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Should dieing in Runescape be more dramatic?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would love more dramatic deaths! Smile as you lose your d claws from a rusher as you see yourself with a sword swinging around your intestines!




Nah but I actually do like the idea, as long as it's kept to one square (like skillcape emotes)

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Yeah, lets add Nvidia's PhysX to Runesacpe, That way only people with an Nvidia card can play!




Plus it will be very awesome to display uber complex physics in an MMO with thousands of people in the same area at once!






^^^^I think that would crash the internet

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It's a good idea, but would it really work?




The only thing that would work is a shop for the animations, you know, to make the people earn what they want. Don't just give it to them. It gives an incentive.

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I suggest, when you die, and if a melee fighter kills you, he first disarms you with one swift blow, then knee you in the stomach. When you fall to your knees holding your guts he then proceeds to chop your head of, find a nearby pole, stick it on the pole, then stick the head-on-a-pole in the ground. And as you lie there beheaded you squirt some blood. After that, you respawn in Lumbridge or whereever you do.




For a ranged dude, he first shoots one arrow in your left shoulter, thus disarming you. As you grab your left shoulder the archer then goes to 3 squares distance of you (stepping forward or backwards depends on the attacker) and just shoots 3 arrows right in your guts. As you fall to your knees he stepts right next to you, shooting an arrow into your left eye. You fall, die, respawn.




For a master of the dark arts (that' s magic), he first shocks you. Don' t ask me how, but the electricity disarms you. Then, he starts to power up like they do in the movies with the robes waving in the air and sparks fly everywhere, and then just BLASTS your legs off. And as you, uh, sit on the ground with no legs, screaming, he freezes your head and sends a lightning bolt through you, exploding your head in the process. Respawn.




What my sarcastic comment is trying to say is, what' s the point? This would be awesome, but it would create lag that only a good computer and direct LAN connection to the server could whitstand. But not good for the game that has no blood in the game. Anywhere.


So a cool death emote is out of the question, you just can' t make it any better without blood or it being +13. What can we improve? The side we fall to? Honestly, Runescape just couldn' t survive the gore level of a better death scene, even if it' s only a little blood squirting out of a cut finger. And anything that would look good would create way too much lag on PvP worlds, and I doubt you wan' t to see a cool death emote when a GWD boss just killed you and you lost your first real armour or weapon.




No offense really, just want to bring a smile or even a chuckle to someone.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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sounds cool,




maybe if you died by mage, you would get zapped, turn into a skeleton, and fall to the ground in a heap of bones.




for range, the person shoots, and arrow gets stuck in your charactor, and you fall forward on your fave just like the goblins








the person slashes, as the person dies their sword gets knocked out of their hand, and they get stabbed, and fall backward (the weapon flying out of the defeated's hand, wouldnt make the weapon apper on the ground, is just for looks.)




(plz note that all of the animations of the people getting killed are slowmotion, like the arrow, shoots slowly toward the person but they cant move, the mage spell comes slowly, and the slash from melee, is slomo too, but the person cant move out of the way. (think matrix))




i thought these might be good, with out creating too much server lagg




That sounds pretty epic :D




I reckon they could update the death animation, it really wouldn't hurt. But other things do have to take priority.


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  • 3 months later...

They really should have kept the Grim Reapers, named "Death" when you die.


Too bad they are a Halloween exclusive, but then again, Halloween is only in a few days!


I wonder what the death animation would be? I think it would be a ghost or something this time.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

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I say it should be a good idea but of course F2P mage fixing should be their top priority(I hate it when i go to a F2P world and so many mages are complaining about their balances).


But a new death animation should be nice.


Like Melee would be a fall face flat


Range would be your character grasping his chest and gasping for air(punctured lung)


And mage would be him turning into a pile of ashes.

It takes many people to construct a weapon of mass destruction, but only 1 idiot to use it.



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All of this is fine, but there's one problem.


The death animatio is currently pretty quick. Some of the suggestions herewould take too long. While I'm all in favour of people being killed differently by different combat styles - and why couldn't this apply to monsters too? - we would need shorter animations that those being suggested now.



Dragon drops: Half shield(cs), med helm(cs) Chainbody (cs) (I do a lot of monster hunting with my clan!

Barrows: Guthan's plateboy [1]

GWD: None yet, only done a few trips

Others: I'd love to be able to let you know.



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ehh...i would have to pass on it.


i don't even know if the java could handle that kind of


spontaneity, it would be a big update. and an


update that is not really necessary...

It could, but it would just lag pvp like crazy. :mad: I think the current animations are good. :thumbsup:

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Well, at the very least, the Grim Reaper, named "Death", came back this Halloween again.


They really should keep him all year and not just during Halloween.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have always wanted a different dying animation, but right now in Runescape there are bigger issues to solve like price manipulation, or the dissatisfaction in pkers.

My signature got deleted :(


And I lost all the links. Thanks Gandorf61.

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Really guys, hasn't RS been childish enough, what with the warning signs and such? You wan't people to be devastated when they die, not watch gleefully as their body flies off-screen.dry.gif

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heres an idea, how about you have a difrent death animation depending on your grave.


so the free grave will just be really lame, and the angle of death will make you fly strait up and fade (like prayer cape emote but you dont come back down)

the current animation will probably be the 5k grave.

zamy grave could be something like the lesser's death but faster and with more worship-ness.

what would the zaros grave emote be...


anyway i would like new death animations.


I'm a Brony and proud of it!

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Getting hit by a 2H, and dying to a mage's spell should look different, but it isn't the important part of monster hunting/pking. Honestly, who Pk'es to die?

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