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How does RuneScape affect our Friendships?


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Today a friendship ended.




18 Months ago i started playing RuneScape. I was very new to it and often needed help. One of my first friends i made was named X (ill keep her name out of it for the sake of hurting her even further). Me and X started talking about 2hours everyday and i got to know her very well. After gaining hte trust of oneanother we decided to start talking on MSN. I got to know her even better now and was able to start identifying her moods and feeling just by the way she said certain things. I started to grow a plotonic love for her, as if she was a far away sister. We knew eachother for a year and half when today she tells me she is quitting RuneScape. Shocked and surprised i asked her why? She told me that RuneScape had become a distraction to her, that she had started neglecting her friend (real life freinds). She told me that her friend who enjoy playing RuneScape aswell got agravated when she would not talk to them when she was online the same time she was. She told me that sometimes she just want to play and not be bothered by some of her friends while still being able to talk to otheres (thus she could not switch her private chat OFF). She ended up telling one of her best friends to " Shut up, you're annoying me. Im busy. Ill talk to you when i'm done". Her friend seems to have taken it the wrong way and deleted her from her friends list, blocked her on MSN and phoned her telling her never to talk to her again. X told me that she was quitting because RuneScape is the reason she lost a dear friend.




This may have been a slight over-reaction, but im sure it has happned to some of you out there aswell. If you have any story that involves you and your friends/famiy fighting because of RuneScape, share them with us.



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

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Lol, women and emotions don't go together well.
Thank you for reinforcing my low opinion of you.




On topic, I don't think I'm any more likely to lose a friend via Runescape than I am any other way. Being rude on Runescape is no different than being rude anywhere else, especially when you're rude to someone you know in real life. Be polite, or at least know what will and won't offend people that you don't want to offend, and you'll do fine.





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Lol, women and emotions don't go together well.
Thank you for reinforcing my low opinion of you.




On topic, I don't think I'm any more likely to lose a friend via Runescape than I am any other way. Being rude on Runescape is no different than being rude anywhere else, especially when you're rude to someone you know in real life. Be polite, or at least know what will and won't offend people that you don't want to offend, and you'll do fine.


Have you net ever gone online and see 10 people online (4 of whom you want to talk to and 6 of whom you dont) and felt obliged to talk to them even though you didnt want to? Cant really ignore them because they will feel offended anyway.



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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When I no-life on weekends sometimes, I don't get together with friends. Not much has changed though. Sorry to hear about your friend. :cry:

99 Fishing achieved August 12, 2009 at 7:56PM CT


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Lol, women and emotions don't go together well.
Thank you for reinforcing my low opinion of you.




On topic, I don't think I'm any more likely to lose a friend via Runescape than I am any other way. Being rude on Runescape is no different than being rude anywhere else, especially when you're rude to someone you know in real life. Be polite, or at least know what will and won't offend people that you don't want to offend, and you'll do fine.


Have you net ever gone online and see 10 people online (4 of whom you want to talk to and 6 of whom you dont) and felt obliged to talk to them even though you didnt want to? Cant really ignore them because they will feel offended anyway.

Not really, no. If they never talk to me first, they'll probably be deleted, and if they do talk to me and I don't want to talk to them, that's what a quick "Sorry, I'm just popping on for a minute" followed by moving them to ignore is for. I can always re-add them later.





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Lol, women and emotions don't go together well.
Thank you for reinforcing my low opinion of you.




On topic, I don't think I'm any more likely to lose a friend via Runescape than I am any other way. Being rude on Runescape is no different than being rude anywhere else, especially when you're rude to someone you know in real life. Be polite, or at least know what will and won't offend people that you don't want to offend, and you'll do fine.


*Points to avatar* :twss:



94 magic

94 ranged

55 slayer

Addy gloves-done

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I think the real issue here is high maintenance friends.




I've told most people on my list to STFU on numerous occasions. I also routinely ignore PMs when I'm busy/stoned/both. They're all still my friends and I've never had any problems. Real life or online.




Get new friends or get them interested in aromatherapy - I've heard it's great for relaxation! :P


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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this situation is what we call melodrama


it's very common in young girls, teen girls, adult women, and menopausal women


they can't help it


their hormones freak out triggering emotional responses


and the base all their decisions on those emotional responses


there is a male counterpart for this, but it usually revolves around thinking with our *ahem*




I just don't have runescape friends though, solves all my problems


If i need something I just pop into a friendly clan chat


I always have my real friends to talk to


btw, female + male = never platonic unless you're blood related




btw jim +1 for being busy and stoned =D


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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I agree that RS can put a strain on real life connections (this game is fragging addictive -.- ) But not so much that I would totally blow off a friend for it. That's just an overreaction.

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
351 Quest Points|99 Strength|99 Attack|99 Constitution|99 Defence|99 Magic|138 Combat|99 Summoning|99 Slayer|99 Ranged|99 Firemaking|99 Dungeoneering|99 Cooking|99 Prayer|99 Runecrafting|99 Smithing|99 Fletching|99 Construction|99 Farming|99 Fishing|99 Herblore|99 Crafting|99 Agility
True friends are never separated by distance, for they are forever linked by their hearts.

Join the HYT CLAN![qfc]90-91-310-65710712[/qfc]

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It's unfortunate that this had to happen like that, but the key idea is that your friend had it in her mind to begin with that she didn't want to speak to a particular person while playing RS. She should have told her friend that she didn't necessarily wish to talk to her all the time on RS, and that would have probably gone a lot better than what happened there.




I can't say that I've ever had a real falling-out with my parents or friends behind RS, but there were times when I was younger that I would get just as agitated with them, if not more, if I couldn't play. Luckily, my friends and family were very patient (not understanding, just patient), and I was able to break that cycle.




Anyway, and more to the point, I don't think that X can truly blame RS for breaking a friendship. RS is most definitely a catalyst, but it was ultimately her actions that did the friendship in.




btw, female + male = never platonic unless you're blood related




I've got a platonic relationship going right now. It could be that your mind is in the gutter.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I never lost a friend like that.




Losing friends the Estorrath way:




1) Make really good friend.


2) Decide to quit for a year.


3) Come back in a yea and they are long gone.


4) Ones that havent gone barely remember me.




Never really had an RS friend for more than 6 months, even though i have played for years.


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I used to think I didn't have a social life because I played RS. Now I quit and I still don't have one lol. It wasn't me playing RS... it was me being a nonconformist. Oh well, I have everyone of importance to me (family, close-knit group of friends, girlfriend) so I'm happy. There's no point in having an excess amount of friends either - too much drama.

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Your friend was having some "issues" that day, or she never would've said that to her other friend. That was totally unacceptable. However, that other friend's reaction was also completely unacceptable, so it's probably for the best that the two are done with each other. What people don't understand about friends is that they're really easy to make if you care enough. Losing a friend here and there is nothing, a minimal loss. Good friends are a different story, but those two obviously weren't good enough friends to even be kind or forgiving towards one another.






Also, bouwzie, your comment seemed ostentatiously obnoxious. Keep that stuff to yourself.

I love to meet people; send me a pm if you see me on RuneScape! :)

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