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who is the oldest player on runescape?


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OK, I'm done being lectured by a 14-year-old. I seldom do it, and when I do, it's in self defense, period. Honestly, I think by now, most of the kids who would verbally assault me for being an adult who plays rs have made it to my ignore list.








Instead of lecturing other people about what they ought and ought not be doing, how 'bout you turn that finger back to your own face. Can you honestly say you believe it is ok to call someone an idiot and an ignorant fool as long as you dont say no-lifer? Hipocrisy is the word that comes to my mind.








My insults were necessary to show that what you were saying was utter bs, and please don't use my age as something to be ashamed of.








And I feel like the few that I use are necessary for the exact same reason. Who are you to judge that. Either it's sometimes necessary or there is never a reason, you can't have it both ways. I didn't use your age as something to be ashamed of. I said I'm not going to be lectured by someone your age. Please dont put words in my mouth. If you have any thing more to say to me on this matter, kindly do it via pm's which I may or may not answer.








On topic: If rs is around when I'm 80, I'll still play when I'm indoors because I'd rather play rs than watch tv.


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raidergod2 is 44




and all his brothers, all called raidergod or raidergod with a number, are older than him








Raidergod Raidergod2 and Eore69 are the 3 brothers 124 125 and 124 combats








the other raidergod's u see with numbers are sons of these brothers, or so ive been told

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Omar would call me a whippersnapper at 38. Looks like its a nice little 38-club here. :)

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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i notcied more then half of the palyer mods you meet are 20+ all the old rsd were mostly in there late 20s and up i dont know if they still are i have about 10 people on my list that are 20 or older most of my sfriends are like 15-18

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I'm very surprised the amount of people who are over 20 who play this game, especially the ones who have played since RS1, it's a kids game.















funny i never read in the rules that only kids could play the game... Jagex made it for young and old... hence why there are numerous refrences to movies and other jokes made before the majority of the children who play this game were born. This game isn't made for children age X and under... its made for all to play and to enjoy.




















with that said im only 19 lol

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32 here- and have never been ashamed that i play games on a pc.




my husband and children ahve all played rs at some time in their lives, and all are proud of it.




runescape is not some game that you can only play because you are a teen- its for all ages.




my middle child (he is 10) has got most of his school friends to play runescape, and they are not even bothered that his mum plays the same game. in fact i'm waiting for the "can you make this for me, or can you come help me with this quest?"








pc/games/entertainment is for everyone!




you don't stop reading/watching tv because you become a certain age- so why should pc's be any different?




adults just don't boast that they play as much as youngsters do, so its less obvious that we play.








*shuts up with the rant* :wink:

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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Well I'm only 13, but I can be proud that I don't act like an idiot like half of the teenagers on Runescape, luckily these forums are pretty much noob free. :)








Same, except I'm 14. And that is terrible about the bombings, the first ones happened on my b-day too... Lucky me....

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Im not that old myself (almost 20). But I agree with so many kids running around RS with absolutely not respect. Just because your hiding behind a computer screen gives you no right to make fun of any kind of tradic event like that.




Thats why most of my few friends I talk to on rs are in there 20s and 30s. All the young players talk so much bs so they can sound "cool" (on a game of all things) They will find ANYTHING they can to talk down to you about.




"omg ur 114 you have no life!"




I have no life because ive played RS for around 5 years now at a max of usually 3 hours (at night when you usually only watch TV anyways...). In the fall and spring I rarely even play RS now because im going to college for an Architectural degree. But no..according to them, im lvl 114 so i must play 24-7 :roll:








generalizing plz. im 19 i have some really good 14 year old friends that have better manners and are more mature than some 25 year olds...








btw. i think its cool when parents spend time with their kids, especially if they like play videogames or runescape... :)

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I'm 55.








My son plays a bit. He's 15. Mostly he plays Maple Story these days because it's not cool to play a game where your parental unit is higher level (and a much better player Muwahahahaha!) than you are. 8)








I've got friends who play who are in their 40s, some more in their 20s and 30s and even a few who are in their teens.








The person who got me playing, the daughter of a friend, just turned 14. She's a courteous young lady and knows better than to snark at people for their age.








A few months ago, a cute girl asked me to be her boyfriend and was most upset when she discovered I was 54 (it was before my birthday) because she was only 13. We stayed friends in game for a while, but I haven't seen her around lately. Note, we were "ordinary" friends only. No way am I going to pick a 13-yo for an online game gf. I really don't need a visit from the FBI claiming I'm "corrupting the morals of a minor" or anything funky like that!








The nice thing about RS, is it's complex enough for players of all ages. Even 8 or 9 yo's can have fun with it, while there's enough strategy and tactics in some of the harder quests and just levelling up skills beyond a certain point to keep us old geezers interested.








I play for a couple of hours a night usually, and unless I'm doing something complicated, I very often knit while I'm playing. (I don'[t recommend knitting while PKing way out in the wildy -- you'll either die or drop stitches and I'm not sure which is worse.








Yea -- here's another thing for you brash young'uns to laugh at: I'm a man who knits. But you know what -- I do it because I enjoy it, I get to make cool stuff and that's all that matters. Laugh away, if you wish. One of the nice things about being my age is you stop worrying about what other people think about you, and just go ahead and do what you want anyway.

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I'm 55....




I've got friends who play who are in their 40s, some more in their 20s and 30s and even a few who are in their teens...








