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1~ How long where you researching those lasers because you have at least 15 years to go (I forget how much time ross spent on his military grade ones)

Not really. Working out how 1500 civilian grade lasers, at a rated power of 100 watts each(Thus a total of 150,000 W or 150 kW), could be combined using the basic principle that prisms can focus light. Does not constitute a longer research project.

The research was therefore merely bringing the ideas together and ensuring a program was written(over the course of 3 years) which could control 1,500 separate lasers and the prismatic web which links them all.


I realize that I did not include the exact target areas or the duration of the lasers(I basically lifted the whole idea from another project of mine) and so the Tonnage seems excessive. So for the aid of calculations we will assume that, to burn though 1 inch of armour 2.5 kW are required(Thus meaning that, at full power, the array can burn though 30 inches of armour per second and that torpedos/missiles which usually have about 0.1 inches of armour, can be burned though by 3 lasers. Thus the array, as a whole can destroy 500 missiles per second, with a five second retargeting gap (Since my vessels don't launch Torpedoes, or at least not torpedos which have an explosive core, the system just targets everything smaller than 20 meters, though there are quick settings for smaller than 50 meters, smaller than 100 meters, smaller than 200 meters and so on and so forth.)


This assumes a stronger version of steel but I would suggest that exactitudes for players armour is worked out when and if a fight ever occurs.



2~ Why do you think we are all going to blow each other up? I intend to be playing for a good 60 more days


Emperor: Our time has come, fellow Britannians! The world's aristocracy has spoken! The world shall know of Britannia's all-mighty FIST Emperor pounds his fist. that is the BRITANNIAN EMPIRE! All hail our Fatherland! ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!





3~ Heres a tip for you~ Do not try to dominate the trade sector. People already have strangleholds on their colonies and certain people (like me) are already mining massive amounts of metals from asteroids. Also I would advise not to try piracy because well if you try to steal my ships I will blow the living crap out of your planets and others will do the same.


I draw your attention the IFs in my writings...

if I ever decide I need income (if I was ever going to go capitalist

To add another if...If I was going to engage in Piracy you can be sure that I would send you reeling BEFORE laying into your sweet underbelly. Which would probably mean a sneak attack and a whole new branch of espionage.


4~ I hate to point this out to you but odds are you cant get large amounts of certain things on your worlds (like food) and will have to trade with others eventually at which point your "moral" will not be worth anything.


They are pretty big assumptions considering that food and raw materials... except wood and fossil fuels, but I do not envisage either of them being terribly important to me... can be found in system...Look at the planets, one Aquatic, so a lot of Organic Elements. One Rocky so lots of Metallic Elements and one Volcanic so a plentiful supply of both. Food is being provided(in 2 years now, I will update in a minute/hour) by the Aquatic planet's water-fruit crops.

Money is not an issue and so industry can develop extremely quickly to meet the desired needs(Though afterwards there comes a heavy price since once it is built it needs to be maintained or shut...) further I plan to monopolize on Quark Fusion when I get it, ensuring that power generation is far in excess of the rest of the universe. I plan to kick start my stellar reaction, turning the feeble Red Dwarf into a blazing Type G. Then with this in hand I will probably define someway of moving planets.. probably using a massive number of FTL drives....

In short I plan to build a super fortress of power and a utopian society within the walls of that fortress. The rest of the universe is there to service our needs(You can see why dictators get carried away) those who don't service my needs will be ignored until such time as I have power to destroy them.

Of course this is in the extreme long term, at the moment survival is slightly more important than destroying my morale providers. =D


Well Archimage, I think construction of about 6 ships has been completed since you joined, as well as 450 Helios orbs and 120 space fighters.

Cool. I will just roll all that into a 'General war build up' morale modifier and have it at a rate of +2 per day, per militarist power(Currently factored at 5 powers(Serephurus, dungeonal, Dusty, Ross and RPG) so +10 morale), since all of them/you seem to be building up some kind of army but seems to be taken for granted so factoring it is difficult. Any disagreements with that?

