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~ Safe PvP World ~


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I'm going to quote my RSOF thread, simply to sace confusion :)


Quick find code: 81-82-434-57773520





Earlier today, I read on a forum somewhere that there's a high demand for a safe PvP world.


Much like the existing, new PvP worlds, this single world will be entirely safe, consisting of the same spawn points etc.




I have to say, I fell in love with this idea, especially after paying a quick visit to world 111, and lasting no longer than five seconds.




I'm not positive, but I haven't been able to see a thread relating this topic so far on the RSOF.


Mods, please let me know if so




So my idea is this, I'd like Jagex to release a single world, dedicated to safe PvP, providing demand on this topic is high enough.




Post your thoughts, let me know whether you support or not, and I'll add you to the correct list




~ Mylez




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~ Support list ~




#1 Myself


#2 inchture14


#3 hawkxs


#4 Zierro


#5 cravey


#6 will_holmes


#7 zaaps1


#8 L34k3lit3


#9 greene8535


#10 Moonshadow


#11 Ryebud258


#12 Xx_Flare_xX


#13 charlieisthebest


#14 Balazeal


#15 D_V_Devnull




~ Non-Support list ~




#1 Jamesrules90


#2 bballer


#3 SnWRifleman

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Wait I don't get it? You want what? Can someone explain so far my understanding is that he wants a PvP world where no one woul attack each other? Wouldn't that be a safe world wich already exist?

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Wait I don't get it? You want what? Can someone explain so far my understanding is that he wants a PvP world where no one woul attack each other? Wouldn't that be a safe world wich already exist?


:wall: No, you can attack each other as normal, but you won't lose your items, and you won't drop anything.




Sounds like fun. I support. One question though. Would you keep every single one of your items if you died? In that case, what if you died against a NPC?


This is a major problem. The most logical answer is if you received the majority of damage from an NPC, the gravestone rule would apply and you could lose your items. But, it could be possible for someone to attack someone else who is already below half health due to NPCs.




I support if this can be fixed.

~ W ~



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Thanks for all your support guys!


I'll add you to the list right away.




Direct above, the problem in question is that of NPC's, no, upon death towards ANYONE/THING besides another player would result in a regular death.


Death to another player would result in a respawn, keeping all items ::'

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Thanks for all your support guys!


I'll add you to the list right away.




Direct above, the problem in question is that of NPC's, no, upon death towards ANYONE/THING besides another player would result in a regular death.


Death to another player would result in a respawn, keeping all items ::'






Your fighting a monster, you have 2 hp and no food. Your friend is with you.


You quickly run, avoiding death, friend kills you dealing the final blow, making you loose no items, but you risked them.




GWD. Fighting the bandos. Your about to die, your friend KOs you with a GS, sends you safely to lumby, instead of mashed by bandos and loosing your valuable items.




Perhaps; if you were in combat with an NPC in the last three minutes, then if you were to die, even to a player, your items would follow the gravestone rule.


Keeps some aspect of danger, and still letting you utilize the brawler gloves, for combat anyway.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Thanks for all your feedback guys!




BloodArgon, this of course would be a problem, however I'm sure Jagex would think of a simple solution.


As you said, the Gravestone rule could apply here.





Perhaps; if you were in combat with an NPC in the last three minutes, then if you were to die, even to a player, your items would follow the gravestone rule.


Keeps some aspect of danger, and still letting you utilize the brawler gloves, for combat anyway.




Also, as for EXP, I see no reason why it cannot be gained, as EXP can be gained in Duel Arena, Castle Wars, Fight Pits etc. Why would this be different?




Adding to support list now :thumbsup:

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Thanks for all your support guys!


I'll add you to the list right away.




Direct above, the problem in question is that of NPC's, no, upon death towards ANYONE/THING besides another player would result in a regular death.


Death to another player would result in a respawn, keeping all items ::'






Your fighting a monster, you have 2 hp and no food. Your friend is with you.


You quickly run, avoiding death, friend kills you dealing the final blow, making you loose no items, but you risked them.




GWD. Fighting the bandos. Your about to die, your friend KOs you with a GS, sends you safely to lumby, instead of mashed by bandos and loosing your valuable items.




Perhaps; if you were in combat with an NPC in the last three minutes, then if you were to die, even to a player, your items would follow the gravestone rule.


Keeps some aspect of danger, and still letting you utilize the brawler gloves, for combat anyway.


makes a good point


i was supporting until i read this post, gravestones would be a good idea, there would be no point for clan wars anymore, if you want to pvp then you could go to a safe or normal pvp world and if you want to 1 on 1 duel then go to duel arena


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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Thanks for all your support guys!


I'll add you to the list right away.




Direct above, the problem in question is that of NPC's, no, upon death towards ANYONE/THING besides another player would result in a regular death.


Death to another player would result in a respawn, keeping all items ::'






Your fighting a monster, you have 2 hp and no food. Your friend is with you.


You quickly run, avoiding death, friend kills you dealing the final blow, making you loose no items, but you risked them.




GWD. Fighting the bandos. Your about to die, your friend KOs you with a GS, sends you safely to lumby, instead of mashed by bandos and loosing your valuable items.




Perhaps; if you were in combat with an NPC in the last three minutes, then if you were to die, even to a player, your items would follow the gravestone rule.


Keeps some aspect of danger, and still letting you utilize the brawler gloves, for combat anyway.


makes a good point


i was supporting until i read this post, gravestones would be a good idea, there would be no point for clan wars anymore, if you want to pvp then you could go to a safe or normal pvp world and if you want to 1 on 1 duel then go to duel arena




The mini-games are somewhat restricted. I think it'll be good to safely fight other players around Edgeville, Varrok, Camalot etc. :D




This isn't a thread discussing HOW it will be implemented, only a thread to see if the demand is there, Jagex do the problem solving, not us ;)

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Non support list




Reason: If it was safe player versus player would become a quick way to earn money for clans.


And I last ages on PVP world I have no idea where you are going wrong :lol:

My username is jamesrules90 NOT jimmyjames227.


Click here to feed me!

A nice undieable one!!!

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Non support list




Reason: If it was safe player versus player would become a quick way to earn money for clans.


And I last ages on PVP world I have no idea where you are going wrong :lol:




How would clans make money?

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Non support list




Reason: If it was safe player versus player would become a quick way to earn money for clans.


And I last ages on PVP world I have no idea where you are going wrong :lol:




How would clans make money?


As they would kill each other for free stuff

My username is jamesrules90 NOT jimmyjames227.


Click here to feed me!

A nice undieable one!!!

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Non support list




Reason: If it was safe player versus player would become a quick way to earn money for clans.


And I last ages on PVP world I have no idea where you are going wrong :lol:




How would clans make money?


As they would kill each other for free stuff








I don't think you fully understand. There would be no drops, this would be a situation similar to Dual Arena without the stakes, or Clan Wars without the risk ::'


There would be no drops, period.


Just safe, fun PVP in all of our favourite areas of Runescape.

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