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Runescape's Strengths


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Like another person who posted, i also specifically made this account for this thread.


The discussion for both sides (RS/non-rs) has been riveting and literally had me reading every single post. (I particularly liked the circle jerk post) =D> As an avid WoW player i FULLY realize the lack-luster nature of many of their quests. Of the 3 releases of WoW, the first 2 are the ones that you guys are knocking so heavily, with the lack luster quests and the (nothing after raiding). In the latest advent of wow, Wrath of the Lich King, i mean.. while leveling i was BLOWN AWAY. The quests are immersive, innovative, and while there is definitely still a grab bag of "Go get crag boar ribs and bring them back for these terrible gloves." There are also new innovative engines in play, from disguising yourself, infiltrating an enemy encampment and uncovering their plans, to hopping on the shoulder of a storm giant and working with him to blow the crap out of anything in your way.




As far as minigames go, they're pvp. I don't know how else to explain them...


Minigames aren't a major selling point of the game.. it's not on the box.. they're just something to kill time from now and then.


It only makes sense that they're lack luster compared to other aspects of the game. They could almost just be seen as an introduction to the end game pvp, getting you used to combat with other players and such. Runescape prides itself on it's minigames, thus there are tons and usually of high caliber.




The "real" pvp in wow starts at 80, you make a 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 team, and you rank, there's real world tournaments, cash prizes, something to really get your blood pumping. When is the last time jagex offered a $5k prize for a clan wars tourny?




As far as the end game content goes.. They're two ENTIRELY different spectrums of game. In Runescape, you spend FOREVER maxing out, then have nothing to do until the next update, which is one quest that you bang out in 2-3 hours, TOPS. In WoW, it takes a while, but not nearly as long to max your character, there's dungeons, heroic dungeons, raid, 10-man and 25-man, hard mode 25-man. The list goes on. My guildies and I mounted up and rode from the furthest north city on one continent to the southernmost tip, not exactly frolicking in meadows, but pretty close. Plenty of stuff to keep you going, as many players say, the game doesn't really even start until you you're level cap.




WoW is an epic scale dungeon raider game, going back to its roots in 40-man raid parties, to it's current 10/25-man ones. It's BUILT around team-work and communication. The game as a whole is not meant to be played solo. The server hierarchy even works to this effect. Make a toon on a server, that server is it's own little world with a thriving population that can't just disappear. You make friends, enemies, join a guild, hell, i even got an in-game wife one time. (That ring was purty expensive.) The gameplay is engineered around these relationships, and paired with a simple-to-use and sturdy chat system, it's easy to maintain them.




Runescape is meant to be played solo, or with random people on your CW/SW team. There's terrible support for clans, only a recently implemented(terribly flaky) clan chat system. Not one single thing comes to mind (except maybe chaos ele) when i think "team monsters in runescape". All others can be soloed, and, due to the nature of the drop system, usually are to ensure profit.




There is a fantasy element to this discussion that also shouldn't be made light of.. A great number of wow players play for some sort of fantasy, the role-playing aspect. Be an orc, whose life has been ridden with strife from birth. A Forsaken, defected from the scourge and Arthas to work with Sylvanas and make a name for yourselves. How do you RP in RS? "Oh yeah, hey, I'm a human from... over there.."




Comparing the 2 together is apples to oranges. I play RS and WoW, and am happy with both. What starts to ruin the game is when they try to be tooo much like others. WoW by dumbing down it's content to make it more accessible to casual players, and Runescape by adding multiple-player bosses and moving away from from improving skills (which hold all the games allure.)




While it might be helpful to nitpick about differences in the similar aspects of the games, such as rs combat vs. wow combat or WoW professions vs. RS skilling, it is absurdly more helpful to look at the fundamentals of the game such as team-work vs. solo-play.




