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Hegemony-V2 begins page 302


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The Magnicite gates are more about getting rid of the 1 day of speeding up to warp speed. Since a major part of my people's combat time will be hit and run attacks speed is of the upmost importance and 2 years of waiting around will just cause problems with that. Slowing down at the other end will be dealt with at some point too, but for the moment...

Sorry but you cant really do that as your ship would be torn apart by the forces in warp travel if you didnt go gradually.

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It's 1 year on both end, one for slowing down and speeding up. Otherwise all the people would die on the ship. They don't just sit their during that time, they go at extremely high speeds. Just not the maximum speeds.



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The warm up/cool down time is there to stop the game breaking. As you said, hit and run attacks are hard to defend against, and it's not really fair if someone comes in, blows some stuff up and runs away without being able to stop them.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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Also any ship that would be doing that would be easily destroyed by any orbital defenses.

BTW I am buying another 1k helios orbs from ross and they will go around my orbital space around earth.

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Sigh, fair enough, it was more to escape than anything else but alright. Well I will consign myself to my Gated Torpedoes... And the possibility of short range teleports....


The main idea was to run away from war, the raiding part was supplementary so I shall just figure out a 3/4 light speed booster or something to outrun attackers, or to chase ships(Mwhahaha)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Sigh, fair enough, it was more to escape than anything else but alright. Well I will consign myself to my Gated Torpedoes... And the possibility of short range teleports....


The main idea was to run away from war, the raiding part was supplementary so I shall just figure out a 3/4 light speed booster or something to outrun attackers, or to chase ships(Mwhahaha)

Err dont know how to put this but you cannot teleport anything but something comprised of 1 element. A complex organism will die being teleported. Also how would gated torpedoes work?

I'm pretty sure the Terran Federation should get Iceland and whatnot, considering, y'know it was mine afterall.

Thats like saying I should have gotten burma and cambodia because they were essentially mine in the first place. (well cambodia at least I conquered for kirby)

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The warm up/cool down time is there to stop the game breaking. As you said, hit and run attacks are hard to defend against, and it's not really fair if someone comes in, blows some stuff up and runs away without being able to stop them.

This is the problem I have with this game.


I think anyone should be able to do whatever the hell they want if they have plenty of time to research it. For the love of god, if hit and run attacks are so damn hard to defend against, maybe you should research something that would stop them -.-

There is a wonderful thing called orbital defenses ie if you attack most of my planets I have enough orbital defenses up to shred any fleet.

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As you described any object accelerated really quickly would tear itself apart, thus accelerating an object extremely fast would render it able to pass though material without interacting with it (Though only for a very short time, about 0.00000075 seconds, since after that drag would slow it down.)

Thus, you fire a ball of metal into the gate, whilst saturating the area of Heavy Photons(Photons with mass) this creates a pretty light show outside the ship since the photons have no capacity of destruction on their own. However by firing the ball though the Heavy Photon field will cause the Relativistic mass(The Ball of Metal) to pick up energy. Thus creating an EMP Torpedo.

Other options would be an area saturated with Electrons, creating an energized mass to destroy shields, or you could saturate the area with quarks(Highly dangerous and power consuming) to create a Quark-Buster Torpedo, a weapon with the destructive yield similar to Anti-Matter. You could probably do the same thing with Gamma rays and relative material to bind some of their destructive force in as well, but unless you were targeting a man in a space suit(and were rather into overkill) there would not be much point to it, as, unless it got inside, any would just explode and be done.


Teleporting things comprised of more than one element is possible(At least by real world science I am not sure about rules on here) it would require a massive amount of computational and electrical power, as well as a completely lossless data-stream system. So probably a few confinement beams.


There is a wonderful thing called orbital defenses ie if you attack most of my planets I have enough orbital defenses up to shred any fleet.

