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30 Days of Opera


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Starting today I'm using Opera *exclusively* for 30 days and it looks pretty nifty, if you havent tried it, it's free now, no ads :D








Day 1:








Seems my version was outdated and it wants me to download Opera 8.5. I do that and a new tab pops up for downloads... nifty.




Opera 8.5 downloaded and installed




I opened it and *all* the sites I had open came back, now that's really something. I'm still having a little trouble migrating from Ctrl+T to Ctrl+Shift+N, but there's gotta be somewhere to change that command. *solved, thanks GSW*




A few things that I don't like that I will point out:




No status bar, I have to look up to see how far the page is loaded, and even then it doesnt show that with images :(




No built in IRC client :P (I cheated and opened chatzilla ;) ) Solved, thanks to darkrick for telling me it does




The searches from the Google box don't open in a new tab, but surely that can be fixed








What to expect for tomorrow? I'm going to dig around in the features








Day 2:




I woke up and opened firefox
















Five minutes later I blinked my eyes and opened Opera, read the forums (that were *still* open) and found the IRC client (albeit not very powerful)








Reading RSS feeds compared to Firefox is still a little wonky, hopefully I can find some options tonight. Not much time right now because of a multitude of Accounting homework -.-








Day 3:




A notes feature.. just a collection of personal notes




Interesting idea, but I don't know that I would use it that much




Links, VERY HANDY, it shows all the links that have been sent and received in IRC




It automatically identifies itself as IE 6.0, sneaky... but not my style, I set it back to Opera




On skins, it has Opera Standard, Windows Native, and Freestyle default




I ultimately opted for Neo after browsing downloadable skins, it was the top rated skin




A GREAT feature of Opera is the ability to browse with options windows open




After going through preferences... WOW tons and tons of options I won't even go into here :|


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I used to use it, then I switched computers and the only Opera I could get was Opera 8, I was used to 6. Opera 8 was really wierd compared to the awesomeness that was Opera 6 that I had used for 2+ years.




Also it loaded really slowly on my compter due to a firewall problem that I fixed recently. Come to think of it I should try Opera now that I fixed that problem... oh well. I got firefox since I heard it was on par with Opera and it was add free. I miss the cache Opera makes (when you hit back and foward it is instantanious, whereas firefox reloads the page) and I miss how when you re open Opera it has the pages you left on.




The main plus of Firefox is the scroll wheel thing, where you can click on a link with it and it opens into a new tab, and you can scroll wheel click on the tab to close it... yea. Anyway I have been using firefox for a few monthes now so I'm used to it. Depending on your results I may give Opera a 3rd chance :wink:

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I used to use it, then I switched computers and the only Opera I could get was Opera 8, I was used to 6. Opera 8 was really wierd compared to the awesomeness that was Opera 6 that I had used for 2+ years.




Also it loaded really slowly on my compter due to a firewall problem that I fixed recently. Come to think of it I should try Opera now that I fixed that problem... oh well. I got firefox since I heard it was on par with Opera and it was add free Opera is now :D. I miss the cache Opera makes (when you hit back and foward it is instantanious, whereas firefox reloads the page FF 1.5 Beta has that :P) and I miss how when you re open Opera it has the pages you left on.




The main plus of Firefox is the scroll wheel thing, where you can click on a link with it and it opens into a new tab, and you can scroll wheel click on the tab to close it Opera 8.5 has that default... yea. Anyway I have been using firefox for a few monthes now so I'm used to it. Depending on your results I may give Opera a 3rd chance :wink:








This is really the first time I've used opera :P




One bad thing is theres so much available at default it's overwhelming to customize it (same problem with firefox, but not so much =p )


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I never even use the New page button or Ctrl+shft+N. I use mouse gestures. Click and hold right mouse button, then drag mouse down and release to open a blank page, down and up to duplicate the page, down and right to close the page. There are many more, but those are the three I mainly use. They are great, especially when you just want to lay back and browse without touching the keyboard.

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@Exarch: Those are the same gestures I use aswell. Along with:




Right click + Left click = go back




Left click + Right click = go forward




hold right + scroll wheel = scroll tabs








Not quite mouse gestures but very very handy. A lot of people don't seem to know of the last one though, which is a bit of a shame :(
















I'll download 8.5 now (still running 8.0) and get the exact menu setup because you can turn the status bar option to just display while the page is loading, always and not at all.