BTW, sorry for writing a book, I've been a passionate gamer for the majority of my life and given my extensive experience with WoW AND RS, figured i'd throw it into the mix, what with all these 10-day trial players hopping on and saying they know what's going down in end-game. :P

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Yes, RS's skills are repetitive and bland, I addressed that in my OP. So is mining Vespar in EVE or harvesting basically anything else in other MMOs. The difference is RS allows you to be repetitive in 21 different ways. Flaky? Maybe, but it apparently works, leveling is the biggest draw that keeps players in this game. The only game with a truly interesting harvesting and crafting system was Vanguard, and people hated how "hard" it was.




I never thought of it that way. It's kind of like Pokemon. It sucks if you only level one Pokemon to 100 but if you have a varied party with different moves and abilities then the quest for 100 is much more fun, even though it's practically the same thing.

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I must say I completely agree with your post.




Don't get me wrong, I love games like World of Warcraft and Anarchy Online, and I really miss playing them, but Runescape really does shine in a lot of departments where other successful MMORPG's can't.

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Here is some of Runeacape's strenghts:




1: Quest 153 + 14 mini quest and many more to come at least one a month.




2: Mini games 39.




3: Skills 21 and more to come + the new free to play skill thy are working on.




4: Achievement diaries 6 + more to come.




5: And then there is still treasure trails (Clue Scrolls) and monster hunting ( Chaos Elemental, Corporeal Beast, Dagannoth Kings, Giant Mole, King Black Dragon, and the God Wars Dungeon)




And i would like to see eny other mmo beat that.




1. There's upwards of 3000 quest in WoW.




2. Frankly, I think the RS mini-games are [cabbage]e. The WoW PvP mini-games are a lot more fun and the WoW PVP is much better, RS requires nothing more than 10 IQ compared to WoW PvP.




3. Completely different games, one is "Sandbox", the other is combat based, no point in comparing. In or around 12-15 skills in WoW, forget exact number.




4. Achievements in WoW? 931 of them, many which give rewards such as titles and rare items. Completing the Achievement Diaries are for kids compared to completing all Achievements in WoW.




5. Sorry, the Monster Hunting in RS compared to WoW is a pisstake. I've done them all, I've done all GWD bosses, I've done DKs countless times both as Solo mage, Duo Hybrid and Tribriding. It's absolutely appalling compared to WoW in terms of skill required to perform and skill required to stay alive / keep others alive.




Have you actually played any other MMO till end-game content? The apparent difference between me and you? I've played both WoW and RS for two years, RS doesn't hold a candle to the likes of WoW.

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To anyone that says that characters on wow are only limited their one class, think again. Talents play a big role. For example, a paladin can be either dps, tank or healer, and with the introduction of the dual spec, its easier to switch between.




It's funny, I first started playing RS a few years back, and it's sad to see how the game has slowly detoriated. Once the trade limits were here, I was gone like a bullet.




And wow isn't expensive, once you do the maths.




Initial game is £9, with 1 months membership. That's roughly 30p a day. Then you don't need to buy TBC and WOTLK til 60 and 70 respectively.

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I guess expense is relative.




In the US, the startup set of WoW is $29.99, including that first month of membership. The next 11 months of membership, at $15 US each, will set you back $165 US, totalling $195 for that first year. That same $195 will pay for 3 years and 3 months of Runescape.




And that doesn't count the two expansion packs you're going to have to buy for WoW at some point.




When you're talking about getting the most bang for your buck, it's like comparing a Ferrari to a Subaru Impreza WRX or a Lancer Evolution. The Ferrari is a better car, but you can almost as good an experience with the Subaru or Lancer for about 1/4 the price.

"Duty, then, is the sublimest word in the English language. If I do my full duty, the rest will take care of itself." ~ Robert E. Lee




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When you're talking about getting the most bang for your buck, it's like comparing a Ferrari to a Subaru Impreza WRX or a Lancer Evolution. The Ferrari is a better car, but you can almost as good an experience with the Subaru or Lancer for about 1/4 the price.




Please never ever try to compare an Impreza or EVO to a Ferrari in the future.




Speaking in fractions, the Subaru or Mitsubishi EVO (There is no such thing as a "Lancer EVO", the Lancer is a sub-model profuced by the Mitsubishi brand just like the Evolution) would most likely reach the finish line 75% faster than the two other cars. Seeing as price and quality really DOES go together in the car business.