Which will be good to defend your attack fleet... Couple of 'fire ships'(Ships primed to explode) jump in and blow up, sending your forces into disarray and then a dozen missile cruisers appear, launch a couple of salvos and then disappear again, your fleet is pretty badly damaged when suddenly another fleet turns up and wipes you out. Unless you were flying at full attack readiness the whole 2+ years you would be vulnerable.

Alternatively you could just use fireships against your planets, since they don't need to worry about coming out of warp speed safely they can just plow into the planet and let that slow them down, exploding their cargo there....I think it might be worth investing in some Warp Negators(Things that stop warp from working).


In any case the breaks are on that project at the moment, might recover it in the future should things change.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Not really you see I am not talking about a fleet. I am talking about things much smaller and just as heavily armed as ships. Think orbital ion cannnons as well as helios spheres. Your fleet when it came in to "hit" would be neutralized and then disected for information. Also for the sake of the game if a ship in warp is any where near a gravity well it gets torn apart. (and a stars gravity well extends for quite some time)

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[Hide=Dissent escape plan] k4h1nc.jpg[/hide]


Getting torn apart is not really the problem of a fire ship...If you can create a massive radioactive or biogenic meteorite storm simply by not coming out of warp before you reach the .5 Light year boundary then, even if it exploded directly, your foe has to dispatch fleets of ships to clean up the mess, or face playing a game of Missile Command six months later as hundreds of tonnes of death fall from the sky. Added to that by remaining within your Star's gravity well you are incapable of going to warp. So your foe can camp .6 light years away, firing the Helios Spheres of however many planets they have at their command at you and you will have to defend yourself with just one planet's worth. If you dispatch a fleet then they can fire their relativistic shotgun at you but you can't fire back, limiting you to conventional arms, which are relatively easy to be destroyed by Point Defense lasers....If you were to use the same strategy you would need to tap the solar core to power the number of PDLs you would need...


Of course the other thing you(The attacker) could do is...

[Hide=Ultra Weapon] get a couple of mega tonnes of marbles, load them onto a transport ship, send the transport ship off at warp speed. At .5 Light years the ship is torn apart and (probably) Trillions of Relativistic Missiles will be fired at you, all of them requiring a fairly high degree of precision to hit. Further they are not metallic so you can't melt them or use magnets, you would have to destroy each and every one.


So, assuming you have 5000 lasers to hand, going at about 1 shot every 3 seconds, thats 10,519,200(10 million) shots per laser, times 1000 (13 Thousand Million) times 5 (68 Thousand Million/68 Billion for you Americans). Thus 1 Mega tonne of 5 Gram marbles, which is 250,000,000(250 million) marbles, which, by RRP is 3 Dollars per 25 marbles, so 30 million dollars per mega tonne, which is much more expensive than a nuclear bomb at 1.5 Million Dollars per 20 Mega Tonnes, but that isn't relativistic damage(see below). So by using more than 40 Mega Tonnes of marble (1.2 Billion) I can hit though my self defined defensive fleet.

This takes into account 5000 lasers and 6 months, you would probably have more lasers but probably much less time, since you would have to fly out, 2/3 months, fire a few times then accelerate back up to catch up, probably wasting another month in total...So really you only have 2 months and thus only about 20 million shots with 5000 lasers, thus meaning the cost of launching this attack is actually about 3 million dollars(25 million marbles).


Also, just to clarify this point, there is approximately 1 atom of Hydrogen in every cubic centimeter of space. Thus deceleration caused by interstellar hydrogen is negligible. If you insist that this is enough to cause overheating then you have just made the situation 1000 times worse because now, instead of 1 marble you have 1000 marble fragments... which is fine for ship to ship combat(Though usually there will be less than ten miles between the ships so overheating is not likely to occur) but for planetary defense it makes little difference to damage as the overall mass(Five grams) is still the same, just with a lot more targets to destroy.


