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~~Newer Bank Of Runescape~~ **Updated again 05/15/09**


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ITS PERFECT! I definetely plan to send this in to Jagex, maybe multiple times. I think the splitting and linking items is a bit complicated, and might not work out very well, but the rest is GENIUS! The only problem I can see is that it would be somewhat impractical on f2p, since they only have a tiny amount of bank space anyway. Of course i think the best solution to that is give f2p more bank space but... thats isnt very likely to happen, and i think f2p wouldnt be that much worse off with the original bank system, unless the person was previously a member in which case their bank would probably be supercrowded anyway. not meaning to go into a bit of a rant, but i think the incredibly limited bank space on f2p is ridiculous. jagex should know that many members cannot be members year 'round, and unless they want to go through the huge hassles of selling or dropping all the items they acquire during their members time, they will either have to buy 2 of every item they plan to use during their f2p time, or just not use the bank at all until they are a member again.

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This is definately the best, and most well thought out, Idea for runescape I've ever seen. Bravo! I personally hope that this will infact become an update sometime in the near future.

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