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DarkFall - Officially Launched


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*Go to page 6 for the post regarding the title*






Website: http://www.darkfallonline.com


Forums: http://forums.darkfallonline.com/index.php


Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkfall


MMoSite Description: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?game=4&bhcp=1 (Read, it's basically a review on what will be in thegame)




DarkFall has been in development since 2003, as well as a community of hardcore followers since 2001. DarkFall is an MMO, and has been branded as a next-generation MMO as well. It has been in any major or decent MMO/Gaming site at least twice since 2003. DarkFall is currently in Closed Beta, with the release date in late January pending, one can suspect Open Beta will be starting sometime soon. However beta has been circling around since 2005, and thus Closed Beta only started back in September/October (or later).




That small defect is because DarkFall is produced, and developed by a 30 or so man company, called Adventurine, based in Athens, Greece. All of the developers working on DarkFall have had their hands in other MMO's like WoW, Everquest, & had worked on the early beginnings of AoC (don't let that bother you though about quality). These developers or staff of the company do have strong community ties through the forums as well.




Currently the NDA is still in effect except for one particular individual who hosts the infamous 'The Noob' webcomic (gf misfile). This individual has been posting decently long & detailed descriptions of the game through-out their time playing it.




Read it here:




*Pictures and text, good luck!




Because this game is in Closed Beta, and I have not played it, I can't comment on the content or anything, even with the NDA. Thus I'm just going to quote specifics from different articles across the web, that should interest you in this game:




Darkfall has a number of features that set it apart from the majority of MMORPGs:




* Unrestricted PvP, with no safe zones, only protection by NPC guards in racially controlled cities. Indiscriminate player killing results in changes in alignment (see alignment section below), which in turn has severe in-game consequences. [3]


* A character advancement system devoid of player levels and classes, however there are certain Prestige Classes that can be earned. The majority of player capabilities are determined by the possession of skills, which improve in response to in-game use. For example, all weapon proficiencies, the ability to swim, cast spells, ride mounts, and climb various obstacles are all skills that can be learned and improved through in-game use.


* A real-time combat system that includes FPS-style manual aiming & blocking.[4] Ranged combat and general play will be viewed from the first person perspective, while melee combat will be third person perspective. There will also be no 'player radar' or floating names with which to identify players or NPCs [5], and inflicted damage and the health status of actors are indicated through visible damage, blood-spray, and audio cues. Furthermore, friendly fire is always in effect, so missed melee attacks, misfired arrows, as well as area of effect offensive and healing spells affect both friends and enemies.[6]


* Complete looting. All of a player's items become world lootable on death (see looting section below), and virtually all props and items in the game will be player-craftable.[7]


* Cities that can be built, sieged, captured and destroyed by players [8], as well as individual player housing.


* Player mounts and mounted combat, which can be captured and killed by players.


* Naval warfare, with the ability to create, board, capture and sink player controlled ships [9], including player-mediated ship-ship and land-ship combat.


* Real-world physics, including inter-character and projectile-character collision detection. Projectiles (spells, arrows, cannonballs etc.) can be evaded or blocked in real time. Players can be pushed or blocked by other players, NPCs and/or explosions [10].


* Dynamic, physical weather, including variable, directional winds. For example, foggy or rainy weather can severely limit sight range and high winds greatly influence tidal wave amplitude and ship movement. Day and night cycles are based on a realistic planetary system of 2 orbiting moons, producing dramatic sunrises and sunsets.


* Enhanced monster behaviour and AI.[11] Monsters do not simply stand and swing at players until dead; they may employ sophisticated combat tactics based on their capabilities, social behaviour, and intelligence level. For example, intelligent monsters will preferentially target healers, casters, and/or weakened players. Monsters do not have fixed spawn locations or sizes - monsters form their own communities, may construct buildings and/or may relocate to new areas in response to being hunted by players. Monsters may also fight other monsters in their region. [12]


* A non-instanced game world capable of supporting over 10,000 concurrent players per game instance,[13] including explicit and dedicated support for large-scale (> 200 player) battles at playable frame-rates. [14]




* Prestige classes are special classes, like Paladin, Assassin, Gladiator, Enchanter, etc, and it has an optional path that you may choose for your character to follow. Picking a prestige class will in most cases give the player a few special skills, a few special spells, and you will have a certain status. There are limitations, tradeoffs and restrictions playing a prestige class character, for example, a Druid may never use metal armor after they are initiated, and Paladins have to give half of their earnings to their church. Prestige classes may be interesting to some players, and some classes may give you an extra reason to role-play, or maybe give you an edge in combat or help you out with crafting ability. There will be many interesting prestige classes for you to try out but don't forget that picking a prestige class is not final - you can change class later, with some minor penalties. The easy (lazy) route would have been to make picking a prestige class final, but Aventurine want to keep Darkfall as open ended as possible.



- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkfall#Unique_features




*Tbh, Wikipedia has a lot of information regarding DF, especially with sources as well, Wikipedia should be checked out!




