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Browsing the forums, and in particular the rants section, I've found that it seems there are a lot of clashes between the players who get to play for free and those who pay to enjoy more. These arguments arise almost instantly after an update for P2P only or after an event where P2P gets a small bonus. It is generally a small number from both communities that stoke the fires and get threads turning into ugly arguments. In the end, both communities take a loss. Those for P2P will sometimes see all F2P players as whiny and greedy. Then the F2P players who get bashed about wanting anything when they don't pay may see P2P as arrogant and rude jerks.




Understandably, these are only a small fraction of people from each gaming community. However, why does it seem necessary for a fight to always break out? There's usually more to each person's motivation to be free to play than you may know.




Not everyone who is P2P pays for themselves. The younger community of those under 18 who cannot get a credit card are often funded by their parent/guardians. This funding can sometimes come with a few conditions, such as maintaining good grades in school or doing household chores.




Perhaps we should all try to come together to put an end to these petty squabbles that turn threads into eyesores.

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Well i don't see a f2p as greedy.. i see their want for more.. but a free game is a free game, enjoy the updates when their given, its as simple as if you don't like how the f2p servers are being run and you dislike it so much to get in a fight (on a forum, irl, anything) its worth thinking about changing games or just consider the fact that it is a free game, and putting in that 5$ a month is actually worth it.. if you would like the updates asmuch as p2p has... be a p2p?




just my view from a p2p standpoint.




World 46 Regular

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Most people who play RuneScape (myself included) come from a generation of 'babying' or instant gratification. To make a long story short, the prevailing attitude of the generation is that they seem to be imbued with a belief that the world ows them something by defult. I am now 18, I get to see the world a bit differently. In the real world, you must do something to get something in return.




The people who play dislike any request from f2p for a valid reson. Despite many p2p'ers beliving in this auto intitlement I talked about, for the purposes of RuneScape content they are now on the side giving something. This clears their entitlement belief about the game, they now see that they are giving something and f2p are not (don't even think about mentioning ads right now; everything in due course). Now if f2p start getting content, p2p can see this as a huge injustice. They don't do anything and they already have a huge demo capable of satisfying many players who never go to members.




F2p ad revenues are probbaly pretty significant. But they don't pay for members. I would guess the ads pay for servers and maintenance and possibly some bandwidth. Members carry the rest. Members most certainly pays for development. When Jagex gives f2p something, its not because their nice people (though that was true at one time). The original holiday events even up to the famous easter event where we got the ring. That was a out of the goodness of their hearts kind of thing, holiday good will. Now, we see events with p2p content. I was brought to members by their campain of p2p updates in f2p areas (the varrock museaum was what got me). Every update for f2p now, is an investment. The extra revenues that Jagex gets from the new members pays for the f2p updates.




Life is not fair. True. You get what you pay for. True (unless its a contractor #-o ). When you factor in teh burden f2p puts on Jagex with the bandwidth costs, the ads don't pay for a whole lot more.

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I just don't get why roughly $6 a month is so hard for some. Paying the small price unlocks a ton of new areas, equipment and quests. I can probably find $6 in change in my couch.




Mow a lawn/shovel snow once a month and you are set!

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First of all. This thread won't change anything. People have been fighting over this for years.


I know it's stupid! What do we know about Jagex plans? Jagex finances? Jagex intentions? #-o


We don't know a [cabbage]! We just keep guessing and try to convince eachother and when an idiot posts we directly use that person as an argument tool. For example: a F2p player says: "We need free stuff cause members are getting everything". Member example: "F2p is just a demo, they don't pay for anything, they are just a bunch of freeloaders".


Now people from both sides will use these 2 kinds of people to argue with other people. The next thing you know, it's a flame war going on. In a "Flame war" there are some legit arguments but most are untrue, stupid, insulting, and fiction.




It has already started, I'm just waiting for some F2p'ers to post. (I hope they don't since I am one of them, not on their side but one of them.) I am on nobodies side. I stand with the people with common seense. Don't argue about something that isn't relevant to the gmae.

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Why on Earth do members get so worked up when F2P get something? You aren't the ones that update F2P, Jagex is. Members pay so they get the best updates, they don't pay to keep F2P from getting updates too.


