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Hacked & Recovered



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Today I decided to check my G.E. items before going to work.


I load up runescape, put my username and password in then press Login.


I get a message saying my username or password is incorrect. I carefully retype my password


in and have a quick look at my username... I get the same message. I tryed again with failure once again!


I smash the mouse on the lost password button in anger. :lol:




Now it tells me to type my username in. I then need to enter my recoverys, old passwords, payment details ect...


Lucky I have written everything down and start entering what I have. I got hacked about a year ago so iv learnt from my mistakes :)


I press process. Now it says to retype some letters and numbers to confirm. By now I was late for work, so I head off.




I get to work, people are wondering why im not my cheerful self. After confirming the stolen password request


it told me to check the status in about an hour. Im a programmer so im near a computer all the time hehe.


I check my watch seeing that its been more then an hour. I go to runescape.com and look for a check recovery status button.


It tells me to enter the number and letters from before. Lucky I have them written down! I was in a hurry so I didnt read all of the messages.




BOOM! Status: ACCEPTED ... Now thats a great feeling


Now my work mates are wondering why im more happy then usual :D :D




Have you had a similar experiance?

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About 2 years ago I was playing on my old main, when I logged out for a couple of minutes. I tried to log back in, but someone was logged into my account. I managed to recover my account, by listing every single one of my stats, quests I had done, where I was standing when I logged out, etc.






Goooood feeling.

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2 months ago, just got from a 18 month break. Came back to find my account perm banned and incorrect pass -.- . Took around 3-4 days before I could get the pass changed, then another 2 or so to get it unbanned, (luckily the hacker only appealed one of the two offences). All I did was state how bad the grammar in the appeal and the evidence was and how I'd never talked like that in 6-7 years of playing and explained what happened ::' .

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back in my noob days(i think it was last week?XD) i was hacked i fell victim to ne of the tag team scam/hacks. now as i look back on it i feel incredibly lucky on how i got my account back :o




ok heres the story, I was in the varrok square playing with my yoyo thinking i was the greatest thing to happen to runescape since macros, when all of a sudden i get a private message from a random password scammer. he asked me if i wanted 1m in cash and full rune since he was quiting and when he said those words i nearly crapped my pants seeing my entire f2p bank worth was around 30k. I reply with a hasty yes and he tells me that he needs my password to see if i trust him, me being a complete moron type out the horrid little 10 letters to my then password(it was my first and lastname :s) and he gives me the 1m and the rune and im so exited i run to show my freinds! Me being a moron log out and try to log into my freinds world and i keep getting the "incorrect password" thingy. with tears in my eyes(hey i was 8 years old at the time) i login to my pure account add my account and started telling the scammer to give me my feeble lvl 39 back. i beg and beg for a hour making up some sappy story about being a lonley child in a orphanage and having to eat cold soup blah blah and the scammer eats up the story like cake :D he gave me my new password i changed it immedialy and say thank you like a billion tiimes he loggs out and i quickly find the letters to " milk n eggs" and enter my username, when i logged in i notice the scammer didnt trade over the 1m and the rune! so in the end i was a winner :D






true story. i have the over protective password paranoia to prove it. :twss:






sorry if my grammer sucks :D im currently failing english :3




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It's not story time :thumbdown:




Well judging from your post, it must be SPAM time....




I was hacked once by one of my friends, literally wiped my bank clean of everything. Luckiliy I could recover it, but it was really awfully tough losing all items including quest ones, and my whole friends list wiped =[




I got him back though muhahaha, me and another friend... found his password and I got myself a free rune longsword :lol: That helped ease my pain a little...




(I do not condone hacking or scamming in any way, it was a fair trade off - My entire runescape history and hard work, for a measley 35k)


Just kidding ladies, you know I love you =D

Guide to Making Money with NPC Trading

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back in my noob days(i think it was last week?XD) i was hacked i fell victim to ne of the tag team scam/hacks. now as i look back on it i feel incredibly lucky on how i got my account back :o




ok heres the story, I was in the varrok square playing with my yoyo thinking i was the greatest thing to happen to runescape since macros, when all of a sudden i get a private message from a random password scammer. he asked me if i wanted 1m in cash and full rune since he was quiting and when he said those words i nearly crapped my pants seeing my entire f2p bank worth was around 30k. I reply with a hasty yes and he tells me that he needs my password to see if i trust him, me being a complete moron type out the horrid little 10 letters to my then password(it was my first and lastname :s) and he gives me the 1m and the rune and im so exited i run to show my freinds! Me being a moron log out and try to log into my freinds world and i keep getting the "incorrect password" thingy. with tears in my eyes(hey i was 8 years old at the time) i login to my pure account add my account and started telling the scammer to give me my feeble lvl 39 back. i beg and beg for a hour making up some sappy story about being a lonley child in a orphanage and having to eat cold soup blah blah and the scammer eats up the story like cake :D he gave me my new password i changed it immedialy and say thank you like a billion tiimes he loggs out and i quickly find the letters to " milk n eggs" and enter my username, when i logged in i notice the scammer didnt trade over the 1m and the rune! so in the end i was a winner :D






true story. i have the over protective password paranoia to prove it. :twss:






sorry if my grammer sucks :D im currently failing english :3


I call b.s....because no one is [developmentally delayed]ed enough to believe a "sappy story" like that. No one.


