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Tip It! Film top 100 2005.


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Tip.it movie top 100 2004!








Sadly I came to the conclusion that I could never finish this, I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have the Excel skills and I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have the time to calculate everything. So weÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re going to do it differently this time, everybody can just post a list and we can criticize each others lists, in a normal way of course.








You can choose between a lit of:








































Again, choose a size that you can fill up easy, not that you need to think for over three hours to make a list and include movies you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t really like, but you just added them to make a top 100 complete.








The movies must be feature length (60 + minutes), you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t include mini-series or T.V. films.








A trilogy does not count as one, so your list canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be like:








1. The Godfather trilogy




2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy




3. Blade Trilogy








Instead you must do this.








1. The Godfather Pt. I




2. The Godfather Pt. II




3. The Godfather Pt. III




4. etc








Remember, weÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re aiming for discussion this time; just donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t flame like ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅOmg you got no taste putting [insertrandommovie] in your top 10!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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dam this is gunna take a while :shock:

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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Ok, sorry I couldn't get it in earlier How2PK, but here it is, as promised. I feel kinda weird posting mine...your's is filled with art-house and foreign films, mine is almost all (maybe entirely) mainstream films...But oh well, here it goes.








1. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back




2. The Shawshank Redemption




3. The Godfather




4. Star Wars: A New Hope




5. Pulp Fiction




6. Scarface




7. One flew over the Cuckoos nest




8. The Usual Suspects




9. Sin City




10. Gladiator




11. A Beautiful Mind




12. The Matrix




13. Fight Club




14. Man on Fire




15. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi




16. Citizen Kane




17. Schindler's List




18. Walking Tall




19. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Arc




20. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith




21. Ben-Hur




22. Boondock Saints




23. Black Hawk Down




24. The Great Escape




25. Casablanca




26. The Truman Show




27. The Bourne Supremacy




28. Saving Private Ryan




29. The Chronicles of Rid[bleep]




30. 2001: A Space Odyssey




31. Godfather Part II




32. The Rock




33. Pitch Black




34. Mystic River




35. The Road to Perdition




36. Reservoir Dogs




37. Goodfellas




38. Platoon




39. The Green Mile




40. Ronin




41. Collateral




42. Clear and Present Danger




43. Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade




44. Minority Report




45. Full Metal Jacket




46. MIllion DOllar Baby




47. Spy Game




48. The Hunt for Red October




49. Bladerunner




50. Hostage




51. Heat




52. Ray




53. Ocean's 11




54. Catch Me If You Can




55. The Recruit




56. John Q




57. Dumb and Dumber




58. Training Day




59. Forrest Gump




60. Assault on Presinct 13




61. Bad Boys 2




62. Constantine




63. Troy




64. The Bourne Identity




65. LOTR: The Return of the King




66. Jurassic Park




67. Matrix Revolutions




68. Alien vs. Predator




69. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones




70. LOTR: The Two Towers




71. National Treasure




72. Predator




73. Matrix Reloaded




74. Cast Away




75. Dr. Strangelove




76. Anchorman




77. The Lost World




78. Shanghai Knights




79. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace




80. Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom




81. Independence Day




82. Shanghai Noon




83. TRON




84. Paycheck




85. Matchstick Men




86. Signs




87. Remember the Titans




88. Hidalgo




89. Blade




90. Pearl Harbour




91. The Last Samurai




92. Bruce Almighty




93. Patriot Games




94. S.W.A.T.




95. Snatch




96. The Mummy




97. A Clockwork Orange




98. LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring




99. The Last Castle




100. The Aviator








There's a few in the last 20 that are questionable, but I got tired of working on it. Now you get to read my movies. Are you glad I made you make this topic?