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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7 600 000,00

50 000,00

30 %

114 000 000 000,00



670 000,00

60 000,00

25 %

10 050 000 000,00




1 500 000,00

10 %

21 750 000,00



1 500 000 000,00

5 %

75 000 000,00


Building company


5 000,00

30 000,00

40 %

60 000 000,00



2 500,00

75 000,00

40 %

75 000 000,00




125 000,00

40 %

45 000 000,00



1 500,00

1 000 000,00

40 %

600 000 000,00




5 000 000,00

40 %

100 000 000,00



125 026 750 000,00



10 %

12 502 675 000,00







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Hmm... I don't think moving planets would be allowed. Mainly because the amount of power that would be required to do so would just be absurd. Either way, when the planet is moved, I'm sure that the atmosphere would either be torn off, or everything would freeze and die while it moves through the vacuum of space. It's just not feasible.


I'm also unsure how you plan to alter the star's state, would that not require hundereds and thousands of tons of hydrogen or some other light element?


[hide=Aether stats]

Aether stats - 24rd October 2009

Population: 2.09 billion

Growth rate: 10%

Average income: 45k

Yearly Budget: 4.7 trillion

[Population]*〖1.15〗^[Days since last checked]


Colonised planets:

Zypherius (Sega-Res)

Orojike (Sega-Res)

Ocusa Recpeica (Sega-Res)

Dowari (Sinabo)

Maekos (Sinabo)

Abomizo (Sinabo)

Kajea II (Kajea)

Kajea III (Kajea)



Improved AI (Ongoing) (50 billion per year +1/4 of leftover funding)

Project Ares (16/20) (500 billion per year)

ARC laser improvement (Ongoing) (100 billion per year)

City building (Ongoing) (50b per year +1/4 of leftover funding)




1 Hyperion class battleship (+1 per 4 years) (500b each)

24 Cataclysm class battleships (+1 per year) (300b each)

43 Rhadamanthus class battleships (+2 per year) (150b each)

3500 Helios Orbs (+150 per year) (60m each, 10b/year)

920 Unmanned Space fighters (+40 per year) (1b each, 40b/year)


150 million Icarus Drones

10,000 Erebus Drones

1 million Nyx Drones

Air: None

Navy: None



Increased project Ares' budget from 200 billion to 500 billion, taking 5 years off the project time (This is the sort of project where throwing money into it CAN decrease research time)

I started producing another Hyperion battleship every 4 years.


I just realised how large my fleet of warships actually is. It's pretty big.

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Update for today. Had a fight with the hide tags so I have given up on that front, just a massive update and then summery, then responses


Technology update

In progress:

1 New Metal- 5/15

Quark Theory- 8/8

3 Standardization of Vessels- 3/5

4 Quantum Rifle- 4/10

9 Gravity Lensing- 1/10

10 Silent Running- 1/3

5 Station outfitting- 0/12

8 Construction of 5 Caravel class- 0/12

6 Heat Resilient Genetic Engineering- 1/23

2 Quark Gold Extract 0/2



Hull Design 1/1

Micro/Macro Array 3/3

Ion Thrusters 3/3

Gated Torpedos 5/5

7 Transporters 3/8

Nuclear Core 2/2

DOCKING procedure theorized and built in.




Station outfitting- Stations include all nominal services(Space ship construction, repair, salvage, research as well as stockpiling of goods, communication and providing a 5000 laser strong array for planetary defense) as well as accommodation for one hundred thousand people, each.

Construction of 5 Caravel class- Does pretty much what it says on the tin, produces 5 Caravel class. Ships can be rushed into service in four years, but will only feature laser, 1/2 power and 1/5 engine systems. Armour will be added each year after that, transporters will be added in the 8th year and gated torpedos in the 5th.

Heat Resilient Genetic Engineering- Provides the ability to genetically alter humans to survive in high temperature environments. The actual alteration requires Genetic Alternation Tech(0/16) and Womb Tank Tech(0/6).

DOCKING- Procedural directive built into the Caravel's core program for a secret purpose.

Quark Tungsten Extract- A process by which Tungsten is converted from Tungsten into its base Quarks. These Quarks can then be experimented on.




