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Silent Ember Vs golden sun


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Slient Ember vs Golden sun



1 hour prep


All styles

no corrupt

rings on


Starting :

Silent Ember -41

Golden sun- 29



Overview :

Well with our whole DV rivalry happening, we have realized a dramatic increase in opts active anytime during the week. Today we realized it was almost new years, and since we wouldn't be fighting tomorrow, this would be our last fight for 2009. We really wanted to fight a clan we knew was for sure better then us, just to see where we were and where we were going for 2010. We started getting people in Teamspeak, by around 40 minutes we had 40ish people in teamspeak and began adressing the all styles portion of our fight. Setting both rangers and blasters since this was only our 3rd all styles, we are still vaguely new to the area. Anyways, we got people pumped by listening to a few songs getting a few spams etc etc. Even our FA manager Khaloude who we thought to be deported by immigration Canada showed up. It was great to see. We walked into this war knowing it would be a hard fight, but fought none the less. We did well in the beginning with transitions etc keeping a good number of kos for us. With GS pulling alot of 120s+ we were performing amazingly, however clans began to have events, and people had to leave. While this was all happening GS was gaining people within audio and maxed in audio at about 32-35. This left Se and GS at almost even numbers, GS's levels and general knowledge of all styles began to catch up, and they were right at our tails in kills. Within the last 5 minutes the scores weren't but 3 people apart going back and forth, and then we got 2 final kills at the end giving us the win.


Pictures :





Ending :

Silent Ember kills: 136

Golden Sun: 134


This is the closest picture we had


Amazing fight Golden sun, hopefully we will continue to improve and challenge you again!


DV we are waiting for your threat of "killing the SE noobs", 40 people 1 hour prep, sup!


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gf gs was fun war as usual was rlly close in the end but our snipe got a kill on one of ur pple in the end which gave us a lead even though u guys were outnumbered u managed to make a comeback.

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i knew you guys had levels but i thought we would take it by more than this due to our numbers, but the turn of events made it anyones war. we went from 42 on ts and ingame to 34 at one point due to members having wars. When this happened you guys pulled the 15 kill lead to 5. Your all styles was amazing even with 25 people in the fight you were a challenge to tank. With 5 minutes left i started to yell while leading and almost lost my voice. we were neck and neck till the end. Getting the ko on one of your blasters is what made us get the win. GREAT FIGHT

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I had to leave in the middle.....about 25 min left, cause My mom was hell raging at me............... anyways GF!!!


3 kills, 3 death... oh gawd



~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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Intense war lol,

GS really performed well being outnumbered during the whole fight


Great fight GS 1 Kill 3 deaths.


(It was 135-134 not 136-134.)

they confirmed the number at the end, since one of their fi leaders had no food left a few members killed him

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Got sniped to around 1/3 left on my first tank, then 2nd tank got KO and 3rd out-tanked completely.

Used 266 Deaths, 148 Nats - Can't tank on apple pies :@@@@

5 or 6 or so kills.


But the fight itself was amazing, on edge from the last 30 minutes where you almost caught up at around 70, you guys performed gradually consistent and keep making your numbers work well to your advantage, when you caught the lead.

Was Very Exhilarating.

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