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Mobilizing Armies: YOUR Veredict


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I've only been able to play conflict so far and the waiting time completely kills any fun the game might be, both to get into the map and the "strategy" (camping) most everyone else selects.




Ranks up are far too slow for the stat boosts to ring rewards... I haven't even figured out how high of a rank I'd have to be to enchant an onyx ring. I'm rank 19, and I don't think I even want to play to 100.




The exploration rewards might be handsome once you get your rank to 400... they've already seemed to have improved.




But the game just bores me and in my opinion, it does not belong in RuneScape. It is nothing like RuneScape, aside from the concept of the combat triangle. I think it was a HUGE waste of time for jagex.

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Bad rewards, bad gameplay,long waits, good concept however.




honestly 3/10


bad rewards? okay w/e i will wear my oynx ring with pride and +6 in all stats. not to mention my tool that i can use to tele to rune rocks. that will come in handy too. and also who is to say how good the soils get at the highest level

Uh huh. In the time it takes you to get a rank of 200 I could have made twenty million. A ring with +6 in most stats isn't worth 20m in my opinion. People rarely switch weapon styles, slash being the most common. The Warrior Ring gives +4 and you see how low the price is.




couldnt have put it better myself lol

LOL invite? PM me :)


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Jagex should really stick to MMORPG's and if they try to make an RTS they should put it out as separate project from RS. Thats my opinion.

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I like the game in general a lot.


I think there is strategy with every game you play. The persons who say there is no strategy coming from this game, probably have none themselves. Camping is a strategy and rushing the campers is also one. I for one, don't care if people camp; It makes it easier yet to kill them off.




I give this minigame a 9/10; I'll be playing it quite often.


and as soon as updates come along with it (ie: teams and better control) I know I'll love it more!


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Conflict: Camping armies. There are wayyy too many campers here, and It's hard or near impossible to win if 2 or more of them are piling you.




Siege: MY favorite, but that's probably because that's where my 14-game win streak came from.




Hoard. Boring, annoying.




Rescue: Haven't played yet.


Sig by me, in MS paint, but I'm still working on it.

Suggestions appreciated


This guide is as concise as a gourmet's handbook with the guidelines of "Pick up fork, stab food, insert into your mouth, then chew".

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I like the game in general a lot.


Camping is a strategy and rushing the campers is also one. I for one, don't care if people camp; It makes it easier yet to kill them off.




Camping isn't a strategy in any game. There is such a thing as turtling that may be confused with camping but it isn't possible to do anyway in MA. The fact that you can sit in your base with no penalty to you means something is wrong.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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I like the game in general a lot.


Camping is a strategy and rushing the campers is also one. I for one, don't care if people camp; It makes it easier yet to kill them off.




Camping isn't a strategy in any game. There is such a thing as turtling that may be confused with camping but it isn't possible to do anyway in MA. The fact that you can sit in your base with no penalty to you means something is wrong.


That's true; I guess my point should be, it's easy to kill off lazy campers (with the right strategy yourself).


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Here's my stance.




First, it's not a real RTS - they even said so themselves. All that's involved is your ten units against thirty other units, and I'm not quite sure how people warped that to be an RTS anyway.




With that out of the way, let's go through this.




Conflict: This map I feel is the generic tutorial to the entire overlay. It teachers you the "Mobilizing Armies Triangle", in which Goblin > Elf > Dwarf > Goblin, etc. This lets the player also get the feel for the map, special spots, and exploring. That being said, there's not a lot of variety with this - kill them all, or be killed. No real benefits to being the first to draw blood, either, and the last remaining survivor could have fresh troops at the ready, anyway.


{Rating: 7/10}




Siege: The concept of this map is actually rather fun, but I would much rather have some visual indication as to how much damage that catapult is doing. It's intuitive as far as a castle siege is, but it's definitely lacking.


{Rating: 6/10}




Hoard: Tied with my favorite map. The objective is straightforward, and using the triangle in this map proves to be far more effective. It's also a map that I've observed where the Distractor has an actual use. I don't much like the terrain of the map (the volcano could be a little lower), and if there's a sleeping dragon guarding this treasure, why isn't going crazy when we take it?


{Rating: 8/10}




Rescue: Tied with my favorite map. The idea is to save all the TzHaar you can, and if you're inclined, take some of your rivals'. Another map in which the Distractor has a use; distract the rival's base, sneak in with a fast unit, take as many TzHaar as you can get your grubby lil' hands on, and get the hell out of Dodge. The triangle doesn't have much real use here; it's mostly about being as quick as possible.


