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Biggest Rival In Twr History


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well after the closing of Tempted killers(Tk).Downfall(Df) has found a new clan to war non stop and make it thier third rival while being on twr now ive been in downfall and ever since ive been in that clan all people did was talk about tk and how "they took #1","came infront of legendz(lgz) to claim #2" then mass warred on clans and claimed #1 ever since those dayz flew by itz been......







i dont know how it started, how it beginned or developed. If you the clan world wants to give your comment or thoughts on how it all begin post. If any leaders or officials from other clans know how it became a big rivalry then post up. Downfall/Divine vindicators have any things about this topic then post if you have screenies of the past few wars please post or even events so far df is 3-0 can Dv beat Downfall or can Downfall go undefeated against dvDiscuss


PLease control the flaming dont want to get banned for starting a flame fest if flame occurs mods just lock topic or delete them so CONTROL THE FLAME

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First off...


TK vs DF was a much better rivalry to watch, because they had Soulja Melle <3: and Downfall had Uffan <3:


Now it's like Machamp/Mago/Nikhil/ some more and Will/Will/Tim/Dan.... no hearts except maybe Dan :lol:


TK had a better quality memberbase and were highly active. Not only were they active they were willing to accept any fight. They did matched full outs cwri's. DV rarely does this.


Anywayz you could compare DV to tk, both had members in DK/multiclanning. When key leaders leave TK died, same will happen to DV but Downfall lost Uffan and still managed well. But if DF lost Dan idk what'd happen >.>


I think Downfall is becoming a lot more experienced faster, whilst DV is gaining good members to help develop their clan but probably won't surpass Downfalls lvl due to the fact they limit the styles of wars they do.


No flame baits were intended just opinions.


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Rivalry between TK and DF was meh.


It was basically just flaming on the forums, in the actual wars it was obvious which clan was the dominant one :smile:


DF were just talk :P


Not flaming just stating what it really was.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?


appmanagercrown.pngTKO Blitz Member | bluepd5.gifEx-Tempted Killers Council

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Rivalry between TK and DF was meh.


It was basically just flaming on the forums, in the actual wars it was obvious which clan was the dominant one :smile:


DF were just talk :P


Not flaming just stating what it really was.

How were we talk lol?

TK was basically a team, with many members from dk and other top clans, while us in the other side was all pure df, no multi clanners, ofc you was the dominant one lol.


Not flaming just stating what it really was.



3 Years Strong<3


PM TheHitman|Will in #downfall at swiftirc if your interested in a fight against Downfall Clan

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Rivalry between TK and DF was meh.


It was basically just flaming on the forums, in the actual wars it was obvious which clan was the dominant one :smile:


DF were just talk :P


Not flaming just stating what it really was.

How were we talk lol?

TK was basically a team, with many members from dk and other top clans, while us in the other side was all pure df, no multi clanners, ofc you was the dominant one lol.


Not flaming just stating what it really was.


It's good to know Downfall was taken down by a team countless times :thumbsup: Exodus and GK were top clans :thumbup:


Downfall had never put up a fight sadly, but Illusion were good, they beat us in matched and PKRI, a full out may have been different but we never got around to it :wink: The rivalry was good between us, it's a shame we didn't get many wars.


I wonder who will be strongest by the end of the year, DF or DV :blink: ?


Apparently there's a new team that's going to join TWR called Silent Ember (Pete has called it the Anti-DF team :o) Confirm/Deny?

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?


appmanagercrown.pngTKO Blitz Member | bluepd5.gifEx-Tempted Killers Council

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uh oh, let's not have this thread turn into flam baits between old tk, DF and DV members, that would be sad :(


as for the biggest rivalry in TWR history I guess it depends when TWR started, back in 2004 and 2005 there were several massive rivalries on these boards (if you look at the earliest pages on clan discussion you find some pretty interesting threads from 04/05/06.