Though I should point out this small thing in Wikipedia:




To date, over 600 screenshots, 9 official game videos, and approximately 230 single-spaced pages of developer journals, articles and community Q&A transcripts are available, charting Darkfall's development progress over 7 years. By comparison to its contemporaries, Darkfall has had quite a checkered development history, having been widely lauded by gamers for its wide-ranging gameplay and hardcore approach to PVP, as well as having been accused by some[who?] as vaporware[citation needed], due primarily to its long development time, constant retractions of beta announcements, heavily misleading statements, and unconventional approach to the game's public relations and advertising.




Currently the closed beta, and official date launch as well as having the person from The Noob commenting on the game, is as close as we've gotten to seeing a release, and Adventurine is sounding pretty confident and getting straight to the point this time rather than avoiding key questions and specifics like last time. I'm just posting this so I don't get flamed for it later on. =P




Anyways here's a forum post by the developers/admins on their forums from CBT announcing what they think of the game, good read:










*These were taken on the medium, or default settings. These aren't the high or ultra high or enthusiast settings, or even the scalable graphics towards your default video memory. The black lines in these pictures are put in there so you can see the buildings & small things more clearly or so we think.




















My main goal of this post is just to get the Tip.It community aware of this game and when it'll be released. From the limited content & screenshots that we have, we can discuss it and ask questions about it as well. Also to inform people of Open Beta as well, and when or if it does go live at some point before the release.




This a massive, hugely anticipated game. It sounds like it will be a large competitor against WoW & other MMO's.




Discuss, Elaborate, and Enjoy,




- Skate




~ I've been following DF since 2005, and I'm genuinely excited for this game. If you've read the wikipedia page at least, or read some of the other links, you'll probably be just as excited as well for this release. This MMO has basically everything any MMO has, reinvented it, and then put it's own creative spin on it, with more features we haven't seen, or only dreamed of.




Here's a link to the official site and the features page:






Really looking forward to discussing this game and speculating on things with Tip.It'ers here, and will enjoy the topic through beta and into official launch! Hopefully some of you have been informed or at least know of this MMO (Nadril, lol).




- When beta starts, I'll update this main post with a blog sort of thing of my daily playing. When the official launch is for go, I'll be blogging the same way, but it'll be more official and such...Who nkows, I'm excited, and I want to share it with you guys.




* Some spelling mistakes because my FF 3.1 Beta 2 is giving me annoyances with no spellcheck, and so is Chrome...>.>

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Great post. I was toying around with the idea of making this last week but ultimately my laziness overcame.




The only thing disappointing is that the Jan 22, 2009 is the EU release. Not sure when the North America release is.

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The only thing disappointing is that the Jan 22, 2009 is the EU release. Not sure when the North America release is.


I was under the impression that even though it was an EU release, NA's could still play along with the Europeans? Or has that recently changed?




Reading around the forums though you get the thought that the developers have taken in NA's for hardware testing, and other non-europeans as well.




@Steve, yea, they haven't released any yet, but they have said that the game will scale 'perfectly' to the video card you have, assuming it's above the 7 series from nVidia or equavilent (or so we've been told, though forumfallers make up tons of crap each day).

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So this basically smashes Tabula Rasa, AoC, WAR and WoW together? And then some?


Sounds good.




I don't want to get my hopes up, but it might be exactly what sends me back into the world of MMORPGs. Haven't played one in a long time...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I don't want to get my hopes up, but it might be exactly what sends me back into the world of MMORPGs. Haven't played one in a long time...


It'll kill your addiction towards SSBB. :thumbsup:




But everything we've been told, basically. But they've not just taken the content, they've re-organized, and made it so that it works well with everything else. Or so we're told.




They've been telling us a lot of cool, spectacular things. A good portion of those things have been confirmed through the preview from The Noob. Though there is still a lot to be answered for in the CBT, and hopefully that NDA is lifted soon, everything Adventurine has said thus far, excluding release dates, has been true, or close to it that I don't think it'll be an AoC fail. At anything in my mind it'll do better than Tortage did alone, but even if it is awesome, the hardcore pvp oriented style of the game will probably put off the roleplayers, and pve nubs (lol). =P

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So this basically smashes Tabula Rasa, AoC, WAR and WoW together? And then some?


Sounds good.




I don't want to get my hopes up, but it might be exactly what sends me back into the world of MMORPGs. Haven't played one in a long time...




Or easier put:






3D Ultima Online.

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Wow, it sounds really amazing.


Any info on P2P/F2P.


I Ctrl+F'd free, pay, ptp, ftp, f2p, and p2p.. Nothing.




I read enough of it to notice it wont be well with dialup :P

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm sure with the constant PvP areas this game will be harder to play than runescape.


And if you keep your stuff when you die, good. You'd die WAYYY too often.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm sure with the constant PvP areas this game will be harder to play than runescape.


And if you keep your stuff when you die, good. You'd die WAYYY too often.




You don't keep your stuff when you die. What's with the comparisons to runescape? This game is going to be nothing like it.








As I said before though, the only game you can really compare this to is Ultima Online. Pretty much all of the MMOs up to now have followed the Everquest model, so this is going to be something different. Not gear based, for one.

