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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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Dusty just wants to conquer Europe again. :P

I'll take somewhere in east Asia, either Mongolia or southern China.

If we want an ancient-themed (which can progress into medieval-themed eventually) game, 300 BC sounds good. I'd say 600 AD though for starting in medieval.

I start moving women and young children into safety. Men are prepared for war, though most have already been trained. Food being produced on Zhoreuc is being stored up and shipped to Earth. Weapons are being produced like crazy.

Otherwise, everything is the same.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Dusty just wants to conquer Europe again. :P

I must subdue the Gauls!


Oh and North America will essentially be a dead zone, since nobody would be able to travel there (try sailing a bireme across the Atlantic).

You could theoretically start as the "Mayans" or some other Native American tribe.

You just couldn't interact with anyone else. :mellow:


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Dibs on Rome!


[hide=SIS suits]

SIS suits (Standard Infantry Suit) are typically jet-black in appearance. They are basically light-weight exobreakers that use electronic visors and headsets in the suit's helmet. A satellite feeds commands and information about the terrain (typically topographic maps) and enemy positions into the soldiers visor, which presents an image for the soldier to see. The headsets are used for communication among other soldiers, and they can be used for last-minute commands.




[hide=Advanced Helicopters]

The helicopters that are being researched under Project Gala are more advanced versions of the helicopter. They use heavier weaponry and can be used to transport more soldiers into combat than their older counterparts. Their advanced computers aid the helicopters with defensive manoeuvres and help with targeting enemy units (allowing




[hide=Hypersonic Jets/Bombers]

These are the Britannian Empire's first super-fast fighter jets and bombers. There isn't really much to say about them.[/hide]


[hide=SPARTA exobreakers]

SPARTA exobreakers are used for Britannia's special infantry. They are heavily armoured and allow soldiers to jump further distances via small propulsion jets. A retractable palm pistol is attached to the soldier's wrist, which serves as a secondary weapon. Due to the exobreaker's strength-enhancing benefits, a soldier can wield much heavier assault rifles and do much damage to enemy units. To add even more benefit, the suit utilises special computers that help make split-second decisions. Like the SIS suit, the SPARTA suit also receives information (maps, enemy positions, commands, etc) from satellites into its helmet. These suits are also some of the most advanced exobreakers in the world, thanks to the X4 schematics and the X5 prototype suit that Aether sent the Britannian Empire for its research.



[hide=The Galahad]

The Galahad is a more modern version of the Lancelot, except that it has more advanced AI (allowing it to even have autopilot) and armour. It is also capable of doing more damage than the Lancelot due to more accurate heavy assault rifles. Like the Lancelot, they also walk like humans for increased navigability across rough terrain, and they can swiftly travel across pavement by using wheels attached to its "feet". However, unlike the Lancelot, they also utilise limited jump jets.




Also, production on hypersonic jets and bombers has begun, as well as Galahads, SIS suits, Sparta suits, and the new helicopters.

Um, you never researched any of those.





Actually, I did.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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And yes, no super mega alliances. Only reason the EA was formed was because I was about to get attacked by 7 people lawl.


To Serepherus: I secretly reveal my tech too! haha.

Fine, Project C is complete.


Good luck finding my ships :D


Also, you don't actually have that tech, since that PM was sent 7 days ago, and the lowest research time out of all of those is 8 years. :wink:

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And yes, no super mega alliances. Only reason the EA was formed was because I was about to get attacked by 7 people lawl.


To Serepherus: I secretly reveal my tech too!

I dont think anyone can bomb berlin as it has to many allied troops in it...

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And yes, no super mega alliances. Only reason the EA was formed was because I was about to get attacked by 7 people lawl.


To Serepherus: I secretly reveal my tech too!

I dont think anyone can bomb berlin as it has to many allied troops in it...

This is true. There's also a chance the teleporter exit will be destroyed.

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And yes, no super mega alliances. Only reason the EA was formed was because I was about to get attacked by 7 people lawl.


To Serepherus: I secretly reveal my tech too! haha.

Fine, Project C is complete.


Good luck finding my ships :D


Also, you don't actually have that tech, since that PM was sent 7 days ago, and the lowest research time out of all of those is 8 years. :wink:





To be honest, I wouldn't mind playing as some badass Germanic tribe on the new thread, or I may play as England again. Not sure.


By the way Dusty, try getting in #NWO. We're discussing the new thread in there. (I think I unbanned you - Didn't want you spying on our top-secret discussions, :P)



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Wow, so while I was gone, we

  1. Planned a war
  2. Made up an idea for a new thread
  3. Forgot about the war
  4. Put dibs on people for the new thread

And killer, curse you, I wanted Sparta. Looks like I'll have to nab Japan instead.


Anyways, in preparation for the war, all Staff-class carriers have been recalled and outfitted into Staff-class warships. Beware.

I start putting more money into the Ship Shield and Knife-Class projects, cutting their time by 2 years.

Electric shield has been put up on Zhoreuc surrounded by EAMs.

Project Freon scientists got tired of waiting for clones from RPG, so they took a few death-row people and faked their executions... so I now have what I call "cryonite critters." They aren't too smart, but they're strong, durable, and covered in ice. A Staff-class warship is taking most of these creatures to Ekedou II and should arrive in 3 years, and have a full colony in about 4. They have the plans for all my tech so far, and instructions to destroy the plans if the ship is attacked.

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I had an idea that we start from the stone age with no tech, apart from the wheel and how to make fire.

We have a blank map of the world (no country names or anything or Borders).

Obvioussly this new idea will mean that we won't have as much technology (which might make fighting much more fun)


we will have to decide our culture and also have diffrent attributes based on our culture. For example a god-fearing nation might be scared by people wearing demon masks or whatever.

We should have atleast three problems with the culture and three attributes.


we then progress through time and at certianl periods we go at 10 years for a day to get through boring times.


Over time we will all get some base techs (like electricity)

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To be honest, I wouldn't mind playing as some badass Germanic tribe on the new thread, or I may play as England again. Not sure.


By the way Dusty, try getting in #NWO. We're discussing the new thread in there. (I think I unbanned you - Didn't want you spying on our top-secret discussions, :P)





And I never bothered joining #NWO since the main purpose of it was to discuss war with me (at least the original purpose was), and I assume it was just a bunch of people [cabbage] talking me haha.

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Dusty, that video doesn't work for me.


I am Florentine.


I'd rather just start playing medieval thread than this war, which, is, to be honest, just going to be a lot of bickering.


Sere is raging cause he can't figure out how to unban you, btw. Lol.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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You know what? We could just come up with a final history instead of a war. We could just write the "Great War" into the history, but leave a semi-happy ending or whatever for everyone.


In my history, I get assassinated by an IRA agent, and Albert takes the throne. hehe


I gave up and said "Screw it" with the unbanning thing. Dusty, just get in #medi, please.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I had an idea that we start from the stone age with no tech, apart from the wheel and how to make fire.

We have a blank map of the world (no country names or anything or Borders).

Obvioussly this new idea will mean that we won't have as much technology (which might make fighting much more fun)


we will have to decide our culture and also have diffrent attributes based on our culture. For example a god-fearing nation might be scared by people wearing demon masks or whatever.

We should have atleast three problems with the culture and three attributes.


we then progress through time and at certianl periods we go at 10 years for a day to get through boring times.


Over time we will all get some base techs (like electricity)


Actually that's fairly decent, except for the electricity thing, since there'll be a technology cap.

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I'll take egyptians.


Still working on that warfare system, editing all magic references out atm.



You would just need to keep all your armies on the Sinai Peninsula and be protected forever :lol:


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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