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Should dieing in Runescape be more dramatic?

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I would personally like to see someone go flying when they are ko'd by a god sword or fall down spinning if they are killed by range. I think having more dramatic deaths would add to the game, rather then just falling on your knees. I dont think blood has to be involved because runescape probably would never do that, but just a bit of an epic death would be nice ::' .





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Not flying around because if your in PVP or something like that, your going to lag as hell, and you won't be able to see anything if others are going to die.


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Not flying around because if your in PVP or something like that, your going to lag as hell, and you won't be able to see anything if others are going to die.




sad, but true. Maybe just have it on in special areas, like boss monsters in quests?

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Not really. While I think this is a good idea, this might create lag for some players.


They should continue the Grim Reaper from Halloween though. I liked how the Grim Reaper said stuff like "I shall take Sonic3190 to Lumbridge!" and stuff like that.




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I'd like Ragdoll physics in RS. Doubt that'll ever work decently in Java, but it's nice to dream about it.




I do wonder why people think more dramatic death animations would cause lag. What do you know about how heavy a certain death animation is? I'm sure there are plenty of ways to prevent death animations to be too demanding of your system.

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If it is triggered by death, it should be possible, but probably not based on the weapon of your opponent. IF they change it, it will most likely be one animation again, just different from the current one.




Maybe a solution would be some sort of shop, or free choice of a few animations, so not everyone dies in the same way.



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I think its a good idea, but it should definately not be priority.




Fixing f2p mage, soul wars freeloaders, and all those other bugs should definitely go first =D.






I agree, it would be sweet for the "death emote" to be updated: very seriously sweet. But not a priority.




Isn't this more of something for the Suggestions forum?

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Heh, the death emote for Lesser Demons is pretty dramatic. We don't need a player death emote more dramatic than that..




Yeah, it makes it take forever for their drop to appear. We definitely don't need anything like that, but I do think we need a change.

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sounds cool,




maybe if you died by mage, you would get zapped, turn into a skeleton, and fall to the ground in a heap of bones.




for range, the person shoots, and arrow gets stuck in your charactor, and you fall forward on your fave just like the goblins








the person slashes, as the person dies their sword gets knocked out of their hand, and they get stabbed, and fall backward (the weapon flying out of the defeated's hand, wouldnt make the weapon apper on the ground, is just for looks.)




(plz note that all of the animations of the people getting killed are slowmotion, like the arrow, shoots slowly toward the person but they cant move, the mage spell comes slowly, and the slash from melee, is slomo too, but the person cant move out of the way. (think matrix))




i thought these might be good, with out creating too much server lagg

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The concept is cool, but won't the whole game need revamping too? I mean, the skillcape emotes are frankly quite boring and everyone who has the same cape does the same emote... hey... why not add a more realistic avatar too.... think of the possibilities! Sarcasm aside, it would be too much of an update to do, if animations were to change, players would demand JaGex to change alot more than just death animations....




Right now, I don't agree we should have better animations, with places like Soul Wars with 1k people in a relatively small area, the lag will be horrible, why else did JaGex change the barrage animation?

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If it is triggered by death, it should be possible, but probably not based on the weapon of your opponent. IF they change it, it will most likely be one animation again, just different from the current one.




Maybe a solution would be some sort of shop, or free choice of a few animations, so not everyone dies in the same way.


Death animation shop ^^ It would be a good thing imo. You would pay more money for better animations, the most expensive costing several million. Great way to show off your money. It would stay the same in pvp worlds.

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Sure it would be nice to have a change but "flying though the air" just doesn't work for me. All those bodies flying through the air making it hard to see (in game that is) doesn't sound good to me. Sure a little change wouldn't hurt but it just isn't needed. With all the other things JaGEx currently needs to do this isn't one of them.

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Well, I could picture your character becoming limp and falling into a heap when your HP reaches 0, but flying through the air? No, that would probably cause lots of lag and be distracting. Not to mention the drop would probably be all the farther away.


But even an improvement on the current animation would be good enough for me.


The death shop idea, I like. Many different death animations so you can be different from the others.

Maturity is getting more and more scarce on RuneScape...

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Oh and to all that people saying it wouldn't create lag because emotes don't create lag, your logic is flawed. Since the server would have to deal with a more complex death emote and they (the emotes) would take up so many more resources it would create a massive lag. Not to mention if it is decided to have multiple death emotes it would create even more recourse suckers just for the cool emote... when you perish?

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Maybe, just maybe, there could be something like Obi-Wan's Death scene in Star Wars 4, with the armour/robes falling to the floor in a heap, but nothing inside. Though you might have to get rid of the bone drop....How would we survive....


If you were not wearing any armour/robes though you would just see your your character fall backwards/forward into a vortexy thing and materialise back at Lumbridge/Falador.




Then again an overly dramatic death of the hand of God grapping you by the nape, pulling you through your armour with yellow letters coming from your character saying 'Oh no; not again.'


Or the ever simple portal to hell in the ground...


Or doing like the imps do and just vanishing in a puff of smoke.


Or even just your character turned white and transparent(in the space of 3 seconds) then fade to black and then Lumbridge/Falador.




You don't want something too fancy or too drab, just something that captures death, so that people don't get bored with it; like the skill cape emotes.




As for people saying 'it isn't needed' I don't think, personally, a new pub in East Ardougne is needed...But Runescape 'needs' more things, more things to explore and more things to experiance, Death is something that everyone has to experiance at sometime(despite our best efforts) and so there should be some drama to it, rather than falling over.




It is, after all, a throwback(The animation) to a time long past, where the community mattered more than the game itself.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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No cuz it could make people really upset.




People who have (D med helm drop from dark beasts lol) weak bladders might wet themselves.




People who have weak hearts might have a heart attack.

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Yes it should since- and I'm sure you'd agree- the current death emote looks rather bland.




As for the update, I keep my fingers crossed; Jagex seems to be making a lot of graphical developments and many much-needed minor improvements (the recent run energy update, for example) lately. I won't be surprised if something like this is up next on their agenda.


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