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1. Pulp Fiction




2. American History X




3. Reservoir Dogs




4. Goodfella's




5. The Shawshank Redemption




6. Back to the Future




7. Snatch




8. Full Metal Jacket




9. Kill Bill: Vol 1




10. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade




11. The Butterfly Effect




12. The Matrix




13. Cast Away




14. The Truman Show




15. Saving Private Ryan




16. Gladiator




17. Groundhog Day




18. Terminator 2




19. Terminator




20. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure




21. The Sixth Sense




22. The Silence of The Lambs




23. Braveheart




24. Freddy Got Fingered




25. Star Wars

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1. 28 Days Later




2. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back




3. Ring (origonal version)




4. Gladiator




5. Star Wars: A New Hope




6. Saving Private Ryan




7. misery (snap!)




8. Kelly's Heros




9. Aliens




10. Jackass the movie (does that count?)

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I don't think I can make a list of my top 10/100 movies without having to change it every time I see someone post another movie I'll like, so I'll just say this. You've got some great taste in movies How2pk


Gamertag: King Arizona

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1. Goodfella's




2. Training Day




3. Snatch




4. True Romance




5. Pulp Fiction




6. Godfather pt. I




7. Full Metal Jacket




8. Scarface




9. Apocalypse Now




10. The Boondock Saints








I'll add more as i work out how to order them.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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one film that gotta be in there is war of the worlds the new version i mean that film i just amzing

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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Ok, sorry I couldn't get it in earlier How2PK, but here it is, as promised. I feel kinda weird posting mine...your's is filled with art-house and foreign films, mine is almost all (maybe entirely) mainstream films...But oh well, here it goes.








Why do you feel weird about it? I hope you're not ashamed or something. :oops: I think it's a pretty good list (seen everything with exception of Walking Tall, TRON and Constantine, oh I missed AvP too). It looks a bit like my older lists (not that you stole it or something lol), and I think it's pretty darn awesome that a guy your age is watching movies such as, Casablanca, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, 2001, Clockwork Orange, Citizen Kane etc. That's not something you see a lot these days.








Now you get to read my movies. Are you glad I made you make this topic?








Yes! Very happy, I was really curious with what you'd come, and I must say it's real good!








It's remarkable people havn't mentioned The Lord of the Rings movies (with exception of Mr Putter). And I don't see Scarface a lot either (that's not a bad thing, I'm not really into it, sorry) which is a very common pick. I like phil's list, it has nice variaty in it, some comedy, some action, thriller etc. Rizla has all good titles but IMO it's a bit based on a certain genre too much, but I guess that's just your genre, aye. :wink: Rick, five arn't allowed! Post more! :D You got 500 VHS tapes with each three movies on it, give us some more! :) RebelAssasin, also good titles, I havn't seen "Kelly's Heros" though. Rocketman, thanks for the compliment. :oops:


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Rizla has all good titles but IMO it's a bit based on a certain genre too much, but I guess that's just your genre, aye. :wink:








Yup, if you wanna get into my DVD collection, you gotta shoot someone in your movie!

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Rick, five arn't allowed! Post more! :D You got 500 VHS tapes with each three movies on it, give us some more! :)








Be my guest to go through 1500 odd movies and only pick 100 of them at most to post :P




It's bad enough for me to find ONE movie to watch sometimes let alone order them in preference :x








But if you want some more in no particular order...








01. Schindler's List




02. The Great Escape




03. The Pianist




04. The Shawshank Redemption




05. Requiem for a Dream




06. Ghost




07. Se7en




08. 12 Monkies




09. American History X




10. Backdraft




11. Finding Forrester








- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles




- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutrles II




- Lethal Weapon




- Lethal Weapon II




- Lethal Weapon III




- Lethal Weapon IV




- Alien




- Alien II




- Alien III




- Predator




- Predator II




- Species




- Species II




- Species III




- Indiana Jones: Last Crusade




- Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom




- Indiana Jones: Raiders of The Ark




- Cruel Intentions




- Saving Private Ryan




- Braveheart




- Reckless Kelly




- Fatherhood




- The Godfather




- The Godfather II




- The Godfather III




- Anti-Trust




- Home Alone




- Home Alone II




- Footrot Flats: Dogs Tale




- An American Tale (Animated)




