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What Did You Do On Your First Day On Runescape?


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i died to a unicorn too. didnt think it would kill me cuz i didnt even kno my own combat lvl. took me long enough to figure that out. i was so happy when i got to lvl 24, i bought a mith long and got hacked, never got my first acccount back :(

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i remember it well... i thought that the money was 1gp = $1 so the price of bronze armor in stores was outrageous so i went and mined and made bars trying to get 18 smithing so i could make full bronze eventually someone suggested i make the bars into actual armor for extra experience when i finale made full bronze i was so proud but then people called me noob! i was so upset because i tried really hard to get it... also i didn't know that members had more room then us so i tried not to go to far from lummy.... but when i found out that members had more than us i was really peeved... oh well i was a newb...

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Oh it was the best, me and my cousin were sitting at the computer and saw a person with a crossbow. He told us that we could find them in varrock, obviously we didnt know where that was. So using 2 lobsters we had found earlier we bribed someone to take us to varrock. So eventually someone accepted the offer, but we said that we would pay them when we got there. So as soon as he told us, "w'ere here" i ate both of the lobsters and ran off. It had us laughing for about an hour.








ah good times :XD:

Tee eff fo lyfe

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when i first started, it was on rs classic. I was a big fat noob, beause i spent countless hours into getting fire staffs and the ultimante full bronze armour. At the time i thought that fire staffs were really a staff that can glow with fire, and throw fire at monsters and people , lol it was funny. 1000 gp took me 20 days to make and when i bought it i was freaking dissapointed because all it does is giv u a lil fire runes!

T/-/E |>H/-\R0K TURTL3 0F D00M


http://siggy.draynor.net/goal/strength/ ... turtle.gif[/img][/url]


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Well, first off, I joined Runescape October 3, 2006. After all my friends talked about was Runescape, I decided to join. It was a bit odd when I joined, since I always thought Runescape was just for geeks and nerds. A lot of you are probably wondering why my name has '666' in it, so I will tell you. My one friend said that his account name was chanol66, (which I later found out was a flatout lie) so I just added another 6 to it since I couldn't think of any other name. I then picked the clothes I wanted, and was on my way through Turtorial Island. Since I was used to playing video games off the computer, and not any MMORPGs, it took me over 2 hours to get through the entire island! Once I was through, it was passed midnight already, and I went to bed. As you can see, my first day wasn't very interesting, but some sort of funny noobish things that happened the first month include....








-Walked into wild until about level 10, when a lvl 12 attacked and killed me.




-I said, "what is that thing over your head" to someone, which I later found out was protection from melee.




-It took me an hour to find my first bank to put a 75% inventory of burned shrimp in.




-I didn't even know there was a bank on the time floor of Lumbridge castle until about a month after I joined.








Anyway, I am not really a noob anymore. Combat 83, 1250+ total lvl, 7.5m+ total exp. :)








P.S. I want to give a HUGE thanks to anyone who has ever put into a guide here at Tip It. You have saved me from hours of wasting time doing quest, and looking for how I get items, etc..

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i made my charatcer, got throught tutorial island (even though it took ages it felt like) and i was begging for money :-$ after that i think i got lost in the swamp. I wish they had the free home tele back then <.<

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Well, first off, I joined Runescape October 3, 2006. After all my friends talked about was Runescape, I decided to join. It was a bit odd when I joined, since I always thought Runescape was just for geeks and nerds. A lot of you are probably wondering why my name has '666' in it, so I will tell you. My one friend said that his account name was chanol66, (which I later found out was a flatout lie) so I just added another 6 to it since I couldn't think of any other name. I then picked the clothes I wanted, and was on my way through Turtorial Island. Since I was used to playing video games off the computer, and not any MMORPGs, it took me over 2 hours to get through the entire island! Once I was through, it was passed midnight already, and I went to bed. As you can see, my first day wasn't very interesting, but some sort of funny noobish things that happened the first month include....








-Walked into wild until about level 10, when a lvl 12 attacked and killed me.




-I said, "what is that thing over your head" to someone, which I later found out was protection from melee.




-It took me an hour to find my first bank to put a 75% inventory of burned shrimp in.




-I didn't even know there was a bank on the time floor of Lumbridge castle until about a month after I joined.








