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Obama's Grandmother Died.


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Well you somewhat assumed that someone is going to be able to have the same privlages and money as you did without working. That does imply socialism.






But really, we get it Krieg. You're in the military -- you are entitled to more than anyone else because of that fact. [bleep] giving health care to those who can't afford it, right? :)

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lol my Obamas grans age McCain still got another 10 years :shock: he could serve another two tersm with that.


You have to realize that if you're ill at such an old age, you're not going to have the strength to do everyday business.

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Well you somewhat assumed that someone is going to be able to have the same privlages and money as you did without working. That does imply socialism.






But really, we get it Krieg. You're in the military -- you are entitled to more than anyone else because of that fact. [bleep] giving health care to those who can't afford it, right? :)




No but i do work for a living, i do work because i know the future holds unknowns that could be tough. Maybe those that can't afford it are the same ones that spend more on their cars and "rims" then their house? Maybe they could of worked harder prior to this? Hard times hit people sure, but this many? Please. Learn to work for yourself and not count on help.

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No but i do work for a living, i do work because i know the future holds unknowns that could be tough. Maybe those that can't afford it are the same ones that spend more on their cars and "rims" then their house? Maybe they could of worked harder prior to this? Hard times hit people sure, but this many? Please. Learn to work for yourself and not count on help.


You're absolutely ridiculous. Way to stereotype every poor person in America as a gang-banger who puts big shiny rims on his or her car. And what makes spending money on "rims" a bad thing? It's the same as spending money on any other hobby or activity. While McCain spends the government's money on giving breaks to big business and oil companies, Obama is going to be helping our country from the bottom up. I think I'd rather see people of less standing in America helped out than see Wall Street cronies of McCain get more money than they deserve. I can't wait for another 25 years where there are less people like you in this country; people with a mindset that is stuck in 1940.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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No but i do work for a living, i do work because i know the future holds unknowns that could be tough. Maybe those that can't afford it are the same ones that spend more on their cars and "rims" then their house? Maybe they could of worked harder prior to this? Hard times hit people sure, but this many? Please. Learn to work for yourself and not count on help.


You're absolutely ridiculous. Way to stereotype every poor person in America as a gang-banger who puts big shiny rims on his or her car. And what makes spending money on "rims" a bad thing? It's the same as spending money on any other hobby or activity. While McCain spends the government's money on giving breaks to big business and oil companies, Obama is going to be helping our country from the bottom up. I think I'd rather see people of less standing in America helped out than see Wall Street cronies of McCain get more money than they deserve. I can't wait for another 25 years where there are less people like you in this country; people with a mindset that is stuck in 1940.




Excuse me, you just stereotyped. I never once said gang banger, you just did. I never said a race, i never said a gender, i never said a religion, i never specified other then "those". So thank YOU for putting a face to them for us. Lol less people like me? I'm here to stay.




Contrary to popular belief i like to help people. I'm as you know a Marine as well as a County Sheriff's Deputy here in South Carolina. I deal with THOSE people everyday of my life. A lot, and most i run across just feed off society when they could just go get a job or better themselves. I see it with my own eyes. I just feel people need help themselves to an extent before they get help.




For what its worth, neither candidate is outstanding this year. I just think McCain is more sane then Nobama.

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Excuse me, you just stereotyped. I never once said gang banger, you just did. I never said a race, i never said a gender, i never said a religion, i never specified other then "those". So thank YOU for putting a face to them for us. Lol less people like me? I'm here to stay.




Contrary to popular belief i like to help people. I'm as you know a Marine as well as a County Sheriff's Deputy here in South Carolina. I deal with THOSE people everyday of my life. A lot, and most i run across just feed off society when they could just go get a job or better themselves. I see it with my own eyes. I just feel people need help themselves to an extent before they get help.




For what its worth, neither candidate is outstanding this year. I just think McCain is more sane then Nobama.


You can hide behind your transparent semantics all you like, but anyone with a pair of eyes can see that you were implying gang-banger just the same as you were implying socialism a few posts back. Are you honestly trying to tell me that you were referring to the white, middle class with the "rims" comment? I don't think so. I also don't care if you are a Marine or a Police Officer or any other occupation. That doesn't make you a better person than anyone else in America. Maybe if those people that you seem to deal with day in and day out had a leader that actually cared about them, they might feel the need to better themselves. Until today, they haven't had one since FDR. I am not voting today because the best candidate in the election is not on the ballot, but the obvious choice to better America is Obama.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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No but i do work for a living, i do work because i know the future holds unknowns that could be tough. Maybe those that can't afford it are the same ones that spend more on their cars and "rims" then their house? Maybe they could of worked harder prior to this? Hard times hit people sure, but this many? Please. Learn to work for yourself and not count on help.




