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666 total f2p ! Edit:99 cook!

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One word describes this.. HAWT :ohnoes:


10/10 <3: :thumbup:


[hide=]24x Dboots/28x Whips/6x Dbows

50+ Dk drops

99 Cooking achieved 25th of Janurary #52114 to 99.

99 Hunter achieved 21st Feburary #7216 to 99.

99 Defence achieved 7th July #48009 to 99.

99 Hitpoints achieved 5th August #60299 to 99.

99 Attack achieved 14th August #70001 to 99.

99 Strength achieved 2nd September #100069 to 99. [/hide]

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10/10 :) Awesome for free play.




[Enlarged] 0/10 On a side note because you have 80 Smithing and I don't.




He has 70 Smithing not 80.


Anyways, nice stats! ^_^



Hacked on January 5, 2007 --> Lost: 56.4M, Santa Hat, Purple Partyhat, Green Partyhat, Christmas Cracker

people who get rich and do it legit like joob and I always get f'd over in the end.
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Wow, nice. My main's not even that good. Heck, I don't even have a skiller so I should probably call my main my "character."




Hopefully you can catch up (and pass) Yay Hooray (his main is Koddo1) by March or April of next year, haha.




[hide=Skills To Sky vs. Yay Hooray]untitledyk5.png[/hide]




But anyway, 10/10.


^ Blog.


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Technically, the number of 'the beast' is 616, not 666. It appears in Revelation, the last book of the bible: 'Let him hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred Threescore and six'. In 2005 a translation was made of the earliest known copy of the book of revelation. The fear of 616 is called: Hexakosioidekahexaphobia.




[/wall of text]




Nice levels 8/10.

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^Yay Hooray got P2P if you didn't know :(




Congratz. Great account =)


Really?! :o




And where can I find the list of the top F2P skillers?






disruption clan got top 50 f2p skillers list


google.com -->disruption clan -->search --->click-->choose publik stuff--->topic made by sbw-->u there--->enjoy. =D>

skill to sky

605+ total F 2 P Skiller

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Fantastic account you have. :)




Congratulations on 99 cooking!






"Football is a simple game made complicated by people who should know better."

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