And to clear some more things up. You do not get anywhere NEAR the same experience of driving a ferrari, when driving an Impreza/EVO, or any other street racing car for that matter. Unless by "experience" you mean the feeling of moving forward faster than pedestrians.. ;)




to sum things up. the italian stallion would eat the japanese cars like little tiny pieces of sushi and spit them out at 320 km/h.




its like pitting a greyhound against a cheetah. .. Yeah both are fast, slender, sleek and designed for speed. But the cheetah has no competition from the greyhound.,,




p.s. there are many videos of Evo's passing ferraris in dragraces etc. The explanation would be that ferraris are illegal to tamper with unless you have an agreement with the company. And they rarely agree to this. The EVO on the other hand can be tampered with to hold over 1000 Horsepower. But Standard vs Standard and the EVO will lose every time. Unless the driver of the ferrari is [developmentally delayed]ed at driving.

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If only Mount and Blade was a MMO... :D






Runescape combat only lacks multiplayer aspects and true battlemages (rather than magic just being a support skill); Doesn't take a genious to notice many popular MMOs focuse on teams sized 4-15 to battle each other.




Barbarian assault, Stealing creation, Castle Wars and (p2p) FoG are all great minigames but Soul Wars is just a piece of [cabbage] for the fact you can't start games with only a few people... All people flood 2 servers resulting in 33% of people just afking to gain the points. Also the reward is way too unbalanced. Compare to SC's 10% difference which results to both teams being usually balanced.




Anyway, more PVP minigames! :)

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Very well said! I have always wondered if others had a similar opinion about rival MMO's.




I myself have played many of our competitors, but I always end up coming back to Runescape.




Some of the reasons are




1. A "high" level character. After having played on and off so many years I have access/can do a great majority of the content out there. While I do not claim to be "elite" I can happily say I am fairly high level. I am within the top 10% of all players to ever play RS. I do understand that many have quit and there could be free players that are better, but that depends on what you define better as. It's hard to compare F2P to P2P because P2P obviously has an advantage.




2. Quests. They are litterly one of the reasons I can't truely quit. Every other MMO I have every played fits perfectly into the three things you listed. Yes there are some quests/missions/adventures that are cool in other ones but they always come down to killing things for an item or to get to a spot to get an item.




3. Open-endedness(if thats a word lol) I love that I can do ANYTHING in RS with just one character. No alts, no second, third, 100th character, no starting all over. Thats also why I love having a character I can come back to an try new content.




4. RS doesn't require no-lifeing to access new content. All the other MMO's make their content exclusively for the so called "elite". They rarely give something to those who don't play for a very large ammount of time non stop. Any new raid requires you to be at max level, and requires good teamwork to even complete it. While some people may enjoy that more, I get so frustrated having to play content all the time with others. At least with RS you can do many things solo, but you also can bring friends along.


i couldt have said it better ::'



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I agree with almost everything you said. I love the quests of RS and all the logic and puzzeling that is needed for soloving them. It's one of my favourite parts of the game, and the second biggest reason to why I play this game. The quests require so much more than just "go kill that and that", "bring me that and that" or "Make that and that". In RS you need to think logically and there's something for everyone. If you like to cook you can do one quest, if you like to kill you can do another one and if you like firemaking you can do a third one. This is the main reason to why I play this game; All the different options. The true sandbox. I have only one account in RS, still I can do so many different things with it! I can do quests that range from helping a cook to slaying a dragon. I can fish in rivers as well as shooting down ducks with my bow and arrows, as well as using magic to defeat demons.


But one of the biggest strenght of RS you forgot to mention. A big part of it is free. All these strenghts together make more than up for the not-that-bad-after-all-IMO combat system.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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blog ftw?



Excuses are tools of incompetence that builds monuments of nothingness. Those who specialize in excuses never accomplish anything.
If the world does end on December 21, 2012, I want to be doing hot stuff with Megan Fox and/or playing Runescape :D
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your description of "other MMO's" seemed to be directed at the MMORPG World of Warcraft,


i happen to play that game aswell as runescape and dont know why everyone hates it


and the "castle wars" theme was out ALONG time before runescape's castle wars.




yeah he kinda set WoW as some sort of an example...




and he never said that castle wars was a RS original.. he said that some MMO also have the CW theme just like runescape but isnt the same thing


hmm hp is almost my highest skill.. i guess that means im balanced??

