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Alright, here is my brief opinion of the game after playing it for about an hour or so.








- Moving around the city is a lot of fun. You can scale anything and once you get the glide power it's really fast, feels cool.




- So far missions haven't been too bad, although I failed a few times because I didn't really understand. (there are multiple ways to each mission usually. On one mission I could either impersonate a guard and call out an "all clear" to get this guy out of a tank, or I could steal a rocket launcher and blow up the tank to get him out). I've only done a few missions though.




- Seems like a lot of side missions to do like in crackdown.






- Targeting system for combat feels very clunky. Like it targets whoever the game damn well pleases, and moving targets around doesn't really work in a very orderly fashion (and it's even worse when you have like 20 dudes shooting at you to get precision on the one BIG boss guy you need to kill)




- Combat is pretty iffy in the beginning, partly due to targeting system. Once I got the claw upgrade it seemed better, but still I feel like the combat could be better (or I may just have to get used to it).




- Cutscenes sort of suck. I mean, I watched them for a while and then just started skipping them. The dialogue is pretty iffy to be honest and the story seems sort of lame so far. Not to mention the cutscenes look very low-def where as the game world actually looks pretty good.




- Sometimes the game seems to try and lead you to certain things to much, control wise. Like a lot of it feels automated at times, it is sort of annoying to get used to. I do think it will be nice when you get used to it though, like you will automaticly jump over small obstacles and stuff when sprinting, but I'm just used to jumping and I end up doing all sort of weird [wagon] [cabbage].








Right now I'm leaning towards like 3/5 or 4/5 for the game, depending on how it pans out with more powers. I think I'll enjoy it but I'm pretty glad I just downloaded it, not sure if I would want to spend $50 on this. Also I should say that with the controls I'm using the 360 controller for my PC.

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I pre-ordered/reserved it a week or two ago, and I picked it up at GameStop today for the PlayStation 3.


The extras I received are pretty cool, which include a poster (comes in a biohazard container) and a figurine (of the main character; looks funny as hell).




Going into it (as in menus and so forth) I was already slightly impressed.




At the very start of the game, you basically start out with all of the powers and upgrades unlocked and it's neat to test them all out before actually going into the game.




As Nadril said, moving around the city is very fun even if it does seem slightly automated at points. There are definitely a LOT of what I might call 'secret footwork' type of moves, and it can get very complicated to actually try and understand what control sequence does what, but it hasn't taken away from the game yet.




The game is extremely bloody and violent, which some people will find pleasing.




Jacking vehicles is really fun, and upgrading is even funner (although it probably sounds like it wouldn't be).




Also as Nadril said, the targeting system could do with some work. Usually I just kill all of the people in sight when I can't find an enemy that is on the map.




The graphics are very good, even in the cutscenes in my opinion, and the storyline seems to be yet another new twist on government weapons gone bad and zombie infection. The best part of this 'retelling' is that you get to go along day by day ("Day 2 of the infection...") and things change all over the place.




The game is kind of easy. And I like it that way in a big explorable environment like this. The only difficult parts are when you get surrounded or have trouble targeting, which can both be remedied if you choose the right powers.




I haven't gotten that far, but the missions haven't really got repetitive for me yet, and there's basically "hidden packages" like in Grand Theft Auto for you to find and be rewarded for, so I'm also thinking that this will be a very long game.


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The game is kind of easy. And I like it that way in a big explorable environment like this. The only difficult parts are when you get surrounded or have trouble targeting, which can both be remedied if you choose the right powers.




I did read a review that said some parts are pretty difficult. I've had a few moments at the beginning where I've died, but once you know when to consume to get HP it's not as bad.






Anyways after playing a bit more I'm starting to like the game more, def think it's a 4/5 game. I turned the target system to toggle instead of hold and that helped, although it can still be a little random it is easier to guide the targeting. The combat does take getting used to though, but they give you a TON of [cabbage] to do.






Also the whip mutation is awesome. Dominates helicopters.

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The only times I failed were when being cornered. I need to buy that ground pound thing.




Heh, I've been entirely focusing on unlocking speed and jumping and really anything to do with agility and the claws.


I've yet to figure out what the hell DEVASTATOR attacks are...


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The only times I failed were when being cornered. I need to buy that ground pound thing.




Heh, I've been entirely focusing on unlocking speed and jumping and really anything to do with agility and the claws.


I've yet to figure out what the hell DEVASTATOR attacks are...




I'm pretty sure that's the attack where he shoves both of his hands into the ground and [bleep]es shoot out of the ground and kill everyone near him.




Well, from what you guys have said, I think I'll end up buying the game.


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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It's been about a week, and I'm very nearly finished. I have all upgrades unlocked, 29/31 missions completed, and like 110/200 hidden packages found.




... Good game. Bit hectic towards the end though.


