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What parts of driving do you hate?


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Well, I havnt really drivin, but im taking drivers ed at the moment. But we went out to a parking lot the other day and drove go carts around (there were cones set up as a course to represent 3 lane highways, parallel parking etc.) and I was one of the people who was chosen to go through the course first and then teach the rest of the people in my group how to do it. I hated instructing the people in my group because they were such bad drivers! When they were merging in the "three lane high way" they would stop while merging. And it took one kid like, 5 min just to parallel park. Its really not that hard to parallel park (ecspecially with a golf cart which is not much like a car). Its very frustrating to try to instruct people like this who are just terrible at driving. So my least favorite part (so far) is trying to instruct stupid people.








(btw it only took me one try on the parallel parking part of the course :wink: )

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Everything? I can't stand driving anymore. Everybody asks me to go here, go there, go buy this, go pick this person up, go bring me here....i hate driving now.


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being an ex bus driver i'm sure i've seem as bad driving as it can get.








the drivers of birmingham must've got their license off the back of a cereal packet i'm sure. :wink:








here we drive on the left, and i hate drivers who turn left, but only look to see if the road is clear from the right, not into the direction they are going to. then they realise they can't get through or drive right into a driver coming towards them.








i also hate parrallel parking, i can go in forwards backwards standing on my head if needs be, but parrallel- forget it. i hate it!








being a disabled driver too i hate peeps who park in the disabled bays.




i'm not disabled enough for a badge, but its annoys me when peeps who have no need to use em do so, purely out of lazyness :twisted:

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The other drivers, I had one woman pull slowly accross 2 lanes of traffic with me 20 feet away, I had to swerve over 2 lanes into on coming traffic or I would have jacknived and killed her.

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Slow moving vehicles are always bad.




Although I hate people who don't indicate the most.




Or even if they idicate AFTER they start to turn / change lanes /etc.












It's meant to single your intentions, not what you're doing.




You can see what they're doing :x

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I hate other people. They're all in the wrong.








The thing I REALLY REALLY hate is tourists who go unreasonably slow.

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long drives. anymore than 20 minutes and i get so bored i want to do someting interesting, like swerving over into the oncoming lane and play chicken, or swerve the other way and play chicken with the trees.



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I don't like driving in rain it makes it so much more dangerous. And rain at night is the worst last night it was raining and my windshield was getting all foggy and then a street light comes up and i cant see anything outta my windshield.

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I'm 15, so I've only recently started learning to drive. Right now I'm still at the stage where it freaks me out to be too close to another car. :oops:



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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not being able to drive in the first place...

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As some of you know, I'm swedish so I am not sure of meaning the expression paralell parking. I wonder if that is what we in sweden call "fickparkering" which translates to something like 'pocket parking' :? When cars are parked along the road, parallell to the road, and there is a pocket between two of then and there is where you are to maneover the car in? Anyways, I used to hate that but then finally learned it.








Now I hate... heavy traffic, driving in snow (as I am bad at it), drivers who are staying as close to the middle of the road as possible no matter what and people who never use the blinkers/indicator lights or whatever it's called (signalling that they are turning I mean),








Edit: Oh, and the worst of all. Driving on the wrong side of the road. Me and my sister was on Ireland some years ago, and there they drive on the left... gee I I was a nervous mess who scratched out rented fiat badly going WAY too far out on the side into the fuchias and other bushes on the sides of the narrow roads to avoid colliding with other cars. Its completly horrible when all your instincts tell you to hold to the right right while your mind tell you to go left :!:

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As some of you know, I'm swedish so I am not sure of meaning the expression paralell parking. I wonder if that is what we in sweden call "fickparkering" which translates to something like 'pocket parking' :? When cars are parked along the road, parallell to the road, and there is a pocket between two of then and there is where you are to maneover the car in? Anyways, I used to hate that but then finally learned it.








Now I hate... heavy traffic, driving in snow (as I am bad at it), drivers who are staying as close to the middle of the road as possible no matter what and people who never use the blinkers/indicator lights or whatever it's called (signalling that they are turning I mean),








Yeah, that's it :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Parallel parking.. I can never get it on the first try, but so far, I haven't ever used it in a real situation (haven't been driving for that long either, but still)








Also, when driving a manual, I hate having to downshift, and starting the car going up a hill is hard :|

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and starting the car going up a hill is hard :|




It's not that hard. Just have to make sure you have the clutch and accelorator in a position to hold the car in place once you take off the hand brake. Then it's just easing out the clutch while upping acceloration :)

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