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Firemaking Useless


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it lets you make fires anywere, so long as you have logs with you.

you can use the beacon network,

you can use it in quests,


prayer restor lamps in haunted woods,

hand cannon,



1. You can do that just as well at level 1...

2. This accomplishes what?

3. Makes sense, but the skill itself is worthless other than as a requirement.

4. What minigames use firemaking? I forget if Trouble Brewing actually has a requirement, pretty sure Castle Wars doesnt...

5. We aren't sure how much firemaking helps its rate of exploding, but I'm not sure the skill is worth it for just one weapon.

6. Vyrewatch and shade pyres you mean? Those are honestly terrible money, and pretty bad prayer xp.


Based on these points, I'd say training firemaking is worthless except for quest requirements.







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it lets you make fires anywere, so long as you have logs with you.

you can use the beacon network,

you can use it in quests,


prayer restor lamps in haunted woods,

hand cannon,



1. You can do that just as well at level 1...

2. This accomplishes what?

3. Makes sense, but the skill itself is worthless other than as a requirement.

4. What minigames use firemaking? I forget if Trouble Brewing actually has a requirement, pretty sure Castle Wars doesnt...

5. We aren't sure how much firemaking helps its rate of exploding, but I'm not sure the skill is worth it for just one weapon.

6. Vyrewatch and shade pyres you mean? Those are honestly terrible money, and pretty bad prayer xp.


Based on these points, I'd say training firemaking is worthless except for quest requirements.


Firemaking is completely and utterly useless, you are right.


Nevertheless, the skill is really cool and hot.


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it lets you make fires anywere, so long as you have logs with you.

you can use the beacon network,

you can use it in quests,


prayer restor lamps in haunted woods,

hand cannon,



1. You can do that just as well at level 1...

2. This accomplishes what?

3. Makes sense, but the skill itself is worthless other than as a requirement.

4. What minigames use firemaking? I forget if Trouble Brewing actually has a requirement, pretty sure Castle Wars doesnt...

5. We aren't sure how much firemaking helps its rate of exploding, but I'm not sure the skill is worth it for just one weapon.

6. Vyrewatch and shade pyres you mean? Those are honestly terrible money, and pretty bad prayer xp.


Based on these points, I'd say training firemaking is worthless except for quest requirements.


Firemaking is completely and utterly useless, you are right.


Nevertheless, the skill is really cool and hot.



This is the Debate Club. You'll find the Bad Pun and Related Tomfoolery Club here.







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Most skills are useless, in the sense that they don't provide practical benefits. Anything players can create using skills (& sell) can generally be bought for cheaper from players than made yourself, most resource gathering skills are less profitable than other activities, etc.


However, the most worthless skill of all is probably slaying. It's not creative, offers relatively few tangible benefits, and takes quite a while to train.

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it lets you make fires anywere, so long as you have logs with you.

you can use the beacon network,

you can use it in quests,


prayer restor lamps in haunted woods,

hand cannon,



1. You can do that just as well at level 1...

2. This accomplishes what?

3. Makes sense, but the skill itself is worthless other than as a requirement.

4. What minigames use firemaking? I forget if Trouble Brewing actually has a requirement, pretty sure Castle Wars doesnt...

5. We aren't sure how much firemaking helps its rate of exploding, but I'm not sure the skill is worth it for just one weapon.

6. Vyrewatch and shade pyres you mean? Those are honestly terrible money, and pretty bad prayer xp.


Based on these points, I'd say training firemaking is worthless except for quest requirements.


Firemaking is completely and utterly useless, you are right.


Nevertheless, the skill is really cool and hot.



This is the Debate Club. You'll find the Bad Pun and Related Tomfoolery Club here.


Bad pun? Too bad for you if you dont think the skill is hot, that is my opinion, debates are about opinions, you understand mister confused guy?

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All skills are useless in principle since it is a game.


The only valid criteria would be if a skill gives you some kind of enjoyable or worthwhile experience.


And lately I discovered the professional firemaking guide which has given me quite a lot of satisfaction the last few days, creating patterns with fires around the GE.


I don't know if I will continue to do so, but I noticed that firemaking now fulfills and important criteria for a worthwhile skill: that is that I enjoy it.

That's a good thing, of course. And nobody would argue that firemaking should be removed. But from a game design perspective, you need to look at what a skill adds to the game. And with firemaking, you can see that it adds very little, at least in its current state. If we were allowed to light some more interesting things on fire besides logs--say, weapons, ranged ammo, that sort of thing--then firemaking gets interesting.


That is just a matter of opinion which depends on the degree of integration of firemaking into the game, because you cannot deny it is integrated into other aspects of the game.


1. it is connected to cooking. However with ranges giving benefits and being available at many locations this function has become secondary.

