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The Inauguration of Barrack Obama: So Annoying



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I said this once, I will say it again. He hasn't done anything historic at all. I could care less if he is Chinese, Indian, Jewish, Russian etc. etc. When he does something noteworthy I will appreciate him. He may be a good speaker, but half of the people who voted for him don't even know 5 of his policies. Hitler was a good speaker, and look what he did for the world. It is so [bleep] stupid, you say Obama sucks and half a dozen people call you racist; bet it wouldn't be racist if he was white.




False. He got elected. He has done something historic.




Well, I can see his point in that Obama didn't choose to be black. When he actually implements some great policies, then I think that's when people should start praising him as a good president. Closing Gitmo is a good start, so long as the detainees have somewhere else to be incarcerated/get a fair trial. For another topic, perhaps.




I do think bringing up Hitler is rather unnecessary here, though. What I want to know is where and why the hell people are being called racist for saying Obama sucks. It's all too often these day's I'm hearing people being called racists for the most insignificant of reasons.

Ever been alive through a february while you were in 2nd/3rd grade? Black people try to say all whites are racist just because some people hundreds of years ago owned black slaves. This isn't just blacks that do this but we are not really discussing anyone else.
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He mentions the word "respect" at least 12(?) times, and you guys don't know what the means to Muslims, but it means A LOT! It's important to their culture.


Um, it's important to everyone. I also hope he knows a good deal about Islam; Obama has some of the greatest etiquette (would that be the correct term?) advisers in the world, as well as a fantastic memory.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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He mentions the word "respect" at least 12(?) times, and you guys don't know what the means to Muslims, but it means A LOT! It's important to their culture.


Um, it's important to everyone. I also hope he knows a good deal about Islam; Obama has some of the greatest etiquette (would that be the correct term?) advisers in the world, as well as a fantastic memory.




Yeah, but think of it this way. In Asian culture, it's like an ostracizing moment if you bring "dishonor" to your family, whereas it's not as big of a deal in the West.

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Strangely, most people don't even consider 1st or 2nd generation African immigrants black. I have a lot of friends from East Africa and a couple from Kenya andthey've been called Somalian or African but never does anyone consider them black. So, I really don't understand why there's a huge group of people supporting him, when, by their own standards, African-Americans don't really have a "black" president. Not that he's not a good president or anything, just thought it was weird.


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Strangely, most people don't even consider 1st or 2nd generation African immigrants black. I have a lot of friends from East Africa and a couple from Kenya andthey've been called Somalian or African but never does anyone consider them black. So, I really don't understand why there's a huge group of people supporting him, when, by their own standards, African-Americans don't really have a "black" president. Not that he's not a good president or anything, just thought it was weird.


I don't know what people you talked to, but those blacks are more genetically black than native borns. :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Just in case anyone's interested, I found a whole bunch of excellent photos of the event:




http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/20 ... day-in-dc/




Is it wrong that I think Cheney looks like Mr Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life" in all the pictures of this event? It's quite fitting though.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Seriously, some of these Obama supporters are just as crazy as the Bush supporters they were so quick to criticize during the campaign. They accept things just as blindly, the only difference is they're slightly to the left (when you look at the entire spectrum).




Don't get me wrong here, I'd take Obama over McCain, but only after taking into account his policies. You have a decent percentage of the Obama supporters who have no idea about anything he is saying, voting for him simply because they dislike Bush so much. Sorry to burst your bubble, but its true. There really is a danger here. Do you have any idea how easy it would be for the Obama administration to abuse their powers? Plus, if Obama fails to come through on all these little promises he has made, what happens then? Do you revert back to another 8 years of fundamentalist Christian far right insanity?




All I'm saying here is that Obama isn't all that he is hyped up to be. Granted, he is closing GB, which is a great thing to do, but the status he has been given is absolutely ridiculous. He is treated as some sort of God. Obama was better than McCain. Out of the two of them, it is better that he is president. Look, if you live in America, be careful. Seriously. When a president is given this much blind support there are lots of things that can go wrong.