In any event each marble would weight 5 grams, traveling at light speed Thus, using E=mc2, we can see that each marble has a force of 1,498,962,290 grams(1 Hundred Million Grams, 1,498,962 Kilograms, 1,499 Tonnes or, my personal fav, 1.5 Mega Tonnes)...No wait, I forgot to square it. 2,250,000,000,000,000,000 Grams,(2,250,000,000 Mega Tonnes.... in perspective The Moon has a mass of 73,500,000 ,000,000,000,000,000,000. So if you had your 5000 lasers and a full 6 months and I launched 44 Mega Tonnes of Marbles at you then, even with perfect conditions on your side, your planet would suffer the same turmoil as if the Moon(4 Mega Tonnes of Marble) had crashed into it.)


Now we all know that objects cannot travel at the speed of light(without warp drive anyway) and so we can assume that they would slow down somewhat... maybe to about 1/3 of the speed of light. Thus the force of each 5 gram marble decreases to about 249,654,163,215,783,000 Grams(249,654,163 Mega Tonnes, or 249,654 Giga Tonnes.)


Now if you want to be amazingly annoying you can say anything that small will vaporize in the atmosphere, and maybe it will...I don't know... What I know is that if one skimmed the atmosphere then you can say goodbye to it, because 249 Tera (Thousand Giga Tonnes) Tonnes force is more than enough to strip the atmosphere off of a planet. These weapons are more powerful than anything previously considered, they are Earth Shattering... Your only defense(at the moment) is that they have to be fired from more than .5 Light years away, and take 1 year to get up to speed.


So at a stroke you solve pollution, you take milk away from small children(if you want to do that) and you create weapons which are easy to use (You build a ship, load it up and fire it at a target, what can be simpler) and using them against other ships is even easier still because you can just fire them, none of the mucking about waiting .5 years for them to get there, just fire them and bang, the enemy ship, along with all the debris, is sent hurtling backwards, preferably into the rest of their fleet.

Best of all Marble is just Calcium Carbonate, which can be produced using CO2 and Calcium, so pollution and milk. We (Well America, I couldn't find the world figures) produce over 5 Giga-Tonnes of C02 a year and about 700,000,000 Tonnes (700 Giga Tonnes) of milk(This one is globally) per year, at the moment, on Earth. So, by fully utilizing that, you can make 5 Giga Tonnes of Marble, which equates to 5 Giga Tonnes of Marbles, which further equates to 1,000,000,000(One Thousand Million) Marbles or 24,965,416,321,578,300,000,000,000 Grams(25 Yotta Tonnes) of Relativistic Damage(In perspective that is FOUR EARTHS crashing into your planet EVERY YEAR).



Thus, with this knowledge in the public domain you cannot afford to rest on your Ion Cannons and your Helios Spheres, right now, or at least after/if they read this your foes will abandon their conventional or nuclear arms and begin building the most powerful weapons ever conceived... tiny pellets of marble. (Laughs manically)

No seriously, it would take about 8 years to research.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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No arcimage my point would be that if you got within half a light year of a solar system that fire ship would be torn apart so thoroughly that you wouldn't be able to use any of it. Also read the rules we have a ban on radioactive weapons.

Also I hate to point this out but the marbles would decelerate (the object in warp is not actually moving however the universe is ) and fall into gas giants (just about all systems have them in the outer layer). Also thanks you know what as i have many more facilities than you I am building those (Sacrificing super carriers) and loading them up with marbles. But you know what catagory this falls under ? unbeatable weapons! which are banned in the rules.

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Unbeatable weapons? Have you read my post on Micro-Arrays? They would easily deal with a barrage of Marbles, which only have a mass of 5g and would therefore not require a massive amount of energy to disintegrate... I mean you could easily stick a few thousand on a space station and then tie them into a macro array... Its merely pointing out that, under your current system, which seems to be aimed at destroying a conventional weapons which are probably going to never amount to more than 50 ships at a time with no more than 2 torpedos per ship.... thus you are weak against this, thus if I was going to attack you then I would do it this way.