A few months ago, a cute girl asked me to be her boyfriend and was most upset when she discovered I was 54 (it was before my birthday) because she was only 13...Note, we were "ordinary" friends only. No way am I going to pick a 13-yo for an online game gf. I really don't need a visit from the FBI claiming I'm "corrupting the morals of a minor" or anything funky like that!...








The nice thing about RS, is it's complex enough for players of all ages. Even 8 or 9 yo's can have fun with it, while there's enough strategy and tactics in some of the harder quests and just levelling up skills beyond a certain point to keep us old geezers interested...








I'm a man who knits. But you know what -- I do it because I enjoy it, I get to make cool stuff and that's all that matters. Laugh away, if you wish.








Great post, Hugh :) I'm 28, married w/o kids, but it's still great to hear about some older 'scapers. I chuckled at all the stuff I quoted. To be honest, tho, I really have no need for a RS gf :)








Runescape is great for all ages! I think it could be even better, so I often make posts about player names, the chat filter, etc.








And the knitting, awesome :) I bake. Pies, cakes, cookies. People can laugh about that, too, but wife doesn't cook at all. I do it all, and there are plenty of Italian men like me who do the same :)








Thanks for posting.









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knitting is like the perfect thing to relax








not for me...but i can totally see how it would








i personally play guitar to relax








glad to see so many older people playing...i know i will when im that age

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you'll either die or drop stitches and I'm not sure which is worse.












One of the first people I met was a bit older than me (Not sure how much) and we still talk, it's nice to know older people because they're smarter than you. I know a range of people from 12ish-40ish. It's really cool that you can all get along so well in a game.

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Ok, well everybody has pretty much said all they could to low so I won't flame him further. I just wanted to mention that this is in the wrong section and mabye a mod should move it to general runescape. :P

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I'm 55....




I've got friends who play who are in their 40s, some more in their 20s and 30s and even a few who are in their teens...








A few months ago, a cute girl asked me to be her boyfriend and was most upset when she discovered I was 54 (it was before my birthday) because she was only 13...Note, we were "ordinary" friends only. No way am I going to pick a 13-yo for an online game gf. I really don't need a visit from the FBI claiming I'm "corrupting the morals of a minor" or anything funky like that!...








The nice thing about RS, is it's complex enough for players of all ages. Even 8 or 9 yo's can have fun with it, while there's enough strategy and tactics in some of the harder quests and just levelling up skills beyond a certain point to keep us old geezers interested...








I'm a man who knits. But you know what -- I do it because I enjoy it, I get to make cool stuff and that's all that matters. Laugh away, if you wish.








Great post, Hugh :) I'm 28, married w/o kids, but it's still great to hear about some older 'scapers. I chuckled at all the stuff I quoted. To be honest, tho, I really have no need for a RS gf :)








Runescape is great for all ages! I think it could be even better, so I often make posts about player names, the chat filter, etc.








And the knitting, awesome :) I bake. Pies, cakes, cookies. People can laugh about that, too, but wife doesn't cook at all. I do it all, and there are plenty of Italian men like me who do the same :)








Thanks for posting.




















knitting, baking pies? hmmmm, wot else do we get up to when playing?. me , i am a lvl99 cigerrette roller while playing.



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Hmm, "What do you do while you R'scape" interesting topic...








I work. Rs on one desk, build computers on the other.. keeps me from falling asleep while endlessly killing dustdevils..

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I am 24. I am also a school teacher so I get the same vacations off that the kiddies do. I work in elementary school with pre-k and kindergarten kids though but its for a school district in the USA. I tend to be a sporadic player though. I come back every 6 months or so during school vacations to catch up on members updates.








I tend to keep my mouth shut about my age in game though because kids freak out about adults playing. We must all be pedophiles with no lives according to a few kids I saw posting on a runescape forum once.








I've seen kids fail school over online games yet no matter what an adult does in real life we must be more pathetic than they are simply because we play a game. I have nothing against anyone but I do think it is more sad when a 15 year old is failing at school and playing a video game than it is when a 25 year old with a college education and a good job is playing a game. Age isn't what makes a person pathetic for playing a game.








There are plenty of people both young and old who are great players though.








Thought it was sad when someone said Omar was pathetic for being 70 and playing. He's enjoying his retirement at least.








I just happen to enjoy playing games after work and during school breaks rather than watching television. It's been a long time since I actually watched tv. :P

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Yah it get's me really annoyed when people my age (14-15) give other people around my age a bad name for callin other people and been disrespectful.




I just get on with playin runescape , i don't see the point in wasting time "blaggin" other people.




I think that there should be stricter rules because it's just not as fun anymore!








I remember a few year ago when i played on members , every1 was friendly , no fights and no noobs.




But now... well , i'm not even going to comment...


Tough times don't last. Tough people do.

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I met up with a 12-yo the other night, we were both doing the new drunken dwarf quest.








We did the quest together and had great fun.








He was a bit upset when I quit to go to bed at 12:45am my time. It was 2:45pm where he was so he couldn't understand why I was tired. :)

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I met up with a 12-yo the other night, we were both doing the new drunken dwarf quest.








We did the quest together and had great fun.








He was a bit upset when I quit to go to bed at 12:45am my time. It was 2:45pm where he was so he couldn't understand why I was tired. :)








yep I have a couple of teenage friends on my list that dont understand when i have to leave during the day to take my daily nap lol i just laugh and tell em you will understand when you get my age.

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i'm only 15, and even i run into the occasional gamer who feels it necessary to flaunt the conventions of what is acceptable in runescape. its totally lame that ppl have to go to such lengths to be obnoxious and tempt the report button... old rs players probably have more common sense and are all far richer than i am, i guarantee that. peace

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