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Just in case anyone's interested, I found a whole bunch of excellent photos of the event:




http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/20 ... day-in-dc/




Is it wrong that I think Cheney looks like Mr Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life" in all the pictures of this event? It's quite fitting though.




I don't believe for a second that Cheney was injured. When I saw him come out in his wheelchair, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, [bleep]y doesn't think anyone will criticize a man in a wheelchair, what a slime ball."




No millionaire on Earth, let alone a millionaire as old as he is with as many cancerous medical problems as he has would ever "pick up boxes" while moving. They pay people. He wanted sympathy, and didn't want to be booed at the inaugural ceremonies. The lows that this man will go to have no ends.




Seriously, some of these Obama supporters are just as crazy as the Bush supporters they were so quick to criticize during the campaign. They accept things just as blindly, the only difference is they're slightly to the left (when you look at the entire spectrum).




Yeah...and? What's your point? The public has been like this for years, this is what the "moderates" will look like. They won't support all of his policies, but they'll support some.




You have a decent percentage of the Obama supporters who have no idea about anything he is saying, voting for him simply because they dislike Bush so much.




What's wrong with voting for an antithesis when we're ruled by a two-party system, which is inherently binded in our Constitution as the majority rules.




There really is a danger here. Do you have any idea how easy it would be for the Obama administration to abuse their powers?




Just about as easy as Bush abused his. Bush was never a popular president. Only until immediately after 9/11 was he popular, yet he still was able to abuse his authority while breaking law upon law upon law during times of unpopularity. It's easy for any President to abuse their power. Frankly, the executive branch is given far too much power in my opinion just because they can execute Executive Orders. His popularity won't make this that much easier than it already is. You're fringing on conspiracy theorist.




Plus, if Obama fails to come through on all these little promises he has made, what happens then? Do you revert back to another 8 years of fundamentalist Christian far right insanity?




You act like no candidate has ever made promises that they cannot keep. If anything, you're treating him like he's a God more than anyone else by putting him above other politicians. Other politicians have made promises that they couldn't execute, does that necessarily mean we'll revert back to 8 years of Republican insanity? Maybe, maybe not. Obama being there certainly doesn't make it so.




All I'm saying here is that Obama isn't all that he is hyped up to be.




While I agree, I only agree on the basis that he's not as lefty as I am. When it comes to intellect and political prowess, he is a demi-God, and anyone that underestimates this will be burned. He is making Bill Clinton look like a toddler, and Clinton was a master politician.




1. Call on people to listen to their better angels and put aside petty fights.


2. Extend an olive branch and make a "concession" that's not really as big as it seems.


3. Allow himself to be slapped by the other side who thinks they've got a pushover on their hands.


4. Wait for the other side to overextend themselves.


5. Chide the other side for being childish and then proceed to do what he always meant to do anyway.




He did it to Hillary (most notably when dealing with the issue of delegate counts in Michigan and Florida), he did it to McCain (the debate rules), and now he's doing it to the Republicans in Congress.

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Just in case anyone's interested, I found a whole bunch of excellent photos of the event:




http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/20 ... day-in-dc/




Is it wrong that I think Cheney looks like Mr Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life" in all the pictures of this event? It's quite fitting though.





I don't believe for a second that Cheney was injured. When I saw him come out in his wheelchair, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, [bleep]y doesn't think anyone will criticize a man in a wheelchair, what a slime ball."




No millionaire on Earth, let alone a millionaire as old as he is with as many cancerous medical problems as he has would ever "pick up boxes" while moving. They pay people. He wanted sympathy, and didn't want to be booed at the inaugural ceremonies. The lows that this man will go to have no ends.





I wouldn't go as far as that.




During the inauguration, one of the BBC journalists jokingly suggested that he put his back out while trying carry boxes of paperwork for shredding. Not even the media has sympathy for Cheney.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Just in case anyone's interested, I found a whole bunch of excellent photos of the event:




http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/20 ... day-in-dc/




Is it wrong that I think Cheney looks like Mr Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life" in all the pictures of this event? It's quite fitting though.





