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Girl issues...advice?


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A forum dominated by pre/early teens that exists primarily as a fansite for a MMORPG, a somewhat obscure one at that (no offense, hehe), is probably not the best place to find cogent and logical advice from people that are mature and experienced when dealing with issues of the heart. It probably also makes this reply somewhat pointless....but disclaimer not withstanding, here goes:








1. The heart wants what the heart wants. Whenever in doubt, follow your heart. Your head will cause you many lonely, sleepless nights. Your heart/gut/whatever you want to call it, operates at a subconscious level and has usually analyzed the situation far more comprehensively than you will ever accomplish by thinking about it.








2. Dating is dating and marriage is marriage. If she's not married, it's not cheating. The whole point of dating is to ultimately find someone that is your soulmate. Until then, enjoy the differences, figure out what you like/don't like about people (including yourself), look past the superficial, and keep in the back of your mind the question of whether or not you see yourself spending the rest of your life with whoever you're dating at the moment. Heavy? Maybe. Committment seem scary? Not nearly as scary as growing old alone.








3. Bro's before [garden tool]'s? Absolute and total BS. Without even getting into how that statement disrespects women, I'll just say that bro's are cool. But someone that you can share your life, love, bed, house, and make a family with is soooo much cooler. Don't give up a possibly wonderful future with a woman out of some misplaced sense of duty to your friends. If she chooses you, and you choose her, to Hades with anyone that can't be happy for the both of you. Because you'll now have a best friend for life that will bring you an unimaginable peace and happiness.








She's single. You're single. She sees something in you. You see something in her. Give it a shot. You may date a while and grow apart. Or you may grow together and find that your futures are intertwined. But not giving it a shot is just sad and pathetic. When you're old and grey looking back on your life, the only things you'll truly regret are the things you didn't do. You owe it to yourself to be happy. And if you make her happy, you owe it to her also.












(Yes, I'm an older fart and have found my soulmate and have a lovely child. So excuse me if I believe in such things as love, soulmates, hearts, surrender, and babies...) :oops: :P

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A forum dominated by pre/early teens that exists primarily as a fansite for a MMORPG, a somewhat obscure one at that (no offense, hehe), is probably not the best place to find cogent and logical advice from people that are mature and experienced when dealing with issues of the heart. It probably also makes this reply somewhat pointless....but disclaimer not withstanding, here goes:








1. The heart wants what the heart wants. Whenever in doubt, follow your heart. Your head will cause you many lonely, sleepless nights. Your heart/gut/whatever you want to call it, operates at a subconscious level and has usually analyzed the situation far more comprehensively than you will ever accomplish by thinking about it.








2. Dating is dating and marriage is marriage. If she's not married, it's not cheating. The whole point of dating is to ultimately find someone that is your soulmate. Until then, enjoy the differences, figure out what you like/don't like about people (including yourself), look past the superficial, and keep in the back of your mind the question of whether or not you see yourself spending the rest of your life with whoever you're dating at the moment. Heavy? Maybe. Committment seem scary? Not nearly as scary as growing old alone.








3. Bro's before garden tool's? Absolute and total BS. Without even getting into how that statement disrespects women, I'll just say that bro's are cool. But someone that you can share your life, love, bed, house, and make a family with is soooo much cooler. Don't give up a possibly wonderful future with a woman out of some misplaced sense of duty to your friends. If she chooses you, and you choose her, to Hades with anyone that can't be happy for the both of you. Because you'll now have a best friend for life that will bring you an unimaginable peace and happiness.








She's single. You're single. She sees something in you. You see something in her. Give it a shot. You may date a while and grow apart. Or you may grow together and find that your futures are intertwined. But not giving it a shot is just sad and pathetic. When you're old and grey looking back on your life, the only things you'll truly regret are the things you didn't do. You owe it to yourself to be happy. And if you make her happy, you owe it to her also.












(Yes, I'm an older fart and have found my soulmate and have a lovely child. So excuse me if I believe in such things as love, soulmates, hearts, surrender, and babies...) :oops: :P








Actually there are alot of adults in here (like yourself). I feal very comfortable talking with the people here because they respect you and give at least a moments (or more) though to your issues.








The more i read these replys the more and more confident im getting about all this. Rratkiller is right in that i think that if zach cant accept us being together then he is not a friend. If he accepts it i think it makes him that much more of a friend because he wants to see her happy and not in some bad relationship with someone he doesnt know.








To Dan: Please read the other posts, ive been kind of keeping a diary of stuff :P




peace out, im gonna get caught at school :oops:

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You say you and your friend are both captains on the football team? That's an extremely important friendship. I also happen to be a captain with one of my friends, and I know that I would never ever put that friendship in jepordy. If I were you, I would flat out tell him during pre-practice stretches or something what she told you.








It will solve both your problems. He will realize that his relationship with his girlfriend has obviously gone downhill, and you will strengthen your friendship with your co-captain ever further.








Whatever you do, do not date her! As said before...if she'll cheat on someone with you, she'll cheat on you as well.

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Ok, ive known this gal (we'll call her Amanda) sience my sophmore year in high school, ive liked her sience then--shes got that bad girl personality blah blah i wont go into that. Anyway shes been goin out with this guy pretty much sience then(we'll call him Zach), its my senior year now. Zach is a real good friend'a mine, were both captains on our football team.








