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Silent Ember downs Flip flops


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Leader Jst unit was happy about a war today!



Silent Ember vs Flip Flops



- CWA Classic Mid Bounds

- Binds/Melee

- Rings allowed

- Matched opts

- 1 Hour prep

- Member List only


Starting Opts [before dropping]:

Silent Ember: 34

Flip flops: 31





Well after Exer cancelled our short prep because of interclan problems, We were on search for a fight. Pure Hatred Declined aswell as many teams within the earily gmt timezone. We turned to Flip flops. Flip Flops did well in accepting. They agreed upon the rules and we were ready to go. Looking at the Memberlist [Our 60 man ml to their 200 man ML] I was kinda giggling when we pulled 34 to their 30-31. We were pumped to say the least, being confident not cocky , we were ready for this fight.

Getting ready we began the fight, easily clearing FF's snipers and Koing most of their hybrids was a breeze.


Thanks for the fight FF, a bit of flamming but nothing out of the norm.







Silent Ember : 21

Flip Flops : 0






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I see mikk and Sardieeeeee :D


Gf both



~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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Was Fun, l33t dragger and me were 1st and 2nd piles, tanked for 8 kills together :D, gave us a good start, FF had good levels, thanks for the war.



Tko Blitz Guardian #tko_blitz | Solace Trial General #solace


`Nar on IRC, PM Me if your intrested in fighting Tko Blitz or Solace

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