Dive Into The Endless Handbag Known As Your Imagination...





*get SS

*get BGS

*get SGS

*Rule the world![/hide]

*and maybe... now just MAYBE raise summon..

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I agree. I've played Wow for one year, but during that year I kept coming back to runescape. I found Wow boring. Sure, the quests might give you good xp in wow when you are a love level, but they are boring as hell. During that year, I got to lvl 39. I stopped then because I found it was too boring. I could have probably been at level 70 if I truly had wanted, but it was too boring (and my comp couldn't play wow to well, despite the fact that it was almost brand new :().




Wow skills are horrible. i got to around 135 engineering, and after that it was basically buy able. Either you spend cash getting it, or you waste hrs getting the stuff. Sure, making dynamite is cool, but its not that good. Sure, the skills help at high lvls, unlike some rs skills that have nothing new after lvl 80-85, but at least you don't really need to. yes, there are many buyable skills in rs (fletch, firemaking, farming, construction, herblore, range, magic, runecrafting whit zmi alter), but not all of them are, and you don't really need to buy them (cept construction) as you can train them yourself. You can argue all you want, Wow skills are pretty bland. max lvl of like 255 for skills? how much of that is buyable? how many people actaully collect the ingredients themselves?




What do most people spend their time doing? raiding. Sure, its fun, but once you get lvl 70 and your set of armor of prefence, thats all that there is left. How many people are gonna spend time frolicking in the meadows? 1 in a million. That 1 in a million is also going to waste his time, because runescape as far more side activities than wow.




What's that you say? People can play Wow's fun minigames? wrong. Sure, its got decent pvp minigames, but are they fun? not really. You capture this place, move to capture the next one. Yes, its similar to soul wars, but at least soul wars has a boss.... I admit, i haven't played too many of wow's minigames, but I lost interest in them quickly. Runescape, on the other hand, has dozens of minigames, ranging from pvm to pvp. Barrows, pest control, soul wars, castle wars (does any still play this since soul wars lol), trouble brewing, ect. Runescape has not only more minigames, but they are also varied. Its got something for everybody.




Sure, wow has better graphics and sound, but it also requires more specs for your computer, and you have to buy the game + pay a monthly membership. Runescape has low specs for low detailed, and mid specs for high detailed, and its about $6 a month... the only thing Wow seriously does better is combat, and even then, I'd sick with runescape's rng + slight variables combat system. At least until they come up with a new one :P




so lets compare the price content for wow and runescape.




Wow installation pack = $40??? Wow expansion packs 1 and 2 =$70 together??? Wow membership = $18 a month??




using the expansion pack for the first month, thats a hefty sum of $128 dollars.... and what do you get? an expansive combat oriented game that gets old quickly. for $128, you could get almost 2 years of rs membership




rs price: $0-$6 dollars a month (f2p and p2p respectively) What do you get for so little cash? A constantly updated game with already so much to do that the comparably bad graphics, combat system and sound can be ignored, and even if they aren't, trying finding this big a game at such a low price that gets such constant upgrade? the answer: there is nothing like that. :shame:






Also, you can change worlds in runescape, unlike in Wow (I mean switch your character's server to a different one)




and why pay $18 a month when you can play hswow for free? I'll admit, I found hs wow to be far worse :lol:




in the end, you get far more for your money by playing Runescape than Wow. Feel free to argue, wow is mroe boring than rs




wow in a nutshell is: combat, combat and more combat. hmm. Im forgetting something. Oh right, did I mention combat?






ps. Hswow is a hack of wow that you can play for free and by donating to them you can get unattainable high hp/mana levels, I only played it cause it wa an easy lvl 70 to see which class I would like at lvl 70. I in no way am advertising hswow, only explaining what it is. Its sorta like [ForbiddenSite], which I do not play nor suggest you play. DONT'T PLAY IT! :shame:




Another biased remark. How can you judge a game if you haven't fully played it? The best content comes with higher levels and is when the game fully starts.