Opera 8 has an inbuilt irc client. I kind of assume that 8.5 has one aswell :-?








Anyhow, just have to download the latest version and I'll get back to you ;)








Edit: ok, new version just installed now and:








Tools -> Appearence -> Toolbards Tab




This enables you to change the toolbars and whatnot, more specifcally how the Progress bar will be displayed.








And the chat client is just under the 'Chat' menu ;) I'm sure you can figure out how to use it without much hastle. It's not as powerfull as ChatZilla last time I was on it but it's still there :P

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I only use Opera :)








hold right + scroll wheel = scroll tabs








Thank you! Another nifty feature :D








I also like it when you can highlight a word or a sentence and press V and the computer 'speak'.




My first language isnt english, so its a great way to hear how a certain word is pronounced. I think FF have that feature as well.








The only weird thing is though, norwegians is behind Opera but I cant highlight words and translate from english to norwegian or the other way around :?


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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I only use Opera :)








hold right + scroll wheel = scroll tabs








Thank you! Another nifty feature :D








I'm suprised you never knew about that...




Then again, a lot of people I know who use Opera didn't know about it till I told them...








So *shrug*

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And I thought this would be about opera. Silly me.








Why isn't this in the tech and computers forum? :?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I only use Opera :)








hold right + scroll wheel = scroll tabs








Thank you! Another nifty feature :D








I'm suprised you never knew about that...




Then again, a lot of people I know who use Opera didn't know about it till I told them...








So *shrug*








I found out by accident, and after a few short minutes playing around, I was able to discover that extreamly usefull Mouse Gesture :)








Opera is by far the better browser, I love it to bits :) :)








Opera - The Browser prefered by atleast 50% Mods, Admins and Crewbies I would wager :)









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And I thought this would be about opera. Silly me.








Why isn't this in the tech and computers forum? :?

Yea, probably... but whatever.




A mod can move it whenever they can be bothered. It isn't exactly causing much damage floating around here :P

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Nah, this is also an Off topic discussion, so we'll leave it here :wink:


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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@Exarch: Those are the same gestures I use aswell. Along with:




Right click + Left click = go back




Left click + Right click = go forward




hold right + scroll wheel = scroll tabs











I know about these, but I have a Logitech MX-510 mouse, and use the extra buttons to go back/forward and go to the next/previous tabs :P

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I hate having the extra buttons like that on mice. They have them at uni and I go from typing back to the mouse and hit the fwd or back button (they're where you usually put your thumb) and blah. PITA :P




Give me a standard mouse with 2 buttons + scroll wheel ftw :D









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I hate having the extra buttons like that on mice. They have them at uni and I go from typing back to the mouse and hit the fwd or back button (they're where you usually put your thumb) and blah. PITA :P




Give me a standard mouse with 2 buttons + scroll wheel ftw :D
















use them for one day, and then play some fps with them. after that it will be like going back to dialup after having highspeed when you go back to your two button mouse. *has a logitech MX-518 mouse*








i never used opera before, firefox always worked fine.



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I'm eternally grateful to whoever it was who first brought Opera to my knowledge. Now, in 8.5, it's ad free :D








Ditto. When did Opera go free? I just found out today. I used it in the past, but a keygen'd version (sorry folks)








But yeah...wow. Now noone has an excuse not to use Opera, the greatest webbrowser out there. Thanks and Congratz Opera!! :P 8.5 Rocks.

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Maybe some more people will finally recognize how great Opera is. I've used it for a long time now, and everything else feels so lackluster compared to it.








Firefox isn't bad. I tried Opera but I missed my extensions on Firefox :(








Which extensions did you miss? Opera comes preloaded with many features that extensions create, and you can customize Opera further to have other features that extensions create..

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Maybe some more people will finally recognize how great Opera is. I've used it for a long time now, and everything else feels so lackluster compared to it.








Firefox isn't bad. I tried Opera but I missed my extensions on Firefox :(








Which extensions did you miss? Opera comes preloaded with many features that extensions create, and you can customize Opera further to have other features that extensions create..








IEview, FF view, customize google, unlinker, adblock, g-mail notifier, bbcode, and soem more.








If Opera has those, there's still no point in switching is there?

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