2. Quest requirements. Firemaking skill is required for certain quest story lines. And sometimes this even makes sense.

3. Woodcutting: the inferno adze.

4. minigames: pyre logs.

5. travel: balloons.

6. monster hunting: torches, lanterns



The only question is only whether this integration of this skill is good enough for you personally. Apparently it isn't, but you cannot deny there isn't any integration into other aspects of the game.


Could the skill be more integrated? Probably. But there has to be a skill that is least integrated.


But why stop here. Why not complain that attack isn't integrated with all the other skills available. The only skill you could argue attack is even remotely good for is slayer.



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All skills are useless in principle since it is a game.


The only valid criteria would be if a skill gives you some kind of enjoyable or worthwhile experience.


And lately I discovered the professional firemaking guide which has given me quite a lot of satisfaction the last few days, creating patterns with fires around the GE.


I don't know if I will continue to do so, but I noticed that firemaking now fulfills and important criteria for a worthwhile skill: that is that I enjoy it.

That's a good thing, of course. And nobody would argue that firemaking should be removed. But from a game design perspective, you need to look at what a skill adds to the game. And with firemaking, you can see that it adds very little, at least in its current state. If we were allowed to light some more interesting things on fire besides logs--say, weapons, ranged ammo, that sort of thing--then firemaking gets interesting.


That is just a matter of opinion which depends on the degree of integration of firemaking into the game, because you cannot deny it is integrated into other aspects of the game.


1. it is connected to cooking. However with ranges giving benefits and being available at many locations this function has become secondary.

2. Quest requirements. Firemaking skill is required for certain quest story lines. And sometimes this even makes sense.

3. Woodcutting: the inferno adze.

4. minigames: pyre logs.

5. travel: balloons.

6. monster hunting: torches, lanterns



The only question is only whether this integration of this skill is good enough for you personally. Apparently it isn't, but you cannot deny there isn't any integration into other aspects of the game.


Could the skill be more integrated? Probably. But there has to be a skill that is least integrated.


But why stop here. Why not complain that attack isn't integrated with all the other skills available. The only skill you could argue attack is even remotely good for is slayer.

You misunderstand me. It's not that making fires adds nothing to the game; it's that having a skill for making fires adds little to the game. What few functions it does have as a skill could either be absorbed by woodcutting or eliminated entirely and nobody would blink.


Lighting lanterns? They'd just come already-lit or removed entirely. Pyre logs? They'd be done with just prayer and crafting levels and function exactly the same. Quest requirements? The quests would drop the requirements and suffer no changes. Cooking? Just use a tinderbox on logs without gaining xp, and use woodcutting level to determine the types of logs you can burn. There just isn't anything to justify "firemaking" as a skill of its own.

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Firemaking is good for two things: Inferno adze and handcannons. That's it. Period.


EDIT: I do love making patterns and stuff while lighting fires, though. I actually enjoy firemaking because of that.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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That is just a matter of opinion which depends on the degree of integration of firemaking into the game, because you cannot deny it is integrated into other aspects of the game.


1. it is connected to cooking. However with ranges giving benefits and being available at many locations this function has become secondary.

2. Quest requirements. Firemaking skill is required for certain quest story lines. And sometimes this even makes sense.

3. Woodcutting: the inferno adze.

4. minigames: pyre logs.

5. travel: balloons.

6. monster hunting: torches, lanterns



The only question is only whether this integration of this skill is good enough for you personally. Apparently it isn't, but you cannot deny there isn't any integration into other aspects of the game.


Could the skill be more integrated? Probably. But there has to be a skill that is least integrated.


But why stop here. Why not complain that attack isn't integrated with all the other skills available. The only skill you could argue attack is even remotely good for is slayer.


I don't view integration as being essential, since many times it's just a smoke-screen for a cop-out. Plus you can't argue attack isn't integral, as it plays heavily into strength, defense, and, to a lesser extent, HP. All the combat skills tie into each other fairly well because styles can be shifted during combat, but all non-combats kinda stick out like a sore thumb (although herblore does assist combat now, albeit in kind of a very limited and BS way).


You misunderstand me. It's not that making fires adds nothing to the game; it's that having a skill for making fires adds little to the game. What few functions it does have as a skill could either be absorbed by woodcutting or eliminated entirely and nobody would blink.


Lighting lanterns? They'd just come already-lit or removed entirely. Pyre logs? They'd be done with just prayer and crafting levels and function exactly the same. Quest requirements? The quests would drop the requirements and suffer no changes. Cooking? Just use a tinderbox on logs without gaining xp, and use woodcutting level to determine the types of logs you can burn. There just isn't anything to justify "firemaking" as a skill of its own.


