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New Australian internet censorship


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EDIT: It's not so much protecting children than it is to mantain the feeling that they are keeping their citizens free from this stuff. Which as anyone knows, never works. Suffocating people of their rights to view material (wrong or not) should be up to the persons themselves to decide. It is meant to be their responsibility.

(Conspiracy FTW)

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Basically the federal government of australia has passed laws to censor the entire internet going to australian homes/ businesses ect.. It was made to stop child porn and illegal sites but went WAY too far, which is now at a point, in my opinion, of taking control of the net rather then protecting children. Sites that the government doesnt want you to see will be banned. Even some youtube links will be blocked.........


although, there is some resistance ; ) http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/operation-titstorm-hackers-declare-cyber-war-on-australia-1895838.html


i think it is disgusting. It will be a sad day when people of a "freedom of speech" country can not choose what they wish to say or see.

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Basically australia is going to censor everything that could possibly be thought of as objectionable, and then some. Slowing our already terrible internet and pushing free speech in the mud after taking it's lunch money.


The draft list of websites was leaked, and only about 30% of it was actually illegal. (child porn etc) The rest of it is anything from dentists and ebay to pornography consisting women with small breasts because apparently it encourages pedophilia.


kevin 07 my [wagon]

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when rudd first came in i thought he was great, now just seems like another do gooder looking for votes. with the alco pop tax, trying to raise drinking age from 18 - 21, hell his whole fight on booze. i know it can screw you but everyone is taught form a young age that alcohol is bad. now with the internet censorship he has taken it to a new level, he is taking away the freedom and joy of an absolutely great and wonderful thing.

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So, it's basically a system similar to China's, where any content that goes against the Australian government's principles will be blocked? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


It's strange that a first-world, democratic nation such as Australia needs to impose such restrictions on the freedoms of its people. People think that the United Kingdom is a "police state," but it is absolutely nothing compared to what is currently going on in Australia. The last I heard of the proposed broadband filter was that it was being trialled and it got canned, maybe I've missed something or read something wrong.


I can see something like this happening in the United Kingdom in the coming years, especially if we gather a conservative government, but that is another point for another time.


to pornography consisting women with small breasts because apparently it encourages pedophilia.


I thought that was just about the most ridiculous thing ever when I read about it. I still think it is.

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it will apparently be operational as of 2011.

" It's strange that a first-world, democratic nation such as Australia needs to impose such restrictions on the freedoms of its people." exactly what 99% of the australia population is thinking.

Another reason why so many people are fighting it is exactly as you said " I can see something like this happening in the United Kingdom in the coming years" it could very easily set an example to every democratic society.

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The last I heard of the proposed broadband filter was that it was being trialled and it got canned, maybe I've missed something or read something wrong.

The latest information I could find on it was at the end of last year and it was going ahead then.






Apparently the trials were a success >.<


The weird thing is that this doesn't even enrage me. It just depresses me knowing that something like this could happen, and makes me worried about what could happen in the future.

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I was laughing the first time i read it, kinda sucks for Australia though. I wonder how much worse its gonna get because the censorship for l4d2 was horrible. My sister hopped the border to Australia within the last year too(Random fact) :P

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

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when rudd first came in i thought he was great, now just seems like another do gooder looking for votes. with the alco pop tax, trying to raise drinking age from 18 - 21, hell his whole fight on booze. i know it can screw you but everyone is taught form a young age that alcohol is bad. now with the internet censorship he has taken it to a new level, he is taking away the freedom and joy of an absolutely great and wonderful thing.


Haha, just saying. Everyone is taught from a young age that alcohol is bad, but they still abuse it like idiots in those years anyways.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Apparently the trials were a success >.<

There was no criteria for the trials, that's why.


The worst part is that the pedos will still get their kiddie porn, and kids will still get access to porn and shock sites. Infact the tv show Hungry Beast did a piece on the filter, and at the end had 3 teens get past a filter and access porn in a matter of seconds (proxy, Tor and Google Image Search.) They probably didn't actually do it, but it is a good example of how easy it is.


Link for those interested.

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How exactly does the government propose to catch every single refused-classification site on the net? They have a blacklist, but surely they're missing millions of sites which people will be exposed to, defeating the purpose of the whole thing.




A quote from the article: ISP filtering reduces the risk of Australians being inadvertently exposed to RC-rated material when they are online, Senator Conroy said.


Really? Even when searching for porn, I've never inadvertantly come across child porn, bestiality, rape or detailed instructions of crime. The internet isn't a game of chance - you're not going to open google and search the news only to have kiddie porn pop up on your screen.


I really hate the idea that the government can dictate what is and isn't appropriate for adults to view by slapping an RC label on everything... It's up to us as responsible adults to decide what's appropriate for ourselves. It's really none of the governments business to interfere with our private lives and freedoms like this.

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"ISP filtering reduces the risk of Australians being inadvertently exposed to RC-rated material when they are online,

if he said children, yes i would agree. But he says "Australians". I mean who over the age of 15 is going to be emotionally scared or traumatised by having sumthing pop up on your screen?

The only people that are looking at this stuff are the sicko's that actually want to. More should be done "policing" them rather then coming down on what EVERYONE see's.

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Truly pathetic. If the internet was a privatized service these politicans would have shares on, Australians wouldn't see censorships rather the opposite. (with huge rip-offs, of course)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Didn't the Australian government's web sites get DDoS'd recently, and weren't they spammed with constant faxes of banned pornography?

I smell Anon.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Didn't the Australian government's web sites get DDoS'd recently, and weren't they spammed with constant faxes of banned pornography?

I smell Anon.




At least it's not a complete failure like the DDoS on Rudd's site.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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How do you egt 4chan angry? Ban them.


The fact that Australia's government is getting DDOS'd is a prospect that is making me laugh my head off. Internet- 1 Government- 0

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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It was down for like an hour so it's not really like they did much.


Then the government ran to all the newspapers and told them they were being hacked in protest of banning child porn.


Internet- 1 Government- 100

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It was down for like an hour so it's not really like they did much.


Then the government ran to all the newspapers and told them they were being hacked in protest of banning child porn.


Internet- 1 Government- 100


From how a lot of Australians describe their government, one would think that Australia is kind of.... backwards. At least that's how their government seems.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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It was down for like an hour so it's not really like they did much.


Then the government ran to all the newspapers and told them they were being hacked in protest of banning child porn.


Internet- 1 Government- 100


For some reason I was wiki-walking on Wikipedia from Scientology to Anonymous and found that.

Internet: Track record.

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