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hello i am dume dude 56,


atm i am slaying *alot* i have a choice between d sq + torags or rune defender + torags i need the best defence i can get im thinking torags but i like having peoples opinion. what do you think?



Proud Owner Of The Quest Cape

Proud Owner Of The Attack Cape

Proud Owner Of The Defence Cape


Dragon Drops: 1 Shield Left Half, 2 Dragon Claws, 10 Dragon Platelegs, 4 Dragon Medium Helmets


GWD Drops: Gs shard 1: 3 times GS Shard 2: Nil GS shard 3: 2 times 1 Bandos Tassets, 1 Bandos Hilt 1 Bandos Boots, Armadyl Hilt, 3 Saradomin swords


Misc: Ranger boots, Dragonic Visage, Guthix bow,

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thanks btw i like to hide in boxes too :twss:



Proud Owner Of The Quest Cape

Proud Owner Of The Attack Cape

Proud Owner Of The Defence Cape


Dragon Drops: 1 Shield Left Half, 2 Dragon Claws, 10 Dragon Platelegs, 4 Dragon Medium Helmets


GWD Drops: Gs shard 1: 3 times GS Shard 2: Nil GS shard 3: 2 times 1 Bandos Tassets, 1 Bandos Hilt 1 Bandos Boots, Armadyl Hilt, 3 Saradomin swords


Misc: Ranger boots, Dragonic Visage, Guthix bow,

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Rune defender, Torags, and a Whip. Nothing compares.




Well all Barrows melee armour is pretty similar. Torags is best for out and out defense, Veracs for prayer, Guthans for healing and Dharoks for strength. I forget the exact best defensive combo but it's a Torags/Dharoks hybrid I'm sure.




However you'd be wiser to use Guthans. Reason being you can flip in the spear/helm and get a healing boost when needed. This saves you 2 inventory spaces and saves you lugging around 2 sets of heavy armour. The stats are not that dfferent.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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hello i am dume dude 56,


atm i am slaying *alot* i have a choice between d sq + torags or rune defender + torags i need the best defence i can get im thinking torags but i like having peoples opinion. what do you think?


The best defence you can get is with a dragon square .... So im not sure why everyone is saying rune defender... Torags and the square shield is better defence then a defender and torags...

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hello i am dume dude 56,


atm i am slaying *alot* i have a choice between d sq + torags or rune defender + torags i need the best defence i can get im thinking torags but i like having peoples opinion. what do you think?


The best defence you can get is with a dragon square .... So im not sure why everyone is saying rune defender... Torags and the square shield is better defence then a defender and torags...




Ahh but the best defence can sometimes be offense. This is extreme but say you could 1 kit KO a monster 100% of the time with a rune defender but with a Dragon Sq it would take you two hits, meaning the monster "got one in". It would be better to use the defender as you have no hits!




Same kinda theory in reality. You are hitting more and are therefore killing faster and taking less hits.




Either way defence has never been that important in day to day slaying due to the sheer amount of ways to heal. I mean there was food and then Guthan's came along and made it so you could heal on task without food. Now you have Bunyips and Unicorns and SGS's and suddenly it doesn't matter if you get hit, cos you can deal with it easily and cheaply and still continue attacking at full strength.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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Rune defender definitely, offense is much more useful than defence. ( IN most cases)


Besides you've got torags, good bonus there too.


Actually, quite the oppisite. Defense usually wins out against strength and attack outfits. If two people with the same stats, one used max defense out fit, one used max strength, defense would win.



94 magic

94 ranged

55 slayer

Addy gloves-done

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Rune defender definitely, offense is much more useful than defence. ( IN most cases)


Besides you've got torags, good bonus there too.


Actually, quite the oppisite. Defense usually wins out against strength and attack outfits. If two people with the same stats, one used max defense out fit, one used max strength, defense would win.




Not necessary.




Rune defender + torag beast option.




Torag = def bonus


Defender = str + att bonus




No need for a d sq here...

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Rune defender definitely, offense is much more useful than defence. ( IN most cases)


Besides you've got torags, good bonus there too.


Actually, quite the oppisite. Defense usually wins out against strength and attack outfits. If two people with the same stats, one used max defense out fit, one used max strength, defense would win.




You've confused what he's said.




He was saying that in most cases attack/strength bonuses are better than defence bonuses which is true. Plenty of people get by with just rune armour when they could use dragon or barrows.




Obviously if you deal with someone with the same stats then it becomes a different story, but most of the time you are killing things with lower levels.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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hello i am dume dude 56,


atm i am slaying *alot* i have a choice between d sq + torags or rune defender + torags i need the best defence i can get im thinking torags but i like having peoples opinion. what do you think?


The best defence you can get is with a dragon square .... So im not sure why everyone is saying rune defender... Torags and the square shield is better defence then a defender and torags...






I agree. By far the D Sq gives much more defence, rune defender gives a small str bonus, but defence to me is much more important. You use alot less food with D Sq with whatever you are killing.



Drops/Clue Finds:

Shield left half: 1,Dragon plateskirt: 1, Warrior's Helm: 1, Obsidian Cape: 1, Robin Hood Hat: 1, Dragon Platelegs: 1, Dragon Boots: 4, Amulet of Ranging: 1

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Generally speaking, the rune defender beats d sq because it gives an attack and str bonus, making you hit more often and harder. The d sq would only be useful if you're fighting stronger monsters that deal large amounts of damage, otherwise, the defender wins. 8-)



PROUD Owner of Quest cape since 12/25/08 99 Attack Achieved 6/5/09

Drops: Dragon Boots x5, Dragon Chainbody x1 (Dusties) Abyssal Whip x3, Abyssal Head x1

Best single TT Reward: Saradomin Platebody + Zammy Page 3

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hello i am dume dude 56,


atm i am slaying *alot* i have a choice between d sq + torags or rune defender + torags i need the best defence i can get im thinking torags but i like having peoples opinion. what do you think?


The best defence you can get is with a dragon square .... So im not sure why everyone is saying rune defender... Torags and the square shield is better defence then a defender and torags...






I agree. By far the D Sq gives much more defence, rune defender gives a small str bonus, but defence to me is much more important. You use alot less food with D Sq with whatever you are killing.




With your stats you shouldn't be having much need for defence. Bunyip ftw.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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