Civil Update


Collectively it has been decided to change the name of the Alliance of Free Stars to The System of Free Worlds(Or SFW). It has also been decided that five Caravel class are needed for patrols and to escort transports to travel to the rest of the universe to seek out more dissenters and provide them with free passage to Adrigas. With a large amount of transports at their disposable it seems only sensible to use them.


Neptune has been covered by water fruit and 18 Giga Tonnes have been harvested(1), feeding everyone in the system(2) and providing a surplus of 4 Giga Tonnes, of which 3 Giga Tonnes has been offered for trade with other systems(3). Along with the explanatory note(Bracketed parts are not included in the note they are just for your information):

"The Water Fruit, a genetically engineered plant that grows in salt water and yielded unsalted fruits. The mix in genetic codes gives the water fruit, commonly, five different colour bulbs. The green fruit is the most common (9 in 20) and is about as nutritional as 25 Tomatoes (which makes up most of the Genetic code). The red fruit is as nutritional but hazardous material as well, which bitter the fruit, it is the second most common bud (6 in 20). The yellow fruit is especially nutritious, providing 80% of a days nutritional requirement but not as common (4 in 20). The blue fruit isnt so much a fruit as a water pod, the lighter the more salt it contains, it is very uncommon though (1 in 20).

Various other colours have been seen, though usually were not nutritional, some being Iron pods, some being Blood pods, some Sulphur Pods and some small number of Ink Pods. These can be brought on request.

(Planet has a surface area of 5,1007,200 meters, of which 90% is water. Therefore a water surface area of 45,906,480. Water-fruit has a density of 120 pods per square meter, by 1/4 meter depth, thus a sum total of 55 Giga Tonnes per year. However, at this stage the density is only up at 80 pods per meter, so 38 Giga Tonnes per year, and 20 Giga Tonnes has been left to feed the aquatic mammals, as well as to seed for the next generation of water-fruit.)

Green fruit is sold at the price of 5 fruit for 1 Gold Standard (Currency used for dealing with foreigners. Is equal to whatever the currency is)

Red fruit not sold(Only red fruit contains seeds, the other fruit is designed to be genetically sterile and incomplete so that the design cannot be stolen or reproduced. Anyone using the genetic codes of the non-red water-fruit will have their progress slowed by non-sensical sequences.)

Yellow fruit sold at 1 per Gold Standard

Blue fruit sold at 1 per 9 Gold Standards

Thank you."

Aside from this the Mosquitos have now exterminated all land creatures and have summarily died out, thus human colonization has begun. The planet can only support a half million people though(in terms of living space, in terms of food it produces more than enough.) Housing facilities have been built using native timber and bolted together with the disassembled parts from ten transport vessels(4). Civil defense has commandeered the lasers on the transports to create Fort Atoll, which provides short range cover for the northern Island(5) The southern Islands are unhappy about this. However the Southern Islands have build a new workshop(6) and are churning out micro-lasers(100 Watt) which have been used to build a defensive network.(7,8) which has made the north unhappy.


Hera has begun developing its infrastructure now that moving around the surface has become possible. Realizing the need for geospheres their construction has been started, taking two years to complete.(8) To aid in the construction of the spheres two workshops have been built, both of which are in full swing producing girders and hardened glass(Oil and thus plastic being unavailable).(9,10) Thus the Iron surplus that should exist is being reinvested constantly in building the spheres. However some has been shipped out to Cybele(11) in order to help building the bridges. Aside from this Lava Flyers have been discovered, a small insect which seems to thrive in the extreme temperature. Some have been captured(12) and analyzed(13) resulting in an extra research point for Heat Resilient Genetic Engineering, prompting this to be adopted as a technological project.


Cybele's Hadrian's Ledges have developed significantly and by next year should be able to provide housing for 6 million people.(14,15) Aside from this a new workshop has been built to process Hera's Iron Ore(16) to produce Girders to build the bridges, which also continued(17) being completed, with the extra resources and workshop, next year instead of the year after. It was also decided that prospected the planet for resources was of paramount importance and thus prospecting began(18) but only yielded a few thousand copper, iron, gold, silver and aluminum veins, none of particularly large size, but in addition to them one massive deposit of Tungsten was found estimated at 80% of all the tungsten on Cybele, the other twenty percent was found in the surrounding area(19) . Numerous other elemental stores have also been found, but only enough for domestic use. The primary concern had been finding Uranium or some other radioactive element, but that they were entirely absent from the planet and indeed the solar system, with only a small surface deposit found on Hera(there is probably more powering the core)(19). This discovery has prompted an extra research point for Quark Theory as the most feasible solution to the energy crisis.