Basically the entire reason I hate slaying. They patched the existing modes of combat by adding crappy "instances/quests" to it, which basically equate to suboptimal methods of training the other skills for the benefit of training an additional largely unnecessary skill.

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This is the Debate Club. You'll find the Bad Pun and Related Tomfoolery Club here.

I rofld

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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To be honest, firemaking should just be a common sense skill. To put it in perspective, it should be like smelting an axe with the axe handle coming along with it. The method of lighting a magic log versus lighting an oak log is not different, so why the difference in levels?

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To be honest, firemaking should just be a common sense skill. To put it in perspective, it should be like smelting an axe with the axe handle coming along with it. The method of lighting a magic log versus lighting an oak log is not different, so why the difference in levels?


Lol your post makes no sense, i can say that for most skills...


Attack: Wielding Rune sword and black sword is the same method.


Herblore: Making Strength pot and Prayer pot is the same method.


Mining: Mining coal and mining rune is the same method.


Defence: Wearing bronze and adamant is the same method.


And on and on...

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I think what's funny is that, if the firemaking skill hadn't existed, and Jagex introduced it now along with all the things it benefits, everyone would be so disappointed in them for releasing such an abysmal skill.


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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I think what's funny is that, if the firemaking skill hadn't existed, and Jagex introduced it now along with all the things it benefits, everyone would be so disappointed in them for releasing such an abysmal skill.


Well, it used to serve a point back before Jagex added things like banks...

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I think what's funny is that, if the firemaking skill hadn't existed, and Jagex introduced it now along with all the things it benefits, everyone would be so disappointed in them for releasing such an abysmal skill.


Well, it used to serve a point back before Jagex added things like banks...


how did it work without banks...?

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The cost/time required to level it up isn't worth it.

To be honest, I've never heard of prayer restoring lamps, so they don't appear to be more popular than altars/prayer pots.


they are lamps in the haunted woods.


you can burn a piece of splitbark on one to give you 10 prayer points.

probably implemented so people might cut hollow trees since its in an area with aggressive npcs.(but they don't cut the trees anyway)


Its both useless and unused,

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It's "kinda" useless for f2p, because in f2p there is not better thing than lighting some logs, but in p2p there are more uses.

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It's "kinda" useless for f2p, because in f2p there is not better thing than lighting some logs, but in p2p there are more uses.


For example?


What - having the levels to complete a quest and get a quest cape/some other rewards! Oh, how could I forget, a skill cape! Easy EXP for other skills! Wow!


Firemaking currently has almost no practical uses as I know of.

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It's "kinda" useless for f2p, because in f2p there is not better thing than lighting some logs, but in p2p there are more uses.


For example?


What - having the levels to complete a quest and get a quest cape/some other rewards! Oh, how could I forget, a skill cape! Easy EXP for other skills! Wow!


Firemaking currently has almost no practical uses as I know of.


For example equipping the hand cannon, getting additional prayer exp. burning pyre ships, the Inferno Daze.

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It's "kinda" useless for f2p, because in f2p there is not better thing than lighting some logs, but in p2p there are more uses.


For example?


What - having the levels to complete a quest and get a quest cape/some other rewards! Oh, how could I forget, a skill cape! Easy EXP for other skills! Wow!


Firemaking currently has almost no practical uses as I know of.


For example equipping the hand cannon, getting additional prayer exp. burning pyre ships, the Inferno Daze.

the inferno adze is irreverent because its only use is to train FM, and training FM so you can train FM doesn't make sense.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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It's "kinda" useless for f2p, because in f2p there is not better thing than lighting some logs, but in p2p there are more uses.


For example?


What - having the levels to complete a quest and get a quest cape/some other rewards! Oh, how could I forget, a skill cape! Easy EXP for other skills! Wow!


Firemaking currently has almost no practical uses as I know of.


For example equipping the hand cannon, getting additional prayer exp. burning pyre ships, the Inferno Daze.

the inferno adze is irreverent because its only use is to train FM, and training FM so you can train FM doesn't make sense.


Then, I give up. No wait, I know it's utilities!


Imagine this scenario.

You are in some place hunting some monsters, and you run out of food. You manage to get food nearby, but it's raw, and the only tree nearby is a yew tree. You can cut it, but if your firemaking level is low, you won't be able to light it, and you won't get your food cooked, and you will be forced to 1) Go away to get more food or 2) Get killed by some monster that roams there.


The only problem is that this situation is like impossible to happen, or really hard to happen.

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Firemaking does have some use, but not a whole lot. I'm just dissapointed that Jagex doesn't take the time to use all it's potential, because it could be made so much better..


Pfffffff, why stop at 100m firemaking? Just do 200m.

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