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Obama Plans 'Inspirational' Speech Sept 8 to Students


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A kid next to me in history said socialism was what was destroying America.


It WILL. Not that this is on topic, but that kid's smart.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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A kid next to me in history said socialism was what was destroying America.


It WILL. Not that this is on topic, but that kid's smart.


I doubt that he got that conclusion on his own though more likely his parents are ultra conservative and he is parroting what they say. Also China will most likely get us before socialism does (even though we already have socialized medicine etc.)

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Power is shifting towards the East, yes (note where capitalism is, and note where socialism is), but I doubt China will "get us" economically. What China has now is an absurd and unsustainable economic boom due to it being a developing nation- given time it's GDP growth will flatten out to levels on par with developed nations.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Power is shifting towards the East, yes (note where capitalism is, and note where socialism is), but I doubt China will "get us" economically. What China has now is an absurd and unsustainable economic boom due to it being a developing nation- given time it's GDP growth will flatten out to levels on par with developed nations.


And we will owe them trillions of dollars excuse me but that doesnt seem exactly good to me.

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National debt is a tricky thing- it's not exactly a black and white matter where you can simply say "all debt it evil, all surplus is good." Sometimes being in debt can be a good thing. Not to give any credence to Obama's policies; his socialist ideas are going to run this country into a wall, and negative public reception of his now upfront ideologies makes that fact somewhat more apparent.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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National debt is a tricky thing- it's not exactly a black and white matter where you can simply say "all debt it evil, all surplus is good." Sometimes being in debt can be a good thing. Not to give any credence to Obama's policies; his socialist ideas are going to run this country into a wall, and negative public reception of his now upfront ideologies makes that fact somewhat more apparent.


Hate to point this out but our capitalist last president did a pretty good job of getting us into debt while having no real returns (is America any more safe from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?) Also this is discounting the regressive tax breaks he gave to large oil companies (some of which I am fairly sure [bleep] Cheney was the vice president of at least at one time). One policy that I will agree was a bad idea was propping up failing banks and businesses which are now getting rewarded for making bad decisions, also governmental help with people who contributed to the housing bubble should be discontinued (no sympathy for people who bought another house thinking it will always go up and are now whining because they are loosing money on it).

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I'm not going to defend bushs spending policies. I really have no idea what he was doing.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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It was a waste of my time because it took up class periods where I could have actually been learning something.


Keep telling yourself that. :-w




I have to agree with EGmaestro on this one though. If he wanted to address kids on doing well in school, he should have done it when he wasn't going to interrupt the school day. He should have had the speech on Monday, or on a weekend.

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Liberals always flamed conservative Bush and now conservatives are flaming liberal Obama. Nothing new.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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National debt is a tricky thing- it's not exactly a black and white matter where you can simply say "all debt it evil, all surplus is good." Sometimes being in debt can be a good thing. Not to give any credence to Obama's policies; his socialist ideas are going to run this country into a wall, and negative public reception of his now upfront ideologies makes that fact somewhat more apparent.




See, this is why I can't take YOU seriously in a debate. I suspected that you really were fronting with your want for "actual debate." To think I apologized in a pm for thinking otherwise; won't make that mistake again. Socialist ideas? Jesus, Reb, get a grip and start talking in reality. What socialist ideas? Please learn the definition of what socialism is before you start decrying a center-right President as someone who has "socialist" ideas. If he has socialist ideas, I'd like to know of someone in the House or Senate who doesn't. Maybe Jim DeMint, that crazy bigot who rejects science; I believe he hasn't taken a single earmark for his state. South Carolina seems to be doing so well thanks to him.




Like, I can't even tell if you're being sarcastic here or not; it's THAT out there.

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A kid next to me in history said socialism was what was destroying America.


It WILL. Not that this is on topic, but that kid's smart.


Ha. No, he isn't. It was just a matter of him making ridiculous claims, which I'm sure were fed to him by his parents. When the teacher had mentioned that Islam was the world's second-largest religion, the kid said it was "scary" because "they're all terrorists." When I gave him my point of view on something, he asked what news channel I watched. He then asserted to me that Fox News was the only fair news channel.




The kid isn't smart.


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So what difference does it make if Obama tells it, or some junkie from the street ? I'll let you figure this one out. ;)




It was a waste of my time because it took up class periods where I could have actually been learning something.


Keep telling yourself that. :-w






thats exactly my point. it doesnt make any difference at all who said it, its the same thing. which is why it was a waste of my time.




Is it really that hard for you to understand?


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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What's wrong with Fox? Fox is fair- they actually bring in people of opposing views and have debates, instead of just agreeing with themselves. It's not perfectly between the left and the right, but it's fair man.




