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Super massive update:


[hide=The Text]

City name: A-thos(Literally, The Town)



17 Two story(one below ground) houses

1 Three story(two below ground) house with winery on bottom floor

1 Store Room

1 Temple, with well

2 Riding Lizard Stables



144 Nephil, 36 Children, 108 Adult

-98 Farmers

--28 Wheat

--28 Carrot

--28 Mushroom

--14 Elderberry

-8 Temple Guardians

-2 Winers



200 units of Wheat

200 units of Carrots

400 units of Mushrooms

100 units of Elderberries

50 units of Elderberry Wine



152 units worth of Lizard Steaks

100 units of Elderberries

20 units of Lizards Riders



8 Temple Guardians


Camp Name: Kul-a-thos(Literally, Of The Town)




4 Mature Lizard Fields

4 Baby Lizard Fields

2 Riding Lizard Stables

1 Archery Range(4 Targets)

1 Store Room

1 Armoury

1 Warrior's Wam (Houses 60)



70 Adult Nephil, 10 Children

-50 Bladed-Archers

-10 Lizard Tenders

-2 Bowyer

-8 Fletchers



500 units of Lizards

20 units of Lizard Riders

10 units of Bow Strings

10 units of Bows

50 units of Pine Arrow Shafts

50 units of Lizard Bone Tips

50 units of Filed Claw Vanes

50 units of Bone tipped arrows



200 units of Wheat

200 units of Carrots

300 units of Mushrooms

80 units of Lizard Steaks

20 units of Lizards

10 units of Sinew

10 units of Yew

50 units of Pine

50 units of Lizard Bone

50 units of Lizard Claws

50 units of Pine Arrow Shafts

10 units of Bows



50 Bladed-Archers

20 Domestic Lizards


City Name: Kyle's



1 Tannery

1 Butchery

1 Two story house(one underground)



12 Adult Nephil, 4 Children

-6 Tanners

-2 Seamstresses

-4 Butchers



10 units of Lizard Sinew

308 units of Lizard Steak

308 units of Lizard Claws

308 units of Lizard Bones



308 units of Lizards

16 units of Lizard Steaks


City Name: Logger's Retreat



2 Logger's Huts



10 Adult Nephil

-10 Loggers



10 units of Maple

50 units of Pine

10 units of Yew



10 units of Lizard Meat

10 units of Maple

10 units of Lizard Bone



10 Logger's Axes


City Name: Council Chambers



1 Council Hall



50 Adult Nephil

-1 Archi

-1 Shaman

-1 Seeker

-47 Magi



47 units of Research



50 units of Elderberry Wine

50 units of Lizard Steaks



47 Magi

1 Seeker

1 Shaman

1 Archi


[hide=The Graphics]

[hide=Base Map]

base 1.png


[hide=Completed on my side, and have not done the contor lines(mostly)]



[hide=Completed Map, not sure about Contors]



(Purple is future builds)

If, for some reason, this is now allowed, then, because I am probably gonna be away(Especially if I am going to have to fight a battle againt Retech to just get to a reasonable starting position), then the tribe will go to where the city are on the map and begin construction immediately, which should, at the latest, be finished for the 26th.



[hide=The XLS]




Other notes:

I am happy to trade with people, but it seems that I am isolated by the mountain on one side and the waters on the other...though this does not seem too bad considering the destructive nature of those peoples...Also, since I have a pretty self contained economy at the moment I am going to be a fairly hard customer to trade with...

The purple expansions are my plan if I am allowed my township and am still not around between now and the 26th(I will be 'around' but not enough to launch a full building project so... might as well just post it and let it get on)

Expansions are only really outposts, when I am back I will expand them as seperate clans(By the way, I don't plan all of the outposts to be completed by the 26th, Retech can decide what is finished where, though obvouis focus is on the one closest to me....

Maps are, oddly, viewed best, in terms of asthetics, at 50%...But look nice(to me) at all magnifications.