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I beat it yesterday. Unlocked all upgrades and have 600/1000 gamepoints from it. Started a game+ for the no death achievement (cause if you just churn though the missions and don't bother running/doing events it isn't the longest game ever). I logged 15-20 hours so far (my friend is playing right now so I can't get an exact) and I spent at least half of that time exploring, doing events, running aimlessly, or just climbing tall buildings. Then I started hard mode to and it is significantly harder (especially since I was used to all the powers).


I have 160/200 landmarks and 30-40 hints. I must say the map Gamestop gives you for preordering sucks. It's small, inaccurate and only tells you 25/50 of the hints. Little figurine was cool though.




Overall a really fun game, though some of the plot was told badly (I mean, that twist for the final boss with very poorly given motivation, come on). Honestly, I only got it because I don't have a PS3 and couldn't get Infamous. Oh I want that game... so... so... badly....

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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The only times I failed were when being cornered. I need to buy that ground pound thing.




Heh, I've been entirely focusing on unlocking speed and jumping and really anything to do with agility and the claws.


I've yet to figure out what the hell DEVASTATOR attacks are...




I'm pretty sure that's the attack where he shoves both of his hands into the ground and [bleep]es shoot out of the ground and kill everyone near him.




Well, from what you guys have said, I think I'll end up buying the game.




By the way, Devastator attacks are triggered by having health into the Critical Mass zone, that's the blue bit on the health bar at the end, and then holding 2 buttons depending on which of the 3 Devastators. You can also do one if you're about to die if you have the Adrenaline Rush upgrade. All Devastators take health from you except for when you're doing on with Adrenaline Rush. That means for most of the game you can do one until you get more health but with well upgraded Health and Critical Mass you can fit in 2 (I fit in 3 by miracle once) before you're health drops out of Critical Mass zone.




The Devastators are the Tendril one where a mass of tendrils erupt out of your body and is great for clearing out a lot of military or infected. Then there's the [bleep]es which puts up many huge [bleep]es where enemies are which is good for clearing out vehicles and some stronger enemies. The last one you can't unlock until near the end but it's Palm Strike and a rush of virusy-blast shoots from your hand basically hurting what's in front of you, but is useful for bosses (I used it a few times against the last 2).

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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Did anyone but me find the "Mother" boss REALLY cheap and stupid? Those [bleep]ing green orbs and stupidly accurate rocks being thrown = lame.




Well I bet it after 4-5 days... it's a pretty good game, except for the Hunters... which are faster than you and just maul right into you, and they have an unstopable attack if you get hit with the first swipe (which I usually do). Once you beat the game, it's pretty fun to run around the city looking for Web of Intrigue targets, (which I found), and just causing major mayhem... would be cool if the [bleep]ing military didn't ALWAYS go for you, even if your : 1. In the middle of a field of Infected, just killing all of the Infected around you, or 2. ACTUALLY SAVING THEM FROM THE INFECTED. Otherwise it's pretty fun to get to the tallest building then dive-bullet/bomb to the street below and cause a huge shockwave. :twss:




The controls are good, (Did anyone else think controlling the helicopters in this game is easier than any other game?) The powers are sweet, (could've done with one more weapon form though... giant scythe anyone? Maybe an axe?)

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Did anyone but me find the "Mother" boss REALLY cheap and stupid? Those [bleep]ing green orbs and stupidly accurate rocks being thrown = lame.




Well I bet it after 4-5 days... it's a pretty good game, except for the Hunters... which are faster than you and just maul right into you, and they have an unstopable attack if you get hit with the first swipe (which I usually do). Once you beat the game, it's pretty fun to run around the city looking for Web of Intrigue targets, (which I found), and just causing major mayhem... would be cool if the [bleep]ing military didn't ALWAYS go for you, even if your : 1. In the middle of a field of Infected, just killing all of the Infected around you, or 2. ACTUALLY SAVING THEM FROM THE INFECTED. Otherwise it's pretty fun to get to the tallest building then dive-bullet/bomb to the street below and cause a huge shockwave. :twss:




The controls are good, (Did anyone else think controlling the helicopters in this game is easier than any other game?) The powers are sweet, (could've done with one more weapon form though... giant scythe anyone? Maybe an axe?)


Is the military as overwhelming after all of the missions as before (in the later missions)? That's what made me lose interest...


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Did anyone but me find the "Mother" boss REALLY cheap and stupid? Those [bleep]ing green orbs and stupidly accurate rocks being thrown = lame.




Well I bet it after 4-5 days... it's a pretty good game, except for the Hunters... which are faster than you and just maul right into you, and they have an unstopable attack if you get hit with the first swipe (which I usually do). Once you beat the game, it's pretty fun to run around the city looking for Web of Intrigue targets, (which I found), and just causing major mayhem... would be cool if the [bleep]ing military didn't ALWAYS go for you, even if your : 1. In the middle of a field of Infected, just killing all of the Infected around you, or 2. ACTUALLY SAVING THEM FROM THE INFECTED. Otherwise it's pretty fun to get to the tallest building then dive-bullet/bomb to the street below and cause a huge shockwave. :twss:




The controls are good, (Did anyone else think controlling the helicopters in this game is easier than any other game?) The powers are sweet, (could've done with one more weapon form though... giant scythe anyone? Maybe an axe?)