And if you'll notice, most of the past F2P updates were to replace the December updates. Jagex wants to keep F2P alive because that's where their members come from. Yes, I agree F2P doesn't "deserve" anything but it's Jagex's game and they're free what they want to do with it. This is called marketing, look it up.


You say if F2Pers don't like not getting updates they should either get members or quit, well if you don't like that F2P gets the occasional bread crumb then I suggest you quit too.


It's not like Holiday events should count anyway, they're temporary. Unless you think all members updates would count if they were temporary too.


As long as members keep getting the updates they deserve (being frequent ones and much better than those for F2P) I'm happy.




Oh, and it's human nature to be greedy. If you expect F2Pers to never whine about wanting updates then thanks for the laugh.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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My opinion is as simple as most as the issue is quiet simple. The cash is so low that even small cute children who have never worked can afford it. Even the ugly ones can. Secondly there are many payment options to choose from. If you really cant use them then find someone who can.




Lastly, its true some cant pay for whatever sorry excuse. While others of course choose not to pay for whatever reason. Either way these people simply should not ask. (I am not saying they all do) Anything they do get is a gift.




Its like a car being delivered to your house for free and inside finding tickets to some ball game, all for free. That cars get delivered for free whenever you want it and sometimes you find free stuff inside. At the end of the day you still get that car to drive around for free.. and sometimes you get a bonus gift ontop of that car. Its rude to ask for more. -_- Hence why members feel insulted.. As they pay for those gifts they get for free.




So what I am saying is. I dont care about f2p or not. I dont hate them. They just shouldnt expect more. Thats all.. I tend to avoid any debates as its very pointless.. But its understandable why some get a bit annoyed by it. Its understandable why f2pers get jealous too. When members get delivered porsche while they get pink minivans. And of course everything else that we paid for besides that. If they dont get jealous or expect more than good for them. The f2p vs p2p discussion isnt about that kind of decent player.

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I understand that some members get annoyed when anyone F2P asks for something more. I just would prefer if they didn't always respond. After all, what intention does someone P2P have if they visit a sticky called "Why can't F2P have..." but to start a fight?




Edit: Didn't realize my RS Type doesn't show up, I am a P2P as well, so for those who I thought I was a whining F2P, SURPRISE!

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Most people who play RuneScape (myself included) come from a generation of 'babying' or instant gratification. To make a long story short, the prevailing attitude of the generation is that they seem to be imbued with a belief that the world ows them something by defult. I am now 18, I get to see the world a bit differently. In the real world, you must do something to get something in return.




The people who play dislike any request from f2p for a valid reson. Despite many p2p'ers beliving in this auto intitlement I talked about, for the purposes of RuneScape content they are now on the side giving something. This clears their entitlement belief about the game, they now see that they are giving something and f2p are not (don't even think about mentioning ads right now; everything in due course). Now if f2p start getting content, p2p can see this as a huge injustice. They don't do anything and they already have a huge demo capable of satisfying many players who never go to members.




F2p ad revenues are probbaly pretty significant. But they don't pay for members. I would guess the ads pay for servers and maintenance and possibly some bandwidth. Members carry the rest. Members most certainly pays for development. When Jagex gives f2p something, its not because their nice people (though that was true at one time). The original holiday events even up to the famous easter event where we got the ring. That was a out of the goodness of their hearts kind of thing, holiday good will. Now, we see events with p2p content. I was brought to members by their campain of p2p updates in f2p areas (the varrock museaum was what got me). Every update for f2p now, is an investment. The extra revenues that Jagex gets from the new members pays for the f2p updates.




Life is not fair. True. You get what you pay for. True (unless its a contractor #-o ). When you factor in teh burden f2p puts on Jagex with the bandwidth costs, the ads don't pay for a whole lot more.




Actually immediate gratification is when you can't save something for the future, I.e you get money and you need to spend it then. Supposed to be a trait of the working class.

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Why on Earth do members get so worked up when F2P get something? You aren't the ones that update F2P, Jagex is. Members pay so they get the best updates, they don't pay to keep F2P from getting updates too.







For your information the sole reason I pay is to be mean to f2pers.

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I hate the way the world is - there's not much left in the world that you could call "free".