I don't believe for a second that Cheney was injured. When I saw him come out in his wheelchair, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, [bleep]y doesn't think anyone will criticize a man in a wheelchair, what a slime ball."




No millionaire on Earth, let alone a millionaire as old as he is with as many cancerous medical problems as he has would ever "pick up boxes" while moving. They pay people. He wanted sympathy, and didn't want to be booed at the inaugural ceremonies. The lows that this man will go to have no ends.





I wouldn't go as far as that.




During the inauguration, one of the BBC journalists jokingly suggested that he put his back out while trying carry boxes of paperwork for shredding. Not even the media has sympathy for Cheney.


who wouldve thought that the british have a dry sense of humor...




i found it ironic that a man who helped cripple our nation's reputation was stuck in a wheelchair during the inauguration

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Just in case anyone's interested, I found a whole bunch of excellent photos of the event:




http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/20 ... day-in-dc/




Is it wrong that I think Cheney looks like Mr Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life" in all the pictures of this event? It's quite fitting though.




I don't believe for a second that Cheney was injured. When I saw him come out in his wheelchair, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, [bleep]y doesn't think anyone will criticize a man in a wheelchair, what a slime ball."




No millionaire on Earth, let alone a millionaire as old as he is with as many cancerous medical problems as he has would ever "pick up boxes" while moving. They pay people. He wanted sympathy, and didn't want to be booed at the inaugural ceremonies. The lows that this man will go to have no ends.




Seriously, some of these Obama supporters are just as crazy as the Bush supporters they were so quick to criticize during the campaign. They accept things just as blindly, the only difference is they're slightly to the left (when you look at the entire spectrum).




Yeah...and? What's your point? The public has been like this for years, this is what the "moderates" will look like. They won't support all of his policies, but they'll support some.




Just because something has always been like this doesn't mean that you should be content with it. Plus, it is different with Obama.




You have a decent percentage of the Obama supporters who have no idea about anything he is saying, voting for him simply because they dislike Bush so much.




What's wrong with voting for an antithesis when we're ruled by a two-party system, which is inherently binded in our Constitution as the majority rules.




Because if people understood the issues then maybe we wouldn't be stuck in a two party system? Maybe if people woke up one day and were like "holy crap, the nature of the system itself threw me overboard before I was even born" they would start to make ACTUAL change.




There really is a danger here. Do you have any idea how easy it would be for the Obama administration to abuse their powers?




Just about as easy as Bush abused his. Bush was never a popular president. Only until immediately after 9/11 was he popular, yet he still was able to abuse his authority while breaking law upon law upon law during times of unpopularity. It's easy for any President to abuse their power. Frankly, the executive branch is given far too much power in my opinion just because they can execute Executive Orders. His popularity won't make this that much easier than it already is. You're fringing on conspiracy theorist.




I said the same thing with Bush. You don't understand what I'm saying. The problem I have here is that the Obama supporters are so quick to dismiss all the "crazy bush supporters" when a lot of them fall into the same category. Blind support makes for "great leader" mentality.






Plus, if Obama fails to come through on all these little promises he has made, what happens then? Do you revert back to another 8 years of fundamentalist Christian far right insanity?




You act like no candidate has ever made promises that they cannot keep. If anything, you're treating him like he's a God more than anyone else by putting him above other politicians. Other politicians have made promises that they couldn't execute, does that necessarily mean we'll revert back to 8 years of Republican insanity? Maybe, maybe not. Obama being there certainly doesn't make it so.




No. The nature of your political system makes it so that if a president doesn't come through on his promises, the other party will most likely win unless there is some sort of huge disenfranchised portion of the population (which there could be come next election). I don't expect him to come through on his promises, and to be honest I don't care. The problem is all these people who act like he will. If he doesn't, what happens?




All I'm saying here is that Obama isn't all that he is hyped up to be.




While I agree, I only agree on the basis that he's not as lefty as I am. When it comes to intellect and political prowess, he is a demi-God, and anyone that underestimates this will be burned. He is making Bill Clinton look like a toddler, and Clinton was a master politician.