I think you're just a complete idiot after reading this post. Right now my family is considered poor. My father has had no luck getting a job up to this point and my mother's business is barely bringing in anything due to the nature of the products combined with the state of the economy. We depend on said "help". Without it, we would be out on the street (quite literally). I've noticed a lot of my friends who joined the military became adapted a superior point of view on everything and you're showing this right now. You think that just because your job is secure that everyone elses' jobs must be as well, or that a job is just oh so easy to find. To be honest, I feel sorry for people who join the military. You're in for a hard life if you continue with your current views.

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{SOME} of you guy's don't even know the downfall's of all the things you think are good that Obama and Mcain are saying they are going to do. Obama says he's going to cut taxes... but doing that will make you pay on other things like parking at schools, higher taxes on clothing and so on. Mcain is doing corporate tax breaks which he says is going to "expand the economy, creating jobs and opportunity." But still taxes are going to be the same and so either way, It sucks.

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No but i do work for a living, i do work because i know the future holds unknowns that could be tough. Maybe those that can't afford it are the same ones that spend more on their cars and "rims" then their house? Maybe they could of worked harder prior to this? Hard times hit people sure, but this many? Please. Learn to work for yourself and not count on help.




I think you're just a complete idiot after reading this post. Right now my family is considered poor. My father has had no luck getting a job up to this point and my mother's business is barely bringing in anything due to the nature of the products combined with the state of the economy. We depend on said "help". Without it, we would be out on the street (quite literally). I've noticed a lot of my friends who joined the military became adapted a superior point of view on everything and you're showing this right now. You think that just because your job is secure that everyone elses' jobs must be as well, or that a job is just oh so easy to find. To be honest, I feel sorry for people who join the military. You're in for a hard life if you continue with your current views.




Exactly. I've been very lucky to have been brought up in a family where my dad works for the military, and I'm very thankful of that. Not everyone has the same luck. It isn't about being "lazy" or spending money on what you don't need. Health care is a very costly thing, after all. I mean even a simple surgery can cost thousands of dollars, which in all honest MOST families in America can't deal with on top of everything else. And with the market like it is today it certainly does not help.




You have a very limited view of the world around you Krieg, and I'm sorry to hear that. How many people would actually go and say "you know what, [bleep] it if a child born in a low income family gets sick. [bleep] if something happens to someone in a low income situation. If they can't afford our ridiculously priced health care then they should just try harder!"

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I don't feel like using quotes, but the fact of the matter is that all of you are just stereotyping the presidential canidates like a good news anchor would. I actually chose not to vote, because I think both of them suck. Don't go saying FDR was the last person to truly care for America. All of these poor people don't realize that the presidents do what is best for the nation not the poor people. When presidents start only caring for the poor people we will crumble and our nation will die. The truth is the nation is a middle class nation that is run by the middle class and I think that if a person truly wants a job that they can go and find at least a low income job. I just hate people who want handouts, when they do not have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. I can promise you that McDonalds is always hiring and their is even room to work your way up to a decent job at a fast food restaurant.

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I don't feel like using quotes, but the fact of the matter is that all of you are just stereotyping the presidential canidates like a good news anchor would. I actually chose not to vote, because I think both of them suck. Don't go saying FDR was the last person to truly care for America. All of these poor people don't realize that the presidents do what is best for the nation not the poor people. When presidents start only caring for the poor people we will crumble and our nation will die. The truth is the nation is a middle class nation that is run by the middle class and I think that if a person truly wants a job that they can go and find at least a low income job. I just hate people who want handouts, when they do not have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. I can promise you that McDonalds is always hiring and their is even room to work your way up to a decent job at a fast food restaurant.




Are you some kind of idiot. Most of the poor people are people who are middle-aged, Which can't get any job even Mcdonalds, because there was no use for a highschool diploma in the 50's 70's and 80's. but no, everything is changing you need to graduate high-school and even go to college for a minimum of 4 years to get a job at Mcdonalds... I feel bad for people who don't know what it's like to struggle in life, It gives you a sense of what's going on around you. now your saying that Mcdonals is always hiring and you can work your way up to a decent job... Is quite frankly horrible. You are Probably only around your 20's and not understanding what it's like for a middle aged person to cope with the world. #-o

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I don't feel like using quotes, but the fact of the matter is that all of you are just stereotyping the presidential canidates like a good news anchor would. I actually chose not to vote, because I think both of them suck. Don't go saying FDR was the last person to truly care for America. All of these poor people don't realize that the presidents do what is best for the nation not the poor people. When presidents start only caring for the poor people we will crumble and our nation will die. The truth is the nation is a middle class nation that is run by the middle class and I think that if a person truly wants a job that they can go and find at least a low income job. I just hate people who want handouts, when they do not have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. I can promise you that McDonalds is always hiring and their is even room to work your way up to a decent job at a fast food restaurant.