(Tungsten is being used to research as the heaviest-common element. Although Gold is fairly common, making up approximately .25 % of the crust, Tungsten comparatively exists as 2% of the Crust and in a large deposit. Copper makes up 5%, Iron 9%, Aluminum 14%, Silicon 28%, Silver 2%, Carbon 20%, Calcium 10% and 9% of varied other elements. Theory currently is that Adrigas is a very old system, potentially 3rd generation after the big bang, as such very little in the way of radioactive material would be present, which would explain why Cybele seems to be tectonically stable. Hera is still undergoing spasms of tectonic activity but it seems that within two hundred years it will solidify too. However both it and Neptune have the advantage of being close enough to Adrigas to be heated externally. Cybele has the comparatively low mean temperature of just 5 degrees C (41 degrees Fahrenheit.) though doesn't have enough water for the planet to be covered in ice and indeed it never(well not in the last two years) rains.)


In any event things move on with Asterisk.


The three station cores have been finished and thus two new workshops are commissioned to bring them all up to new spec(20, 21)


21/29 Civil Project Points used





Morale(If anyone wants to suggest any then please do):



-4 Contention on Neptune


-3 From racial strife


-2 From not being threatened yet


-1 Daily


-1 Commissioning of new ships(Modifier of the modifier, since these ships are seen as the bare essentials to survival they are not seen as protecting them in any significant way, not to stop people feeling protected though.)


(Stuff doing it in order) -5 Power panic


-1 Disagreement over the name


-1 Fear of being in a dying star system


-1 Having to trade with outsiders



+10 General war build up


+1 Continued Grim posturing


+3 From station cores completion


+1 From Caravel basics being researched


+1 From plans to find more dissidents


+2 From the sweet sweet Waterfruit


+1 From Good Harvest


+1 From finding Gold


+5 From Projects(+2 from Geo-spheres, +2 Bridges and +1 for housing on Neptune)





Production of ships is worked out in clusters of 5, since there are five workshops currently available, two on Hera, one in orbit above Hera, one in Orbit above Cybele and on on Cybele. Building smaller numbers of ships is not advisable since each ship is individually tooled, thus an amalgamated ship would suffer periodic break down. However interface systems such as the DOCKING system are identical across the fleet.

Dissenter hunting missions, which can be rebuffed by the nations involved, will yield the Morale, minus 50 times 10,000, number of people, but never exceed 750,000 people. Missions count as a Civil Projects Point and take 1 year to complete, additional to travel time. Each transport can carry 150,000 people each.




All projects continued.

3 Extra Research points, 2 from civil events and 1 from morale, which was spent on Heat Resistant Genetics, Quark Theory and Gated Torpedoes.

Started Projects 'Station outfitting', 'Quark Tungsten Extract', 'Heat Resilient Genetic Engineering' and 'Construction of 5 Caravel class'

Finished Projects 'Quark Theory', 'Station Cores', 'Gated Torpedoes' and 'Ion Thrusters'

0 Research Points remaining.

8 Civil Project Points remaining

Moral has had a net increase of 6 to 105

Fleet size:

50 Transport Ships

5 Stage 1 Caravels




Hmm... I don't think moving planets would be allowed. Mainly because the amount of power that would be required to do so would just be absurd. Either way, when the planet is moved, I'm sure that the atmosphere would either be torn off, or everything would freeze and die while it moves through the vacuum of space. It's just not feasible.


I'm also unsure how you plan to alter the star's state, would that not require hundereds and thousands of tons of hydrogen or some other light element?

Was mainly planning steal asteroids and then bind them together...A bit of Macro-Engineering. But like I said, distant future.