{Rating: 9/10}




Overall: I'm very, very pleased with this piece of content. It gets rid of the junk that you make while Skilling, while giving you an actual use for it (and not creating cash out of thin air at the same time). The rewards, I hear, get better with rank, but I can't comment on that until we see the highest level rewards, anyway. I do have the complaint that units don't have the ability to just attack something automatically when their own comrades are in jeopardy, and at the lower levels, exploring does little but reduce your combat strength. It would be nicer if the special units we enlisted could be countered or parried in some fashion, or if they did more damage in special conditions (i.e. Chompa bomb doing more damage depending on how many units it hits at once).


{Rating: 9/10}

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Uh huh. In the time it takes you to get a rank of 200 I could have made twenty million. A ring with +6 in most stats isn't worth 20m in my opinion. People rarely switch weapon styles, slash being the most common. The Warrior Ring gives +4 and you see how low the price is.


You're assuming that all of us are striving to make money. Maybe people, including myself, are going to enjoy getting the rewards from this mini-game as a BREAK from the usual grind. I think what people fail to realize is that these mini-games and such that Jagex are releasing are not supposed to replace your every day routine, they're simply a break. When you kids start to realize that, then maybe you'll be a little happier with the updates.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Uh huh. In the time it takes you to get a rank of 200 I could have made twenty million. A ring with +6 in most stats isn't worth 20m in my opinion. People rarely switch weapon styles, slash being the most common. The Warrior Ring gives +4 and you see how low the price is.


You're assuming that all of us are striving to make money. Maybe people, including myself, are going to enjoy getting the rewards from this mini-game as a BREAK from the usual grind. I think what people fail to realize is that these mini-games and such that Jagex are releasing are not supposed to replace your every day routine, they're simply a break. When you kids start to realize that, then maybe you'll be a little happier with the updates.

I had already addressed that in a previous post.
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You basically said the same thing twice. You condemned the game for not having good enough rewards to balance out the normal aspects of Runescape even though "it may be fun for some."


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Belongs in funorb




No, we value high quality games over at funorb, not programming projects.




I can count the amount of high quality funorb games on one hand




How many fingers do you have on that hand?




On-Topic though: Great way to get rid of junk trades, something I never thought of before. Unique concept, but delaying this by nearly a year raised the expectations to impossible levels... they shouldn't have announced MA so we could be pleasantly surprised. Also, like someone already said, this is a programming project so Jagex can do more things with the Runescape in the future involving new mechanics. And some more units variety would be nice, instead of clones of each other, except for slightly different stats and the racial triangle - I would've expected at least the dwarves and goblins speaking in different accents or something. Human units neutral to the combat triangle would be nice...



oh and trolls plz

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You basically said the same thing twice. You condemned the game for not having good enough rewards to balance out the normal aspects of Runescape even though "it may be fun for some."
All minigames can be fun for some, that's inevitable. What entices most users are the end rewards, hence the reiteration made from crossing two different posters.
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A game that would've been nice if it hadn't been six months delayed. Now, it's just very underwhelming and not worth the time that was put into it.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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You basically said the same thing twice. You condemned the game for not having good enough rewards to balance out the normal aspects of Runescape even though "it may be fun for some."
All minigames can be fun for some, that's inevitable. What entices most users are the end rewards, hence the reiteration made from crossing two different posters.


Yes, but someone can find MA more fun the all other mini games regardless of rewards.




And I don't even understand how you begin to bash the rewards. They my not be worth the time, but is anything when compared to time making money?


At least the rewards aren't junk like CW right? With MA it's fun, then rewards (for some).




A game that would've been nice if it hadn't been six months delayed. Now, it's just very underwhelming and not worth the time that was put into it.


Jagex forewarned us not to expect much from this minigame. They put more time into "new camera angles" and "new controls" to add to other updates in the future. Nothing is wrong with this update other than people (still) expecting too much.


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A game that would've been nice if it hadn't been six months delayed. Now, it's just very underwhelming and not worth the time that was put into it.


The more important thing behind this game, as hinted at by the Dev Diary for it, would not be the game itself, but the underlying technology. Innovation is always worth the effort and time put into it. Besides, no one does anything right the first time, if they've never done it before.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Yes, but someone can find MA more fun the all other mini games regardless of rewards.




And I don't even understand how you begin to bash the rewards. They my not be worth the time, but is anything when compared to time making money?


At least the rewards aren't junk like CW right? With MA it's fun, then rewards (for some).


This is what I'm trying to convey, its rewards may not be the massive xp that Pest Control is/was, but it ranks up there with rewards. Imbuing of rings is pretty handy for under 5 days playing at MA.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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A game that would've been nice if it hadn't been six months delayed. Now, it's just very underwhelming and not worth the time that was put into it.