For the past couple months i've had Advanced Bio with Amanda...we were starting to become a lil more "friendly" with eachother. Well the other day she straight up told me she had a crush on me. This is bad cuz' she is still going out with Zach. I dunno what the hell to do :? ...either way im gonna look like a jerk. What would you do?












Mate seriously screw 'Zach' you only live once. the amount of girls i've passed up because of a 'friend' of mine. and i don't see either of them, (and there not together). Mate go for it

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She definatly understood, we are now offically an item after a long talk tonight but we aint gonna go public, for obvious reasons.








I know her well enough and i've seen her with zach to know she isnt a cheater, I mean i know she kinda cheated with liking me and all but, i think i wanna take a risk and see how it goes. We've talked so much lately that i know its sincere. I feel very confident going into this relationship








To Cynical1- I totally agree with everything you said, im comming to realize that i have nothing to feal guilty about, bassicaly she chose me :wink: .








welp folks im gonna go, ill keep ya'll posted












Go get em tiger! 8)








Kidding, keep us posted :P

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Just get her, who cares about your friend. Honour never got anybody anywhere.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Just get her, who cares about your friend. Honour never got anybody anywhere.








I'm guessing you have no friends then? :roll:








Despite one has travelled internationally to see him for a week, I guess not :roll:

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No, I don't have any friends at all. sadley.gif All I do is sit behind my computer and sleep 24/7, I never get out to get some sun and the only phonecalls I make are the ones to the internet company when the internet falls out, that's also, together with phoning the supermarket to order food, the only social contact I have with the outside world. emo.gif


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Don't even bother with her, if she's fallen for you, who is her boyfriends mate, whats to say she won't fall for one of your mates if you two got together? Girls like that are nothing but trouble, I wouldn't want a relationship with her, if your just gonna hook up for a bit then thats a different story though, but don't fall for her, you'll end up getting hurt and girls aren't worth losing mates over, trust me.

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Just get her, who cares about your friend. Honour never got anybody anywhere.








I'm guessing you have no friends then? :roll:








Despite one has travelled internationally to see him for a week, I guess not :roll:








Despite one? whos that

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Just get her, who cares about your friend. Honour never got anybody anywhere.








I'm guessing you have no friends then? :roll:








Despite one has travelled internationally to see him for a week, I guess not :roll:








Despite one? whos that
















What How2PK said was still pretty tactless though.

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No, I don't have any friends at all. sadley.gif All I do is sit behind my computer and sleep 24/7, I never get out to get some sun and the only phonecalls I make are the ones to the internet company when the internet falls out, that's also, together with phoning the supermarket to order food, the only social contact I have with the outside world. emo.gif




Go get a life,there are enough things to do in Holland :roll:








On topic:Just try that not to many people know about your 'relationship'(probally not the good word but hey I'm still learning English :) ).




Friends are one of the important things of life you need them,and they need you.




Don't get your friends to mad at you it can only get worser and worser.




He'll understand it after a month but don't confuse it with your friend just after the girl broke it up.








How would you feel that your ex would go with your best friend after a week.

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I think Daan (How2pk) was being sarchastic.




He has plenty of friends lol, and I had the pleasure of meeting several of them myself last saturday when I stayed in Holland for a week. ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Ok, ive known this gal (we'll call her Amanda) sience my sophmore year in high school, ive liked her sience then--shes got that bad girl personality blah blah i wont go into that. Anyway shes been goin out with this guy pretty much sience then(we'll call him Zach), its my senior year now. Zach is a real good friend'a mine, were both captains on our football team.








For the past couple months i've had Advanced Bio with Amanda...we were starting to become a lil more "friendly" with eachother. Well the other day she straight up told me she had a crush on me. This is bad cuz' she is still going out with Zach. I dunno what the hell to do :? ...either way im gonna look like a jerk. What would you do?












Sounds like it'd make a good talk show :D








By friendly, do you mean youre becoming friends, or she is becoming attracted to you, and you to her as well?

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Well guys, this whole thing has come to an interesting turn. I cant really clarify on some stuff because there are children here. :twisted: But we've pretty much decided to both stay single *and the crowd goes "AWW...."*.We both dont really wanna commit to anyone at the moment and really just plain enjoy our freedom :) . What, theres a catch? Yah. We've both come to the realization that this whole thing is more lust than love so we've just decided to be friends with.. well.. benifits :wink: . This is all starting to get a little to peronal now guys. I think from now on the updates are gonna be a little less often. You guys can flame me for my choice-but life is way to short, one day your kicken it and the next you break a neck or somthing and your dead. I have no regrets for my choice and neither does she. PEACE OUT!





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With my "tactles" advice I was pointing out how crap all these advices are you are getting on the internet with your so called 'unique' relation problems. Just get out and find out for yourself how it works instead of asking on an internet forum. yawnee.gif








And for the ones that didn't get my sarcasm: yes, I do have a life. Complete with friends and all. loveit.gif


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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dont even be sayin that. ur probly sum 33 year old guy livin in his moms basement.










Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Jeez what is it with lamers and their awful "insults" today? lol




Daan is neither in his 30's nor living in his parents basement.




Infact i dont think his house even has a basement lol, i certainly didnt see one when I was staying with him last week :roll:



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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No, that's the funny part, I don't even have a basement!emo.gif I really don't know what's up with this wave of people 'insulting' eachother.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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