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The Inauguration of Barrack Obama: So Annoying



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For all you TIF'ers out there who don't like the fact that Mr.Obama is black, and in your opinion won the election because of that fact.




[hide=The Solution]First chill Mr.Obama to near 3 Degrees celsius, this will slow his heart rate sufficiently so that he does not die from prolonged idleness. Soak him in a vat of hydrogen peroxide for a few days, please remove clothes before doing so. Scrub away any excess skin[/hide]

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It'll be quite funny when he isn't as good as everyone thought he was going to be.


Ive wondered what if he fails majorly. What do all the crazy Obama supporters do if he does really bad?


(I wanted Obama to win)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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It'll be quite funny when he isn't as good as everyone thought he was going to be.




Even if he's a great president, I don't think he'll be able to live up to the image in a lot of people's heads. You've probably heard the joke thrown around that he's the messiah, but it almost seems like a lot of people actually expect him to be just that.

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They do that about everyone anyways, the president isn't any different. Look how the british tabloids constantly have a good at the royal family when one of them "slips-up" (acts human rather but whatever), a never-ending barrage of BS and thin 'fact-based' stories.

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Yeah, but Mr.Obama is charged doubly as he is a President and is regarded as a international "celebrity" of some kind.




Don't know why though.




Mostly because hes young and a good speaker, I dont know why it accelerated out of proportion so quickly though.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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It'll be quite funny when he isn't as good as everyone thought he was going to be.


Ive wondered what if he fails majorly. What do all the crazy Obama supporters do if he does really bad?


(I wanted Obama to win)




It's an interesting situation, because he has high hopes pinned on him, but on the other hand he's succeeding perhaps the worst administration in American history - so he will have a lot of trouble doing any worse than Bush and whatever he does will be an improvement on the past.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Yeah, but Mr.Obama is charged doubly as he is a President and is regarded as a international "celebrity" of some kind.




Don't know why though.




Mostly because hes young and a good speaker, I dont know why it accelerated out of proportion so quickly though.




It's probably a combination of the ending of the term of a very unpopular president (Bush), a switch of political parties, the perceived intelligence of Obama displayed by his speaking skills, and also the fact that he's the first black president.




The media, I'm sure, also played a very large role in getting people excited about Obama. For example, I hate to admit it, but had it not been for all the media hype, I probably wouldn't have watched the inauguration. But with all the TV coverage Obama was getting, I felt like I'd be missing a spectacular event if I didn't tune in.

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It's an interesting situation, because he has high hopes pinned on him, but on the other hand he's succeeding perhaps the worst administration in American history - so he will have a lot of trouble doing any worse than Bush and whatever he does will be an improvement on the past.




You really arent familiar with enough presidents, id say nixon




edit--as a better example, Jackson




economically--Jackson approximately Bush


socially--permiting genocide is worse then ill advised conflict




so when ceding the economic crisis to Bush, which is debatable we get that Jackson was still worse then Bush.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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It's an interesting situation, because he has high hopes pinned on him, but on the other hand he's succeeding perhaps the worst administration in American history - so he will have a lot of trouble doing any worse than Bush and whatever he does will be an improvement on the past.




You really arent familiar with enough presidents, id say nixon




I agree, I still think people are too hard on Bush. For sure, him (and his administration) made some incredibly stupid decisions, but he had a pretty bad 8 years to work with.




Now that obama is actually president, it will be interesting to see what happens when he screws up, which he will.


I'm particularly interested to see what happens with Guantanimo bay, I think we can be pretty sure at least one of the inmates there is actually a terrorist, and if an inmate released from there launches an attack on the states, it will be pretty embarrassing for obama to say the least.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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I completely agree. He is being treated like a celebrity. For me, I don't care if he was Chinese, black, Indian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Russian, or what ever the hell else. He has done NOTHING yet, at all. He is not historical to me, he is just another president. When he does something note worthy than maybe I will appreciate him, until than I wont. Honestly, his so called empowering speeches making him a good person?