The problem with your sort of left wing ideals is that they invariably lead to collectivism. Don't abandon individualism so soon. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty far left on almost everything, just not in the same way.




1. Call on people to listen to their better angels and put aside petty fights.


2. Extend an olive branch and make a "concession" that's not really as big as it seems.


3. Allow himself to be slapped by the other side who thinks they've got a pushover on their hands.


4. Wait for the other side to overextend themselves.


5. Chide the other side for being childish and then proceed to do what he always meant to do anyway.




He did it to Hillary (most notably when dealing with the issue of delegate counts in Michigan and Florida), he did it to McCain (the debate rules), and now he's doing it to the Republicans in Congress.


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Does anyone else out there think the Libertarian party will replace the republican party in the next say 20 years? I dont think the republican party has any life in them, and they seem unable to get what they want in the stimulus


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Does anyone else out there think the Libertarian party will replace the republican party in the next say 20 years? I dont think the republican party has any life in them, and they seem unable to get what they want in the stimulus




I bet they'll be alive by the time Obama's stimulus plan fails. You know they are looking for an excuse to make Obama look bad.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Got in a conversation with a bunch of kids at school on Obama. I tell them that Obama is making huge mistakes right now... and he is just spending, spending, and spending... their response?




Well he is better than Bush and/or McCain?




my response?




umm excuse me... but Bush is gone and McCain lost and the next four years will be Obama. push the past aside and seriously come up with some better excuse?




their response: But if McCain won he wouldve done worse.




my response: But he isnt president...




we discussed the policies...




1) War on Iraq ~ money wasted in Iraq




their response: we are wasting billions of dollars on the war and we troops are dying. nothing is getting accomplished there.




my response: true we are using money on war and it is alot because that is what war is. Yes troops will die afterall it is a war. Without our troops being there AlQuada can do whatever the hell they want... we would just make their lives easier... i think that if McCain were to be picked the President he wouldve constructed the war better than Bush did though because that is his expertise.




2) Foreign Policies ~ Dealing with middle east




their response: Obama is trying to be friendly to the terrorists and wanting to negotiate treaties. leave them alone and they wont come after us




my response: they will hate us no matter what. Just because Obama who is black and sort of Muslim becomes president doesnt mean anything will change. they are terrorists and they are brainwashed to kill people. lives arent important in their society as in ours. a suicide bomb means u will live in paradise :roll:




3) Economy and fixing it ~ fixing the economy!




their response: Yeah but Bush was worse!




my response: Obama will overspend us until nobody will have anymore money. his ideas on jobs is illogical because he basically wants to put unemployed non labor people to do jobs like construction...




4) Taxes ~ tax cuts on people making less than 60k a year salary and issuing money to them by taxing the richer people.




their response: So its bad to help the poor?




my response: No but it is communistic. communism doesnt work. if it did it would be a utopia but it doesnt work with people. everyone is different.




then their response: yea but then communism is actually good.




:ohnoes: this scares me... we were trying to fight communism forever... making sure nations wont turn to it. and now we want to be communists. big #-o




5) Abortion




their response: do u support abortion? McCain is against it (i think)




my response: I support it because i think a woman has a right what to do to her child, but even if McCain is against it who cares? this policy isnt big at all and it doesnt make a difference.




they were clueless... only trying to say things that criticize Bush or McCain and the republican party.




First off... you cant criticize them right now. put the past aside and put the fight between liberals and conservatives aside and really try to look at what is going on and get the reality of this. I am not wishing Obama misfortune or anything because he is our new president, but seriously what were the American people thinking? Yes Obama had the better campaign but people have to realize that there is much more to being a president then to just give a speech on what u will try to do as the new president. Obama's goals are sooo far. Not only can he bring US back to where it was, but also save the world. :roll: give me a break. i would first put this country back on its feet rather than help the MiddleEastern countries that can fix themselves. call it selfish i dont care. you need to put your people first.