Diveroll is the best way to evade the Hunters, but I still hate that attack. The Mother boss was annoying. Whipfist and palm strike devastator won me the fight.




Is the military as overwhelming after all of the missions as before (in the later missions)? That's what made me lose interest...




I never felt that. Just stay disguised as much as necessary and use the armor/blade combo whenever possible. Air slice is very useful. Whipfist is also an incredibly useful power. Hit things from far away.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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Is the military as overwhelming after all of the missions as before (in the later missions)? That's what made me lose interest...




I never felt that. Just stay disguised as much as necessary and use the armor/blade combo whenever possible. Air slice is very useful. Whipfist is also an incredibly useful power. Hit things from far away.


It seems like I can't just walk around and do whatever anymore, and there's always a throng of soldiers and tanks on every street, and almost as many helicopters and search bots.


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Is the military as overwhelming after all of the missions as before (in the later missions)? That's what made me lose interest...




I never felt that. Just stay disguised as much as necessary and use the armor/blade combo whenever possible. Air slice is very useful. Whipfist is also an incredibly useful power. Hit things from far away.


It seems like I can't just walk around and do whatever anymore, and there's always a throng of soldiers and tanks on every street, and almost as many helicopters and search bots.




I know what you mean... My solution to this was beating the game! you unlock + mode, you get to play through again with all unlocks :D Its so much fun!!!!

New Sig Coming soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just got the game, any tips?


I can't remember the name of the upgrade, but it's B+B near a hunter. You pick it up then slam it on the ground, useful for whaling on it, but when it jerks and gets up, run a little ways, because you will get knocked down. Also, buy the Glide power asap.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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I just got the game, any tips?


I can't remember the name of the upgrade, but it's B+B near a hunter. You pick it up then slam it on the ground, useful for whaling on it, but when it jerks and gets up, run a little ways, because you will get knocked down. Also, buy the Glide power asap.


Hunter Dirtnap. :thumbsup:


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Whipfist power and its upgrade are ridiculously overpowered, even on the highest difficulty level. Large range + high damage + area of effect (after buying the first combo) = everything dies. Except for tanks, which you can kill with the hammerfists.

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The Whipfist power and its upgrade are ridiculously overpowered, even on the highest difficulty level. Large range + high damage + area of effect (after buying the first combo) = everything dies. Except for tanks, which you can kill with the hammerfists.




The Whipfist and Blades are what I used. Killed the final boss so fast, wasn't even funny.

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Just got to a very annoying part. It's the end of the mission where you have to lure that guy close to a hive. As usual, I have to get rid of the military to end the mission, but somehow they're sending in endless choppers. Every time I kill one another one immediately appears, meaning I always have three on my tail. This escape is pretty much impossible.

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Just got to a very annoying part. It's the end of the mission where you have to lure that guy close to a hive. As usual, I have to get rid of the military to end the mission, but somehow they're sending in endless choppers. Every time I kill one another one immediately appears, meaning I always have three on my tail. This escape is pretty much impossible.




If you can, grapple onto one of the helicopters.




The most annoying mission for me was the one where you had to destroy the filters at this factory guarded by super soldiers.

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Unfortunately that power hasn't been unlocked at this point of the game. I finished it seemingly through random luck, ending up with over 50 helicopter kills in my stat screen.

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I just beat this. As one of the people before me said, the most annoying thing was the filter mission. I just used helicopters, but there were so many helicopters to fight. I did feel like a badass though when I jumped out of an exploding helicopter a few thousand feet in the air, then grappled onto another in midair, hijacking it.




The biggest flaws in this game were this, in my opinion.




The fact that thrown objects act like [bleep]ing heat seaking missiles. I should be able to dodge a thrown car in a helicopter, but no, it can turn in midair even though it's a car. Also how real homing missiles enemies launch at you are unavoidable, but then when you launch the same thing at them, it rarely hits.




There should have been less copypasta buildings and people. It wouldn't have been too hard to atleast texture 50 or 60 unique looking civilians, it would make the game look way better. Then buildings shouldn't just be copypasta either. I'm ok with some buildings looking the same, but everything was the same practically.




It needed a better enviroment. Here's what I mean:


On some billboards, there were scrawlings written by survivors, like on a billboard saying "THE CURE IS COMING" someone spraypainted "THE CURE IS A LIE IT'S NOT COMING" or something similar. I'd like to see more evidence that the non-infected aren't just running around waiting to die, but I'd like to see some makeshift barricades, some guns, I mean it is nyc, I think a couple of people are gonna have guns.




The fact that you can't drop someone/thing that you pick up. Atleast I think you couldn't. It's an easy feature to put in, and would have made me seem a lot nicer. I would have liked to have some side missions/minigames where you have to rescue people from a crowd of infected by carrying them to safety or something like that.




Less randomly being discovered would be nice.




And how hard it was to target and control alex was frustrating.



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