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Bonus exp weekend


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And either way, you end up losing it.


I did Barrows because it was fun AND because it was decent money (well, decent SAFE money, very little risk). Take away an incentive, and it doesn't seem too great anymore. Doesn't have to be that. If you need a bought-out item, the only option is to get it the slow way, which is more often than not long, tedious, and boring. Who wants to do that when you play a game for fun?

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And either way, you end up losing it.


I did Barrows because it was fun AND because it was decent money (well, decent SAFE money, very little risk). Take away an incentive, and it doesn't seem too great anymore. Doesn't have to be that. If you need a bought-out item, the only option is to get it the slow way, which is more often than not long, tedious, and boring. Who wants to do that when you play a game for fun?


Well not all players are "impatient" like you and can wait until the item becomes available, some players are DIYers and find it fun, some players have the foresights to plan ahead and stock up. The way bonus XP week-ends harms you is not universal to all players. Fun is relative to everyone...



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And either way, you end up losing it.


I did Barrows because it was fun AND because it was decent money (well, decent SAFE money, very little risk). Take away an incentive, and it doesn't seem too great anymore. Doesn't have to be that. If you need a bought-out item, the only option is to get it the slow way, which is more often than not long, tedious, and boring. Who wants to do that when you play a game for fun?


Well not all players are "impatient" like you and can wait until the item becomes available, some players are DIYers and find it fun, some players have the foresights to plan ahead and stock up. The way bonus XP week-ends harms you is not universal to all players. Fun is relative to everyone...


Obviously, I cannot speak for the personalities of other people, thus I can only describe how I feel. However, I am certain others feel the same way, but I cannot describe their situation to you, can I? If you're going to talk about one specific example I used, I'm going to respond to that example, but that doesn't mean there aren't more, and it certainly doesn't mean that there's only one way people are affected by the bonus xp weekend. :s


One thing is universal though, we play this game for fun, and you're right, fun is relative. But how many people use the GE every day? That shows how much impact the economy has on every player, and if the economy suddenly changes, wouldn't that affect everyone? And don't we all play the same game with the same economy? Unless you are a hardcore DIY player who NEVER uses the GE and thus are completely removed, you ARE affected by changes in the economy. (You could even say that hardcore DIY players are affected, because there would likely be an increase of people using resource locations.)


Thus, the bonus xp weekend undeniably changes you way you play. This can be a good thing, since it can open players to new methods of playing. But for players who have had a taste of everything, it's simply lowering the amount of enjoyment you get in your playtime. Humans are naturally disinclined to change, and when that change significantly alters a routine, it is extremely disconcerting, whether it is beneficial or not.

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@ Zaaps


Well said and agreed on all points. The thing is, I understand how this is affecting you while I decided to adapt to it (have planted around 250 herb seeds in the last 2 weeks for herblore). My point is everyone has a choice to either suck it up or adapt. I don't think this is gamebreaking though, for the greater good (meaning enjoyment for the majority) these events are beneficial.



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Right, agreed. It's not gamebreaking and players really should adapt to it. Nonetheless though, I don't feel Jagex has the ethical justification to do so (although clearly, they have a legal justification).

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Person to Person, not Company to Person, people don't have a right to take away fun from other people, which is what annoys me about what they are doing, intentionally or not.


Admittedly though, it's a good business move and they have every legal right to do so, so whatever.

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Person to Person, not Company to Person, people don't have a right to take away fun from other people, which is what annoys me about what they are doing, intentionally or not.


Admittedly though, it's a good business move and they have every legal right to do so, so whatever.


The thing is, they had very positive feedback from the first bonus XP week-end... positive feedback usually means people had fun...


I have a feeling that people like you are the minority, even though they are somewhat loud about it.



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Person to Person, not Company to Person, people don't have a right to take away fun from other people, which is what annoys me about what they are doing, intentionally or not.


Admittedly though, it's a good business move and they have every legal right to do so, so whatever.


The thing is, they had very positive feedback from the first bonus XP week-end... positive feedback usually means people had fun...


I have a feeling that people like you are the minority, even though they are somewhat loud about it.


Perhaps so, but remember there is a difference between people liking an event and people wanting another. Again, no one is going to say they disliked an event if it gave them free xp, no matter how disruptive it was. To be honest, I enjoyed the last bonus xp weekend. I dislike the effects it had, but during the actual weekend, I enjoyed the xp. Doesn't mean I want another, though.