Oh, Research is focused on discovering some sort of material better than bone to make arrow heads out of(since currently it is Stone or Bone...and bone is easy to get a hold of) Should such a method be discovered the research effort will turn to some basic medicines, experimenting with local flora to try to find healing herbs and such, as well as generally discovering more about the local area.

Should there be some kind of an attack the Bladed-Archers(Not sure why they are called that, when they are armed with stone mauls and bows....but anyway) will be sent to intercept the foe. Bladed-Archers are, not elite, but they are Regulars, as opposed to conscripts or natives or just people who know how to sword fight....They are trained most days for a few hours a day, mostly at archery, but there is hand to hand and close-quarters weapons fighting training too.

Should be emphasised that the Bladed-Archers are clothed in Lizard-Leather Armour, but most normal people wear nothing(Since fur covers most stuff)

Oh, yeah, Nephilim are very much like cats, in that they prefer to sleep near each other, as opposed to seperately, as humans do, hence why the houses are rather small.

Houses are two stories because, A) one underground is pretty safe, B) Underground will be cooler which, making summers easier to survive and helps keep supplies fresh longer(not that this really matters, since lizards are slaughtered as and when, and food resourses and stored in the store rooms... but for overflow and such I guess) C) Gives the Nephilim more versitility, since they are comfortable in both envrionments.



Anywho, BED!

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Species Name: Hymenoptera Umbra

Tribal Name: Umbronia

Adult Population: 900

Child Population: 100




Name of God: Umbra

Attribute of God (God of ...): Darkness

Yearly Favor: 500

Total Favor: 3000

Holy Shrines: -

Temples: -

Monks: -

Universities: 1



Government Style: (Choose)

Annual Food Production: 1,000

Annual Food Consumption: 600

Creatures per unit of consumption: 1

Housing: Surplus


Armed Forces

Total Army Size: (choose)

(Below is various numbers of each kind of soldier)





Species Name: The Scathe

Tribal Name: N/A

Adult Population: 15,000 Scathe

Child Population: 1,000 Scathe




Name of God: Incabulos

Attribute of God (God of ...): Decay

Yearly Favor: 600

Total Favor: 2000

Holy Shrines: 1

Temples: 0

Monks: 0

Universities: 1

Researchers: -



Government Style: Hivemind Altruistic

Annual Food Production: 1000

Annual Food Consumption: 1000

Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 10

Food Stored: 200

Housing: Adequate


Armed Forces

Total Army Size: 5,000 Scathes (You can lessen this when you want to settle down and start a society)

(Below is various numbers of each kind of soldier)

Juggernaut: 1

Needlers: 2000





Species Name: Kinder Gotten

Tribal Name: Licht

Adult Population: 1200

Child Population: 250




Name of God: Heillig Vater

Attribute of God: Light

Yearly Favor: 1000

Total Favor: 3000

Holy Shrines: -

Temples: -

Monks: 100

University: 1

Researchers: 100

Fortress: 1


Government Style: Republic

Annual Food Production: 1500

Annual Food Consumption: 1500

Number of Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 1

Housing: Surplus


Armed Forces

Total Army Size: 200

Warrior Monks: 100

Nature Druids: 100






Species Name: Goa'uld

Tribal Name: Abydos

Adult Population: 300

Child Population: 10




Name of God: N/A

Attribute of God: N/A

Yearly Favor: 500

Total Favor: 0

Holy Shrines: 0

Temples: -

Monks: -


Fortress: 1


Government Style: Monarchy (what closer do you get to a "god" ruling?)

Annual Food Production: 750

Annual Food Consumption: 750

Number of Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 0.2

Housing: Adequate


Armed Forces

Total Army Size:






Species Name: Elementals

Tribal Name: N/A

Adult Population: 75

Child Population: 10




Name of God: Elemental Pantheon

Attribute of God (God of ...): Multiple

Yearly Favor: 500

Total Favor: 6000

Holy Shrines: 1

Temples: -

Monks: -


Government Style: Matriarchal Despotism

Annual Food Production: 550

Annual Food Consumption: 550

Number of Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 0.1

Housing: Adequate


Armed Forces

Total Army Size:

(Below is various numbers of each kind of soldier)