I'm one of those who enjoys "frolicking in the meadows" as you say. Try not to push everyone into one category without any proof because at least 30% of my friends never train combat. Hey, you know what, 50 people at the rate of 1 in a million makes 50 million! When did the population shoot up so much!




How can you sit there and type that every aspect of WoW is boring? It's called an opinion and you're misleading people that might actually enjoy the game by declaring statements such as "Sure, its got decent pvp minigames, but are they fun? Not really."




Why complain about a higher cost for the game? It's widely known that Blizzard spends much more on development and has many more people on staff 24/7. Ever had a Jmod help you ingame upon request? No? Well blizzard gives access to a living member of their team within minutes. Besides, it's your choice to pay more for the game. And with that higher price, many younger kids tend to stay away so you have a much more mature community overall.




I don't understand why you were bragging about RS late in your post. It sounds like you're implying that Warcraft never gets updated. This certainly isn't the case.




After reading your last paragraph, I finally understood why you didn't stay with WoW. The game was quite simply too hard and complicated for you. If you immediately go to a website where you get the top skills and gear straight away, then it's obvious that you don't have the patience to play a game like WoW.




I honestly don't know whether to take you serious or not Sonic. You haven't even reached endgame and tried it out but you're already posting remarks about how much it sucks? I guess you really do belong at runescape.




For those who didn't read any of my post: Try the game out for yourself before believing these biased posts.




Note: If you didn't see my first post, I actively play runescape and WoW. I'm am not trying to give anything extra to either game, I just don't like seeing something unfairly taken away.






ok just to clarify, seeing as it seemed off, when I said don't play it, I meant hswow, not wow




i've played endgame. its boring. could that be why my maxed friend quit? who knows.




wow, blizzard helps you in game. so what. if you can't play a game without the aid of the creators (other than tutorials), you shouldn't be playing at all. Friends helping is another very different matter.




yes, wow combat IS superior to rs combat, no one can deny that. btw, hswow was a home-server my friend and i played to test the different lvl 70 classes and to goof of in raids. I only played for a few hrs, and that was over the course of like, a month, before it got boring (few hrs being like, 4). Runescape has far more depth than Wow storyline wise. The actual dungeons to get to the bosses are far better. Some have extremely powerful foes till the end where a super powerful foe awaits you. These are some of wow's strengths, and wow does that well. Granted, doing just that well doesn't cut it. Wow is more combat oriented than not. Runescape is as well, pking and pvp are probably the most common and most enjoyed activities, and they deserve to be, just like raiding and dungeons is to wow.




Now lets look at some skills in wow.




Engineering seems like a good pick. These will be random numbers im using, but my point will stand.




pretend you and your friend are maxxed in their skills and combat. lets say you need 150 engineering to make tnt. Thats not too mush right, and you can us it. Lets say your friend doesn't have engineering. He will nto be able to use the tnt you made. True, some you can used, but some you need engineering. Runescape wins in this, as everyone has access to the same skills (getting it to the lvl needed is another story, but yeah, lets ignore that for now). If in rs oyu made a rune 2h, and both your friend and yourself are maxxed out in combat, but your friend doesnt have the smithing lvl, he can still oyu that 2h sword (granted, tis not tnt, but yeah, rs doesn't have too many bombs or related objects) see why rs wins in this.




yes, bliizard may have 24 hr support, but do you really need that much support. I guess for a game as big as wow, maybe you do. But I honestly rarely require support from the creators. The only way would be if my account was hacked, but otherwise, I don't need them for much.