Anyway, I am not really a noob anymore. Combat 83, 1250+ total lvl, 7.5m+ total exp. :)








P.S. I want to give a HUGE thanks to anyone who has ever put into a guide here at Tip It. You have saved me from hours of wasting time doing quest, and looking for how I get items, etc..








aww your same cb as me and i was playing for 13 months longer than you lol

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I remember my first day on RuneScape. I was trying to get my smithing up, but couldn't find a hammer. Didn't know they sold them at the General Store for 1 gold. So I was stupid and bought it for 100 gold from a person, which was very mean of them.. lol








I am so glad I know the REAL prices now.. LOL

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I remember my first day, I was walking aroud, thinking what the yellow flouting words were above ppls heads, and found out it was what ppl were saying, took me about a month to learn how to use private chat. got killed a couple of times. wondered what the flouting skulls were above ppl's head lol, took me 20 days to figure out what they were












good time, good times :)





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I can't remember exactly but it probably involved getting lost on numerous occasions, finding a pick axe to mine with and wondering what pk meant as I saw fights in a cabbage patch.








You played during Rs2 Beta??!!

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well, first I beat tutorial island. Then I started killing that woman below the castle and kept saying, "woah, this is so easy". Then she killed me. That's pretty much all I remember. Oh, and I remember trying to trade a bunch of bones and cow meat for that iron full helm. But isn't that what all noobs do.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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aww your same cb as me and i was playing for 13 months longer than you lol








Well, I play 6-7+ hours on weekdays and 10+ hours on weekends.... My life is pretty much runescape.








i play 4-5 hours week days (10 on non school days) and 12 hours weekends i just dont train much well i do now but i didn't then...

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I didn't know anything about how the different combat styles worked so i kept switching them while fighting. also i went into the varrok sewers and got killed by a ghost.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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I was shown the game by a friend, so I didn't fdo anything noobish (I was at his house in calgary visiting) I did like 6 quests... and he was jelos cus I did rune mysteries when he went to soccer and I finished it and could craft my own runes, he got SO mad... :thumbsup:


^Affliction, 90+ Pest Control (NOT a clan!)


^My Answering Machine^

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On my first day of runescape I didn't know how to get around so I wandered all the way around Lumbridge, through Varrock, west to The Barbarian Village and then southwest into Falador. I was soo confused until I went east into Draynor and ended up where I started.




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My first day on Runescape..Hmm I cant really remember much of what I did, but I do remember turning my character to "hostile" (i think thats what they called it) and walking around thinking I was a badass in lumb. (what I didnt know is you couldnt be attacked in lumb, only once you stepped outside of the town.) So I walked around a bit, and right as I stepped out of town, somewhere between lumb and dray, i got slaugtered. So I logged off and logged back on a few days later, turning my status to "unhostile?" everything from then on, is a blur

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Well, when I first started playing RS, I needed the help of the french/english dictionary :lol: I only spoke French and Spanish at that time. The first thing i did was quests....don't ask me why, a friend just sent me to Tip.It and i played. Back then, it was RS classic....about in 2003...yeh..about that...We can say I'm a huge Tip.It user :lol: so then I didn't knew about combat styles either...and i raised alot my prayer/mage, I just liked it...and also my cooking/fishing, but bored me quick...I remember I got lost in Draynor manor too.




When a friend gave me full bronz, i was like OMG!!! And I pwned alot in wildy with mage/warrior, but got pwned and lost my full bronz and was real sad. I remember keeping money to get a mithril plate !!!! =D> Was so happy to get it...and so frustrated to enter Champion's Guild.








Also I remember my first day of member. It was exactly with the realease of RS2, and I was thieving all day long and loved Ardougne :D


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The first time I played Runescape was around three years ago. During Halloween my friend said that there scythes on the ground, on the way to pick them up I got killed by a scorpion. So I thought it wasn't worth it to get a scythe. GOD, I hate myself -.-

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I had this awful fear of wandering into the Wildy and losing my stuff. So I never went North. Ever. I actually was lead, by a friend, to Draynor. Didn't know where I was...tried following the road.








Was attacked by a highwayman. Ran south again.








I had finally found a bank...so I dared not lead it until my friend would lead me to Varrok...then, the city of dreams....








I cut the Oak tree next to that bank till level 35.

The Llama 79

(Insert fancy signature here.)

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I think i walked to the gate from lumby to al-kahrid and wanted 10 coins so the guards would let me pass, so i killed goblins and they dropped 3 coins! Later on, when i was excited about almost getting enough money to go through, the goblin pwnd me =/ Too bad i didn't know that you could walk around... :oops: :oops: :oops:

[bleep] you all

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