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How to know when you're over a game


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well they're only pixels, I play to pass time and have fun with friends and wear no Armour & items


sometimes just my boots of lightness and Woodcut cape


but if you lost interest in playing, just take a break from it, and there's always f2p if you don't want to pay membership fees




It stimulates your sense of sight, and thus, its not "only pixels"




Everything in life is really just a gigantic thing that stimulates one or more of your 5 senses.




Like I read in somebody's sig...don't recall whose.




Something along the lines of: Calling your RuneScape character "just pixels" is like calling money "just paper."


i saw that qoute as well its a good one. =D>


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

Games I play: Halo 3, Halo wars.

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Maybe honest wasn't the right word to use. But when I said make money, I meant that literally. I make the money. I get drops, I make things and sell to stores, I high alchemy stuff.




Merchanting is not making money, it's merely aquiring other people's money. No new money was ever created by merchanting. And also I used the term Pking in the pre-PVP world sense. Back in the old ways, same thing. You only aquired the wealth of the people you killed.



I don't find either of these two methods for obtaining money how I think a player should.




And this isn't an issue of taking a break, or being tired. I use to think that I played the game, and it kept me occupied, and my lack of excitement or enthusiasm was me getting older, maturing, and behaving more like an adult.




That's why this felt like a shock to me. Runescape itself didn't shock me, but the realization that the game is not what I want anymore was. And the shock that nothing on RS could cause me to feel anything.




If you lose 5 million and you don't even cough, something is wrong.




Oh god.. prepare yourself for WWIII over *Is PK-ing morally right* kind of argument...




*Runs and hides in basement, then installs anti-flame nuke shield.* :pray:




Well when you think of it, the only 3 ways money enters RuneScape are:




1) Coin drops


2) Alchemy


3) Selling to General Store




And none of those are good ways to make money. Even look at skills, you mine ores and you sell them. That money isn't new either.




Well, I typically use my ore, make stuff, and sell it. Now however if I sold that ore, then someone else would use it to make stuff. Then they could either sell it and create money, or they sell it to other people. Those people either make money off it, or use it. So I contribute to the making of money, or someone having a use for the item, which I find to be right.




Maybe this isn't an "effective" way of obtaining money, but it's a way of actually making it. Like I said, and you can't refute it. Merchanting or PKing is only obtaning someone else's money. You do not create any wealth yourself.




As far as moral, meh. I just don't think it's proper and I don't do it. I don't think you guys should be prevented from doing it if you want to, that's not my thing.




So you guys can do it if you like.




Oh, and I'm not looking for pity. It was just me stating what happened.




If you want to pity someone, pity the guy who had to take credit for developing the '09 Easter Event.

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well they're only pixels, I play to pass time and have fun with friends and wear no Armour & items


sometimes just my boots of lightness and Woodcut cape


but if you lost interest in playing, just take a break from it, and there's always f2p if you don't want to pay membership fees




It stimulates your sense of sight, and thus, its not "only pixels"




Everything in life is really just a gigantic thing that stimulates one or more of your 5 senses.




Lol Win. Problem is the radiation from your computer...

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My lack of excitement or enthusiasm was me getting older, maturing, and behaving more like an adult.




That's why this felt like a shock to me. Runescape itself didn't shock me, but the realization that the game is not what I want anymore was. And the shock that nothing on RS could cause me to feel anything.




If you lose 5 million and you don't even cough, something is wrong.

You think because a game doesn't give you any enjoyment or grief there is something wrong with you? No, your getting older, maturing, you've grown out of Runescape, you already stated that. So it seems like you want to get happy and angry at the game again but can't figure out how.




Why didn't you just ask that in the first place? Normally people ask a question, then give details about the situation, not ask in the middle of explaining the situation.








~ Captainkidd

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this just sounds like somebody who wants attention and for people to feel pity on him because he no longer finds a game fun. If you don't play anymore why make a topic to tell everyone? Especially if you don't even care you don't play anymore.


Almost every post you make is a rant or moan. You are far from over the game.


Attention pl0x? As I see it, this "topic" really has no discussion value. I've lost that much before, and I made it back in a matter of a week or two, maybe less. But if you want to quit, GL IRL.


Did you bother to understand the words as they grew into sentences to convey a greater meaning? The post specifically was not about gaining pity of any kind in fact it was more the opposite it's more a question of why he would not even want the pity and is just apathetic to the situation.




no one cares






My lack of excitement or enthusiasm was me getting older, maturing, and behaving more like an adult.




That's why this felt like a shock to me. Runescape itself didn't shock me, but the realization that the game is not what I want anymore was. And the shock that nothing on RS could cause me to feel anything.




If you lose 5 million and you don't even cough, something is wrong.

[/hide]You think because a game doesn't give you any enjoyment or grief there is something wrong with you? No, your getting older, maturing, you've grown out of Runescape, you already stated that. So it seems like you want to get happy and angry at the game again but can't figure out how.




Why didn't you just ask that in the first place? Normally people ask a question, then give details about the situation, not ask in the middle of explaining the situation.








~ Captainkidd


All I can say is, very nice.

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When you just stop playing one day.. I just didn't feel like playing maybe two weeks ago. Still haven't. Feels odd, but I don't miss it.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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I lost a lot of money yesterday bgs, d legs, fury, and lots of cash and I wasnt angry or anything, was more of a dang that sucks instead of the explitives I would have used when I was new to the game. I guess we get show less emotion over our pixels as time goes by, but I haven't quit and now I'm fishing for the first time in ages. :lol:

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Almost every post you make is a rant or moan. You are far from over the game.






Too true, when you stop complainng about updates, or content and have no view on the game anymore, then it's over.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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I know what it's like :(. I lost ~4 million to a stupid death last weekend. Died via Phoenix. I guess I didn't turn on my Protection from Magic prayer XD. I killed that bird nearly everyday since it came out, so I felt very stupid and really out of it now ;/. I'll probably just buy battlestaves and manage my kingdom till June and by then I'll make back the money I lost. I don't feel like playing now either tbh.

"To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god." - Napoleon I

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No surprise. I ALWAYS have the same routine with Runescape: Play from March-November, stop from December-Febuary.




It's the same thing each year.. I wish Jagex's long rope wasn't as thin as thread.








Break the Walls down!

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When I quit (and left for a few years, coming back a week ago,) it was the same. I found a better game and just played that instead of RS. When my membership came up for renewal, I thought "meh," and let it slide. So little emotion, considering the amount of time...




But Jagex has a long rope, and I'm back.


Currently going for 76 fishing

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