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Appeal Status: Pending - ANSWERED!


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How long can it stay this way? How bleedin long could it possibly take to find out that it is my account, it WAS stolen, and to give it back to me? Losing my mind a bit, but it just annoys me. Almost 3 days now, it has been pending. Does anyone know what is done during the time it is locked?

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I'm sure you're not the only one Jagex is focusing on atm. There are probably a couple thousand appeals to look at.

"There are only two strategies in war. Move forward or change. The victor is the first to realise that when he cannot move forward he must change."


~ Mod Mark H ~



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i was annoyed as well


a hacked got my account locked five times so i can tell you appeals can take up to a week


and this belongs in rants/help and advice :twss:

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Mr "I got 99 in alot of skills, 137 combat, I quit rs, but still spend all my time in a rs forum" tells me to get a life? Don't make me laugh:) As I've seen other people tell you: If you can only reply trying to insult people, or at least don't have anything useful what so ever to say, just leave it.

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3 Days without Runescape, by the looks off it you're going through hell


get a life


Perhaps he's just anxious because he doesn't want to lose his RS account? No need to answer like an asshat.

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3 Days without Runescape, by the looks off it you're going through hell


get a life




Hey look, irony. Quit runescape, and has nothing constructive to do, so he trolls the tip.it forums.




Get a life. Better yet, start slow. Go outside.




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3 Days without Runescape, by the looks off it you're going through hell


get a life




LMFAO, was that comment meant as a serious remark?




"[ - 99 Ranged - Att - Hp - Str - Def - Cook - Thief - Fletch - Fm - Fishing - Crafting - Magic - Prayer - Farming - Slayer ]


[ - 2277 Skill Total - 137 Combat - ]"




Hello Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle.






The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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