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Got in a conversation with a bunch of kids at school on Obama. I tell them that Obama is making huge mistakes right now... and he is just spending, spending, and spending... their response?




Well he is better than Bush and/or McCain?




my response?




umm excuse me... but Bush is gone and McCain lost and the next four years will be Obama. push the past aside and seriously come up with some better excuse?




their response: But if McCain won he wouldve done worse.




my response: But he isnt president...




we discussed the policies...




1) War on Iraq ~ money wasted in Iraq




their response: we are wasting billions of dollars on the war and we troops are dying. nothing is getting accomplished there.




my response: true we are using money on war and it is alot because that is what war is. Yes troops will die afterall it is a war. Without our troops being there AlQuada can do whatever the hell they want... we would just make their lives easier... i think that if McCain were to be picked the President he wouldve constructed the war better than Bush did though because that is his expertise.




2) Foreign Policies ~ Dealing with middle east




their response: Obama is trying to be friendly to the terrorists and wanting to negotiate treaties. leave them alone and they wont come after us




my response: they will hate us no matter what. Just because Obama who is black and sort of Muslim becomes president doesnt mean anything will change. they are terrorists and they are brainwashed to kill people. lives arent important in their society as in ours. a suicide bomb means u will live in paradise :roll:




3) Economy and fixing it ~ fixing the economy!




their response: Yeah but Bush was worse!




my response: Obama will overspend us until nobody will have anymore money. his ideas on jobs is illogical because he basically wants to put unemployed non labor people to do jobs like construction...




4) Taxes ~ tax cuts on people making less than 60k a year salary and issuing money to them by taxing the richer people.




their response: So its bad to help the poor?




my response: No but it is communistic. communism doesnt work. if it did it would be a utopia but it doesnt work with people. everyone is different.




then their response: yea but then communism is actually good.




:ohnoes: this scares me... we were trying to fight communism forever... making sure nations wont turn to it. and now we want to be communists. big #-o




5) Abortion




their response: do u support abortion? McCain is against it (i think)




my response: I support it because i think a woman has a right what to do to her child, but even if McCain is against it who cares? this policy isnt big at all and it doesnt make a difference.




they were clueless... only trying to say things that criticize Bush or McCain and the republican party.




First off... you cant criticize them right now. put the past aside and put the fight between liberals and conservatives aside and really try to look at what is going on and get the reality of this. I am not wishing Obama misfortune or anything because he is our new president, but seriously what were the American people thinking? Yes Obama had the better campaign but people have to realize that there is much more to being a president then to just give a speech on what u will try to do as the new president. Obama's goals are sooo far. Not only can he bring US back to where it was, but also save the world. :roll: give me a break. i would first put this country back on its feet rather than help the MiddleEastern countries that can fix themselves. call it selfish i dont care. you need to put your people first.









were actually moving more socialist then communist, though with the volume of companies the government is helping its borderline.




youd be amazed how horribly dumb a lot of americans are in both parties, makes me lose a lot of faith in our future.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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agreed. i just find it outrageous that people only vote for Obama because he is black blah blah blah. Nobody cares about that and i think people should seriously look at his policies. His ideas in his campaign seemed too far and people really have to have common sense. he is promising all these things that just cant possibly all be fixed.




why on earth r we going to socialism :ohnoes:

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actually an economy in between capitalist and socialist is probably the best economy you could have. Some things such as universal health care could be put to good use, the main thing is that with a (partially) free market I believe you get a better overall economy which is better then a more socialist weaker economy.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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agreed. i just find it outrageous that people only vote for Obama because he is black blah blah blah. Nobody cares about that and i think people should seriously look at his policies. His ideas in his campaign seemed too far and people really have to have common sense. he is promising all these things that just cant possibly all be fixed.




why on earth r we going to socialism :ohnoes:


doesn't every politician promise more than they can really give? And then there are those who promise one thing and do the oposite... personally I'd go with the guy who promise a lot and gets most of it done (or tries like hell to get it all done while in office) over the ones who says only what you want to hear then does everything you don't want to be done.

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