I recall in the 1940's people said Hitler was such a great man and his speeches where great, I think the American/Canadian president called him a great man. Than look what happened. His policies that he plans to use are nothing unique nor better than what any other democratic was going to offer.

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I completely agree. He is being treated like a celebrity. For me, I don't care if he was Chinese, black, Indian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Russian, or what ever the hell else. He has done NOTHING yet, at all. He is not historical to me, he is just another president. When he does something note worthy than maybe I will appreciate him, until than I wont. Honestly, his so called empowering speeches making him a good person?




I recall in the 1940's people said Hitler was such a great man and his speeches where great, I think the American/Canadian president called him a great man. Than look what happened. His policies that he plans to use are nothing unique nor better than what any other democratic was going to offer.


how is becoming the african-american president of the united states not historical to you?


and why are people still surprised that hes treated like a celebrity? He's very well-liked, and oh yeah - HE'S THE PRESIDENT.




i was wondering if someone would drop a Hitler/Anti-Christ reference in this topic; i guess all we needed was you here, BTTB333.


Well, [cabbage]... maybe I shouldn't have taken any public speaking classes because I guess all that it takes to be compared to Hitler is to have strong, confident speech.


You want to read up a bit on both Hitler and Obama before coming here and looking like a [developmentally delayed].

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I completely agree. He is being treated like a celebrity. For me, I don't care if he was Chinese, black, Indian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Russian, or what ever the hell else. He has done NOTHING yet, at all. He is not historical to me, he is just another president. When he does something note worthy than maybe I will appreciate him, until than I wont. Honestly, his so called empowering speeches making him a good person?




Exactly. Though, if Chris Mathews interviews Obama, he's gonna be needed a slobber guard. Anyway, I didn't care too much for Obama since like you said, he hasn't acheived a whole lot that is worth becoming president.




I recall in the 1940's people said Hitler was such a great man and his speeches where great, I think the American/Canadian president called him a great man. Than look what happened. His policies that he plans to use are nothing unique nor better than what any other democratic was going to offer.




Actually, I think Hitler was running for counsel during the mid-late 30s and this was before he went crazy. He seemed like the guy that was going to save Germany from further problems. Hell, you had the Hitler youth. Then of course he went crazy and well, you can pretty much assume what happened next. In a way, thats one thing I'm a bit worried about when it comes to Obama. Sure, he probably is not going to be Hitler, but its curious how the way the media has been acting around Obama. You had the Obama Youth, the Barrack Obama Elementary School, ObamaGirl, Obama-This, etc. I'm thinking that all this hype could led Obama into doing even more stupid things than closing Guantanamo Bay and running down a reporter for asking him a tough question. Speaking of which, during the whole campaign, I noticed that Obama always avoided the hard questions that a couple people would ask him. Part of being a president is answering hard questions since it shows your character. If a bit of his character is avoiding questions, that says something about his leadership.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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I completely agree. He is being treated like a celebrity. For me, I don't care if he was Chinese, black, Indian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Russian, or what ever the hell else. He has done NOTHING yet, at all. He is not historical to me, he is just another president. When he does something note worthy than maybe I will appreciate him, until than I wont. Honestly, his so called empowering speeches making him a good person?




I recall in the 1940's people said Hitler was such a great man and his speeches where great, I think the American/Canadian president called him a great man. Than look what happened. His policies that he plans to use are nothing unique nor better than what any other democratic was going to offer.


how is becoming the african-american president of the united states not historical to you?


Half black. -.-




Sorry but that kinda annoys me for whatever reason >.<

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More black than John McCain.




I should run for President. If people make that much of a fuss over a somewhat black president, imagine me - a slightly Comanche man. I also have Cherokee somewhere, and others ... Comanches weren't all that picky, apparently.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I completely agree. He is being treated like a celebrity. For me, I don't care if he was Chinese, black, Indian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Russian, or what ever the hell else. He has done NOTHING yet, at all. He is not historical to me, he is just another president. When he does something note worthy than maybe I will appreciate him, until than I wont. Honestly, his so called empowering speeches making him a good person?