The BK v Gladz rivalry happened on tipit for instance. And The alliance v Corr and Exer, while it wasn't really a rivalry there was beef back in the day :grin:


But in recent times it does seem that the two clans mentioned here are having a go at each other whenever possible, I personally enjoy rivalries and think they should be encouraged up to a point. They can actually attract people to clans (for instance all the members that VR have gained since becoming the under dog in their rivalry with DF, EoS and Corr + whoever else they can wind up enough) and be fun for the members involved. I think having a big war or a series of big wars to settle beef is often pretty fun, that's the way they used to deal with it (The BK v Gladz official war in 2005 that was the high point of the BK v Gladz rivalry is still the biggest war between single clans)

Do you want to love me?

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Apparently there's a new team that's going to join TWR called Silent Ember (Pete has called it the Anti-DF team :o) Confirm/Deny?





I wonder who will be strongest by the end of the year, DF or DV :blink:

I bet you 5k that DF will be stronger :D


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I wonder who will be strongest by the end of the year, DF or DV :blink:

I bet you 5k that DF will be stronger :D


I BET YOU 100M that you are 50% correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W112 Yanille Bank to finalize!!!!!!!

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?


appmanagercrown.pngTKO Blitz Member | bluepd5.gifEx-Tempted Killers Council

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I wonder who will be strongest by the end of the year, DF or DV :blink:

I bet you 5k that DF will be stronger :D


Nice failed quotes btw.


AND I BET YOU 100M that you are 50% correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W112 Yanille Bank to finalize!!!!!!!



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Rivalry between TK and DF was meh.


It was basically just flaming on the forums, in the actual wars it was obvious which clan was the dominant one :smile:


DF were just talk :P


Not flaming just stating what it really was.

meh thats what you think, but if ur the dominent why did you close?


What do you expect bro?downfall show up in our wars to flame us...calling us dk juniors....and stuff like that.DK is a pking clan and DV is a cw clan

i dont think downfall as clan has ever done that.....show me some proof? and if u wanna spam df next at wars, dont complain bout when we declare on you..



bback on topic:



I think best rivalry in twr for df, was downfall vs husaria polska before this summer. We had great battles, including a 90min full out war endning in 5-0 ending. we went back in forth winning. That was true reivalry based on power, not by flaming.....which i would say with tk/dv.


I would honastly say df vs dv is not a rivalry. DF v HP is the only real rivalry we had.


At the end of this year, i would say downfall will still be top, as we have many requiirements coming up, making us stronger. End of the years only 2 months away =).


Just cause some immature members from both clans flame dosent mean its a rivalry, speacking of df vs tk or dv or lgz


PS: the discussion is df vs dv best rivalry ever in twr. not that which clan is multi clan or which clan was talk and who won.

http://rs-downfall.com Join the Community, if you're already in a clan register and become a clan friend!

Downfall Since September 6, 2008

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Rivalry between TK and DF was meh.


It was basically just flaming on the forums, in the actual wars it was obvious which clan was the dominant one :smile:


DF were just talk :P


Not flaming just stating what it really was.

meh thats what you think, but if ur the dominent why did you close?


It's called Real Life leaders moved on, as did all the members, in case you don't know everyone needs to move and and eventually every clan will close, Downfall will eventually close, or you can last till Runescape dies, and yes Runescape will eventually die, then you will most certainly close :thumbsup: It's inevitable :ohnoes: lol awaiting every DF member to reply to my post :thumbup:

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?


appmanagercrown.pngTKO Blitz Member | bluepd5.gifEx-Tempted Killers Council

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it started off by the topic on dv declaring on t0 our 1st declaration, that was 1st accepted by dv matched +/- 1 but then due to some problem with date we wanted to change it but t0 did not changed because they thought our warlords were not corporating with t0 but den downfall or t0 lovers just came in between the topic and even flamed us saying : dk juniors in dv vs t0 [fun war] then the aftermath topic both clan members flamed each other its all that started, and yea it was mistake of dv member to make video abt t0 the video gave us instant rivalries with t0 and df coz they loved t0 to much







tbh we(tpr) sucked, failed pull and failed performannce and I almost dc every 3 secs thats why I had to snipe then when I tanked I went out of bounds sorry. Sorry about the masssniping too we were so crap that in the end no one was calling and everyone was making their own thing.