The more important thing behind this game, as hinted at by the Dev Diary for it, would not be the game itself, but the underlying technology. Innovation is always worth the effort and time put into it. Besides, no one does anything right the first time, if they've never done it before.




Sure, not completely right. But I'd atleast expect a passing grade if it was delayed so long. And I hardly count a player using 350m to a bug as worthy of a passing grade.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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They my not be worth the time, but is anything when compared to time making money?
There are many minigames that serve as a compromise between either experience or money versus other more efficient but mundane ways. Who knows, if the raw materials teleport (I forgot the name) turns out to increase experience in such a way that curves this inefficiency it may be worth it from the rewards. But both statements refer to this and I am unsure how you drew otherwise.
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They my not be worth the time, but is anything when compared to time making money?
There are many minigames that serve as a compromise between either experience or money versus other more efficient but mundane ways. Who knows, if the raw materials teleport (I forgot the name) turns out to increase experience in such a way that curves this inefficiency it may be worth it from the rewards. But both statements refer to this and I am unsure how you drew otherwise.


I probably am missing what you're trying to say; sorry :oops:


What I've gotten is: you don't like MA and the rewards (which would be the only other reason to play), are not worth getting because they take to long to get the 'good' rank and you could be making money instead.


Yes or no? :|


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i hardly ever win, because i'm not going to camp, but i always manage to kill 10-18 units, giving me a positive return on the investment.




there is definitely strategy involved. if you apply the combat triangle you will always have an advantage.




if you don't go for the end victory the games last shorter as well.




i find the game enticing. maybe it is the simplicity.



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They my not be worth the time, but is anything when compared to time making money?
There are many minigames that serve as a compromise between either experience or money versus other more efficient but mundane ways. Who knows, if the raw materials teleport (I forgot the name) turns out to increase experience in such a way that curves this inefficiency it may be worth it from the rewards. But both statements refer to this and I am unsure how you drew otherwise.


I probably am missing what you're trying to say; sorry :oops:


What I've gotten is: you don't like MA and the rewards (which would be the only other reason to play), are not worth getting because they take to long to get the 'good' rank and you could be making money instead.


Yes or no? :|


*I do not find the game fun.


*The game doesn't come close to compromising exp or gp versus other methods.


*I could be making money, yes, but only in the sense that I value my time highly.


*The low leveled rings do not come close to being efficient items to obtain.




If I found the game fun, I would continue playing. If I found the rewards to be attractive, I would continue playing. Because I find both against my tastes, I will not continue playing. My posts attempt to consecutively bring up the point the title states: "your." I'm not going to stand here and tell you what not to play, simply that, in general, the rewards are not worth the effort of leveling ranks.

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i hardly ever win, because i'm not going to camp, but i always manage to kill 10-18 units, giving me a positive return on the investment.




there is definitely strategy involved. if you apply the combat triangle you will always have an advantage.




if you don't go for the end victory the games last shorter as well.




i find the game enticing. maybe it is the simplicity.


i agree its extremly simple for a stratergy game, maybe to simple...


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

Games I play: Halo 3, Halo wars.

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They my not be worth the time, but is anything when compared to time making money?
There are many minigames that serve as a compromise between either experience or money versus other more efficient but mundane ways. Who knows, if the raw materials teleport (I forgot the name) turns out to increase experience in such a way that curves this inefficiency it may be worth it from the rewards. But both statements refer to this and I am unsure how you drew otherwise.


I probably am missing what you're trying to say; sorry :oops:


What I've gotten is: you don't like MA and the rewards (which would be the only other reason to play), are not worth getting because they take to long to get the 'good' rank and you could be making money instead.


Yes or no? :|


*I do not find the game fun.


*The game doesn't come close to compromising exp or gp versus other methods.


*I could be making money, yes, but only in the sense that I value my time highly.


*The low leveled rings do not come close to being efficient items to obtain.




If I found the game fun, I would continue playing. If I found the rewards to be attractive, I would continue playing. Because I find both against my tastes, I will not continue playing. My posts attempt to consecutively bring up the point the title states: "your." I'm not going to stand here and tell you what not to play, simply that the rewards are not worth the effort of leveling ranks.


I understand you now ::'


But I will reply to each of your astrixs:


*Not everyone enjoys MA; fair enough


*But, there are a lot of people who play minigames to get away from exp and gp.


*I vaule my time highly as well, in the sense that I'm efficient, not "giving all my time to exp and gp".


*The low leveled rings do suck lol. I'm glad that when I done reach rank 300 and 400+ I'll be able to reward myself.




I totally see why you would not want to play MA seeing you don't have a liking for both aspects of it; and I agree with your last paragraph.


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