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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I remember when someone at my school kept asking me to loan him my runescape account because he wanted to make money on it. So one day, in desperation, he called my house over and over and over again until i got so annoyed that i gave him my password and told him not to change it. I then check half a hour later and i find out that he changed my password and i got scared cause i thought my account was gone forever. But luckily, i managed to recover my account within the next hour. When i got on my account, that fool tried to change my PIN and even called me back trying to get me to explain to him why i changed my password.




There is more to the story, but i'm not about to go into details. But that guy was a jerk (if it wasn't for censors, i would say a lot more) for one year he was constantly threatening me and trying to get me to give him my account. Ah the good ole days.




this has nothing to do with hacking, but i just felt like telling a story about me nearly losing my account, LOL

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I've only ever been hacked once, and I know that "OMG I'M SAVED!!!!!" feeling. (Well actually the few mil I lost wasn't saved, but still...)




I know a friend who has "hacking paranoia". It seems everything he does is geared in some way to be an anti-hacker measure. For example he always logs out directly next to a wall or other feature (such as a tree). When he alched for magic he told me he was taking the yew longs out at intervals of 200. Even when he trains combat, he unequips and banks everything expensive before logging out.




But then he flunked a final, so I don't see him anymore.

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Now that I've said that, I actually like hearing hacked stories. I'm glad that you got your account back. I was hacked 2 years ago when I got my first mil, some crazy no-life had fun playing with me. The first time he simply hacked me, and I had no idea what a firewall was. Surprisingly, all he dropped was my 1M, but I had sold a lot of stuff to get that, so I didn't have much left. After I got over the shock, I quickly researched how to stop hackers and figured out what a firewall did, and got one. Oh... I thought I was safe, but NO, my stupid 15 year old brain had to fall for the same hacker's trick again. He got some account named 'jgx monitor 23' or something (without a crown, of course), and explained that he was some secret service jagex employee and that he feared my account had been hacked. Apparently, to check if I had been hacked, he had to get on my account, and to do that he needed my password. Well, the stupid kid I was back then, I gave him my password and next thing you know I log out, log back in 5 minutes later, and all my stuff, except 5 flax, and 1 coin, is GONE. Ahh... I remember despartely searching all around falador for my items, thinking that perhaps they were still there if he dropped them, and I remember asking everyone in the world if the hacker had handed my items to them. Never found anything. I figured he teleported to some desolate location and dumped everything.




Luckily I recovered again and my bank value is now worth over 80M. :)


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Friend of mine hacked me once and took 130k off me (Which was everything at the time) so I went on his and took his Skeletal Armour, which was the bizz back in the day :P




Now my password is freakishly long and hard to guess.


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I was hacked once on one of my pking characters, just after the release of RS2, when I made my plate pure on RSC using the items transfer from RS2 to RSC (you could buy the map piece in RS2 instead of using telekinetic grab). So me being me I was gloating about my plate pure in RSC. Even though there were quite a few others now. Anyways I was asked to join a plate pure clan, BIG mistake. Day after going on the site my pass had been changed ..... luckily I was able to recover it, found my character between Al Kharid and Digsite ready to drop off the items in my inventory. Nothing gone. Very pleased :thumbsup:

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I've been hacked once..i sell EVERYTHING i own just to buy a cannon (it was alot to me at the time) so i manage to get the cannon the night before i go on holiday..


so i go on a two week holiday come back 'incorrect password or username'


i was about 9 at the time so i was very upset like nearly crying (but i wasnt though :P) so i send off a report and it was one of the best feeling i've had during rs to be approved




shame i logged back on to find i have no cannon, i didnt even get to use it :'( and also to find out it was my best mates cousion who hacked me >.> :lol:

