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a mute that shouldn't have happened


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about 7 months ago i found out i was muted after being grounded. before that my brother had kept figuring each and every new password id make up and be able to get on. sure enough he had done it again and said a racial slur and got reported and then he repealed the report before my grounding ended. of course i told my parents when i found out and now he knows not to do that ever again (his punishment was 20 lashes with a belt and 3 months of grounding). but now i cannot repeal my permanent mute. if anyone can help me, by either posting this story on the forums on the runescape website or giving me what i need to contact jagex, id greatly appreciate the help.





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It's your own responsibility. Jagex isn't going to undo the mute because you let your brother get on your account. Would be a nice excuse for everyone if unmuted everyone that came up with that story.




And wtf, 20 lashes with a belt? That's child abuse.

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It's your own responsibility. Jagex isn't going to undo the mute because you let your brother get on your account.


His brother figured out his password, how is that letting him on? :-k




OT:Can't help sorry.

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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It's your own responsibility. Jagex isn't going to undo the mute because you let your brother get on your account.


His brother figured out his password, how is that letting him on? :-k



Because it's your responsibility to not let your password be guessed by others.




By saying that... I wonder how his brother figures out his pass every single time he gets a new one. Seriously, if you let that happen it's your own fault. Not saying what his brother did is good, but that's a different aspect.

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And wtf, 20 lashes with a belt? That's child abuse.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking...






Anyway, you cannot just have small guessable passwords and expect no consequences. Every single person should have a password that no living human would guess within their life time. Seriously. But since it's too late for that you can try appeal (if you can) but that's about it. Jagex doesn't listen to these kinds of excuses, it's simply too hard to prove. Especially since your brother would have been under the same network you were.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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Think yourself lucky you didn't get banned. While the mute is unfortunate, because he was a family member and probably used the same computer it will be impossible to prove it wasnt you and thus it's very very unlikely that you will get the mute revoked.




Think how many people must pull the "it was my brother" story each and every day when they get banned/muted.




Perhaps you should also consider the reasons why he was able to guess your password so many times.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I've had a ban similar to this on a pure account so consider yourself lucky.


I believe there is no way the mute can be lifted but if you do manage to get rid of it please do share what you said and who you said it to :)


Thanks ;)


Help me starting out again - Give YOUR advice!

If you're collecting in game "hyt's" send me a message here or in game :D

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Here's an idea: use a real password. I've provided a few examples for you, it should take your brother a few millennium to guess them:






















Write it down in a secure place that he'll never find. Problem solved.




Oh, and there's nothing whatsoever you can do about the mute :|


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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Unless you're twins I really can't see how your brother gets it every time.

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its not my fault my bro can figure out any password regardless of size and character ste up. my bro is a super genius. he's 15 and he made a robot that makes the school's robotics team look like they were new to robotics. he makes 100s in all his classes. no we aren't twins. i also have a sister but she doesn't play. she is actually the dumbest person i've ever known. she has no common sense. my brother is a racist though. its cuz people make fun of him at school because of his good grades. i get picked on a lot too cuz of my size. im only 5 ft 3 inches tall and im 18. im pissed though cuz of his geniusness. he can solve rubik's cube in under 40 seconds. ive seen him do all the puzzles in a 165 puzzle sudoku book in under an hour. he solves these big matrix things in a matter of minutes (they are very very very very very large matrix problems). if i need help in anything i go to him instead of my parents which is kinda sad.





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its not my fault my bro can figure out any password regardless of size and character ste up. my bro is a super genius. he's 15 and he made a robot that makes the school's robotics team look like they were new to robotics. he makes 100s in all his classes. no we aren't twins. i also have a sister but she doesn't play. she is actually the dumbest person i've ever known. she has no common sense. my brother is a racist though. its cuz people make fun of him at school because of his good grades. i get picked on a lot too cuz of my size. im only 5 ft 3 inches tall and im 18. im pissed though cuz of his geniusness. he can solve rubik's cube in under 40 seconds. ive seen him do all the puzzles in a 165 puzzle sudoku book in under an hour. he solves these big matrix things in a matter of minutes (they are very very very very very large matrix problems). if i need help in anything i go to him instead of my parents which is kinda sad.




So then do something he'll never know. Something he never spends any time on. Like the coach of Argentina's Soccer team or something.

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its not my fault my bro can figure out any password regardless of size and character ste up. my bro is a super genius. he's 15 and he made a robot that makes the school's robotics team look like they were new to robotics. he makes 100s in all his classes. no we aren't twins. i also have a sister but she doesn't play. she is actually the dumbest person i've ever known. she has no common sense. my brother is a racist though. its cuz people make fun of him at school because of his good grades. i get picked on a lot too cuz of my size. im only 5 ft 3 inches tall and im 18. im pissed though cuz of his geniusness. he can solve rubik's cube in under 40 seconds. ive seen him do all the puzzles in a 165 puzzle sudoku book in under an hour. he solves these big matrix things in a matter of minutes (they are very very very very very large matrix problems). if i need help in anything i go to him instead of my parents which is kinda sad.




So then do something he'll never know. Something he never spends any time on. Like the coach of Argentina's Soccer team or something.


Or scan your computer for viruses and see if he has a keylocker




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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Off topic: That 20 lash thing was kinda harsh...

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its not my fault my bro can figure out any password regardless of size and character ste up. my bro is a super genius. he's 15 and he made a robot that makes the school's robotics team look like they were new to robotics. he makes 100s in all his classes. no we aren't twins. i also have a sister but she doesn't play. she is actually the dumbest person i've ever known. she has no common sense. my brother is a racist though. its cuz people make fun of him at school because of his good grades. i get picked on a lot too cuz of my size. im only 5 ft 3 inches tall and im 18. im pissed though cuz of his geniusness. he can solve rubik's cube in under 40 seconds. ive seen him do all the puzzles in a 165 puzzle sudoku book in under an hour. he solves these big matrix things in a matter of minutes (they are very very very very very large matrix problems). if i need help in anything i go to him instead of my parents which is kinda sad.


So what? Use one of the random passwords I gave, and assuming your not stupid enough to let him put a keylogger on your computer, it'll take about this long for him to figure it out:




Combinations: 36^20 = 13,367,494,538,843,734,067,838,845,976,576




Now, since RS auto-locks accounts for attempted password fails, he will only be able to try roughly 3 per minute. That gives him 445,583,151,294,791,135,594,628,199,2192 hours, or 508,656,565,405,012,711,866,013,926 years to figure it out. So long as you change your password every 508 heptillion years, he won't be able to figure it out fast enough.




In short: Don't pull the crap about 'he's a genius, i can't make a password he can't guess' :roll:


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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Unfortunately your account is your own responsibility, and you should have taken the neccessary precautions to prevent such events from happening. All I can assume you can do is try appealing the mute. Since there is not any other advice than what has already been said, I shall lock this.




If you wish to continue your discussion regarding your mute, please use the following topic; viewtopic.php?f=66&t=592020

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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