I recall in the 1940's people said Hitler was such a great man and his speeches where great, I think the American/Canadian president called him a great man. Than look what happened. His policies that he plans to use are nothing unique nor better than what any other democratic was going to offer.


how is becoming the african-american president of the united states not historical to you?


Half black. -.-




Sorry but that kinda annoys me for whatever reason >.<




He identifies as a black man, he would be viewed as a black man in any other circumstance, he is the first African American to assume the Presidency. Why does it annoy you?










Okay, before you read this article, keep in mind two things:




1) This study has not been subject to peer review and the methodology & results have not been replicated by other researchers yet.




2) Just be very mindful of your comments in here; I've seen threads on correlations of this nature turn nasty, for whatever reason.




Regardless, this finding is interesting and I want to read the actual study.




Educators and policy makers, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, have said in recent days that they hope President Obamas example as a model student could inspire millions of American students, especially blacks, to higher academic performance.




Now researchers have documented what they call an Obama effect, showing that a performance gap between African-Americans and whites on a 20-question test administered before Mr. Obamas nomination all but disappeared when the exam was administered after his acceptance speech and again after the presidential election.




The inspiring role model that Mr. Obama projected helped blacks overcome anxieties about racial stereotypes that had been shown, in earlier research, to lower the test-taking proficiency of African-Americans, the researchers conclude in a report summarizing their results.




Obama is obviously inspirational, but we wondered whether he would contribute to an improvement in something as important as black test-taking, said Ray Friedman, a management professor at Vanderbilt University, one of the studys three authors. We were skeptical that we would find any effect, but our results surprised us.




The study has not yet undergone peer review, and two academics who read it on Thursday said they would be interested to see if other researchers would be able to replicate its results.




Dr. Friedman and his fellow researchers, David M. Marx, a professor of social psychology at San Diego State University, and Sei Jin Ko, a visiting professor in management and organizations at Northwestern, have submitted their study for review to The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Dr. Friedman said.




Its a very small sample, but certainly a provocative study, said Ronald F. Ferguson, a Harvard professor who studies the factors that have affected the achievement gap between white and nonwhite students, which shows up on nearly every standardized test. There is a certainly a theoretical foundation and some empirical support for the proposition that Obamas election could increase the sense of competence among African-Americans, and it could reduce the anxiety associated with taking difficult test questions.




Researchers in the last decade assembled university students with identical SAT scores and administered tests to them, discovering that blacks performed significantly poorer when asked at the start to fill out a form identifying themselves by race. The researchers attributed those results to anxiety that caused them to tighten up during exams in which they risked confirming a racial stereotype.




In the study made public on Thursday, Dr. Friedman and his colleagues compiled a brief test, drawing 20 questions from the verbal sections of the Graduate Record Exam, and administering it four times to about 120 white and black test-takers during last years presidential campaign.




In total, 472 Americans 84 blacks and 388 whites took the exam. Both white and black test-takers ranged in age from 18 to 63, and their educational attainment ranged from high school dropout to Ph.D.




On the initial test last summer, whites on average correctly answered about 12 of 20 questions, compared with about 8.5 correct answers for blacks, Dr. Friedman said. But on the tests administered immediately after Mr. Obamas nomination acceptance speech, and just after his election victory, black performance improved, rendering the white-black gap statistically nonsignificant, he said.




Its a nice piece of work, said G. Gage Kingsbury, a testing expert who is a director at the Northwest Evaluation Association, who read the study on Thursday.




But Dr. Kingsbury wondered whether the Obama effect would extend beyond the election, or prove transitory. Id want to see another study replicating their results before I get too excited about it, he said.




http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/educa ... r=4&ref=us




I think this hypothesis is extremely sound, and the results need to be examined in other studies as well just to make sure methodology is controlled as possible.

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