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back in my noob days(i think it was last week?XD) i was hacked i fell victim to ne of the tag team scam/hacks. now as i look back on it i feel incredibly lucky on how i got my account back :o




ok heres the story, I was in the varrok square playing with my yoyo thinking i was the greatest thing to happen to runescape since macros, when all of a sudden i get a private message from a random password scammer. he asked me if i wanted 1m in cash and full rune since he was quiting and when he said those words i nearly crapped my pants seeing my entire f2p bank worth was around 30k. I reply with a hasty yes and he tells me that he needs my password to see if i trust him, me being a complete moron type out the horrid little 10 letters to my then password(it was my first and lastname :s) and he gives me the 1m and the rune and im so exited i run to show my freinds! Me being a moron log out and try to log into my freinds world and i keep getting the "incorrect password" thingy. with tears in my eyes(hey i was 8 years old at the time) i login to my pure account add my account and started telling the scammer to give me my feeble lvl 39 back. i beg and beg for a hour making up some sappy story about being a lonley child in a orphanage and having to eat cold soup blah blah and the scammer eats up the story like cake :D he gave me my new password i changed it immedialy and say thank you like a billion tiimes he loggs out and i quickly find the letters to " milk n eggs" and enter my username, when i logged in i notice the scammer didnt trade over the 1m and the rune! so in the end i was a winner :D






true story. i have the over protective password paranoia to prove it. :twss:






sorry if my grammer sucks :D im currently failing english :3










At first, I was like, "That sounds like complete bull."


Then I saw it was you. And I understood completely.








On topic: I've never been hacked by someone I don't know, but my cousin was able to figure out my password once. I totally kicked his [wagon] that weekend.

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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back in my noob days(i think it was last week?XD) i was hacked i fell victim to ne of the tag team scam/hacks. now as i look back on it i feel incredibly lucky on how i got my account back :o




ok heres the story, I was in the varrok square playing with my yoyo thinking i was the greatest thing to happen to runescape since macros, when all of a sudden i get a private message from a random password scammer. he asked me if i wanted 1m in cash and full rune since he was quiting and when he said those words i nearly crapped my pants seeing my entire f2p bank worth was around 30k. I reply with a hasty yes and he tells me that he needs my password to see if i trust him, me being a complete moron type out the horrid little 10 letters to my then password(it was my first and lastname :s) and he gives me the 1m and the rune and im so exited i run to show my freinds! Me being a moron log out and try to log into my freinds world and i keep getting the "incorrect password" thingy. with tears in my eyes(hey i was 8 years old at the time) i login to my pure account add my account and started telling the scammer to give me my feeble lvl 39 back. i beg and beg for a hour making up some sappy story about being a lonley child in a orphanage and having to eat cold soup blah blah and the scammer eats up the story like cake :D he gave me my new password i changed it immedialy and say thank you like a billion tiimes he loggs out and i quickly find the letters to " milk n eggs" and enter my username, when i logged in i notice the scammer didnt trade over the 1m and the rune! so in the end i was a winner :D






true story. i have the over protective password paranoia to prove it. :twss:






sorry if my grammer sucks :D im currently failing english :3





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back in my noob days(i think it was last week?XD) i was hacked i fell victim to ne of the tag team scam/hacks. now as i look back on it i feel incredibly lucky on how i got my account back :o




ok heres the story, I was in the varrok square playing with my yoyo thinking i was the greatest thing to happen to runescape since macros, when all of a sudden i get a private message from a random password scammer. he asked me if i wanted 1m in cash and full rune since he was quiting and when he said those words i nearly crapped my pants seeing my entire f2p bank worth was around 30k. I reply with a hasty yes and he tells me that he needs my password to see if i trust him, me being a complete moron type out the horrid little 10 letters to my then password(it was my first and lastname :s) and he gives me the 1m and the rune and im so exited i run to show my freinds! Me being a moron log out and try to log into my freinds world and i keep getting the "incorrect password" thingy. with tears in my eyes(hey i was 8 years old at the time) i login to my pure account add my account and started telling the scammer to give me my feeble lvl 39 back. i beg and beg for a hour making up some sappy story about being a lonley child in a orphanage and having to eat cold soup blah blah and the scammer eats up the story like cake :D he gave me my new password i changed it immedialy and say thank you like a billion tiimes he loggs out and i quickly find the letters to " milk n eggs" and enter my username, when i logged in i notice the scammer didnt trade over the 1m and the rune! so in the end i was a winner :D






true story. i have the over protective password paranoia to prove it. :twss:






sorry if my grammer sucks :D im currently failing english :3




lol! i never thought a scammer could be nice... anyway it would have been awesome if you changed your password straight after you got the mil and full rune.




anyway i got hacked once by my mate! cool eh.


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

Games I play: Halo 3, Halo wars.

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i don't mean to be rude... but how can you work in computer business, programming and all that and get PW-scammed ?




i've never been scammed / hacked / pw stolen / whatever... though my PWs have always been 10+ chars and nothing anyone could guess.




Ye I really thought password was good... Nows it insane hard :twisted:


Could of been a key logger or something

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Im always careful with programs I install by reading review and stuff.


My password contained numbers and letters that made no sence at all...


I did a full virus scan and found 1 virus. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.




I didnt lose anything cause of my bank pin :D


Thanks though!

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...by listing every single one of my stats ... where I was standing when I logged out, etc.


-Listing every single stat? Highscores.


-Tell them where you were standing? How would they detect that and the hacker must have moved you around.




Thats what I was thinking... :?

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