The same as if you were attacking me you would probably go full frontal because my people are essentially cowards, and unless they know they are going to win they are not going to try to sacrifice themselves. Hence why they have such a defensive outlook... Their entire offensive plan relies on being .5 light years outside of your system, their entire defensive plan involves being able to run away.


A fire ship doesn't need to be 'made use of', it is not a guided missile, its a large, expensive javelin... or more accurately a large set of expensive javelins.


For now, no fallout inducing weapons, or nuclear fission based weapons.

Hmmm, can't beat you on the first one, though I suppose I could use clean nukes... The later is less of an issue, since I am using(Or rather would be using) Fusion based weapons, with high energy cores so that it causes an implosion, forcing fusion without fallout.


Also I hate to point this out but the marbles would decelerate (the object in warp is not actually moving however the universe is
It's 1 year on both end, one for slowing down and speeding up. Otherwise all the people would die on the ship. They don't just sit their during that time, they go at extremely high speeds. Just not the maximum speeds.

I know that warp is, effectively, a bubble of exotic matter, but I also know that Tachyons, effectively, exist so therefore I am going entirely on what is said, and what has been said is that ships have to speed up to jump to warp... Therefore they are traveling rather fast.

Also, since they have to 'slow down' on the other side they must be moving at some speed.


and fall into gas giants

Just like all our probes :? I remember watching it on TV 'And Voyager II is making its epic... no wait, it fell into a gas giant...If only someone at NASA knew math and science, they might somehow be able to work out some cool physics to plan the course of these Gas Giants so we would not aim our probes at them' [/sarcasm]

Seriously, it is not difficult to not fire your weapons into a Gas Giant. Asteroids have been able to avoid(on the most part) gas Giants for hundreds of millions of years, I think we can avoid it if we try.


Further you would need to research it before you could use it. =P But as already stated, they are not unbeatable weapons... well maybe for someone who couldn't imagine a way to defend themselves... but for those who can imagine a defense it is fairly simple...If you can't be bothered to build micro-arrays then what about Micro-Nebulas? Or Oort Clouds(they are natural you know) or even just Atmosphere bombs... you send one of them off towards the marble swarm, detonate it and tad dada you have something which decreases the momentum of the marbles and causes them to burn up into nothingness without destroying your planet.

Most any weapon can be out thought... Even Nukes... Consider that radioactive material can be used to heat water, that heated water turns into steam, that steam condenses into water which, at the top of a turbine, can create energy. Thus their weapons can be reused to rebuild your economy. Further nuclear weapons are dangerous, if you were to use a saboteur you could detonate one of them in their own hold, destroying the ship. (Though the discussion is rendered null because they are outlawed)


In any case, your own defense needs to have a weakness or it is banned because it can't be 'unbeatable' that is just common sense.



Woah, that map is amazing.

There are about 7 others(if you put all the distances on one map it sort of makes a mess), but I didn't want to post them all at once.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Unbeatable weapons? Have you read my post on Micro-Arrays? They would easily deal with a barrage of Marbles, which only have a mass of 5g and would therefore not require a massive amount of energy to disintegrate... I mean you could easily stick a few thousand on a space station and then tie them into a macro array... Its merely pointing out that, under your current system, which seems to be aimed at destroying a conventional weapons which are probably going to never amount to more than 50 ships at a time with no more than 2 torpedos per ship.... thus you are weak against this, thus if I was going to attack you then I would do it this way.

The same as if you were attacking me you would probably go full frontal because my people are essentially cowards, and unless they know they are going to win they are not going to try to sacrifice themselves. Hence why they have such a defensive outlook... Their entire offensive plan relies on being .5 light years outside of your system, their entire defensive plan involves being able to run away.


A fire ship doesn't need to be 'made use of', it is not a guided missile, its a large, expensive javelin... or more accurately a large set of expensive javelins.