National debt is a tricky thing- it's not exactly a black and white matter where you can simply say "all debt it evil, all surplus is good." Sometimes being in debt can be a good thing. Not to give any credence to Obama's policies; his socialist ideas are going to run this country into a wall, and negative public reception of his now upfront ideologies makes that fact somewhat more apparent.




See, this is why I can't take YOU seriously in a debate. I suspected that you really were fronting with your want for "actual debate." To think I apologized in a pm for thinking otherwise; won't make that mistake again. Socialist ideas? Jesus, Reb, get a grip and start talking in reality. What socialist ideas? Please learn the definition of what socialism is before you start decrying a center-right President as someone who has "socialist" ideas. If he has socialist ideas, I'd like to know of someone in the House or Senate who doesn't. Maybe Jim DeMint, that crazy bigot who rejects science; I believe he hasn't taken a single earmark for his state. South Carolina seems to be doing so well thanks to him.




Like, I can't even tell if you're being sarcastic here or not; it's THAT out there.


So he's not socialist just because he wants to put all the tax burden on the rich to form UHC (which, mind you, isn't even what the general public is concerned about right now, since only 5 million American citizens of three hundred million even legitamitely need health care and can't afford it)? I'm not saying it as an insult or some Red crazy [cabbage], I'm just stating it as a neutral opinion. He plans to greatly increase government control through increased spending and nationalization of various fields of the market ("Stimulus package", etc.), mimicing much of Europe, and to do that he plans to further equalize the control of wealth by taxing higher income earners and giving their money to the poor. That seems socialist, or at least in my opinion it crosses the blurred line into socialism.




I'm not those conservatives you angrly debate all day in your politics club. I'm just a member stating an unbiased observation. I bear no hate in when I say he's a socialist. Do I think it's a good idea? No. But am I looking for a flame war over this? Not really.




I'm not that guy dude. I know you see him every day at school, spittin' hate on Obama. I'm. Not. Him.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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What's wrong with Fox? Fox is fair- they actually bring in people of opposing views and have debates, instead of just agreeing with themselves. It's not perfectly between the left and the right, but it's fair man.


Er I dont know how to put this but the people who they put on their network are hardly moderates [cough]glenn beck[/cough] Also another one of the main reasons I dont like them is that they are extremely provincial to the point if a major earthquake happened in another country and some girl died 2 months before they would devote more time to SOME DEAD GIRLS 2-MONTH DEATH ANNIVERSARY THAN 100 PEOPLE DIEING OVERSEAS that is major [cabbage] in my opinion.


Finally they see the need to report "happy news" like every other news agency about for instance some people rebuilding a burnt down playground for 5 minutes. :evil:

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I would have watched the speech in English today but our teacher had no Wi-Fi.




Also, get back on topic, don't make this go to a politic standpoint debate.

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I'm just a member stating an unbiased observation.


I'm just stating it as a neutral opinion.


So he's not socialist just because he wants to put all the tax burden on the rich to form UHC...?


He plans to greatly increase government control...


...he plans to further equalize the control of wealth by taxing higher income earners and giving their money to the poor.


...his socialist ideas are going to run this country into a wall...



A kid next to me in history said socialism was what was destroying America.




It WILL. Not that this is on topic, but that kid's smart.


...Obama and his crazy antics have become unfavorable in the eyes of the nations people.




Following your logic...Obama is a socialist and he's going to lead this country into ruin. That's not neutral, nor unbiased. You've been taking shots at the President all through this thread. It's a little too late to play neutral now.

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"Little too late to play neutral?" I don't like us versus them political debates, but don't accuse me of "playing" anything, that's low.




I don't get why my view is biased. Most of this country doesn't like the direction the president is heading us in, especially because of his tunnel vision with healthcare. Is most of this country biased? Are you accusing the American people of being misinformed as a whole? If so, why? What biased, skewed data do you think the majority of Americans are misinformed about?




Historically, whenever socialism has been injected into American society it has only hurt the nation's prosperity and growth. That's simple historical data. Unbiased data. Just because I think Obama's plan to spend another trillion dollars on healthcare over the next ten years is going to lead to the nation's economic ruin doesn't mean I'm some biased or nonneutral. I don't see why it would.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Historically, whenever socialism has been injected into American society it has only hurt the nation's prosperity and growth. That's simple historical data. Unbiased data. Just because I think Obama's plan to spend another trillion dollars on healthcare over the next ten years is going to lead to the nation's economic ruin doesn't mean I'm some biased or nonneutral. I don't see why it would.


Bah I can think of only 1 major downshift in the economy which had socialism introduced afterward the great depression and quite frankly that was just a natural shift in (american) capatilism of cycles of boom and bust (along with some very bad weather patterns).

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"Little too late to play neutral?" I don't like us versus them political debates, but don't accuse me of "playing" anything, that's low.