- Fivel Goes West (Animated)




- Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (Animated)




- Blade




- Lord of The Rings: Fellow Ship of the Ring




- Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers




- Lord of The Rings: Return of The King




- Water Drops on Burning Rocks




- [bleep]ing Amal (haha, I found for sale :D)




- Pitch Black




- Chronicles of Riddik




- Jaws




- Jaws II




- Jaws III




- Dr. No




- From Russia With Love




- Goldfinger




- Thunderball




- On Her Majesty's Secret Service




- Diamonds Are Forever




- Live And Let Die




- The Man With The Golden Gun




- The Spy Who Loved Me




- Moonraker




- For Your Eyes Only




- Octo[kitty]




- A View To A Kill




- The Living Daylights




- Licence To Kill




- GoldenEye




- Tomorrow Never Dies




- The World Is Not Enough




- Die Another Day




- Cliffhanger




- A few good men




- Mr Hollands Opus




- Mission: Impossible




- Mission: Impossible II




- Jumanji




- Mad Max




- Mad Max II




- Chicken Run




- Galdiator




- Titanic




- Romeo and Juliet




- Shakespear in Love




- Daylight




- Rocky








Umm... *shrug*




















That enough for you, Daan :P

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It's okay Rick, James Bond, tet p00n? :P And Yay for [bleep]ing Amal!


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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The Big Lebowski




Fight Club








The Good the Bad and the Ugly




Pulp Fiction








Reservoir Dogs




Pale Rider












Silence of the Lambs




And a ton more but those are really the only ones I watch lately.




A lot of the really old classics like A Clockwork Orange and Citizen Kane don't really interest me for some reason even though they are great movies and most of the newer movies being released seem to family oriented and don't really have meaning for me so I tend to stick to the 90's and 80's with a few earlier.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Silence of the Lambs








what about red dragon? i liked that one the best out of the three, mainly because edward norton is the ****.








i like a lot of movies, and i could never put them in an order. my preference chages almost hourly, so a 1-100 list isnt really possible. what is possible is listing all the movies i like, and adding onto it as i think of them.








(ill be numbering them so i dont have to count them everytime, and ill stop my list at 100, but numbering doesnt mean anything.)








1. resevoir dogs




2. pulp fiction




3. jackie brown




4. kill bill vol 1




5. kill bill vol 2




6. star wars ep 4




7. star wars ep 5




8. star wars ep 6




9. lolita




10. dr strangelove (or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb




11. 2001 a space odyssey




12. clockwork orange




13. barry lyndon




14. the shining




15. full metal jacket




16. eyes wide shut




17. donnie darko




18. monty python and the holy grail




19. life of brian




20. meaning of life




21. saving private ryan




22. red dragon




23. silence of the lambs




24. hannibal




25. requiem for a dream




26. pi




27. mission impossible




28. mission impossible 2




29. rain man




30. minority report




31. last samurai




32. far and away




33. fight club




34. what about bob




35. bourne identity




36. bourne supremecy




37. american history x




38. oceans eleven




39. kellys heroes




40. tommy boy




41. counte of monte cristo




42. gladiator








that finishes the list of movies that i own (that make it on my list, i have about 10 others but i think i wont have room)








43. adaptation




44. animal house




45. basketball




46. orgazmo




47. south park: bigger longer & uncut




48. team america world police




49. clerks




50. mallrats




51. chasing amy




52. dogma




53. jay and silent bob strike back




54. jersey girl




55. finding neverland




56. i heart huckabees




57. three kings




58. office space




59. orange county




60. papillion




61. run lola run




62. bottle rocket




63. rushmore




64. royal tenenbaums




65. life aquatic




66. slc punk




67. snatch




68. super troopers




69. the graduate




70. THX1138




71. trainspotting




72. true romance




73. van wilder




74. vanilla sky








those are movies i have i my computer (i know, bad me, i plan on buying them all if that makes a difference, and some of them i never would have thought about buying) and thats why its in lose alpha order, i tried to keep them grouped by director (although i could have missed some)