For now, no fallout inducing weapons, or nuclear fission based weapons.

Hmmm, can't beat you on the first one, though I suppose I could use clean nukes... The later is less of an issue, since I am using(Or rather would be using) Fusion based weapons, with high energy cores so that it causes an implosion, forcing fusion without fallout.


Also I hate to point this out but the marbles would decelerate (the object in warp is not actually moving however the universe is
It's 1 year on both end, one for slowing down and speeding up. Otherwise all the people would die on the ship. They don't just sit their during that time, they go at extremely high speeds. Just not the maximum speeds.

I know that warp is, effectively, a bubble of exotic matter, but I also know that Tachyons, effectively, exist so therefore I am going entirely on what is said, and what has been said is that ships have to speed up to jump to warp... Therefore they are traveling rather fast.

Also, since they have to 'slow down' on the other side they must be moving at some speed.


and fall into gas giants

Just like all our probes :? I remember watching it on TV 'And Voyager II is making its epic... no wait, it fell into a gas giant...If only someone at NASA knew math and science, they might somehow be able to work out some cool physics to plan the course of these Gas Giants so we would not aim our probes at them' [/sarcasm]

Seriously, it is not difficult to not fire your weapons into a Gas Giant. Asteroids have been able to avoid(on the most part) gas Giants for hundreds of millions of years, I think we can avoid it if we try.


Further you would need to research it before you could use it. =P But as already stated, they are not unbeatable weapons... well maybe for someone who couldn't imagine a way to defend themselves... but for those who can imagine a defense it is fairly simple...If you can't be bothered to build micro-arrays then what about Micro-Nebulas? Or Oort Clouds(they are natural you know) or even just Atmosphere bombs... you send one of them off towards the marble swarm, detonate it and tad dada you have something which decreases the momentum of the marbles and causes them to burn up into nothingness without destroying your planet.

Most any weapon can be out thought... Even Nukes... Consider that radioactive material can be used to heat water, that heated water turns into steam, that steam condenses into water which, at the top of a turbine, can create energy. Thus their weapons can be reused to rebuild your economy. Further nuclear weapons are dangerous, if you were to use a saboteur you could detonate one of them in their own hold, destroying the ship. (Though the discussion is rendered null because they are outlawed)


In any case, your own defense needs to have a weakness or it is banned because it can't be 'unbeatable' that is just common sense.



Woah, that map is amazing.

There are about 7 others(if you put all the distances on one map it sort of makes a mess), but I didn't want to post them all at once.


A~ what you are talking about is a shot gun effect.

B~ You dont hear about the 1,000s of asteriods that have hit the gas giants (the main

C~ You can have clean nukes infact several societies have them.

D~ Why do you think i am using missiles and rail guns for orbital defesne? My ion cannons can keep up a large continues steam as can Ross's ARC lasers.

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A~ what you are talking about is a shot gun effect.

If you dispatch a fleet then they can fire their relativistic shotgun at you but you can't fire back, limiting you to conventional arms, which are relatively easy to be destroyed by Point Defense lasers....If you were to use the same strategy you would need to tap the solar core to power the number of PDLs you would need...

B~ You dont hear about the 1,000s of asteriods that have hit the gas giants

What about comets then....The point is that a gas Giant is only a general shield, one of minimal effectiveness...It would be like saying you were protected from all damage because you had knee and elbow pads along with a crash helmet... Yeah you are protected from falling off your bike into the road, because that is the natural order(You assume the fetal position where possible, jutting out your knees and elbows to protect your torso and reproductive systems), but you are hardly protected from a weapon.

C~ You can have clean nukes infact several societies have them.


though I suppose I could use clean nukes.

D~ Why do you think i am using missiles and rail guns for orbital defesne? My ion cannons can keep up a large continues steam as can Ross's ARC lasers.

Ion Cannons tend to be one shot, high damage weapons. What you seem to be describing is a particle fountain or a laser.

