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passing preasents?


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Does anyone here get any preasents for passing the grade they are in? I get one almost every year. It's nothing big, usaly something small i wanted all year.








This year was a bit diffrent, i got something a little bigger, and i can use for next year. An MP3 player! its soo good! now i can listen to music, especialy when i go back to school.


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I used to get some money, at the time it were guilders. I always got around 25 guilders.


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HMM when i did my gcses if i remember correctly i got:








ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30 for every A




ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 for every B




ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10 for every C








And nothing for anything lower. Sure does incourage people. :P

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Surely you mean "Passing Presents" ?








Anyhow, my parents don't give me a thing for my 95% average, but why should they?




To encourage me? If I'm getting good grades for a reward, whats the point? Gotta work hard for yourself, noone else.




To motivate me? Why should a bribe motivate me to do my work. Again, if I'm not motivated in the first place, there's no point.




Or is it simply to reward me on a job well done? Well, can't argue much with this one, but still, when you get a "present" for good grades, it seems like the good grades weren't expected. My parents expect the best from me, so when I do great, its no surprise, and no reason for award.








Oh well, I gotta admit, I'd love a present lol, but I'm not complaining. I just do it for myself, my own personal satisfaction! :P

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Surely you mean "Passing Presents" ?








LMAO, shows how good i am at spelling. Im good in english... just not the spelling part :(








Hey you live in Toronto? wow your close.


Sig by Ikurai

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I was never given anything for achieving good grades in school, not that my parents were scrooges or anything, i just always motivated myself to try and do well.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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I was never given anything for achieving good grades in school, not that my parents were scrooges or anything, i just always motivated myself to try and do well.
Dude an E is not a good grade in england dammit! It does not stand for excellent!
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I was never given anything for achieving good grades in school, not that my parents were scrooges or anything, i just always motivated myself to try and do well.
Dude an E is not a good grade in england dammit! It does not stand for excellent!








It does in Harry Potter, and Hogwarts is in the UK :P








Anyway, I used to get presents up to the first year of high school or something, but since I passed the year with a passing grade in every single subject this time my parents decided to buy me plane tickets, and I'm not about to complain about that :P

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Anyhow, my parents don't give me a thing for my 95% average, but why should they?




To encourage me? If I'm getting good grades for a reward, whats the point? Gotta work hard for yourself, noone else.








Since education is all about preparing for a future job anyway, you could make the argument that paying a kid to get good grades is just training him to work for his daily bread like he will have to do when he is movin away from home.








In most cases, though, I have to agree with you. Ten bucks, even if it improves a kid's grades, isn't going to improve a kid's attitude about school, it's just going to make him more cynical about the whole process.








Like you said, you gotta be workin for yourself. Otherwise, you get kind of bitter.








And I obviously would not turn down a little bit of monetary motivation to keep my grades high 8)

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Hmmm im not given this stuff to motivate me, im as motivated as possible. It's cause im doing good, and even though i still get alot of free time, i can show that with video games, and other stuff i can still achive fairly good grades (80%+ avverage for the past 3 years :D )


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no offense to anybody, but my thought on gifts or money for good grades are for kids that arent as bright as others, ones that have to work hard for their grade. one of my friends gets cash for good grades, and he isnt the "sharpest tool in the shed." i dont get cash for my good grades, but if i did... :lol:

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For going to school and getting good grades, I get a roof over my head, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and a chance to further my education and become and become who I want to be. I think that's reward enough.


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For going to school and getting good grades, I get a roof over my head, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and a chance to further my education and become and become who I want to be. I think that's reward enough.




tis not a reward, tis a law :wink:


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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