Star state is probably closer but still rather far off(20/30 years, at least). Altering is not all that difficult, first I would fire a tonne of Quark Converter beams into the star, converting parts of it into quarks(obviously) which would create increased heat in the core(Since the Quarks could not rise out of the star they would either be forced to re-bond or to resist re-bonding, both of which are exothermic, which would hasten the Fusion chain, increase pressure, causing the star to expand, however it would decrease the gravitational field strength. To counter this I would bring my impressive might to bear, converting asteroids/comets or errant planets, preferably Gas Giants into quarks, storing them in Quark Cores(Maybe edging towards 40 years now), then committing Quark Fusion, creating constituent particles and then Hydrogen atoms. Using this method it would be possible to create... reallocate 1.63E+051 atoms, if, for instance, I converted Earth. However since Earth is mainly silicon(60%) if we used this as a general number then the number of hydrogen atoms we can create from the silicon atoms increase the figure to 4.58E+052 Hydrogen atoms. Which equates to 7.61E+022 tonnes of hydrogen. Since our sun fuses 4 million tonnes a second this increase should give me 60,327,744,198.49 years worth of G type status(ignoring its current mass)... Though in real terms I would not use the whole of Earth, but a percentage of a planet like Earth(I am sure people would object if I tried to convert Earth) or, like I said, preferably asteroids or a Gas Giant.

If you just took Earths actual mass and took that as the mass of Hydrogen atoms(Which seems more reasonable) then I get 1,578,513,444,951.80 years worth of type G status. If I did this though it would probably go Supernova or at least engulf most of my planets(which is why moving them would be preferable, and possible, given I have already done so with Asterisk, though an explosion on that magnitude would almost certainly destroy all life, thus moving in a gentler manner... say by mass reduction fields to give the planets a widening orbit. Of course mass reduction is yet another thing that is sadly 50 odd years away.


Mather...Basically what I have done is increase human and Jaffa wages, decrease human and Jaffa tax, increased Goa'uld tax, nationalized the building company(Which was more for my benefit and it is easier to see what is going on, you still make 40% on each building) and decrease/increased house building to sensible amounts.

Basically the key to your economy is a massive amount of humans, which, if you increase their wages you increase their net profit for you(Since apparently you don't pay the wages and if you did you would be bankrupt in 1 year unless you slapped a 98% tax on Humans, a 99% tax on Jaffa and 40% tax on Goa'uld...At which point you would make a profit of 2,021,847,850,000. Which is more than you would get(under your system) if you cancelled tax and wages all together. Under this system you would make a 13,466,247,850,000 profit if you cancelled both...Though realistically that wouldn't happen.)

Anyway you can effectively set your own income by changing how much you pay humans, all the other factors amount to 19,004,847,850,000... When you compare that to humans 4,284,000,000,000,000 the actual point of including the others becomes questionable.


























Building company








Town houses































Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Wait, ross, how does one of your battleships cost only 150b each? And how do you have the facilities to build 4 1/4 battleships a year?



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Just 1 question, do they have AIs on board or are they in communication with some central AI?

If it is centralized then cool, I need to work on scramblers and you have cheaper ships.

If it is localized then also cool, you have expensive ships and I still need to develop scramblers.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Yeah, but I assumed that life support would be a large chunk of the costs, because aside from that, its really just a huge chunk of metal with some guns and communication systems.

And a massively complex engine system and navigation system. Not to mention the reactor.



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with the sudden dissapearance of russia's leader, its citizens hve been plunged into chaos, with many people trying to sieze control over the territories on earth, and the russian planet. other countries, too, have decided to try and take this land for themselves, leading to bitter fighting over the land to control its natural resources, technology and its citizens. with the current state of the country, the military has been unable to mobilies and defend itself, leaving it open to invasion by any who feel so inclined



you may have noticed, but i hardly play this game any more, so i propose:

russia is now free for the taking, along with all its space stations, weapons, citizens (how ever you may feel the need to use them- tax, slave labour, scientific guinea pigs, etc) and russias own planet (which has been colonised and has a similar standard of society and tech now as earth does) and all of russias technology (weapons, drones, spaceships, etc etc)

but to take this, you must fight for it. you are free to invade russia and it will not fight back, however, it is highly likely that other people will be fighting in order to control it aswell, so it will not be an easy conquest.


