the clans - are:
    • [*:32atzqzn]Both wars on F2P servers
      [*:32atzqzn]Both clans must have 15 minutes to restock
      [*:32atzqzn]Melee, and the bind spell (level 20 Magic), must be allowed


These are known as the Tipit Rules.


[*:32atzqzn]In the event of a clan dropping out, ALL wars against that clan will be nulled. It will be as though that clan never even entered the CL.


[*:32atzqzn]In matched options wars, both clans must have the permission of each other before one attacks. For the sake of peace, please attempt to cut during the two minutes before the war.



[hide=Rules]This will consist of 2 "legs". They will work as this example.




-Clan A wins a knockout with 16 members remaining - current score 16-0. In the next "leg" (normally immediately after the war, giving time to bank) Clan B must win by over 16 members in the next round to win the match. If Clan B won by 21 members, the score would be Clan A 16-21 Clan B - therefore, Clan B would have won the tournament


-With run-ins, your score is how many people you had killed below the wining amount. For example, if in the run-in the required kills was 50 and 28 of your people were killed, you would get 22 points. The maximum amount of kills allowed for the run-in is 50. This is to keep it fair with the full-out. This may be changed at any time.


-In the event of the aggregate score being a draw, there must be a third and final war - a 10v10 miniwar - with this setup:




  • [*:32atzqzn]Center boundaries in the original Clan Wars Arena
    [*:32atzqzn]F2P Server
    [*:32atzqzn]All fighting styles allowed
    [*:32atzqzn]Clan spawning north attacks
    [*:32atzqzn]All other tipit rules




Winner takes the match.




Each "leg" is regulated by one clan - in this instance, Clan A would have its choice of rules in the first leg, whilst Clan B would have its choice in the second leg. A random generator will decide who takes the first leg and who takes the second.




The only rules in these wars not negotiated are:




  • [*:32atzqzn]The Tip.It rules
    [*:32atzqzn]The war must be in F2P
    [*:32atzqzn]Times - leg B will always follow A
    [*:32atzqzn]At least 15 minutes between legs
    [*:32atzqzn]No level cap
    [*:32atzqzn]Not matched options




Rules that can be selected by the regulator of each leg are:




  • [*:32atzqzn]Boundaries
    [*:32atzqzn]Fighting styles
    [*:32atzqzn]Who attacks/defends
    [*:32atzqzn]Arena (FFA/PvP worlds not allowed)
    [*:32atzqzn]Full out or run-in*
    [*:32atzqzn]Time limit
    [*:32atzqzn]Kills required




*The maximum length for Run-ins is 50 kills.[/hide]


[hide=Rules]The one, most important thing to remember when proving that the opposition cheated is...






Key: Rule offended | Strikes given. Once 3 strikes are received, the clan will be disqualified from both wars and the other clan will receive an automatic 5 points. Strikes are only valid for the duration of the two wars - e.g., if 2 strikes are given in the full-out and 1 is given in the run-in, the clan is disqualified from both wars.








Boundary break for more than 10 seconds by 1 member - 1 strike


Boundary break for more than 10 seconds by more than 1 member - 2 strikes


Boundary break for more than 10 seconds by 3 or more members/half of the clan or more° - 3 strikes*"




Failure to turn up - 3 strikes^


Pooling when prohibited - 1 strike per member*


Illegal member fielded - 3 strikes (Picture proof must be shown along with a picture of their memberlist before the war)


Attacking without permission in matched opts - 3 points*


All other rules should be covered with the new ability to create rules.




^Pictures must be shown of the agreed date and time, even though this should have been posted on the tipit forums


*Video proof must be supplied


"Half of the clan remaining in the arena


°Whichever is smallest[/hide]




I'd like to apologise for the complexity of the rules, however we want this to run smoothly and without any hitches with clans misbehaving.




To sign up, please use this format:




[b]Your RSN: [/b]

[b]Your clans name: [/b]

[b]Your clans memberlist: [/b]

[b]Your position in said clan: [/b]

[b]IRC Channel: [/b]

[b]MSN address/AIM: [/b]

[b]Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: [/b]




[hide=The Shadowed Legion]Your RSN: Squrittlelov


Your clans name: The Shadowed Legion


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tslc


Your position in said clan: Clan Leader/Helpsite Leader


IRC Channel: Ventrilo IP:


MSN address/AIM: [email protected]


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes we agree[/hide][hide=Vindication]Your RSN: hellfury10


Your clans name: Vindication


Your clans memberlist: Actives: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=clanvin


Your position in said clan: Leader


IRC Channel: #vindication (swiftirc)


MSN address/AIM: (aim) sp1476


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?:


Yes[/hide][hide=Warriors of Fury]Your RSN: Kcwabo


Your clans name: WoF


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=rswof


Your position in said clan: warlord


IRC Channel: #wof


MSN address/AIM: [email protected] (sanpedro88) [email protected] (kcwabo)


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes[/hide][hide=Ancient Legion]Your RSN: Lamb Bug


Your clans name: Ancient Legion


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=al_clan


Your position in said clan: Co-leader


IRC Channel: #AncientLegion


MSN address/AIM: Not used


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes[/hide][hide=Militos Deci]Your RSN: Decebalus6


Your clans name: Militos Deci


Your clans memberlist: here


Your position in said clan: Mechanic/Administrator


IRC Channel: #Militos_deci Server: Irc.Netgamers.org


MSN address/AIM: Ain't got one.


