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thoughts about vegatarianism


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forgive me if I miss the entire point of being a vegetarian, but I really can't see the logic behind it.


if mankind wasn't supposed to eat meat then wouldn't we have problems digesting it?


a large part of why we became a sentient species is likely because we were omnivorous...?


so, why do people think eating meat is wrong?




I've heard that we actualy arn't fully designed for eating meat which is why we have such long intenstines, (lions etc. have shorter intenstines) apparently lol.




I reckon theres quite a few good reasons to be a vegetarian. Firstly health, meat is quite bad for you if you get into the processed, battery farmed stuff which alot of what we eat is. Although its probaly more healthy to just eat meat rarely but get good quality..


but yeah..




Secondly the environment , it takes 3 times moire energy to produce the same ammount of calories from meat as vegetables as well as land space. if the population carries on growing then we WILL have to become vegetarian unless we wanted mass famine,, Quite a lot of people feel quite strongly about climate change and grazing animals and the meat industry produces quite a lot of greenhouse gasses.




Thirdly becuase of animal cruelty etc. which to be fair is appauling. i do think that animals are a lot more intelligent than we think and that it is just insanely inhumane to let cows, chickens etc. live the way that we breed some of them to live.. I acutally am thinking of becoming vegetarian to be honest, but i worry about my weight which is already pretty low. i also think that for animal cruelty reasons you should become a vegan because egg hens and dairy cows are HORRIBLY abused :S.

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Stupid hands, you've betrayed me again!


I'm not so sure I'd trust you as my surgeon.


=D> You got the double meaning of what I said, 3 internets to you.


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I'm not a vegetarian, and I have nothing against them, unless they try to coerce/force me to become one, that just gets on my nerves


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-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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I eat meat because I like the taste, but more importantly, it's the natural food chain, even for humans to be omnivores.


Think of the horrific overpopulation if humans didn't eat meat. I hate the vegetarians who say "I feel sorry for the animals." GET OVER IT. hmmm... I can't choose an emoticon on the left properly because they all have hats on...erm...i'll just opt for this one. :D


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Ok, I agree vegetarians are rarely physically strong, but vegetarianism (or at least semi-vegetarianism with fish meat) combined with vitamins and tofu has major health benefits, a cleaner body, less toxins, etc.. And vegetarians in general live longer than other people. [1].


That study compares vegetarians to "people who eat lots of meat." Other studies have suggested that the mortality rates of moderate meat- and/or fish- eaters is not significantly different from vegetarians. The following study, for example, suggests that fish eaters (0.82) and occasional meat-eaters (0.84) show lower mortality rates than vegetarians (0.94) after confounding factors have been accounted for.




Mortality in vegetarians and nonvegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies

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Ok, I agree vegetarians are rarely physically strong, but vegetarianism (or at least semi-vegetarianism with fish meat) combined with vitamins and tofu has major health benefits, a cleaner body, less toxins, etc.. And vegetarians in general live longer than other people. [1].


That study compares vegetarians to "people who eat lots of meat." Other studies have suggested that the mortality rates of moderate meat- and/or fish- eaters is not significantly different from vegetarians. The following study, for example, suggests that fish eaters (0.82) and occasional meat-eaters (0.84) show lower mortality rates than vegetarians (0.94) after confounding factors have been accounted for.




Mortality in vegetarians and nonvegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies




That other study I linked to found similar conclusions; Hence I mentioned the significant health benefits and protein sources gained from fish. People who occassionally eat meat also have a much lower mortality rate than pure-vegetarians or people who *only* eat meat. [1]

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Ok, I agree vegetarians are rarely physically strong, but vegetarianism (or at least semi-vegetarianism with fish meat) combined with vitamins and tofu has major health benefits, a cleaner body, less toxins, etc.. And vegetarians in general live longer than other people. [1].


