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The worst way a guy/girl breaks up with you!


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Haha, just wanted to see if mine is bad, or just average!








My ex told me by SMS that "We should stop seeing each other for a while... You know, give each other some space..." . WORD FOR WORD!! How cheesy is that?! And by SMS no less............ :cry: Ok, so i'm not over him... No need sympathy, just post! :shock:

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My own personal worst one would have to be "I slept with your best friend". Yup, it doesn't really get much more painful than that.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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"You're only in it for the sex" despite being together for like 3 months and no sex at all.




Ironically enough 3 days later she slept with 5 guys in 2 nights at a weekend long party :roll:

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"I find you sexually unattractive and virginal, I don't think this is working out!"







Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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"your too big for me"
















Maybe it was your grammar that pushed her over the edge.








Perhaps she meant his big ego?








If you arnt going to post properly then dont post at all. This isnt a "funniest break ups" thread



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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lol sorry...
















mosts girls don't stay with me for taht long because they say im 2 quiet, which is very true, but i love been quiet its ace








e.g..... everyone at skool thinks you like a puff and everything and thinks your week etc.... when infact i could kick all of their [wagon] all over.




this is wondering off topic a little but w/e. Was funny coz this lad who is sposed to be like the "daddy" "the big cheese" "the hardest kid in da skool"....well yeah it was in a maths lesson and he asked for the time, that day i ws pissed off with smethign and i turned round and called him something which i shouldnt of...so after skool there he was waiting for me... he comes right over as soon as h sets eyes on me, gets no more than 3ft away from me and i knew what he was gonna do....because i've seen it 100 tiems before when he beats up other kids, so i lunged towards him jumped up and threw my leg up, was the craziest jump spinning round kick i've done, he went str8 to the floor like a legless elephant.








anyway...yeah im quiet so that doesn't go with alot of girls lol. but....when i've ad a drink or 2 its a different story really.

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007007008plp! Oi, you still post here, never knew that. :P (It's me Runerose_96, don't know if you remember the times of you, Hardman1 and me hanging around on RS:P)








Anyway, On-Topic, I think it's bad everytime you get dumped, but the worst way to get dumped is via msn or an sms or something, with a lame clicḫ̩̉̉ excuse..


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When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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My friend had to tell me, she told him over msn :cry: That was hard. And she wouldnt return my calls :(



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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007007008plp! Oi, you still post here, never knew that. :P (It's me Runerose_96, don't know if you remember the times of you, Hardman1 and me hanging around on RS:P)











Haha :D yeah i stil post here, stil play rs lol and i sure do remeber ya lol! :P








i think your still one of mi msn contacts, i'll say hi next tiem im on :P




















heres another one....








"i don't sleep with virgins".... how messed is that?








Yup one of my first propper girl friends told me it wouldn't work out because she is addicted to sex but she doesn't sleep with vergins. right... she also claimed to be alergic to using any kind of condom lol

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she also claimed to be alergic to using any kind of condom lol
Ditch right away then. No protection = no girlfriend if you ask me. Too much stuff at risk. Not to mention the CSA hounding you for cash all your life god forbid she gets preggers :P



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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This was about 4/5 years ago.








She's been pregnant about 5 times now, 2 she gave brith to (the 2 recent ones) the others she had abortions. Both of her kids have different dads, she doesn't know the father of any of the 2 children.








she's now 17 she first got pregnant twice at 13, then when she was 14, once jst after her 15th birthday and again just before her 16th








she smokes, takes drugs, shes about 5ft lol (i always tek mes out of her size)








her life is messed up basicaly.

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"You're only in it for the sex" despite being together for like 3 months and no sex at all.




Ironically enough 3 days later she slept with 5 guys in 2 nights at a weekend long party :roll:




Man, that's messed up.








I never had a girlfriend so I dunno what it's like to breakup but I can imagine that any kind of breakup is painful.

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I've honestly never really had a nasty break up, i'm just not the sort who pisses people off that much most of the time, and i don't just go out with randoms, i usually get to know someone a bit first.








Because of that, the worst break up i've had was probably when one of my ex's left to move states after a 6 month relationship :(








At the moment, i'm on a break with my present girl of almost 6 months. Who knows what'll happen, though it still won't be a nasty break up if we do end up breaking up :P








Guess i'm lucky in that respect..

Rsn: snyper jr

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"You look like a panda"








One of those messed up goth\emo girls who obsesses over random things and she happened to spaz randomly about pandas. (What was i thinking..)




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"You look like a panda"








One of those messed up goth\emo girls who obsesses over random things and she happened to spaz randomly about pandas. (What was i thinking..)








Lmao. That was hilarious :lol:








As for me, I've been out with a few girls, nothing serious at all, never gotten dumped before. So I dunno.




But I can tell ya about this one guy I know who dumped this girl. They had some messed up problems, and he dumped her bad. The worst dumping I've ever heard of. He did it in public, in front of maybe 20 people casually, and made a rhyme out of it. I dont even remember the rhyme, but it was crazy. It ended in "and you're dumped, [bleep]" (censor stars it out, but the word is a female dog).








That was just....dry. :shock:

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He did it in public, in front of maybe 20 people casually, and made a rhyme out of it. I dont even remember the rhyme, but it was crazy. It ended in "and you're dumped, wonderful person" (censor stars it out, but the word is a female dog).




Wtf? That's horrible. I would've punched the guy, even if that girl was a 'female dog'.

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He did it in public, in front of maybe 20 people casually, and made a rhyme out of it. I dont even remember the rhyme, but it was crazy. It ended in "and you're dumped, wonderful person" (censor stars it out, but the word is a female dog).




*? That's horrible. I would've punched the guy, even if that girl was a 'female dog'.








Well, aren't you better.

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