as you said, I have not fully played wow, yet you say you get more content at the higher lvls. Why is that? Rs has content for all lvls (tis starting to be more for higher lvls, but more people are becoming high lvled, so its natural). yes, wow has some content for the lower lvls, but its nor that good. If you say wow gets more content at higher lvls, its cause its easier to get higher lvls. I've heard of people getting lvl 70 in a few days. That's maxxed combat lvl and not armor, but how many people have you heard getting 99 att/str/def/hp/range/mage/prayer in a few days? I didnt count summoning for obvious reasons, and maybe i should count prayer for the same reason. But how many? none. you can't start getting 150-200k xp per hr at early lvls, and 99 is more than 13m xp. I don't know how much wow xp is needed, but I think its in the millions 7-10m? i knwo tis a decently long stretch from 69-70, as i was there with my friend when he got it. but yes, back to the point.




has anyone maxxed rs combat in a few days from 1? no. even if they they had the money, it would take days. I've heard 65 hrs of chinning for 99 range from like, 70 range or so. Thats 2 days, not counting the time to get to 70 range and getting the cash. my point is that it is easier to max wow combat than rs. Prove me wrong, I doubt you can on this one, but shoot away. I'll listen.




I am not maxxed rs, and I ahvent done any of the gwd bosses, dag kings, or even KQ. but so what? I'd rather have fun. THis is why I quit wow. yes, it be fun at 70, but getting 70 is kinda boring. Do the quests make it fun? hell no. Wow quests are kill this, get that, ect. Rs quests have depth, and some are fun (notice i said some, as some are great, and some are god awful). yet, in the end, rs quests have more variety.




As you said, tis your choice to spend more cash on wow, or save on rs. thats true, but dos wow deserve the extra price? well, thats based on opinion. I find that it is cool, its got good graphics, has some good things, but its not for me. i can play rs while listening to music from my computer without it slowing down too much (depending on my internet connection) whereas ow would slow down without anything else running. too me, the size of wow is what really hurts it for me (not as a game, as the program and its specs for you computer).




yes, most of what I list IS based on opinion, but this entire thread is too. I favor rs combat to wow combat for its simplicity, yet ability for become complex. yes, wow combat can be simple, but its rarely simple.




Lets agree to disagree ok?




I didnt say was was bad. I just think runescape is far better. Again, you say otherwise because its your opinion.



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When you're talking about getting the most bang for your buck, it's like comparing a Ferrari to a Subaru Impreza WRX or a Lancer Evolution. The Ferrari is a better car, but you can almost as good an experience with the Subaru or Lancer for about 1/4 the price.


What on earth do you mean by experience?




Driving a Ferrari, an Impreza WRX, and an Evolution are all going to be different experiences.




And just cause an Evolution or an Impreza WRX (and I hope you mean the STI model) is 1/4 the price of say a Ferrari 360 Modena or an Enzo does NOT mean you get more bang for your buck.

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your description of "other MMO's" seemed to be directed at the MMORPG World of Warcraft,


i happen to play that game aswell as runescape and dont know why everyone hates it


and the "castle wars" theme was out ALONG time before runescape's castle wars.




It might seem like I picked WoW as some sort of the demi-example, but that's just because it's the biggest kid on the block, and it's the one most other mmos copy in some way. The basic archtype of mmo, the one WoW popularized, is the one everybody remakes in a slightly different way with a new name (or EverQuest if you want to go back to even older roots). The "pick a class, grind your character, raid twenty million times, and get your perfect gear" mmos. I don't even hate WoW, I had some fun times playing that game but it is what it is, and these days when everything seems like a WoW knockoff you really get tired of it.




Your second question?




Read my post again, please, because I already answered that exact comment in the exact sentence I started naming RS minigames. L2read good sir, I don't like repeating myself.

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i gave up on rs becuase the community is really weak, if someone had the chance to steal all your money on runescape they would take it and probably insult you aswell.


see all those "hack someones account on runescape" videos on youtube?


and people actualy buy money from RWTers and then complain that jagex removed PvP or PKing in the wilderness and unlimited trade.




and sorry that i thought that you were directing the comparison to WoW

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ok just to clarify, seeing as it seemed off, when I said don't play it, I meant hswow, not wow




i've played endgame. its boring. could that be why my maxed friend quit? who knows.




people quit all the time. i've quit rs, does that mean it's poop? no, didn't think so.