And you can totally feed a family and house on a McDonalds salary. :roll:




The thing is is that we aren't even talking about welfare here, we're talking about health care. How can someone deny a person such an important thing?






You said we need to care for the entire nation, and that is true. That includes people who can not pay for health care or the exorbitant prices that come with something as simple as Surgery.

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No but i do work for a living, i do work because i know the future holds unknowns that could be tough. Maybe those that can't afford it are the same ones that spend more on their cars and "rims" then their house? Maybe they could of worked harder prior to this? Hard times hit people sure, but this many? Please. Learn to work for yourself and not count on help.




You work a secure job, there's very little chance to you being chucked out of your job left with mortgages, family commitments and bills to pay now is there? In the state the current economy is in a huge amount of jobs aren't secure and pay cuts or lay offs are happening every day, when this happens people need to be helped or they will end up on the streets. In an earlier post you said you need to be paid more, I frankly think you don't. I assume in the USMC like the British army you have free accommodation, food is provided, entertainment is provided etc and when you're at home you live in barracks, where once again basic needs are provided for you. The money you earn at the end of the day is pretty much all disposable income, the average person has to pay for food, accommodation etc out of what is left of their wage, you are getting it relatively easy. Don't reply with "I'm putting my life on the line for your freedom or others" as you chose the job, the working conditions make no difference once you chose that job.




Downsize your head and stop assuming once you have a job it's easy to get by, it's not.




I will agree though there are people who simply jump on the social welfare and benefits train to have an easy life, those kind of people I have no problem withdrawing benefits from as they do nothing for society other than take honest tax payers money.

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Or we could just join the military like krieg and get paid to break into civilian homes and kill every male in the building because of where they live and their ethnicity :roll:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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At the risk of sounding insensitive, why is this news? Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for Obama and his family, but I don't understand why the death of an 86 yr old with cancer warrants an article. I'm sure there are more pressing matters to report on.




Why was Obama's aunt who's living in the US illegally news? Why was Palin's $150,000 spent on clothing news?




True that the press could have zoomed in on more important news, but ever think that their trying to crack on the candidates? :?


Oh and the death of his Grandmother being an atricle: I can see why it is, it's a candidates Grandmother dying, given that they were extremely close, AND because of the horrible timing.

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Or we could just join the military like krieg and get paid to break into civilian homes and kill every male in the building because of where they live and their ethnicity :roll:




That's what confuses me. Krieg is fine with putting his life on the line in Iraq for a cause that does not benifit the majority of people, yet he wouldn't want to pay even a small tax increase so that people can have free health care.




It doesn't make sense.

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I don't feel like using quotes, but the fact of the matter is that all of you are just stereotyping the presidential canidates like a good news anchor would. I actually chose not to vote, because I think both of them suck. Don't go saying FDR was the last person to truly care for America. All of these poor people don't realize that the presidents do what is best for the nation not the poor people. When presidents start only caring for the poor people we will crumble and our nation will die. The truth is the nation is a middle class nation that is run by the middle class and I think that if a person truly wants a job that they can go and find at least a low income job. I just hate people who want handouts, when they do not have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. I can promise you that McDonalds is always hiring and their is even room to work your way up to a decent job at a fast food restaurant.




And you can totally feed a family and house on a McDonalds salary. :roll:




The thing is is that we aren't even talking about welfare here, we're talking about health care. How can someone deny a person such an important thing?






You said we need to care for the entire nation, and that is true. That includes people who can not pay for health care or the exorbitant prices that come with something as simple as Surgery.




If you have both parents working at McDonald's making $10 an hour working 10 hours a day, yes you can feed a family and pay for a house on a McDonalds salary. I do not believe that you will start out at $10 an hour, but it is really not that hard to find a job paying $10 an hour if you are willing to work hard.




Well Universal health care is in my opinion welfare. So why doesn't the government start paying for our car insurance and house insurance, because we are not a socialist government. We are a country based on the "American Dream" where if you work hard you will be rewarded.