You've already picked a side!




I don't get why my view is biased. Most of this country doesn't like the direction the president is heading us in, especially because of his tunnel vision with healthcare.




Yeah, he's the most unpopular president since...well, the last one we had. What's his tunnel vision on healthcare? He asked Congress to come up with a plan. Obama himself has been very vague on what he wants. He's said he wants a plan that will insure every citizen, and that he wants it to be deficit neutral. He shot down an early Dem plan of taxing employee benefits to cover the costs. The polls show him averaged out at about 50/50 approval. That's not "most of this country".




Is most of this country biased? Are you accusing the American people of being misinformed as a whole? If so, why? What biased, skewed data do you think the majority of Americans are misinformed about?




You tell me what biased, skewed data is misinforming Americans. I wonder how hard it would be to google some up...




But this is what I was talking about. Are you speaking for the American people now? I am an American. You're not speaking for me, nor a majority consensus. You are speaking your personal opinion. Some may agree with your opinion, but stop clouding it like you are speaking the foundation of truth here. Stop hiding behind "the American people" as if mage or I would be in some radical minority.




Historically, whenever socialism has been injected into American society it has only hurt the nation's prosperity and growth. That's simple historical data. Unbiased data.




Did you hear that we are in a recession? That's not due to socialism.




But maybe we should back up here, because you're accusing Obama of being a socialist again. Obama never declared himself as a socialist, and I don't believe he is a socialist. Maybe I need to hear your definition of what socialism is, because I'm thinking your idea is way, way different than mine. And if you don't mind, could you point me to that unbiased, historical data?




Just because I think Obama's plan to spend another trillion dollars on healthcare over the next ten years is going to lead to the nation's economic ruin doesn't mean I'm some biased or nonneutral. I don't see why it would.




Because you "think". You don't know. You're making a prediction based not on expertise or experience, but on opinion. Every opinion is biased to some degree.




I think Obama's plan to reform healthcare is a great idea for our country, and if we don't act soon then our nation will see that economic ruin. <~~ That's a biased opinion as well.




Also, Obama's goal was a deficit neutral plan. The Congressional committees haven't figured out a way to come up with the extra trillion dollars without raising taxes. That's where this plan stinks. Obama campaigned saying he'd consider letting the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010, and I would be perfectly okay with that. It was a foolish policy by the last administration to cut tax revenue and increase spending. That's what's leading us to a lot of the problems we have now. If Obama does propose to increase taxes on top of this, then I believe that's a bad idea, but that's just an opinion.

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I'm sorry kid, no offense to you but I'm not as young as I used to be, and I've heard and debated all of this before. I told Mage before that I wanted actual debate, but I realize now that I lied and I don't. I can't spend time seriously debating this on a forum, and I just don't care enough to try and prove someone I don't know at all wrong anymore. Not that I think I'd prove you wrong, since debates don't tend to ever reach consensus anyways. Knowing on top of that that I won't be backed by anyone in this and will most likely be debating with three to five people, I really don't want to start down that slope.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I'm sorry kid, no offense to you but I'm not as young as I used to be, and I've heard and debated all of this before. I told Mage before that I wanted actual debate, but I realize now that I lied and I don't. I can't spend time seriously debating this on a forum, and I just don't care enough to try and prove someone I don't know at all wrong anymore. Not that I think I'd prove you wrong, since debates don't tend to ever reach consensus anyways. Knowing on top of that that I won't be backed by anyone in this and will most likely be debating with three to five people, I really don't want to start down that slope.




No offense kid, but I'm probably older than you are. Fair enough, though. Bye.

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Meh, fity fity chance I'd say, based on your posting style and the average age of this subforum. I'm turning twenty in October.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I think it's great that the president is trying to connect with everyone in our country and making everyone feel involved on some level. Hopefully his speech inspires and encourages students to be successful with their education.




Yeah we can only hope. At least I feel like some kids seem to look up to the current president more so than some of our past ones, so if he can get them to listen then it's for the better.






Too bad it's not his place.






Although, this is a really good things to teach in school. I think people have forgotten about it. I found this in the trash can out side of the white house.




So my mom's pretty pysched about the March on DC. She's the head honcho for thigns over here in VA. :D I'm famous. Got a dad on tv, and a mom in dc.




Here's what I don't understand, and maybe you guys can answer this.








Whenever someone brings up Obama, and I say I don't like him. They accuse me of being racist. Ok, well, when I bring up all the black conservative I've supported, they accuse me of being a closet racist. =D>


:wall: So my question is, why bring up race? Surely we've matured past all that, as a society at least.




(I know my post seems random... and tbh, I'm not pissed at Obama giving a speech at all. I think it's dumb, but tbh it simply isn't his place)

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