wow, blizzard helps you in game. so what. if you can't play a game without the aid of the creators (other than tutorials), you shouldn't be playing at all. Friends helping is another very different matter.




see this is irritating. most of the rs community complain about the lack of help and support, whereas youre saying these people shouldnt be playing? in game help is different from 'where should i go to train?' in wow. I recently complained about a group member who ninja'd, checked my mailbox the next day and the items were there. helpful? very.




yes, wow combat IS superior to rs combat, no one can deny that. btw, hswow was a home-server my friend and i played to test the different lvl 70 classes and to goof of in raids. I only played for a few hrs, and that was over the course of like, a month, before it got boring (few hrs being like, 4). Runescape has far more depth than Wow storyline wise. The actual dungeons to get to the bosses are far better. Some have extremely powerful foes till the end where a super powerful foe awaits you. These are some of wow's strengths, and wow does that well. Granted, doing just that well doesn't cut it. Wow is more combat oriented than not. Runescape is as well, pking and pvp are probably the most common and most enjoyed activities, and they deserve to be, just like raiding and dungeons is to wow.




so, you're judging wow's endgame content based on 4 hours of play? you do realise the level cap is now 80?




i'll carry on. i personally think that wow dungeons are far more superior than rs'. it's where the whole 'rs doesn't limit you to one combat class' comes in. in rs, everyone can melee, range, and mage, and heal themselves. in wow, each group member is given a specific role, be it tank, healer, dps or range dps. main objective is to keep the tank/healer alive. now top that with keeping yourself alive, and killing mobs, and its a completely different experience to anything on rs.




Now lets look at some skills in wow.








Engineering seems like a good pick. These will be random numbers im using, but my point will stand.




pretend you and your friend are maxxed in their skills and combat. lets say you need 150 engineering to make tnt. Thats not too mush right, and you can us it. Lets say your friend doesn't have engineering. He will nto be able to use the tnt you made. True, some you can used, but some you need engineering. Runescape wins in this, as everyone has access to the same skills (getting it to the lvl needed is another story, but yeah, lets ignore that for now). If in rs oyu made a rune 2h, and both your friend and yourself are maxxed out in combat, but your friend doesnt have the smithing lvl, he can still oyu that 2h sword (granted, tis not tnt, but yeah, rs doesn't have too many bombs or related objects) see why rs wins in this.




this seems funny to me, because if i tried doing that in rs, i wouldn't have been able to give it to my friend, let alone worry about if they can use it or not. okay, a better example, going back a year or two: i smelt some rune bars for my friend who will make something out of them. now tell me, does he need a certain level to be able to create something? yes.




yes, bliizard may have 24 hr support, but do you really need that much support. I guess for a game as big as wow, maybe you do. But I honestly rarely require support from the creators. The only way would be if my account was hacked, but otherwise, I don't need them for much.




valid point. but it's better to have that support there than to not.




as you said, I have not fully played wow, yet you say you get more content at the higher lvls. Why is that? Rs has content for all lvls (tis starting to be more for higher lvls, but more people are becoming high lvled, so its natural). yes, wow has some content for the lower lvls, but its nor that good. If you say wow gets more content at higher lvls, its cause its easier to get higher lvls. I've heard of people getting lvl 70 in a few days. That's maxxed combat lvl and not armor, but how many people have you heard getting 99 att/str/def/hp/range/mage/prayer in a few days? I didnt count summoning for obvious reasons, and maybe i should count prayer for the same reason. But how many? none. you can't start getting 150-200k xp per hr at early lvls, and 99 is more than 13m xp. I don't know how much wow xp is needed, but I think its in the millions 7-10m? i knwo tis a decently long stretch from 69-70, as i was there with my friend when he got it. but yes, back to the point.




i don't see why people rush to get to the highest level in any game. you're meant to enjoy it, not sit down and just grind somewhere. i'm in no rush to get to level 80. hell, i'm only level 43!




has anyone maxxed rs combat in a few days from 1? no. even if they they had the money, it would take days. I've heard 65 hrs of chinning for 99 range from like, 70 range or so. Thats 2 days, not counting the time to get to 70 range and getting the cash. my point is that it is easier to max wow combat than rs. Prove me wrong, I doubt you can on this one, but shoot away. I'll listen.




you do realise this has nothing to do with anything? anyway, games aren't about maxxing. if anything, it's more fun getting to 80 than being 80.