But would you want universal health care at the cost of the nation of the United States? I would rather live the American ideals that have kept this country free and safe for 200 years than go and try to be a socialist nation. If health care is that big of a deal to you just go move to Canada.

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I don't feel like using quotes, but the fact of the matter is that all of you are just stereotyping the presidential canidates like a good news anchor would. I actually chose not to vote, because I think both of them suck. Don't go saying FDR was the last person to truly care for America. All of these poor people don't realize that the presidents do what is best for the nation not the poor people. When presidents start only caring for the poor people we will crumble and our nation will die. The truth is the nation is a middle class nation that is run by the middle class and I think that if a person truly wants a job that they can go and find at least a low income job. I just hate people who want handouts, when they do not have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. I can promise you that McDonalds is always hiring and their is even room to work your way up to a decent job at a fast food restaurant.




Are you some kind of idiot. Most of the poor people are people who are middle-aged, Which can't get any job even Mcdonalds, because there was no use for a highschool diploma in the 50's 70's and 80's. but no, everything is changing you need to graduate high-school and even go to college for a minimum of 4 years to get a job at Mcdonalds... I feel bad for people who don't know what it's like to struggle in life, It gives you a sense of what's going on around you. now your saying that Mcdonals is always hiring and you can work your way up to a decent job... Is quite frankly horrible. You are Probably only around your 20's and not understanding what it's like for a middle aged person to cope with the world. #-o




I hate make this a pointless post, but your idiot if you think middle aged people without a high school diploma can't get a job at McDonalds. There are so many jobs that you don't need a high school diploma to work at and can still make good money. You are quite right about my age I am 20 years old. But I worked at a fast food restaurant for $8 an hour when I was 16 and I obviously did not have a high school diploma or a college degree. My dad is a truck driver who did not go to college and supported me and my 7 brothers and sisters growing up. My dad was the only one that worked as well, because my mom has mental issues, so she was a stay at home mom. I think it is utterly ridiculous for someone to tell me that hardwork is not enough to get by, because otherwise I wouldn't have had a house to live in or food to eat.

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I know personally that it takes a strong man to continue to hold rallies after such news.




I sure hope Obama wins, I dont even live in the US but he sure makes me want to.


Ill have to wait to the morning to get the results from the BBC.

Previous "fatbill" till I lost the password.


Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.


Feedback page now up and working

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I don't feel like using quotes, but the fact of the matter is that all of you are just stereotyping the presidential canidates like a good news anchor would. I actually chose not to vote, because I think both of them suck. Don't go saying FDR was the last person to truly care for America. All of these poor people don't realize that the presidents do what is best for the nation not the poor people. When presidents start only caring for the poor people we will crumble and our nation will die. The truth is the nation is a middle class nation that is run by the middle class and I think that if a person truly wants a job that they can go and find at least a low income job. I just hate people who want handouts, when they do not have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. I can promise you that McDonalds is always hiring and their is even room to work your way up to a decent job at a fast food restaurant.




And you can totally feed a family and house on a McDonalds salary. :roll:




The thing is is that we aren't even talking about welfare here, we're talking about health care. How can someone deny a person such an important thing?






You said we need to care for the entire nation, and that is true. That includes people who can not pay for health care or the exorbitant prices that come with something as simple as Surgery.




If you have both parents working at McDonald's making $10 an hour working 10 hours a day, yes you can feed a family and pay for a house on a McDonalds salary. I do not believe that you will start out at $10 an hour, but it is really not that hard to find a job paying $10 an hour if you are willing to work hard.




Well Universal health care is in my opinion welfare. So why doesn't the government start paying for our car insurance and house insurance, because we are not a socialist government. We are a country based on the "American Dream" where if you work hard you will be rewarded.




But would you want universal health care at the cost of the nation of the United States? I would rather live the American ideals that have kept this country free and safe for 200 years than go and try to be a socialist nation. If health care is that big of a deal to you just go move to Canada.




The American Ideal is such an odd thing. I'm not saying that capatalism is bad, in fact I like that it encourages corporations to try and improve their product through competition. However for something such as health care I have to make an exception here. There is no reason someone should deny an ill person treatment just because they don't have money.




It's not welfare. They aren't handing out money but simply making a current paid service free. I still find it hard to believe that someone would willingly deprive a human of such care and treatment.




Again I'm not talking about welfare here.The fact is is that, on a $10 an hour salery a person could not pay for an expensive medical bill ontop of caring for a family. It just is not possible!

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