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Fair enough, although I would've liked to see Jagex word their poll better, like "would you be interested in another bonus xp weekend" rather than "did you enjoy the last one". Either way though, point taken.

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O [cabbage]! I almost forgot this starts tomorrow.



Got 20k Addy bars to use. I'm hoping for at least 88 Smith.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Right, agreed. It's not gamebreaking and players really should adapt to it. Nonetheless though, I don't feel Jagex has the ethical justification to do so (although clearly, they have a legal justification).


On the contrary, this IS gamebreaking for a certain segment of the game and the population: boss hunting. The last weekend absolutely devasted and crowded bosses that were already crowded, this one will be no less generous to the monster hunting community. It will severely impact the viability of monster hunting as a money maker.

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Right, agreed. It's not gamebreaking and players really should adapt to it. Nonetheless though, I don't feel Jagex has the ethical justification to do so (although clearly, they have a legal justification).


On the contrary, this IS gamebreaking for a certain segment of the game and the population: boss hunting. The last weekend absolutely devasted and crowded bosses that were already crowded, this one will be no less generous to the monster hunting community. It will severely impact the viability of monster hunting as a money maker.


By "gamebreaking", I imagine it means that what if affected will never be the same again.


And certainly, boss hunting has not been usurped from its crown of the best moneymaker (well, technically, by dungeoneering it has, but that's not related to the bonus xp weekend). Thus, it's game-CHANGING, as in, it unfairly restricts a certain part of the game and alters it significantly and noticeably, but it does not in any way outright destroy it.

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i really disagree about ur rant?!


first majorty players well huh why not they train their other un 99 skill


+ it helps for the expensive skill


as i trained farming runs first then smithing then herblore!


which is low and expensive! it was very helpful for 90% of p2p players so why just we care about 10% of the hated players + why maxed players dislike this?! they dont want unmaxed people to follow them?


then why not they prepare them selfs and start for faster xp so they keep up higher ranks huh? or they just complain and dont like to challenge!


man sorry ur rant is so waste!


you 2000+ totall but not 2050 yet!


and yet ur 138 combat so combat alone made 1000+ totall then why not u just move up ur but. and lvl 60 lvl in the xp weekend


if i had ur account i may get over 60 + lvls with the lvls u have!

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first majorty players well huh why not they train their other un 99 skill


Perhaps because some feel forced to do a skill they dislike simply because they receive bonus xp?



+ it helps for the expensive skill


So what you're saying is that taking away challenge is a good thing?

Just as a side note, farming is hardly expensive.. xD



it was very helpful for 90% of p2p players so why just we care about 10% of the hated players + why maxed players dislike this?! they dont want unmaxed people to follow them?


So you're saying that 90% loves it and wanted a second one exactly the way it was? Somehow I doubt that... and if so: proof please? :-?


It's not just "maxed players" that dislike it, and that also doesn't really mean non-maxed people don't have the right to dislike it either.

The way I see it, the new and low leveled players are disadvantaged by it even more so, but that doesn't mean that such events need to cater the needs of the greedy who happen to have in-game coins and semi-high skills at the time of said event, rather than low or already maxed skills.



then why not they prepare them selfs and start for faster xp so they keep up higher ranks huh? or they just complain and dont like to challenge!


Um, as said - weekend takes away challenge. How is it a challenge?

Perhaps they don't wish to spend more cash on for example herblore, and feel cheated because others can achieve what they did at much less time and effort.


In response to your attacking of the OP, perhaps he doesn't enjoy skilling?

RuneScape is a game, not a to-do list of tasks that need to be done.



Somehow the point that you're trying to make is lost to me.. Perhaps I can understand your post better if you explain?

That would be appreciated :^_^:



~All of the above is my personal opinion, as said before. Not that of Tip.it Staff or Crew~





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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The majority of rs hates them, they need to gtfo and listen to their customers for once.

The majority of rs are skill grinders who play the game for the total level and not for the fun of it, so they like faster skill grinding. And, it would be nice for Jagex to listen to the people who pay them every once in a while...

Note: Im not saying that i hate double exp weekends as i take advantage of them too, but people just treat it as a faster way to grind through goals.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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i dont rly care about the double xp weekend(got me 65 farming) but they dont need to announce it in 2 weeks cuase i cant buy anything, but a sorta good side is that weapons tend to go cheap during ir, owell i would rather be able to get materials then a weapon

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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