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes.[/hide][hide=Rune Raiders]Your RSN: J40k


Your clans name: Rune Raiders


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=runeraid


Your position in said clan: Warlord


IRC Channel: irc.getdarker.net #runeraiders


MSN address/AIM: -


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes[/hide][hide=Knights Reflection]Your RSN: omyme


Your clans name: Knights Reflection


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=krclan


Your position in said clan: Founder


IRC Channel: #kr


MSN address/AIM: [email protected] (do not use much)


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: YES[/hide][hide=Unknown Bounty Hunters]Your RSN: Thuger50


Your clans name: Unknown Bounty Hunters


Your clans memberlist: http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=thuger


Your position in said clan: Leader


IRC Channel: #UBH


MSN address/AIM: [email protected] - Thuger/Leader


[email protected] - True_2k8/Leader


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes[/hide][hide=Golden Sun]Your RSN: Aegina


Your clans name: Golden Sun


Your clans memberlist: http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=gold


Your position in said clan: Leader


IRC Channel: Public channel: #golden_sun


MSN address/AIM: [email protected] OR [email protected] (The other Leader Ixy)


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes I agree[/hide][hide=Blacknights]Your RSN: Absuseless


Your clans name: The Blacknights


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=blacknight


Your position in said clan: Leader


IRC Channel: redbull.getdarker.net, #blacknights


MSN address/AIM: [email protected]


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: yes[/hide] [hide=Soul Slayers]Your RSN: Nicksta51


Your clans name: Soul Slayers


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=soul_slayers


Your position in said clan: Leader


IRC Channel: #soul_slayers (/server irc.swiftirc.net)


MSN address/AIM: [email protected]


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: i Agree[/hide][hide=Council Of Saradomin]Your RSN: Templer104


Your clans name: Council Of Saradomin


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=coshs


Future Applicants:http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=cos_new


Your position in said clan: Clan Promoter


IRC Channel: #COSclan


MSN address/AIM: [email protected]


[email protected]




Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes, CoS was skeptical in entering another Tip.It tournament with our last one having an overturned 14-0 victory into a loss. Hopefully these new rules will help "mature up" the fighting.




Also, our warlord currently has no internet access, trying contacting him before me.[/hide]


Thanks everybody for the sigs | 3,956 to 99 fishing | King of BsK 18/09/08 - 18/10/08

Chelsea Supporter | CD Supporter | AfterShock Member

Xbox LIVE Gamertag: Cotton Traders

Now what the hell are you waitin' for? After me, there shall be no more, so for one last time, make some noise.

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Your RSN: hellfury10


Your clans name: Vindication


Your clans memberlist:




Actives: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=vindactives




Total: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=clanvin




Your position in said clan: Leader


IRC Channel: #vindication (swiftirc)


MSN address/AIM: (aim) sp1476


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?:



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Your RSN: Thiesje2


Your clans name: Clan Faith


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=clanfaith


Your position in said clan: Leader


IRC Channel: #Faith (SwiftIRC server)


MSN address/AIM: [email protected]


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes.

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Your RSN: Kcwabo


Your clans name: WoF


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=rswof


Your position in said clan: warlord


IRC Channel: #wof


MSN address/AIM: [email protected] (sanpedro88) [email protected] (kcwabo)


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes

Rob <3 cereal!

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Im confused about a few things




2 wars are fought - one full-out, knockout war, and one run-in


^thats 3- No matched options?




Standard rules? Melee+Binds - If we don't agree on range for example will it only be melee binds?

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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Im confused about a few things




2 wars are fought - one full-out, knockout war, and one run-in


^thats 3- No matched options?




Standard rules? Melee+Binds - If we don't agree on range for example will it only be melee binds?




First war: Full-out Knockout (the way I like em)


2nd war: Run-in




And use all 3 forms of combat, wimps! :P

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

Check us out!
==> No seriously, if you like FREE GP, XP and Dung tokens, as well as Community, Opportunity and above all FUN... <==

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Im confused about a few things




2 wars are fought - one full-out, knockout war, and one run-in


^thats 3- No matched options?




Standard rules? Melee+Binds - If we don't agree on range for example will it only be melee binds?




First war: Full-out Knockout (the way I like em)


2nd war: Run-in




And use all 3 forms of combat, wimps! :P




Says a phrase about melee binds must be alloud so idk if that means you don't have to agree on other styles.




Why have a knock out and run in? that could be a little long.

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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Your RSN: Lamb Bug


Your clans name: Ancient Legion


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=al_clan


Your position in said clan: Co-leader


IRC Channel: #AncientLegion


MSN address/AIM: Not used


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes

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Following some discussion, the group stages rules are now that:




-One war is a full-out war OR a run-in war


-The next war is a matched options war




New rules are in red in the above post.


Thanks everybody for the sigs | 3,956 to 99 fishing | King of BsK 18/09/08 - 18/10/08

Chelsea Supporter | CD Supporter | AfterShock Member

Xbox LIVE Gamertag: Cotton Traders

Now what the hell are you waitin' for? After me, there shall be no more, so for one last time, make some noise.

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Well, I talked to Army, and he agrees we should join :P .




Your RSN: Decebalus6


Your clans name: Militos Deci


Your clans memberlist: here


Your position in said clan: Mechanic/Administrator


IRC Channel: #Militos_deci Server: Irc.Netgamers.org


MSN address/AIM: Ain't got one.


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes.


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Your RSN: Red Fat1


Your clans name: Veni Vidi Vici


Your clans memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=venividivici


Your position in said clan: Lord of arms AKA warlord


IRC Channel: #3vclan


MSN address/AIM:


[email protected] - +6gmt


[email protected] - +8 gmt


[email protected] - +12gmt


Do you agree to all the rules state here, and accept that failure to abide by these rules may result in disqualification from this and future tournaments?: Yes

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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