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When will Rs ever be Full 3D?


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Guys i never said the graphic is the big matter , simply saying if rs graphic improve up to the level like KalOnline ( Kal is free game, Full 3-D. the only thing u spend money on is buying special items but its ur choice, for many people its like making a donation to the contribution of the game) .. i love rs , from the beginning i got addicted to it, although i played other games like WoW or Gild.. but the game play of rs is simplity more fun on doing. yes i have notice the jagex graohic teams hard workin and updating once everywhile on grphic i really appreciate their doing to make rs a better game. bottom line if ppl have computer that can handle better graphic they would like rs up a level on graphics .. a Rs3 perhaps .. still keep the role play of the game.








- smasta

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Why can't people be happy with the current graphics, Jagex are even updating various places and giving them better graphics.








Next time you demand better graphics, think of all the people that have a poor computer that can only play Rs because it is Java based. Either that or go and play Guild Wars if graphics is all that matters to you.

I was happy with rsc graphics....

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The Graphics will NEVER be updated, Well, other than general graphics updates (Of the old areas plus the new ones)








But there'll never be a huge graphics update like when RS2 came out.








Jagex probably will make a full 3D game, but it won't be Runescape.




lol, i dont think u are anyone to say runescape wont be runescape anymore. as when rs2 cameout, they killed runescape and replaced it with some fake thing made for noobs with all the prayers and stuff...

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Graphic don't mean it's bad game. Look at old school games as Sonic, Super Mario, Final Fantasy series, Zelda and others. All games are brilliant.








I don't play Runescape because of graphic. I play Runescape for fun, no download, gameplay and java etc. Why people care about graphics?




Amen to that brother.

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What kind of 3D are you expecting out of a game fully programmed in Java? I'll admit, a more 3Dish type of style WOULD own... but they've made new leaps and bounds with the game all things considered.

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Better graphics = more lag for me, so better graphics are bad. I like the graphics jagex has used on rs2, maybe because I played rsc for quite a bit. All these people who play these other mmorpg's only care about graphics, and most of them are rs2 products who never played rsc BECAUSE of the graphics. Besides, jagex have done very well on what they have to work with.


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as everyone else basically pointed out, jagex's main appeal that sets it apart from all the other MMORPGs is that it runs in Java, and thus can attract a much larger population of gamers whose computers otherwise wouldn't be able to play a game of RS's size. as jagex has said in the past, they've pretty much pushed java to its limits with RS2, so any improved game would not be in Java.








to the guy that misinterpreted the comment about it not being Runescape, i think he meant that literally, that it would be a completely seperate game, whatever they would decide to do with it. which i think is true.








and yes, Paper Mario and MUDs do own (Aetolia especially :wink: )

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I think we should all be grateful for the graphics of Runescape 2, just look at RSC, Runescape 2 was a big improvement, and remember. It is a FREE GAME. (unless you decide to pay for membership)


De_Pk - Level 117 - Banned September 30th '06.

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Why can't people be happy with the current graphics, Jagex are even updating various places and giving them better graphics.








Next time you demand better graphics, think of all the people that have a poor computer that can only play Rs because it is Java based. Either that or go and play Guild Wars if graphics is all that matters to you.




I have a poor computer, my step dad bought a used dell 2400, now it comes with 256mb and a " Intel extreme graphics " 32mb card, now if i can play guild wars on this piece of junk then people would be able to play runescape if it went to more of a 3d game...








Though i'd agree on the price, they have to manufacture it and it'd probley buggy at frist, because we know jagex and how they seem to " miss " bugs...


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RS isn't about graphics nor is any game about graphics for me.








If I wanted graphics I'd look at a picture, i'm after gameplay in a game.








Yeh, the gameplay is waaaaaaaay to good to start complaining about graphics. I like the graphics how they are. Not too simple not too flashy 8)

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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i would really enjoy this game much more if the graphic is full 3D like Gilded War, Kalonline








I'm sorry, but the engine used to make Runescape just dosen't allow for a full 3D game. If RuneScape was to go completely 3D, then it couldn't be played in a browser window, it'd need a client. Seriously, you've got to hand it to Jagex for actually being able to create somthing this good with Javascript.








It would be nice if Runescape were 3D. PKing would be so much cooler, comparable to CounterStrike... :D If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about actually being able to sneak up behind your opponent... and being able to hide from them behind a tree or somthing.








Ahh, it would be nice, but it'll never happen.

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Since it is already been bumped.








It will be full 3d(yes it already it), as soon as we are able to create holorooms like they had on ST:TNG.








It doesn't get any more 3d that is already is. The only different they could do is, change the POV. Instead of looking down, they could change it so you can look thru your characters eyes. But that in itself would require them to make an entirely new set of graphics. Which would just make us have to buy software to play.

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Instead of looking down, they could change it so you can look thru your characters eyes. But that in itself would require them to make an entirely new set of graphics. Which would just make us have to buy software to play.








Aka, 3rd Person and 1st Person...




No, RuneScape will never be 1st Person... Heh... I wish...

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