That study compares vegetarians to "people who eat lots of meat." Other studies have suggested that the mortality rates of moderate meat- and/or fish- eaters is not significantly different from vegetarians. The following study, for example, suggests that fish eaters (0.82) and occasional meat-eaters (0.84) show lower mortality rates than vegetarians (0.94) after confounding factors have been accounted for.




Mortality in vegetarians and nonvegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies




That other study I linked to found similar conclusions; Hence I mentioned the significant health benefits and protein sources gained from fish. People who occassionally eat meat also have a much lower mortality rate than pure-vegetarians or people who *only* eat meat. [1]


didn't know there were people who only ate meat..?


that must be really, really bad for them..

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didn't know there were people who only ate meat..?


that must be really, really bad for them..




It is bad, a diet consisting only/mostly of proteins and no carbohydrates has health hazards but can also make you extremely nauseous and irritated, and cause cravings.




Most people that eat meat though, usually eat a side dish with carbohydrates, so that's not a problem. Lack of vitamins from an overly protein-based diet is a hazard too.. As the article says bringing nothing new to the table, "balanced diet is the key issue"

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Ok, I agree vegetarians are rarely physically strong, but vegetarianism (or at least semi-vegetarianism with fish meat) combined with vitamins and tofu has major health benefits, a cleaner body, less toxins, etc.. And vegetarians in general live longer than other people. [1].


That study compares vegetarians to "people who eat lots of meat." Other studies have suggested that the mortality rates of moderate meat- and/or fish- eaters is not significantly different from vegetarians. The following study, for example, suggests that fish eaters (0.82) and occasional meat-eaters (0.84) show lower mortality rates than vegetarians (0.94) after confounding factors have been accounted for.




Mortality in vegetarians and nonvegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies




That other study I linked to found similar conclusions; Hence I mentioned the significant health benefits and protein sources gained from fish. People who occassionally eat meat also have a much lower mortality rate than pure-vegetarians or people who *only* eat meat. [1]


Gonna chime in again here, meat with skin is generally unhealthy, this means chicken wings, breasts, drumsticks, etc. If you have a skinless version it is healthier, however, ideally one should really only eat lean meats.


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I eat meat because I like the taste, but more importantly, it's the natural food chain, even for humans to be omnivores.


Think of the horrific overpopulation if humans didn't eat meat. I hate the vegetarians who say "I feel sorry for the animals." GET OVER IT.




Horrific overpopulation... GET OVER IT. :roll:








Your argument fails.




I acutally am thinking of becoming vegetarian to be honest, but i worry about my weight which is already pretty low.




If you do your research, and plan your meals carefully, you shouldn't have to worry about it. Actually, I weigh more now than I did before becoming a vegetarian.




i also think that for animal cruelty reasons you should become a vegan because egg hens and dairy cows are HORRIBLY abused :S.




You can always opt for organic eggs, laid by free-range chickens. :thumbup: They're fed a natural diet, and live a peaceful life.


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Most vegetarians I know are kinda naggy about it, just go around telling you you're wrong for eating a living creature.




You're eating living creatures, which help up live. C20 -> Oxygen tbh.




Also, to be kinda honest, noone here should say who is right or wrong, its a life choice.


It may be proven that animals are "susposed" to be eaten, but who knows.




EDIT: Was my ethiopia post deleted o.o

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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In my view, being a veggie is just a weak way to protest people that abuse animals.


Hello, your not eating meat because of animal abuse, so why don't veggies stop avoiding the issue and put the abusers behind jail? Not stop eating.




I mean thats the main reasons people become veggies is because of animal cruetly, so just arrest those that abuse animals in companies. :|

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Because it isn't (yet) exactly illegal. Besides, what would you do after you "freed" the animals? They couldn't survive in the wild, if that's what you mean. They'd get slaughtered by coyotes and the like, considering the locations most big ranches are in. And there are less animals shelters willing to take in billions of chickens than you think.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Because it isn't (yet) exactly illegal. Besides, what would you do after you "freed" the animals? They couldn't survive in the wild, if that's what you mean. They'd get slaughtered by coyotes and the like, considering the locations most big ranches are in. And there are less animals shelters willing to take in billions of chickens than you think.