Rail Guns also tend to be one shot, high damage weapons

Missiles, unless they are multilayered ballistic missile defenses, which would be a highly expensive way to defend against marbles, would be ineffective in the numbers we are dealing with... Effectively you are spending $500 for ever 25 Cents I am spending.

If you could point to me where you describe your weapons(since I have not got though the whole thread yet) or pm your tech list to me, that would be helpful because, at the moment, I am just responding to what I think you have...Which is a Brilliant Pebbles system and Ion Cannons. Both of which tend to be planetary weapons, rather than inter-planetary weapons, though both are effective with dealing with fleet attacks)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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One final thing, you mentioned fusion was your main power source. Currently, there is only one country that uses fusion as their power source, ignoring hex or mather, I forget which, and that's me. And that was only just completed research wise, after working on it since july 27th real life. So it'll take you a while to get fusion as a viable energy source.


And I'll look through the maps you gave me, and put one or two onto the front post.



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you dont have a practical way to use an energy weapon mather so I would say something like 15 years if it is even possible.

Also archi mage I am not really using ion cannons Instead i am using a glorified particle accelerator which means that yes I can use it for long bursts.

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I'm putting my nation on auto pilot for the next few years. Every 4 years a new carrier will be complete, one being started every other year (so one will be started when one is half finished). After every three carriers, a superdestroyer ship will be created taking 7 years. when that ship is complete the cycle will begin again. All of these ships will be built on or around Mars. Satellite communication array will be continulaly upgraded, as it already is. The "African mining" project is still happening and will be complete in another week.


If for any reason my nation should fall out of this cylce, I give Serephurus the authority to correct the problem.


Growth rates shall remain the same, some expansion will occur in Mars. Taxes will remain the same, and military hypnopaedia will begin for 60% of the population from birth. The other 40% will continue to be average clones. Well, as average as my clones get.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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That reminds me doom you may not be the only person researching fusion tech. Many people have secret projects going on... (Think the ARCHIVES's for example) Also the creation of mining ships stops now that i have something like 21 of them.

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Hmmm, so 60 years of work for Fusion, and I am not even aiming for Hydrogen Fusion... Even cutting that down for relative discovery time that would still be 45 days, though I do need to re-organize my research list anyway because I 'can't' research some of the things I said I was. Ahh well, might as well update for Sunday while I am here(I am going to take 30 Tech points and distribute them and hopefully that will be an end to the confusion, after that just get 1 for each project. I promise not to overweight things):




Genetic Affinity

Unified Options Plan

Water Fruit- 1/11/09 (2)

The Mosquito- 1/11/09 (1)

Warp Field Access Gate- 1/11/09 (5)

Plans for the Space Station 1/11/09 (2) (10)


In progress:

1 New Metal- 3/15 (3)

2 Quark Theory- 5/8 (5)

3 Standardization of Vessels- 1/5 (1)

4 Quantum Rifle- 1/10 (1) (20)


[Hide=Caravel Project](Am combining the whole project in a separate update)

5 Hull Design 1/1 (1)

6 Micro/Macro Array 3/3 (3)

7 Ion Thrusters 1/3 (1) (5)

8 Gated Torpedos 2/5 (2)

9 Transporters 1/8 (1)

10 Nuclear Core 2/2 (2) (10)




Genetic Theory- Allows genetic research to take place

Genetic Affinity- Doubles speed of genetic research, only one affinity may be active at a time and cannot be activated again for 50 years, also change over takes 10 years.

Unified Options Plan- Allows the Morale system

Water Fruit- 1/11/09 (2)- Similar to Tomatoes, but grow in water and filter the contents into pods which can then be picked. Grows at a rate of .002 MPH.

The Mosquito- 1/11/09 (1)- Tiny insect which will swarm a planet killing the indigenous population, unless they have some medical skill.