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Graphics make nothing of a game.


Runescape has great gameplay.


People who need good graphics to play a game piss me off. :geek:




Anyway, getting stuff in this and then dying every 20 minutes could be really annoying, you cant deny it.


Especially if basic stuff takes a while to get.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Graphics make nothing of a game.


Runescape has great gameplay.


People who need good graphics to play a game piss me off. :geek:




Anyway, getting stuff in this and then dying every 20 minutes could be really annoying, you cant deny it.


Especially if basic stuff takes a while to get.




Except that runescape doesn't have good gameplay. For christ sake, look at the game I'm comparing it to (Ultima Online). [Graphic wise]






And like I said, gear is not going to be difficult to get -- the same as Ultima Online.

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I dont know what the hell ultigay is. :P


And runescape does have good gameplay, some people dont like pointlessly running around killing people all day.


Some people like running around pointlessly turning paper into gold


On a game.






Wouldnt mind having a try of this game when it comes out, gotta find out how to do so though.


No way in hell am I going to install it on this computer with this internet.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Runescape has good gameplay if you're 9 to 15. The gameplay is for people in that age area. Why so many of us started playing it before we were 15. Runescape has huge depth in all of it's features, for sure, but how you make your way into that depth is what matters. Runescape isn't for the 18+ crowd that is looking for a dark, mature themed game. That's why it gets hated on. I've quit Runescape but it is still better than most MMO's coming out today. Everything in Runescape has depth as well...but really why compare it to Runescape? I'm pretty sure 3/4s of the RS community will either never hear of DF, or will not be able to afford it.




There's no sagespots in the game, but there are NPC guards. I'm pretty sure that they'll be overpowered gods anyways. So you can bank your materials & everything else anyways. Though getting the materials, or killing things might be difficult, but then again the PvP aspect of the game is like nothing we've seen before.




You can't turn around and look behind you, you can but you have to stop moving and sit down and such, but while running/moving or in a stance, you can't.




Hitboxes & real time combat. I know in AoC that this made everything superbly easy to get away from pvpers easily.




There's apparently suppose to be very significant punishments through-out the server if you kill people low level, or you just kill anyways. For instance it's been said that shops (which you basically buy everything from to advance in the game), will not sell you items. You'll need these items however when your sword decays from pvping too much. But now you can't repair, and now you can't pk/fight. Sure you could have stocked up on everything beforehand but I'm just pointing out that there will be consequences for pvpers that should make them weary about ganking. But I'm just guessing from whats been said around everywhere.




Gear is going to be made from crafting Nadril. Or so they've said the majority of gear will be from the crafting system, with some from drops & NPC stores.




If you read in the The Noob's preview, the part 4 or 5 talk about making arrows, and how long it was to make them. So I'm not particularly sure on that it will be easy to obtain gear, especially with skill decay.

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Their major influences are from Ultima Online. Having played it before I can tell you gear was not terribly hard to get. Sure, it did sting if you died and lost some nice stuff -- but we're not talking about losing a bunch of raid epics or something.






I dont know what the hell ultigay is.








This is the game Darkfall is drawing it's influences from. It's also a game that, sadly, had a better kind of gameplay model than Everquest -- yet everquest was much more popular amongst players. We really have not had an Ultima Online inspired game ever since the original's launch.






And runescape does have good gameplay, some people dont like pointlessly running around killing people all day.


Some people like running around pointlessly turning paper into gold


On a game.




You like Runescape because it is the only MMORPG you have ever played. There is more to an actual MMO than just running around killing (which, in runescape consists of right clicking). Perhaps actually try and go out and play other MMORPG's because, trust me, runescape is not a good game. It is a game designed to entertain the 13-15 year old range and then may pull in a few older people purely because they enjoy the convince, or just don't want to play another MMO.




But if I remember you are only like 13 Ray. I really am not sure if you would enjoy Darkfall because, if it is going to be anything like Runescape, it will not be a friendly game. There is no teleporting from a fight or just outright hiding from PvP as it is everywhere.

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And here's fanboyness reaching publicity:


http://news.mmosite.com/content/2008-12 ... 92,1.shtml




He makes good points in there but it's glorifying it way too much.




There is more to an actual MMO than just running around killing (which, in runescape consists of right clicking).


You know that's the same feeling I get when I play most MMO's. Go, kill this, then do this. Whether it's for the crafting, PvP, Quests, or Raiding/Hunting. There's not enough tactics, strategy and creativity around these four golden features at all in the most popular or common current MMO models.

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Well, a good MMORPG should be more of a living of your character than the advancement of point A to point B. That was what it was like in Ultima Online. There were goals (get levels in skills) but it was more about the exploration, the people, ect.






It is the same reason why I loved Lineage II. Sure, a lot of the game involved killing thousands of monsters -- but the real game was all about the Guild vs Guild drama and politics that came with PvP.






Anyways for the record I am still skeptical about darkfall. I do hope it does well however.

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RuneScape is more casual. DarkFall will be hardcore/intense. Probably.


A good MMORPG should be one where you truly feel like you are your character (So first-person camera + full control is good).


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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