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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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I don't know how we can do this. If the entire thing was .08 grams per square meter of space, we'd need like 9.8 quadrillion tons. I think.



Pretty sure that my numbers are wrong.


Also, we'll need to divide that number by a bit


This is the arrangement



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A SPG would have no accuracy whatsoever, and likely hit about 500 miles away from the target.


Not necessarily, they are dropped from a lower altitude than a RFG.


The surface area would also make them be much slower, and along with the lower altitude, they would be even slower. They also wouldn't be able to correct their aim, like a RFG.




And also, people, stop just saying "I has kinetic weapons now". It's not like building them is common knowledge, it takes years of research in order to get the targeting down alone.




Ross, the math for this is gonna be hard. I'll look into sources of carbon.



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Our rebellion is going well. Most of the enemy forces have been crushed. Reports show that the evil dictator (we'll call him ted:D) survived, and is still commanding the 150,000ish troops still directly under his control. My troops have been successful in recapturing Uzbekistan. We are still awaiting reports on the progress in the capital, and in Mongolia.

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Okay, I think that once we can get the sizes and measurements for the Solar sails down, it will make this easier to work out.


So, lets see, assuming that solar sails look like this:




About 1.5-3 Km wide, with material about 40 cm thick.




Surface area of Sirius is 2.1 x 10^19 meters squared, but we can divide that by four to take into account the space in between each sail...




How many Kilometers of coverage will we need?


(Sorry for relying on you to do the maths, its not exactly my strong point)

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EDIT: Latino, there's no way you'd be able to get those off the Earth, without them being built in space. Unless they're tiny.


I'll use Ross's station and Elysium for realisticism?


Someone remind me what Elysium is?




And Ross is using his station for ships already.



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Elysium is my main space station orbiting Earth.


It isn't using its full capacity at the moment, so I'm offering it to other nations to build ships in.




Also, Doom, you can use some of my factories to produce carbon nanotubes if you so wish.


A lot of them are inactive at the moment anyways.

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Ok, for surface area, we would need


5250000000000000 km2.


Now, for total cubic space, we'd need


2,100,000,000,000 km3, or


2,100,000,000,000,000 cubic meters.


Or, in English, 2.1 quadrillion cubic meters.






I don't know how many tons that is, but that's a lot.




My factories that make them are all being used to research ways to make it so they don't cost so much to make, and they're all highly specialized, so thanks for the offer but it wouldn't really help.



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Venezuela is using Elysium to construct several ships to move the solar sails into position once they are completed.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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We're still working on developing them so they're cheaper, right now it would cost a ridiculous amount. Building our space elevators cost way more than it could have, had we taken it slower.








Are we going to do Sirius? It puts out more energy and is a good amount bigger.




We're going to need some source of carbon and other materials, if we don't want to wreck earth in the process of doing this. This will take a long, long time to do.




We're also equipping my Global ICBM System with more advanced particle weapons than we had when we made it, and letting their aim ascend a bit more than previously possible. Also upgrading their hulls and exterior with more resilient layers of mirrored materials.




Doom, what exactly is the purpose of the Global ICBM System? Is it for your own protection, or is it merely an attempt to rid the world of ICBMs?




By the way, any word about the ships?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I guess some combination of that. Were my troops ever on enemy territory, they would be vulnerable to any ballistic missiles, and the system could protect them. That's one use for it.



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I've now produced a decent amount of oil, aircraft fuel, gasoline and diesel so I open my markets to you(all deals must be made with me, not just you saying you buy some).




All Kenyans are now to start learning Norwegian when they start at school.





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We are still awaiting reports on the progress in the capital, and in Mongolia.


They are mostly using guerrilla warfare as of now, but I'm finding their main camps pretty easily. But by tonight (end of the year), everything should be good. :thumbup:




:thumbdown: Dumb Ted!




Ship building is under way!

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We are still awaiting reports on the progress in the capital, and in Mongolia.


They are mostly using guerrilla warfare as of now, but I'm finding their main camps pretty easily. But by tonight (end of the year), everything should be good. :thumbup:




:thumbdown: Dumb Ted!




Ship building is under way!




I wanted to call him Julius Schlampmeister IV... :(



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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We are still awaiting reports on the progress in the capital, and in Mongolia.


They are mostly using guerrilla warfare as of now, but I'm finding their main camps pretty easily. But by tonight (end of the year), everything should be good. :thumbup:




:thumbdown: Dumb Ted!




Ship building is under way!




I wanted to call him Julius Schlampmeister IV... :(


I know the feeling :cry: Anyways my fighters are looking for guerrilla camps right now after destroying all AA in the city with my HAW's

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Your HAW's can't fit in a city.


My guerrillas (around 120,000, the rest are guarding the capital) have spread throughout all of khazakstan. Good luck finding 120,000 troops in 3 million square kilometers of land. They recently ambushed a supply convoy successfully.


Enemy troops are now suffering from lack of food in some areas.



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Your HAW's can't fit in a city.


My guerrillas (around 120,000, the rest are guarding the capital) have spread throughout all of khazakstan. Good luck finding 120,000 troops in 3 million square kilometers of land. They recently ambushed a supply convoy successfully.


Enemy troops are now suffering from lack of food in some areas.


yeah bout that My HAW's can grow their own food and a little more... Also do you really think I would send supply convoys unprotected? From the hallucinogenic war I stated that at least 2 HAW's come with every convoy... though I think I will have to up it to 10 each. Anyways aside from the HAW's each convoy is now coming with 800 soldiers in exosuits and is getting air cover.


Our patrols have found a enemy camp and I sent 1,000 exobreakers to crush it... we will see how this goes. Also my HAW's will make room in the city to get through dammit because they can step over the rubble.

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My guerrillas (around 120,000, the rest are guarding the capital) have spread throughout all of khazakstan. Good luck finding 120,000 troops in 3 million square kilometers of land. They recently ambushed a supply convoy successfully.


Enemy troops are now suffering from lack of food in some areas.




Good thing I only have to deal with the eastern section of Kazakhstan! Oh I'll find them oh right!

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Your HAW's can't fit in a city.


My guerrillas (around 120,000, the rest are guarding the capital) have spread throughout all of khazakstan. Good luck finding 120,000 troops in 3 million square kilometers of land. They recently ambushed a supply convoy successfully.


Enemy troops are now suffering from lack of food in some areas.


yeah bout that My HAW's can grow their own food and a little more... Also do you really think I would send supply convoys unprotected? From the hallucinogenic war I stated that at least 2 HAW's come with every convoy... though I think I will have to up it to 10 each. Anyways aside from the HAW's each convoy is now coming with 800 soldiers in exosuits and is getting air cover.


Our patrols have found a enemy camp and I sent 1,000 exobreakers to crush it... we will see how this goes. Also my HAW's will make room in the city to get through dammit because they can step over the rubble.




They can step over apartment buildings?

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