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Emo Children


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lol. ive only read the first post and i can tell you some of their stupidest quilities.








1. wearing girl jeans




2. having hair thats longer in the front and having it over their face so the can be all like "i am tragic and mysterious....."




3. cutting their wrists




4. crying themselves to sleep








you can find all of this in the infamously mentally challenged song that they play too much on mtv 2, "ohio hearts" or some other crap.








ALL EMO MUST DIE!!! :twisted:








l33t version: 3M0 T3H SUXORZEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:








They're just doing their own thing. Just leave them alone. :/ And no, not all emo kids cut their wrists.


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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this is a song i found earlyer today. lyrics are below








http://www.myspace.com/adamandandrew (select emo kid)




i guess you will have to copy and paste it... is there anything they DONT censor in this forum? this is just getting ridiculous, trying to express yourself with about half the dictionary, and probably less than half of all websites








Dear Diary








Mood: Apathetic








My life is spiraling downward. I couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry concert. It sucks cause they play some of my favorite songs like ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅStab my heart because I love youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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static.gif Emo, Emo, I wish everybody was Emo! static.gif








What a topic, boy oh boy! This is really amazing, a topic where I can just type a bit and say everything I just want to say, and do silly stuff. Oh boy I love it. loveit.gif I say we all drop our bad habbits and become phoney hippies and listen to psycedelic music and all love eachother take things easy and stuff. You know, just go out a bit, drink some, talk some, love some, just easy going. We're all so worked up over everything, I mean, for God's sake, we're debating somekind of music genre, in fact, we're not debating the music genre, but the fans of that music genre, how ridiculous and lame is that? What the hell are we on about? emo.gif I say we talk about music instead of talking about people that like certain music. I say respect eachother and love everybody till they get a heart-attack!








And hurray, another useless reply with no point posted by How 2 Post Krap. shadey.gif


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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static.gif Emo, Emo, I wish everybody was Emo! static.gif








What a topic, boy oh boy! This is really amazing, a topic where I can just type a bit and say everything I just want to say, and do silly stuff. Oh boy I love it. loveit.gif I say we all drop our bad habbits and become phoney hippies and listen to psycedelic music and all love eachother take things easy and stuff. You know, just go out a bit, drink some, talk some, love some, just easy going. We're all so worked up over everything, I mean, for God's sake, we're debating somekind of music genre, in fact, we're not debating the music genre, but the fans of that music genre, how ridiculous and lame is that? What the hell are we on about? emo.gif I say we talk about music instead of talking about people that like certain music. I say respect eachother and love everybody till they get a heart-attack!








And hurray, another useless reply with no point posted by How 2 Post Krap. shadey.gif








Hah another useless reply? Hell no. I say it's the pest reply in this whole.... topic. :)

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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those emo guys look sooooo stupid :lol: pansies with make-up and all :lol:








you should become a metalhead :wink:
















Like these guys? :wink:








No, like these guys \m/
















Hopefully someone here will know who that is.








But yeah, I'm not a fan of emo. Some emo chicks are pretty good looking but for the most part, it's like a pansy hardcore scene. Chix pants = teh l0se.

Panix - /server -j #runescape irc.efnet.org



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Make up doesn't make someone emo. Whining does.








Simple Plan are emo. Disgusting stuff.








Simple plan are fake EMO. I agree, they do suck. I am so sick of some people calling some good bands emo though. Some people here call all rock emo because most of them are still trying to revive to so called "rap era", someone should tell them the truth...there was none, it was a *"Crap era".








* Sorry if this is not allowed


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real emo is dead. The old school emo in the 80's to late 90's is true emo. The stuff a lot of you all are stereotyping isn't emo, it's fashioncore. Fashioncore is bands like From First To Last, Hawthorne Heights, etc. They dress and act a certain way, and write [cabbage]ty music with uninteresting guitar riffs for one purpose: to sell. They're doing it for the money and idiots buy it all up. People stereotype the genre and they think its all about wrist cutting and crying over their girlfriends. Fashioncore bands are boy bands and they all suck.








Check out Sunny Day Real Estate if anyone is interested in real emo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

personally, i dont like emos very much. i mean, listening to the music is alright (i listen to rap, been feelin a bit down lately and guess wat i turn to.... emo music!), but the hair kinda bugs me, i mean, emos in my skool complain bout uniforms and stuff, but then they've all got the same hair!

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personally, i dont like emos very much. i mean, listening to the music is alright (i listen to rap, been feelin a bit down lately and guess wat i turn to.... emo music!), but the hair kinda bugs me, i mean, emos in my skool complain bout uniforms and stuff, but then they've all got the same hair!




















I have no problem with emo kids or attitudes or music. It's just a bunch of teenagers admitting that they do cry sometimes and they're not as tough as they want to be. Then some people take it to extremes and the rest suffer the stereotype.








It is kind of funny to see people trying to be "different" by dressing exactly, exactly like their friends or band, though. Don't hate them for it, just have a quick giggle and move on.

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Whats this emo bashing trend thats going on about? Why in the * would emo people deserve abuse? I see emo people just as a part of todays teen culture. Just like in seventies there were hippies, or hip hoppers or anything else today.








And I hate stereotyping so * much. I may look like emo to some people (I wear black converses and darkish (emoish type hair I think) at the moment.)




But that that some people may think I look like "emo kid", doesn't make me one, it's stupid to make stereotypies like that. I don't think there even are so simple people that fit the punk, emo, or some other stereotypes perfectly.








You play Soldat dont you? Saw your name on a weapon mod server today.. :oops:


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You play Soldat dont you? Saw your name on a weapon mod server today.. :oops:




Nope :shock: .

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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static.gif Emo, Emo, I wish everybody was Emo! static.gif








What a topic, boy oh boy! This is really amazing, a topic where I can just type a bit and say everything I just want to say, and do silly stuff. Oh boy I love it. loveit.gif I say we all drop our bad habbits and become phoney hippies and listen to psycedelic music and all love eachother take things easy and stuff. You know, just go out a bit, drink some, talk some, love some, just easy going. We're all so worked up over everything, I mean, for God's sake, we're debating somekind of music genre, in fact, we're not debating the music genre, but the fans of that music genre, how ridiculous and lame is that? What the hell are we on about? emo.gif I say we talk about music instead of talking about people that like certain music. I say respect eachother and love everybody till they get a heart-attack!








And hurray, another useless reply with no point posted by How 2 Post Krap. shadey.gif












Stop drinking that much.





















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