Species Name: Nephilim

Tribal Name: Nephilim Clan

Adult Population: 300

Child Population: 50


Name of God: - Anama

Attribute of God (God of ...): - Healing

Yearly Favor: 250

Total Favor: 1000

Holy Shrines:0

Temples: 1

Monks: 0

Government Style: Tribal Despotism

Annual Food Production: 500 (these are units of consumption, which is much easier than doing all the math, at least until later on)

Annual Food Consumption: 300

(Giant lizards are, as the name implies, much larger relatives of the common lizard. Giant lizards typically grow to be about 10 feet(3 meters) long from head to tail)

Housing: Fine


Armed Forces

Total Army Size: 0

(Below is various numbers of each kind of soldier)




Many of the large beasts disappear from their raiding parties, so your farming communities are slowly rebuilt.




Your massive population growth rate balances out any losses you had in the past year. Your god tells you about a powerful location, known as the Oracle, and asks you to control it for him.




The Separatists strike deep into the Unionist territory, wiping out the fishing villages on the Western Coast, while fighting to a stand still in the other fronts. The scientists create two prototypes of a weight-based flinger and a rubber band based flinger.



500 Separatists (4500)

700 Unionists (5300)

Popualtion of the Western Coast




Your gods tell you about a location of a holy object known as the Oracle. They tell you it is over the ridges of a mountain, an underwater tunnel of an inlet, then within a paradise on the other side.




Your god shines a light on a distant object far away, telling you to retrieve it at all costs. It appears to be past a very tall chain of mountains, and past a strange formation of waterfalls and streams.




Your researchers bring you several different materials to use to make arrowsheads, asking you to choose two to study each year.


Shiny peach colored thingy, flexible and malleable

Very smooth and heavy metal, bends only when constant pressure is applied


Specialized "sharp stone" from the mountains

Fish teeth (remarkably looks like a bodkin)

"Moss" excrement



Errr, is there a problem?

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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"Moss" excrement

Shiny peach colored thingy, flexible and malleable


Also I have 8 monks(Temple Guardians)

And my armed forces have increased to 50 Bladed-Archers.


Also how far(Roughly, in miles) am I away from the mountain and River? I don't want to research fish tooth arrows which I can't get to without armed escort....

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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non, mon ami.

i send one of my scouts to the beginning of the place, along with one of every breather. i then send them in to walk.

i also take the other fire breather the hell awway from the scathe infection.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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"Moss" excrement

Shiny peach colored thingy, flexible and malleable


Also I have 8 monks(Temple Guardians)

And my armed forces have increased to 50 Bladed-Archers.


Also how far(Roughly, in miles) am I away from the mountain and River? I don't want to research fish tooth arrows which I can't get to without armed escort....


I'd say ten or so miles, but since you live in the forest, you pretty much have dominion over it (you have nothing to fear from it, unless some bandits come along or something).


non, mon ami.

i send one of my scouts to the beginning of the place, along with one of every breather. i then send them in to walk.

i also take the other fire breather the hell awway from the scathe infection.


(How many are you sending? I don't know how many kinds of breathers you have.)


Your party reaches the foothills of a very tall mountain range. There may be other ways past the mountain, but the only one you can see currently is over the top.


Neither normal or quick reply works, chrome will not forward me after going to the main page, here is what I tried to post:


The researcher attempt to make the designs better as well as looking for other kinds of mechanism.

A group of jaffa smears a rubber band in fat (preferably whale) to see if it has any effect.



Gotcha. The researchers ask you which design you wish to prioritise. They think that some sort of muscled power stone thrower might also work.

The Jaffans are not expert enough to hunt whales with any efficiency.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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there are 6 types.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Could I join, I don't understand.

Is there a map or anything.


Yep, sure. There's a little template that you fill out with your species description and stuff, and I'll generate a small tribe for you. Then I'll just ask you some questions, and you're off!