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I remember LGZ/DF rivalry and when it all changed when T0 came, I think it made us forget about DF and give us more rivalry to T0...


It made an unspoken rivalry between LGZ and ex-LGZ that teamed up to T0 (in the beginnning), our boiling point was when we had discussions between members who left to T0 and the ones who sticked with LGZ on our own forums (LGZ-forums) but after that we sort of took our own way and didn't look back...


I think we now can say we don't hate DF or T0 anymore and accept how it all changed; T0 and DF are the most honorable, respectfull and powerfull TWR clans at this point.


About DV; well they are powerfull as well but somehow I think it's weird that mostly all the flames and flame-bait topics always have to do something with DV, and I have to admit that I have the feeling they don't respect DF/T0/LGZ...


And it's like they have the idea they are the best, example on what Mago just said;


I'd say people give interest more to DV than DF.

Simply...watch the war topics..


DV wars got 1k+ views.


But maybe that's just me, so what I would do if I were in DV; respect everyone and you'll be respected as well...


P.S.: This post wasn't meant as a flame-bait or meant to offend any clan/anyone or to start a huge discussion, I just posted my own opinion on how I look at TWR rivalry's history/now/future.





12,079 Profile views. Get on my level.

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respect your views, we do respect you guys, lgz common been here for ages, ur well rspected aswell as downfall.t0 also great clan with very good tanks and organisation, trust me you are respected.


we got big rivarly with df yh i know, but its allways intresting as long as its clean then its fine.














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First off i really dont think its a "rivalry" when DV has never come close to beating us.... (not a flame.. stating the truth)


I think eventually dv will win, it will just take time, they are still a fairly new clan


Dv was actually around BEFORE DF... they closed for a couple of months after Tk died.. and mass recruited Tk,Dk, and other large PVP clan members for a cwa clan. (stating facts, not a flame or bait)


Rivalry between TK and DF was meh.


It was basically just flaming on the forums, in the actual wars it was obvious which clan was the dominant one :smile:


DF were just talk :P


Not flaming just stating what it really was.


Werent really talk... we came close a couple of times tbh... u did pull away from us before u closed imo... however u had numerous amount of members from dk and other pvp clans.. DF IS ONLY DF.



What do you expect bro?downfall show up in our wars to flame us...calling us dk juniors....and stuff like that.DK is a pking clan and DV is a cw clan


dont even try that.. ur member hacked our site... and a dk member (while many of ur members were there) dosed our ts... idk how we can take a site hacking lightly.. u brought it upon yourselves (no baiting intended, just facts)



it started off by the topic on dv declaring on t0 our 1st declaration, that was 1st accepted by dv matched +/- 1 but then due to some problem with date we wanted to change it but t0 did not changed because they thought our warlords were not corporating with t0 but den downfall or t0 lovers just came in between the topic and even flamed us saying : dk juniors in dv vs t0 [fun war] then the aftermath topic both clan members flamed each other its all that started, and yea it was mistake of dv member to make video abt t0 the video gave us instant rivalries with t0 and df coz they loved t0 to much






nothing was started on this topic... it was CONTINUED after flaming from BOTH clans.... nothing started there, nice try.



I'd say people give interest more to DV than DF.

Simply...watch the war topics..


DV wars got 1k+ views.


Anyway this will be a good long war.




rofl u made me lol, maybe because u have numerous amounts of DK members and Large PVP clan members in ur clan... again were looking forward to it and we wont be going anywhere for long time. GL




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