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November 24, 2008--Buy Runescape membership as a gift


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They announced the launch of the game cards quite a ways back, I guess they are trying to re-hype them and everything.




Good fight marketing schemes, posting such material the day before an update. Very sleazy, but I guess it works.




They could actually, you know, include something interesting regarding the update tomorrow, just so it's worth reading the articles.

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I just hope the quest is full of epic boss fighting so that sharks rise. <3:

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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I doubt they will release this one on a Thursday ;)


(Unless they want to destroy families by making children across the country finish thanksgiving dinner in about 3 minutes and not giving them time to really bond as a family unit)




couldnt careless about thanksgiving \' :lol:

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RS membership cards as a gift? I can see it now: My love to you is worth 7$ in pocket change


Yeah, that's a great way to make someone feel special! :lol:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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I still wonder why 10 people all log off runescape and refresh the page every 10 seconds waiting for the headline (after update in __:__ thing) and post it here.




And the OP can have a bit more talk. =/




Anyway, this is one idea Jagex just finally came up with would have made them much much more 3 years ago -> now.


Bout time smartasses. :|

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I never buy these cards, I just go buy some gift cards for myself. Cheaper to me. =D>




I hope there is an update tomorrow at least.


I had a dream where I opened up the Rs homepage and read that due to some major bug they found the quest was postponed for another 3 weeks. #-o :?

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Relax, I'm sure the update will be out soon :ohnoes: , in fact I'm sure it is out right now...I'll go look




darn....maybe now?








grr....one more try?




:thumbdown: ....argh!








LOL, either way I'm 100% absolutely positively certain it will be out by tomorrow............maybe.




On subject, someone said it earlier, some of us are checking for this GMQ on an hourly basis (or more frequently), the perfect opportunity to throw out a bit more advertising. I think the cards overall are a good idea as well, lets anyone get membership, all they need to do is pick one up.

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Grr, I've been off the t'internet for about 2 weeks, you'd think they'd acually have a game update by then, but meh, I imagine the quest to be tommorow at earliest, I dosen't really bother me, since I prolly won't have the levels for it anyhoo. :|



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My mom bought me RuneScape membership several years back. It was way back in RSC, so we didn't have wallie cards. Instead, my mom got out an index card and a marker and wrote, "I'm going to buy you a RuneScape membership for a while." Then she put the card in an envelope and gave it to me for my birthday.




We had to buy members the old fashioned way. Kids have it too easy these days.



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When is thanksgiving supposed to be?




Thanksgiving is this Thursday in the U.S. I figured they would have the event up a few days prior, and a few days after though.




When did Jagex even start doing American holidays?




November 2008. ;)

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When is thanksgiving supposed to be?




Thanksgiving is this Thursday in the U.S. I figured they would have the event up a few days prior, and a few days after though.




When did Jagex even start doing American holidays?


In case you haven't noticed, the USA has a bigger portion of players than their own country. Naturally, they'd want to appeal to the larger masses of the players.

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