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Abyssal Demons


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I tried camping them but they just don't drop whip's as fast as some of my friends have said lol. I decided I'd just do slayer atleast I'm going to get drops doing slayer and you get to work your way towards monsters such as Dark Beasts, and Ice Strikewyrms.


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First day I got 85 slayer I decided to camp them. Got 3 whips that day. I'd continue with slayer though and just camp them when you get bored.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Slayer..you will continue with them anyway

Lots of people say when I get 85 I'm gonna camp..and lots do for a bit but it WILL get boring fast

I said the same thing ..and people told me what I just said and I said I would be different and not get bored and get rich off of camping abby's...didn't happen..im 94 slayer now goin for 99.



Click sig for blog ^^


6,627th to 99 fletching

33,986th to 99 attack

4,871st to 99 thieving


Whip drops: 28 / Dark Bows: 7 / Hexcrests: 7 / Focus Sights: 1 / Staffs of Light: 6 / Dragon Chainbodies: 2 (1 KQ Solo 1 Dust Devil)

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Slay. End of. Really. It is much more useful to get your slayer higher than 85. I promised myself I'd camp till I'm 90 melees. Am I camping? No, I now want 90 slayer, and demons bore me.





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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In the end, the only reason to train slayer is to get your slayer level up or for fun.


For melee xp, kill armoured zombies.

For charms, kill rock lobsters or waterfiends.

For money, kill green dragons and then bosses.

This. There is no reason to camp abyssal demons at all. The only time you should "camp" them is when you are on task.

[hide=Drops]Slayer:Draconic Visage x3, Abyssal Whip x23, Dark Bow x3, Dragon Platelegs x3, Dragon Boots x40, Dragon Plateskirt x4, Shield Left Half x3, Dragon Medium Helms x10


CS: Zamorakian Spear x2, Zamorak Hilt x1, Bandos Chestplate x1, Sara Sword x1

DKs: Dragon Hatchet x3 Beserker Ring x1[/hide]

[hide=Completed Goals]99Attack.pngAchieved April 26, 200999Defence.pngAchieved Sept. 15, 200999Hitpoints.pngAchieved Nov. 21, 200999Strength.png Jan. 10, 2010

99Slayer.png Achieved Mar. 5, 2010[/hide]


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camp ul get like 200m in whips by the time u reach 99att/str/def/hp

Any evidence to this? I'd like a drop log to support this...

I got 99 hp, att & def from Abyssal Demons (All started around level 90 btw.) and I only got 19 whips. Which was like 60m not 200m


If you use the camping spots they will be very crowded.


I've killed a lot of Abyssal Demons and I've rarely needed to hop or anything because of it being crowded.


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For 200m, you'd need 63 whip drops. 99 attack and defence would be 25,426 abyssal demons. You'd need to average a whip per 403 demons, which seems a bit too frequent.


And yeah if anything Kuradal's is much more crowded now than the slayer tower or alternate abyss.

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camp ul get like 200m in whips by the time u reach 99att/str/def/hp


On the other hand, if you train slayer to 99 while training your combat stats to 99, you'd gain more then that.

No, you wouldn't.

IMO you would get more, I'm only 88 slayer and I have indeed made at least 200m


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In the end, the only reason to train slayer is to get your slayer level up or for fun.


For melee xp, kill armoured zombies.

For charms, kill rock lobsters or waterfiends.

For money, kill green dragons and then bosses.


That sums it up. If you enjoy slayer keep on slaying and getting all three of those slower then the methods mentioned above. Getting 85 slayer for whip drops is a mistake imo because the profit doesn't compare to green dragons/bosses.



camp ul get like 200m in whips by the time u reach 99att/str/def/hp


On the other hand, if you train slayer to 99 while training your combat stats to 99, you'd gain more then that.

No, you wouldn't.

IMO you would get more, I'm only 88 slayer and I have indeed made at least 200m

I have to agree with psy, 99 slayer is >200m profit. From 77-94 slayer my bank has grown from a measly 5m to 150m (still small but it gets me by atm), and in addition to that I've put about 100m into skills and 50m into various fun activities. And my only other income has been one 26m split, one 6m split, two 2m splits, three SS solo's about 60m from MTK, and I'll guess/estimate about 20m from random skilling. So I've gained about 300m "worth", about 150m of which has come from non-slayer means.

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In the end, the only reason to train slayer is to get your slayer level up or for fun.


For melee xp, kill armoured zombies.

For charms, kill rock lobsters or waterfiends.

For money, kill green dragons and then bosses.

However, lately with Kuradal's dungeon, super antifires, and perhaps x pots and turmoil (even though they affect armoured zombie xp rates etc too), slayer has gotten a lot faster and more profitable (an ice wyrm task is over 3m an hour on average), so the alternatives you mentioned are less and less appealing.

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On the other hand, if you train slayer to 99 while training your combat stats to 99, you'd gain more then that.

No, you wouldn't.

IMO you would get more, I'm only 88 slayer and I have indeed made at least 200m

You could easily get 200m just from whips from camping. I should have specified that I meant:


No, you wouldn't get more money from training slayer to 99 than just camping the best task.


Abyssal Demons are one of the better tasks in slayer as far as money goes, assuming you aren't banking every dragon bone with a yak, in which case those would be better and you should camp those instead.



In the end, the only reason to train slayer is to get your slayer level up or for fun.


For melee xp, kill armoured zombies.

For charms, kill rock lobsters or waterfiends.

For money, kill green dragons and then bosses.

However, lately with Kuradal's dungeon, super antifires, and perhaps x pots and turmoil (even though they affect armoured zombie xp rates etc too), slayer has gotten a lot faster and more profitable (an ice wyrm task is over 3m an hour on average), so the alternatives you mentioned are less and less appealing.

Even on the best tasks, Armoured Zombies are 25-50% faster xp than slaying. Slayer still is pitiful compared to bosses, and the faster you get to the high levels to kill these bosses the better. One can average 5m+ an hour soloing Armadyl.


As for Ice Wyrms, that is why I'm 100% confident that SOLs will drop a LOT. Their price isn't sustainable, as evidenced by the strong drop in its price we're seeing right now.

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