Having said that, being realistic and accepting what you have - for what it is - is also very important. F2P is free, has a huge amount of content when compared to other "free" MMORPGs and despite the fact that updates are few and far between, F2P obviously hasn't been forgotten by Jagex.




Requesting more for F2P is well within the rights of the playing population and is to be expected as content soon gets old but what annoys me is:




"OMG anuvva update 4 p2p jagex hates f2p omfg i quitt!" etc.




Many players of F2P also point to ad-banner revenue, using this as a reason why Jagex "owes" them more content. I think they already have more than enough in return for that paltry sum.




I love F2P, I think it is less intense and there's a lot less waving of the proverbial 'e-peen'. I don't think F2P is undeserving of updates but I think that the whiney forum-going minority need to STFU and take Runescape for what it is - a huge game with acres of content if you're willing to pay £3.20 for it, that also provides those unable to pay for it with a very nice sized version for free. Be grateful.




Oh and also... F2P PVP >>> P2P PVP. No contest.


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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This thread is a giant flame-war starter.




Anyways, P2P get worked up when they see F2P "begging" for stuff or when F2P actually do get updates.


Just cause some F2Per's beg does NOT mean we'll get the updates, right?


And in all honesty, F2P can really cut back on the begging...




The only thing that really gets my blood boiling is when P2P starts stating that:


-F2P is worthless and we do ABSOLUTELY nothing for the game




-That x-amount of dollars is very low, so "why not just pay for it? You lazy/worthless/whatever/get a job/little kids." And the fact that whoever says that thinks it's the easiest thing in the world to make money, ignorant to the situation the player is in.

Taking a Playstation 3 break.


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The one thing I really hate is when members attack F2P'ers for getting an update that won't really benefit the members themselves; They're ranting on sharing an update when they most likely won't use it except for the first week or so :roll:




I say give F2P skillcapes & the snare spell, and they're set for a good while. But I'll save that for another time ;)

[94/99 Ranged][87/99 HP][80/85 Def][70/70 Pray]

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It's interesting how this type of thread get posted again and again when people will mostly likely flame them and might get lock later. Also you might also want to read others response before posting your own (everyone want their opinion heard, but usually dont bother reading other ones)




Since I am F2P, so maybe my view might be a bit biased, so bear with me.




For the most part, I don't even really see anyone actively go around ask more update for f2p worlds. Some did, more like open ended questions, what if F2p get this, or what if F2p get that. So far, I havent seen anyone actually protesting on any F2P worlds in Varrock or Fallydor, or Lumbridge for that matter. So who is the one keep on saying F2p should get more stuff?




Secondly, I think F2P got enough updates (all the GE, and dual arena, and loads of other stuff, even HD options in the past 1 year), it was fine without those update before, because for the most part, free to play is suppose to have its limitation, giving too much away for free to play just isn't a good business model.




I believe most of F2P can afford membership because it just really cheap, but for most part, how consistant can you keep training, I like F2P because I know if I am gone for few months or so, everything remain pretty much the same. If I do pay for it, I might want to get my money's worth and play more then I suppose to.




I got load of F2p friend change to P2p during my RS career, and most are really happy with the decision, and for the most part I think member worlds do offer more stuff to play with. But for me, I just enjoy training, lvling and doing some mis stuff with friends. I think for some people, thats enough already. Plus, we have to deal with those ads up top when we play, those usually keep the server running fairly well. In fact, thats how Jagex start up in the first place, F2P, then gradually do P2P.




For so many times, people thought I was P2P because my lvl is high for a F2P, and I simply answer them that, you dont need to be a member to train, you can still train, albeit in much slower pace, but just play what you enjoy.




To conclude my summary, just a few examples




Bank space, 68 is plenty, I dont know what you keep in there, majority of the holiday event can be placed by Diago, and its enough for ores and all the common things, unless you are into buying all the trim items, and collect bunch of things.




Monster, ice giants, cockroach soldiers, they are good for money and xp, and its not hard to find a world that is empty of other competitors




Yew logs, and lobster, coal and ores, always a big demand, you can make cash that way.




Fog, duel arena, runecrafting guild, clan wars good for mini game and xp.




With the autoers gone, everything is slowly back to normal, and to be honest, thats all what most F2P ever wanted.

a happy Runescaper

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