75. american beauty




76. truman show




77. seven




78. lotr: fotr




79. lotr: ttt




80. lotr: rotk




81. memento




82. the deer hunter




83. roman holiday




84. magnolia




85. harvey




86. october sky




87. collateral




88. star wars ep 1




89. star wars ep 2




90. a beautiful mind




91. oceans twelve




92. (i know you said dont do this, but i feel like it) most of the alfred hitchcock movies. i liked everyone i saw, but listing them would take up to much room, so ill just use this one space








those are all movies that i have seen before, but do not have ready access to.








93. star wars ep 3




94. war of the worlds




95. sin city




96. be cool




97. wedding crashers




98. fantastic four




99. charlie and the chocolate factory








those are not out on dvd yet, but i plan on getting them when they do come out.








100. cant think of one, this really sucks i could fill in 99 other movies but cant think of another one (off the top of my head, there are tons of movie i know i am missing).












heh, the edit came fairly quickly :wink:








100. good will hunting




101. (screw the limit :twisted: ) scarface








those go in secodn to last section
















102. punch drunk love




second to last section








103. gone in 60 seconds




104. fast and the furious




first section, passed over because the first one i saw was 2 fast 2 furious and that put me right off of my three car movies. but iactually do in fact like these two



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Hmm doubt i can even come up with 20, so ill try...








1.The last samurai




2. Lord of the rings: Return of the king




3. Star wars: Revenge of the sith




4. The matrix




5. Alien vs. Preditor




6. Terminator 3: Rise of the machines




7. Monty python :and the holy grail




8. Gone in 60 seconds




9. National treasure.




10. Final Fantasy Advent children (and its not even out till september :P )


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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My main taste in movies centers on violence, deep story, and thought provocationnessingness. (and Kevin Spacey) So...








1. The United States of Leland




2. The Usual Suspects




3. K-PAX




4. Sin City




5. LA Confidential




6. Kill Bill 1




7. Godfather 1




8. Godfather 2




9. Kill Bill 2




10. Pulp Fiction




11. Reservoir Dogs




12. Fight Club




13. Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (*THE* funniest movie ever)




14. You've Got Mail (before you laugh, watch this movie with a girl. It's a life-changing experience.)




15. Scarface




16. Crash (the 2005 movie, not the sick [specialInterest] film from the 90s...)




17. The Life of David Gale




18. Ocean's Eleven




19. Thirteen Monkeys




20. Bridge of Dragons (same as 13, great to make fun of!)
















And there you have it...

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@ Indyfan: Life Aquatic. Do you mean: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou? In that case, can you tell me how it is, I want to see it if it's good, but I can't rent it here, so I'll have to buy it. :P








@ Lioneart: Why is the Last Samurai your #1?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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@ Indyfan: Life Aquatic. Do you mean: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou? In that case, can you tell me how it is, I want to see it if it's good, but I can't rent it here, so I'll have to buy it. :P








yep, and yep, definently worth the buy. its a wes anderson movie, so if you want to compare it with his other three movies, its just as good. i am a bill murray fan though, so that may skew my opinion.



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@ Lioneart: Why is the Last Samurai your #1?




Casue its the only movie i acutly cried at (yes im admiting) and it moved me more then anything else. Also i very much like japenese culture.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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@ Lioneart: Why is the Last Samurai your #1?




Casue its the only movie i acutly cried at (yes im admiting) and it moved me more then anything else. Also i very much like japenese culture.

Hahaha you cried in last samurai? Liked Japanese culture? A white western man capured by samurai grows up in their life to become one with them. That's about as far off as you can get, they would have killed him on the spot.
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