I don't think it should ever be illegal, I just think the way the animals are treated and slaughtered should be a bit better. And I'd take 4 chickens, because, chickens are cool.




Somebody keeps deleting posts off this thread..I'm scared.

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Yeah, they could be a lot better. A prime example is how well animals are treated when raised by independent ranchers. I know a few families that will get up every morning to go and feed their cows, mend fences, and even spent 20 grand on tracking devices for its herd. They're still usually treated relatively well after they're sold to slaughterhouses - a little crowded in the feed lot, and I know nothing about inside the actual slaughterhouses. But their typical bull lives 6 years, I think, on a nice big stretch of land, with plenty of food and water.




Tornadoes are a problem, though. I know this year they've lost something like 30 head to the damn storms.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I almost became vegetarian, but not because I have sympathy towards animal slaughter. I was going to be vegetarian because it's extremely beneficial for both myself and the planet. If everyone was vegetarian, we would be able to feed the ENTIRE planet, over and over again. Yet we still persist on eating our steaks and porkchops while millions starve to death every day *points are third world countries*. If you're wondering why being vegetarian is much more efficient, it's because only 10% of all biological mass/energy is transfered during each food chain step. That means, when you eat a salad, you get 10% of it's 'energy'. However, when you're eating a cow, you only get 10% of that cow's 10%, which is 1%. So, for every meat eater, you can feed 10 vegetarians. That's huge. And don't get me started about how 'weak' and 'brittle' vegetarians are: they just aren't doing it right. Anyone can live without meat and thrive even more than meat eaters, and I know a couple who do.




Of course, I still eat my steak as well, but I've learned to hate myself so it's not that bad. I blame my parents for not introducing vegetarianism to me as a child, hopefully I can do the favor for my kids because I strongly believe that it's the 'right' way of eating.




To all the tip.iters who say vegetarianism isn't natural, and that eating meat is the way to go: have you taken a look at your teeth, lately? Which do they resemble more, sharp pointy teeth of carnivorous predators such as sharks or lions, or do they look like deer teeth, ones that can grind and mulch up leaves? Yep, the human species is evolving into a herbivorous kind, you'll also notice the increase in smaller jaws in our generation.




Obviously the majority of vegetarians converted their lifestyles based on their emotions towards animal slaughter, but I respect those who change their eating habits once they 'get' the whole picture even more. This post was filled with hypocrisy, and I hate myself even more because of that... it was a struggle for me to make my point of view.

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Well, we generally eat much more veggies then meat at a meal.




And at any rate, how would the 3rd world countries get these veggies anyway, I mean just because theres enough for us isn't going to make people donate to the hungry starving people.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Cows are killed for leather so I see problem ins using the meat that's left over, other wise it would go to waste. Taste good to.


Chickens are tasty, no problem there.


Lamb, tasty and always good in a curry


Fish, healthy and tasty.




Vegetarians, missing out. I really couldn't care for how the animals are treated as long as they're killed humanly (quick and painlessly to most extent) and don't live their life being beaten. Most animals are bread in captivity as that's what's most useful and economical for humans.




Remember not everyone is in the financial position to eat organic vegetables and free range meats.




I can't really imagine myself being a vegetarian, there's to many great meat dishes out there I wouldn't be able to eat.

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And at any rate, how would the 3rd world countries get these veggies anyway, I mean just because theres enough for us isn't going to make people donate to the hungry starving people.


Developed countries wouldn't have to import products from 3rd world countries, pretty much every country would be able to live off their own land.

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And at any rate, how would the 3rd world countries get these veggies anyway, I mean just because theres enough for us isn't going to make people donate to the hungry starving people.


Developed countries wouldn't have to import products from 3rd world countries, pretty much every country would be able to live off their own land.


Except japan, japan has a crapload of people, and japan is relatively small considering the immense amount of people in the country.

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