I am not maxxed rs, and I ahvent done any of the gwd bosses, dag kings, or even KQ. but so what? I'd rather have fun. THis is why I quit wow. yes, it be fun at 70, but getting 70 is kinda boring. Do the quests make it fun? hell no. Wow quests are kill this, get that, ect. Rs quests have depth, and some are fun (notice i said some, as some are great, and some are god awful). yet, in the end, rs quests have more variety.




It's been a while since i've played rs, but isn't 'kill this fetch that' basically what most rs quests are about too? correct me if im wrong.




As you said, tis your choice to spend more cash on wow, or save on rs. thats true, but dos wow deserve the extra price? well, thats based on opinion. I find that it is cool, its got good graphics, has some good things, but its not for me. i can play rs while listening to music from my computer without it slowing down too much (depending on my internet connection) whereas ow would slow down without anything else running. too me, the size of wow is what really hurts it for me (not as a game, as the program and its specs for you computer).




Okay, internet connection doesn't affect your cpu speed. if it does, you should get it checked out. Also makes sense to check the spec of your computer before buying a game. please do post the spec of your computer.




yes, most of what I list IS based on opinion, but this entire thread is too. I favor rs combat to wow combat for its simplicity, yet ability for become complex. yes, wow combat can be simple, but its rarely simple.




can't get more simple than rs pvp. "hit. hit. special attack. eat. hit. pray. hit. eat. hit. hit. hit. eat. died."




Lets agree to disagree ok?




I didnt say was was bad. I just think runescape is far better. Again, you say otherwise because its your opinion.




As i like to say, opinion is neither correct nor incorrect, so good on ya for that.

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i don't see why people rush to get to the highest level in any game. you're meant to enjoy it, not sit down and just grind somewhere. i'm in no rush to get to level 80. hell, i'm only level 43!




I agree, but some people have some sort of rush to beat other people to higher skills ect..


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i don't see why people rush to get to the highest level in any game. you're meant to enjoy it, not sit down and just grind somewhere. i'm in no rush to get to level 80. hell, i'm only level 43!




I agree, but some people have some sort of rush to beat other people to higher skills ect..




I find it quite sad :?

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i gave up on rs becuase the community is really weak, if someone had the chance to steal all your money on runescape they would take it and probably insult you aswell.


see all those "hack someones account on runescape" videos on youtube?


and people actualy buy money from RWTers and then complain that jagex removed PvP or PKing in the wilderness and unlimited trade.




and sorry that i thought that you were directing the comparison to WoW




Eh, mebbe, I hear people complain about the RuneScape community a lot, but it's never bothered me. I used to sell magazines door-to-door, believe me, no internet insult will even faze my ego.




And honestly, RS's community isn't any worse than a lot of the other major mmos out there. The World of Warcraft forums are full of asshats and trolls. The game is filled with gold farmers. Annoying kids and [wagon] morons are everywhere, and even the high end zones are filled with the inevitable elitists and arrogant jerks. It's called the internet.




I mean hell, play Age of Conan - or if you're really brave, try Darkfall, and you'll see the RS community for what it is, just average. Not the most annoying, not the most hostile, not the most backstabbing, just plain average.








Oh, and don't call me a liar.

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Now, I've played WoW, I love my tauren drood. But no matter how you dress up WoW's achievement system and its talent system and its holiday events, it's a dictionary definition for not-a-sandbox. Sandbox would be some of the more oldschool MMOs, like Ultima Online or Shadowbane, though a truly sandbox MMO hasn't really been made yet. Just read up on what the designers for Mortal Online are trying to do and compare that to Warcraft and you'll see the difference.





You've obviously never played Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU, or even Pre-NGE.






I have. It's not too Sandboxy either. >_> Lol


Slayer drops: Black Mask: 1 (Ik I fail)



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