Warp Field Accelerator - 1/11/09 (5)- Allows a direct opening of the warp field, allowing an object to pass into warp speed. Said object is pulverized by the speed change though and will drop out of warp within less than a second of entering since any engine will be destroyed.

Plans for the Space Station 1/11/09 (2) (10)- Allows building of the StarBase Kent, on reaching the Adrigas system.


In progress:

1 New Metal- 3/15 (3) -A project to discover a new alloy which will be stronger than anything before it. I will roll a twenty sided dice at the end to get its GPa(The stress it can take before bending/breaking) and times the result by ten.

2 Quark Theory- 5/8 (5)- Allows the development of Quark based technologies. As well as the project Quark Affinity.

3 Standardization of Vessels- 1/5 (1)- Allows the sixty transport ships to interface with each other, gaining an extra research point for any five technologies.

4 Quantum Rifle- 1/10 (1) (20)- Ground assault weapon, despite its cool sounding name it is a Phaser Rifle, with 32 settings, ranging from flashlight to vaporize. It is the swiss army knife of the stars.


[Hide=Caravel Project](Am combining the whole project in a separate update)

5 Hull Design 1/1 (1)- The hull and layout of the ship, see below.

6 Micro/Macro Array 3/3 (3)- Photons of Homozygous ASymmetrical Energized Radially system. Phasers for short. The acronym means Light which is of the same type but not the same level being focused in a radial chamber. Basically energy produced in the micro arrays is channeled into a chamber where it is combined with other energies and then sent to a larger chamber and so on and so forth until the desired level of firepower has been achieved, then the energy is channeled normally. There is usually an 8% loss of energy by this method.

7 Ion Thrusters 1/3 (1) (5) -Allows for acceleration of 90 Meters per Second.

8 Gated Torpedos 2/5 (2) - A spherical chamber is set up with a metal ball(Held magnetically) in the center. The chamber also is brightly illuminated. There are nodes on all the walls, every few millimeters, which can open a temporary hole into the warp field of the ship. The metal ball is fired into one of the nodes by altering the magnetic field of the chamber. The ball, already traveling at extreme speeds due to the magnetic intensity, is further accelerated by the warp-jump. The Ball of Metal is Quarkarised, allowing for photons to intermingle themselves within the structure. 0.0000007 seconds later the ball is spat out of warp speed and the molecular forces reassert themselves, creating a ball of Energized Metal, which acts like an EMP. Research is also opened to using other particles instead of photons, each new system takes 1 year of experimentation, 1 year of testing and 1 year of development, before being usable, automatically, in all ships which are equipped with Gated Torpedos and Transporters, otherwise takes a 1 year refit.

9 Transporters 1/8 (1)- Not just transporters but replicators, albeit of a very low quality. Each Quark requires 1 Kilo Byte of computer space(3Kb for a proton, 1Kb for an electron), thus is currently unsuitable for transporting a human being or even a potted plant. However this is not how it is typically used... Typically it is used to break down raw materials, prisoners and the like into their elemental subgroups and to create new combinations of compound. The process usually takes half an hour per tonne and can be very painful. If discovered doubles the speed at which new metals/organic compounds/genetic hybrids can be researched.

10 Nuclear Core 2/2 (2) (10)- The power core of the ship. Five of these are used, each developing 16 Thousand Million(Billion) KWh per year, thus a Caravel's output, per hour, is 9.8 Million Kilo Watts (9,800,000,000,000(98 Billion or 980 Billion(American)) Joules or approximately one Terajoule, which is approximately equal to 240 Tonnes of TNT. However the energy store is 300 Pentajoules, approximately equal to 72 Mega Tonnes, this is however only the internal destructive strength of a critical reaction. [/hide]


Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Thats like saying I should have gotten burma and cambodia because they were essentially mine in the first place. (well cambodia at least I conquered for kirby)

So if I had gotten Burma and Cambodia (which are still in play btw?) you would have no problem with it? Okay..


Anyways, Iceland has returned to the Terran Federation.

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