For the map, that will be coming probaly in the next few days, as people find the oracle. :P



Species Name:

Tribal Name:

Species Adjective:

Species Description:

Starting Advantage:


Tribal Government:

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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And if you're don't have too much time on your hands, or if you are going to be away for a while, you can post a general summary of what you want to build, what you want to research, where you want to explore, how large of an army you want, etc. Then I'll work that into the yearly (daily) reports that I make, so that no one is far behind.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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-Prays that it isn't a mind-control race of micro organisms which makes it so hard for me to think of storylines-


On another note, I got an outsider to play a tavern game! :thumbsup:



-Dances in victory-

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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meh.. reanimated anyone?


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Cool :)


I'm an insider now!!! :o


No, there not any super-uber-power race like what Ross_The_Knight has there, they will just have the ability to produce a certian chemical.....


The problem was that I couldn't possibly think of different responses for "Scathe spread out and devour the land." I can do that automatically in yearly posts, but it becomes impossible to figure out how to respond to that after a while.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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Whee the children are trained with horses. Bronze lances and armor are created (for the horsemen) and the high priests train with their weapons. 200 Kinder Gotten are armed with bronze spears and 100 decent archers are given bronze arrows. 100 Kinder Gotten are trained as horsemen as well. The group in the forest attempts to clear part of the Heart of the forest to create a shrine.

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The Scathe move towards the oracle, devouring all in their path.


Your Scathes are particularly well suited to the journey, and arrive at the Oracle first. They encounter various temple guards, who appear to have powers bestowed upon them by the gods. (Plan of attacks?)


Whee the children are trained with horses. Bronze lances and armor are created (for the horsemen) and the high priests train with their weapons. 200 Kinder Gotten are armed with bronze spears and 100 decent archers are given bronze arrows. 100 Kinder Gotten are trained as horsemen as well. The group in the forest attempts to clear part of the Heart of the forest to create a shrine.


The various soldiers are trained (any chance you could list your army size now?)


The group in the forest begin building a shrine in the center of the forest, where they are assailed by several shades.


Ra tells the researcher either to make something that uses the strenght of bendt wood to launch something in a linear movement or something that uses a soft end to increase the speed launched by a arm (balista/scorpion and trebuchet), or preferably both.

The jaffa are to use fat, the whale fat was only a preferance.


The fat has no effect. A basic version of a catapult is created, and if used correctly, could be a valuable asset. However, it's unlikely it will be able to be a standard weapon for your army for a while.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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The archers shoot the shades with flaming arrows while the spearmen create a defensive circle (I do not have a standing army persay but currently I have in the forest: 100 spearmen 50 archers) Trained I have 150 adult horsemen 200 spearmen and 100 archers equipped with bronze arrows.

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The shades appear to be immune to your attacks while in the darkness, though they are in great pain nevertheless. They are paralized for the moment by the pain.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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The scientists sets two people to work out ways to make the trebuchet better and the rest attempt to make something using the principle of bending wood to launch projectiles linearly (balista/scorpion).

The jaffa work on developing a martial arts style.

Ra prays for Bob to dispose of the diety guarding the pronghorns, spending 200 points.





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Well fine.


Archi inaugerates a ritual of Cathood, sending out the oldest children(10 each year(how are we doing population growth, by the way?)) into the forest and mountains to discover new lands and to become Cats among Men(As it were).

Seeker instructs the childern that climbing to the tallest peaks and exploring the lands of the future outposts are desired, but that any and all discovery is encouraged. All of the children are given 2 unit of Lizard Steaks each as well as 1 unit of bows spread between them, and 10 units of arrows spread between them, as well as bone clubs, swords and other stuff made of bone)

10 Domestic Lizards are trained specifically for them to go out with.


To make up the new deficet:


20 extra lizards are killed to provide the extra meat.

10 extra lizards are domestically trained.

1 extra unit of yew is cut per year

10 extra units of pine are cut

1 extra unit of bow string is made

1 extra unit of bows are made

10 extra units of arrow shafts are made

10 extra units of bone tips are made

10 extra units of claw vanes are made



10 Magi also look into researching how to train Lizards to be warfighting Lizards.

30 Magi are researching the materials for arrow heads

7 Magi are researching local flora.



Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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