have fun


who ever wins should send me a PM and i will give them a list of all my (to a degree, secret) weapons/bases etc

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Yay, 1.5 Million people(And 100,000 for each additional Year up to 3 then losing 200,000 per year after that, not including other issues) from Asurna revolt in favour of forming the Anti-War League. Ships have been dispatched (Assumedly) to Yggdrasil at a distance of 46.60 Light Years. Travel time is 2.932 years. Loading will take .5 years to complete. For this mission fifteen transports will be dispatched, all transports are sporting Micro-Macro Arrays at a cost of 16 Civic Points. My bonus research point has also been expended on finding out the information.


(Much simpler formula for light speed jumps (0.02*X)+2 OR, for hours, (0.48*X)+48

Since 10 light years takes .2 years and 100 light years takes 2 years it makes sense that 1 light year will take 0.02 light years, plus time to speed up and slow down.

0.02 times 24 is 0.48.

4.8 Hours is also 1/5 of 24.

Essentially, time taken is the number of light years traveled doubled then divide by 10


People in Russia on Earth also revolt, but due to the security of the system no effort is made to reach them.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Britannian troops are moving into Russia through siberia, employing blitzkrieg tactics to assert control of East Russia. Our space fleet is protecting the skies, with Birthright priming lasers and stuff to prepare for resistance in whatever form.


The navy is being mobilised and prepared to respond immediately to any threats.


Airforce too is being mobilised, providing support for our troops as they make their way through Russia.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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The Anti-War League of Earth pledge their support to the winner of the battle to dismember Russia, but refuse to take up arms. (This total is .5 million for anyone wondering)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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The Aetherian fleet has been mobilised. Requests from my allies have led me to dispatch 20 Rhadamanthus class battleships, along with 20 large carrier/cargo ships, which are transporting a total of 30 million Icarus drones, tightly packed into the cargo bays. Destination is Earth, and control of the troops will be given to Dungeon and Sere.


Archimage, you forgot the 1 year acceleration and decelleration times.

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No I didn't, the numbers are ridiculously small for in warp travel. Using the front page example 100 light years in two days, which is 50 light years in 1 day and thus less than 1 days worth of travel. The acceleration and deceleration time makes up 68% of the travel time for the longest journey available.

The next two are Yggdrasil to Fadou at 40.5 Light years and Adrigas to Emanzotrans at 41.25 Light years. The 3 +40s.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Okay then as nooone layed claim to them I am starting to take over his space stations and satellites. The production facilities of the russian space station will be very beneficial as will the RFG's. Also I am sending in the MSF and the MSS to get walkas special project.

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Birthright will fire on anyone making any movement on Russian space tech.

I am not looking for the tech I am taking the space station. Isnt that a bit extreme of you to take both siberia and the resources in space?

In other news the massive land based ion cannons have been primed on all planets.

I am starting the construction of massive Farm ships and space depots.

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Birthright will fire on anyone making any movement on Russian space tech.

I am not looking for the tech I am taking the space station. Isnt that a bit extreme of you to take both siberia and the resources in space?

In other news the massive land based ion cannons have been primed on all planets.

I am starting the construction of massive Farm ships and space depots.


I'm not 'invading' his space stuff, I just don't intend to let anyone else do it either.


Also, I've "claimed" Russia, I haven't "taken" Siberia. Nothing is finalised until 24 hours have passed, imo, which is ample time for any resistance to be posted yet short enough for the game to progress.


Troops in Africa are moving into Ethiopia as well.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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The Anti-War League, realizing that the great State of Russia is going to be divided piecemeal, rather than a new overlord, seize ground bases and attempts to activate the space based defense systems. To this end they are aided by frightened civil servants, the army and just about every patriot that is left. The aim is to avoid war if possible and preserve the Greater Russian Landmass. To this end an Ultimatum is sent 'We demand a supreme ruler or we will open fire'

(About 3/4s of what is left, whatever that is, mobilizes for a war. While it is true that defensive plans and such have been pretty much destroyed by the lack of organization a hefty defense will still be mounted.)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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