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When will Rs ever be Full 3D?


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OMG!! :shock:








If they ever going to do that I'm going to stop rsc,I don't play much but if they going to do 'full' 3D I'm out of here.








I dont want to see millions of pixels that are as big as your computer. :lol:

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Why can't people be happy with the current graphics, Jagex are even updating various places and giving them better graphics.








Next time you demand better graphics, think of all the people that have a poor computer that can only play Rs because it is Java based. Either that or go and play Guild Wars if graphics is all that matters to you.

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I'm happy with the current graphics now. If I preferred top quality graphics I'd play some of the other games I have which have that as a main feature, such as Jedi Academy or Warcraft 3. I'd much prefer Jagex expanding its customer support and making more frequent game updates than re-re-vamping the entire graphical system.

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The Graphics will NEVER be updated, Well, other than general graphics updates (Of the old areas plus the new ones)








But there'll never be a huge graphics update like when RS2 came out.








Jagex probably will make a full 3D game, but it won't be Runescape.

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Graphic don't mean it's bad game. Look at old school games as Sonic, Super Mario, Final Fantasy series, Zelda and others. All games are brilliant.








I don't play Runescape because of graphic. I play Runescape for fun, no download, gameplay and java etc. Why people care about graphics?

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If they changed the graphics, then RS would just end up being a game like WoW/EQ2 or any number of the newer MMORPG's that are comming out.




You would have to purchase the software, and the price of monthly membership would at the least double. On top of that, they would probably get rid of F2P, which would just cause all the little leeches to cry and whine because it is so unfair. Then you have the problem of all the people who have computers that can't handle better graphics (such as my 6 year old computer).








The graphics really don't make the game. If you don't believe that, go play a few of the bigger MUD's out there and talk to their players. Some of them have been playing the same TEXT game for over 10 years. Sure they will play other games, such as games for X-box/PS2/GC and such. But the primary game they play is MUD's.




A game can have the best graphics out there and still suck. Without good gameplay, you really don't have a good game. While RS might not have the best gameplay out there, It is good enough to have hundreads of thousands of players playing.

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I like RS graphics the way it is, I love the 'cartoony' character models.




Sure it's not the next-gen graphics and is very polygony, but hey I like that style!








I play RS because my computer doesn't like playing games that require discs or with high detailed graphics.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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What are you talking about? It already is full 3D...








You have 2D and 3D, there's no in-between. If a game uses sprites and flats it's 2D, if it uses models it's 3D.








No, Paper Mario For Example. Part of it's 2D other parts are 3D

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What are you talking about? It already is full 3D...








You have 2D and 3D, there's no in-between. If a game uses sprites and flats it's 2D, if it uses models it's 3D.








No, Paper Mario For Example. Part of it's 2D other parts are 3D








No, Paper Mario is full 3-D. Some of its models just have a very thin third dimension. It's not mixing models with sprites. And regardless of that, RS doesn't even toe the line of confusion like Paper Mario might. Press your left arrow key ingame, that should make it eminently obvious what kind of game RS is.

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im fine with the current graphics, i dont see what the problem is, and as some1 says, they are updating it, to make better graphics, but i think full 3-D would look a bit messed up..

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yeah rs is full 3D atm








characters r in 3d and so are the backgrounds and well everything








I think what you mean is better graphics, whihc cannot reall be done without rs becoming a disc based program.








Granted they have got a bit better with glow effects etc, but they can't go muhc further grapihc wise within a java applet atm


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RS isn't about graphics nor is any game about graphics for me.








If I wanted graphics I'd look at a picture, i'm after gameplay in a game.


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Graphic don't mean it's bad game. Look at old school games as Sonic, Super Mario, Final Fantasy series, Zelda and others. All games are brilliant.








I don't play Runescape because of graphic. I play Runescape for fun, no download, gameplay and java etc. Why people care about graphics?

excactly, i love those old games. it was before they made them 3D and added a bunch of worthless stuff to it... also, what about all us poor people that cant afford a shiny new computer with 512MB of RAM who still plays on windows 98? our junky computers couldnt handle it! :P
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Am I really the only that is 100% satisfied with the current Runescape Graphics? Think about it, not onyl does it save your account, not only do you not have to download anything, not only do they have constant updates to make it better, but it's also FREE!!! Look at any other free game and it's graphics are crap. Runescape is an awsome game and everyone should be happy they even have a free version and that members is so cheap.


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Runescape is not Guild wars, it's not Everquest.




Runescape is a game that isn't supposed to be uber realistic, it isn't suppose to be THE game, it is supposed to be another mmorpg people play to have fun.




If RS becomes fully 3D, with superb graphics, it would get more expensive to run, would get more expensive to play, and much likely would stop having F2p.




As well, it would become a CD game, like everquest, that you have to buy, install, and pay every month to play. It would quit Java completely.








Is that what you want? If you want that go play a more complex game, Runescape has nothing to do with that. It's a simple game in java.




Jagex already does wonders with such a simple system, I don't think they can go much further without creating a whole new game.


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What are you talking about? It already is full 3D...








You have 2D and 3D, there's no in-between. If a game uses sprites and flats it's 2D, if it uses models it's 3D.








No, Paper Mario For Example. Part of it's 2D other parts are 3D








No, Paper Mario is full 3-D. Some of its models just have a very thin third dimension. It's not mixing models with sprites. And regardless of that, RS doesn't even toe the line of confusion like Paper Mario might. Press your left arrow key ingame, that should make it eminently obvious what kind of game RS is.




Paper mario is done in 2.5D, Full 3D with some objects imitating 2D objects (its a style, not really an actual division.)








Ah I wub paper mario.








I remember telling some off my friends about runescape, and when they try it they complain about the graphix. If you play a game for graphix alone you're playing for the wrong reasons, IMHO.

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Am I really the only that is 100% satisfied with the current Runescape Graphics? Think about it, not onyl does it save your account, not only do you not have to download anything, not only do they have constant updates to make it better, but it's also FREE!!! Look at any other free game and it's graphics are crap. Runescape is an awsome game and everyone should be happy they even have a free version and that members is so cheap.








Of course you're not the only one; me and many others have posted the same :) A friend of mine has tried to get me to play Galaxies, Guild Wars, and WOW, but I still find RS plenty entertaining. I am admittedly not a big gamer. I own no X-Box or PS or whatever, nor any other PC games, but that's because RS satisfies all my gaming needs. It's a heckuva game.









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